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Greetings Seekers! 🎇

2023 passed in a blink of an eye! Seems that it's true - time flies when you are having fun! We continue pushing with the development, polishing and testing and working towards bringing you the best stuff 👀 Let's have a look then?

🔧 Technical Update

  • Character animations - more and more animations are added to the characters 💃
  • Popup system - our very own animated popup system for all your extra imagery needs in conversations is up and running. Adding all those flavorful images took some time, but we're almost there. Wait until you see the one in the fountain.
  • Flipbook VFX - adding beautiful, animated sex magic effects for the initial part of the story. More coming soon! We're in touch with a real talent to help us deliver some really pretty things.
  • Added a devlog box to main menu - small thing, but we plan on keeping you guys up to date 👀
  • More sexmath - script refinements and optimizations are underway, for your max enjoyment.
  • Complex sex scene logic added - one of our scenes has a pretty complex setup (probably in any way possible), and required quite a lot of custom scripting - which we're happy to announce working as of this month. The amount of moving elements in this one is nuts. And bolts.
  • Backgrounds update - been a while since we updated our backgrounds in locations, but here they are. It's all coming together!
  • As usual, we found and fixed lots of bugs, improved scripting and balance, tweaked lots of parameters and pushed a ton of pixels. Our focus is currently on delivery of a special Treat for the supporters so expect something very soon!

The programmers' nightmare 🔼

📝 Writing

Big update to dialogues. Our Wordsmith has finished hammering out and has moved to sharpening the copy. Warning: we have some edgy jokes. We are ironing things out and making sure that the game flows smoothly 🔧 Relationship values are now implemented, which means that your dialogue choices matter!

🎵 Music

Composing continues. We have a couple of background tracks, but we shifted the focus to make the VFX first. FMOD is up and running - we've moved to implementing events and sounds into the game. It's gonna slap. Literally.


We continue painting the game assets, icons, illustrations, and recently we came back to the UI, which needed render for the remaining elements. Check out how much the main menu changed since the first iteration! 🔽

🧠 Final Thoughts

In the meantime we keep testing and preparing things for you to play! It's rather a tedious process of fixing and fitting small things, replacing the placeholders with final versions of features and art, and testing, testing and once more, testing. The first build takes the longest, but it should speed up once we get it up and running 🎉

Real footage of ThatWasHot game developers at work 🔼

And finally a message from the Captain in name of the whole team and crew!:

My Seekers! We've come this far thanks to your incredible help and support!! We want to thank you for being there and making Soulgasm come real (very soon!! 😱😱😱)

We want to wish you an incredible time at New Year's eve, and to invite you to join us in an even greater 2024 together!! We will make our very best to make it all worth it, for you, for us and for all the Seekers of the world!!


Have an amazing End of The Year! 

--Polly 🥂


  • 🔧UI design and implementation ongoing,
  • 🔧Minigames and sexy logic coded,
  • 🎵Music and SFX production continues,
  • 🎵FMOD for Unity all set up and running,
  • 📝Game testing and proofreading,
  • 📝Implemented relationship values and progression,
  • 🎨Final artworks production at full speed 🖼️,
  • 🎨Moruga dialogue rig almost there 💃
  • 👀 Assembling alpha version continues 🚀
  • Special Captain's Treat is in the making 🤔🔥✨




That look from Nova, AAAAAAAY


That event chart may look simple to me but inside it, i dread the amount of events and dependent events there lies inside each note. Can't wait to see your hard work come to fruition


That is actually not an event chart! Each of the lines represents a separate branch where our team members continue working separately... and then the nightmare begins, when we need to merge it all together and not break anything 🙈