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Greetings, Amazing Seekers! 🍂

Today, I’m coming up with some exciting news for the Patreon updates. They are not related to the (very obvious) Patreon page look and feel - we are also trying to find our way around the new interface 🙈

We’ve reflected on our past months of activity, so we are updating the Patreon rewards today. Many questions come about the ‘appearance in the game’ reward, and hopefully, this will now be clearer!

Supportive Espresso Shot

No changes here! With this tier, you can early access the development news and SFW updates! 🥰

We will include your Patreon nickname to the credit section that will be available in the game because we couldn’t have done any of this without your generous support!

Naughty Cinnamon Cappucino

We are removing the voting power reward for all the tiers. We were hoping to be able to ask you, Seekers, for more things, but lots of decisions were taken at the concept stage before the Patreon was opened, or they have to be taken really quickly due to the development progress.

Does it mean no more polls? No! We want to include more of them from time to time! We will be back to concepting a bit more after the Soulgasm Demo is finished, and we will move to the full-game production (which means more in-game characters and MANY more decisions 👀)

What about that mysterious power? The Patreon game version will include an extra skill to unlock and then use during the dynamic/spicy scenes (if you know what I mean), but you will still need to find it in the game! It won’t be available in other game distributions (e.g., Steam or Itch). We haven’t yet solved the technicality of the unlocking code itself: we have a few proposals we haven’t yet decided which one to go with 🙈

Spoiler Hot Coffee Jug with extra Syrup!

In this tier, your personal signature can be found in the game!

How does it work? - We will be hiding your signature in the game. It might be in various places, like in a book, the background, the bar menu, or an artefact description (and many others). We won’t tell you exactly, so you get surprised when playing!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is it enough to jump into this Tier once to be included?

A: Yes, we are keeping a record of it!

Q: Does it have to be my Patreon nickname?

A: Not necessarily! You can choose your name for the game’s appearance, but we will negotiate if it can’t easily fit in the story (e.g., for modern-sounding names like CyberUniversesDestroyer69).

Q: Can I choose specifics of my appearance?

A: You will be able to choose some bits of it, but we want to keep it a surprise for the players to discover. At the beginning of November, we will send a message to all Patrons included in this reward tier so that you can answer some additional questions to help us better match your appearance with your personality!

IMPORTANT! This is a limited-seat reward. We only have as much space in the game and so we want to give real depth and meaning to each of the Patrons' appearances. Currently, October will be the last month to hop into that reward. After that - the slot limit will be removed, and this reward description will disappear from the list. We might bring it back for the full launch once we expand the scope, but as of now, we must start wrapping up!

Exquisite Triple Shot Gingerbread Frappé

As a token of gratitude, we will mention you in the story and place a portrait of yours within the Game World! Much Great, So Wow!!

How does it exactly work? - we have frames and paintings hanging in the game here and there, and they are waiting for your portrait! Joining this tier, you will receive a portrait commission from the Captain 🍿 (😱!!), and you can use it as your profile picture (or for other personal non-commercial use). That said, a portrait and a small story about you will be discoverable in the game, being immortalized in the universe of Soulgasm in bigger or smaller ways!!

It is enough to jump in once into this tier to be included, and we will be messaging you in early November to get the details!

IMPORTANT! This is a limited-seat reward. Once we run out of the wall space, the slot limit will be unlocked, and the reward will be removed from the list.

We want to honour all our Seekers who came in to support us early, believing in our vision and hard work. We continue development every day, and oh boi, we do push hard! Because we believe in quality over quantity, and that you deserve only the very best we have to offer 💝

Last but not least, - when will it be playable?

We are aiming for the Soulgasm Demo in 2023, and if any delay appears on the horizon, you will be the first to know. It takes a hot while, but the game Demo is quite big (we are talking about hours long), and it solves all the technical bits for the full game (yes, we should be jailed by the scope police). As our Patron, we guarantee that you will play it first ❤

Sending lots of love,





So tempted to do the top tier to be immortalized by our great Capt.n'! Thank you so much for the update! Here's hoping everything continues smoothly so we can enjoy the demo on time! 🤩 Also, love the Leo banner. 🤣


I just know this game is gonna turn out great, keep up the great work! But don't forget to take breaks when necessary!


Hihihi, you are too kind, my lovely one!! But please make sure that is a financial decision that won't harm you, oki? You come first!! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so, SO much, my VERY special Seeker! And thank you for having trust us for this long! This cappy (yes yes, Cap'n over here too 🙈🙈🙈) feels very confident about the universe we are creating for you!! A party of colors and spicy stories to explore with your favorite ladies!! 😍😍😍