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Well hi, Spice Seekers! 🥰🥰🥰
It's time for another update on the development of Soulgasm! Despite February being a tad slower month in terms of development, we remain working hard on various aspects of the game, including technical updates, art, writing, and sound!

🔧 Technical Update 

We've made significant strides in the technical aspects of the game. This month, we focused on configuring the dialogue and lipsync systems, as well as implementing multiple characters on screen.
We've also been working on ensuring a seamless experience for players when entering and leaving scenes, creating branching dialogues, building relationships with characters, and functional aspects of the game interface.
These are important behind-the-scenes elements that may not be the most visually showy but are essential for creating a polished and immersive gameplay experience.

🔼UI color sketch (Doesn’t represent the final look of the Inventory Menu)

📝 Writing 

Our writer has been on fire crafting the story of Soulgasm, and we're happy to report that we now have tons of writing and multiple pages of the script waiting to be implemented in Unity. We can't wait to see how the story unfolds 👀👀👀

🎨 Art

One of the most exciting aspects of game development is seeing the art come to life, and we're thrilled with the progress we've made in this area. Our amazing rigger is currently working on bringing the first minigame scene to life, which has posed some interesting technical challenges.
We're also wrapping up the production of all the artwork required for the first game cinematic, which means that the game is starting to come together in exciting ways! 

🔼Tutoria is really feelin' it 😁

Also, we are back to the level design, currently preparing a solid base for working on the house where most of the magic will occur!

🎼 Music and SFX

Amazing news on this field! Sound and voice acting are essential components of any game, and we're thrilled to have the talented ✨ PixieWillow ✨on board as a voice for our sweet girl Farah. We hope to show you some sweet recordings soon!

🧠 Final Thoughts

This month was crazy busy, and it was not the easiest, but we managed to prepare a nice base for a more efficient March workflow with some great new content coming.
While it’s much easier to keep the excitement high when the updates are more visual, our team has been hard at work behind the scenes, ensuring that every aspect of the game is polished and immersive. From the technical updates to the writing, art, and sound, we're making significant strides toward creating a world that players will love. Just crazy how many workstreams we have open and progressing simultaneously.
As always, we're grateful for your amazing support and can't wait to share more updates with you in the future!

--Polly 💌

📃 Devlog Summary (TL;DR):
  • _PixieWillow joins the Cast as Farah!
  • Character dialogue integration in progress,
  • Game Interface Design in progress,
  • Game Demo dialogues in progress,
  • Game intro cinematic art almost finished!,
  • Character art in progress,
  • Level design in progress,
  • Character animation continues!




Tutoria hype, Pixie Willow mega hype, glad it worked out LETS GOOOO


She is the best! But so are you!! A great story awaits for us in Soulgasm, my lovely seeker!! 😍😍😍