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Dialogue “sample”

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Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 173: New ability

The entire crew was together at the dining area of the Sunny. They were having lunch while discussing the plans for Fishman Island.

“We need to be careful with the coating.” Nami started explaining.

“It’s fine if one or two holes are made into it, but if too many holes appear at the same time, the bubble will pop…“

“And we will all die, basically.” Vivi finishes the sentence.

“So we need to watch out for sea creatures and environmental obstacles.” Said Sanji.

“We will need someone on the lookout 24/7,” concluded Zoro.

“But how are we going to defend ourselves if we are attacked underwater?.” Asked Usopp.

“Zoro is the only one strong enough to fight against giant threats. At last, the only one who hasn't eaten a devil fruit.” Chopper pointed out.

“If only certain cook hasn't eaten one.” Zoro gave Sanji a mocking glance.

“Hey!” Sanji protested. “Is not like I could let go of this perfect chance to fulfill my dreams of…”

He looked around at the disappointed faces of two of the three girls on board. Vivi looked more amused than offended or disappointed.

“My dreams of being like my favorite superhero, Stealth Black!” Finished Sanji.

‘That was one of the villains, wasn't it?…’ Vivi remembered but decided to stay quiet about it.

“Well, is not like we are defenseless. This ship has several weapons that we can make use of. In a limited way of course. Otherwise, our reserves of cola will dry out very fast.” Said Franky.

“I also have a few tricks to show!” Usopp stood up. “If any threat comes up, you can leave it to me!...as long as is not too big…” He said that last part in a lower voice.

“I can shoot too if necessary. My bullets should be good enough to take care of the average Sea King without breaking the bubble.” Offered Vivi, to ease the worries of the crew.

“Right, you have those water bullets. Do they work underwater thought?” Asked Usopp with curiosity.

“She can do a lot more than that now! You should show them.” Exclaimed Nami.

“Yeah, she can turn into a water lady too!” Said Luffy.

“Water lady?” Robin asked in confusion.

“Okay, I guess I should clarify this a bit.” Vivi stood up from the table and walked back a bit to make some room.

She explained to them about her original incomplete fruit that we all thought was a water logia. She then talked about the God Fruit but claimed to have no knowledge of how this fruit ended up within herself.

“Is that why always heal so fast?” Asked Chopper.

“And why your eyes sometimes shine with that bright white light?” Asked Nami.

Vivi nodded and told them that an old lady she met in ‘Fire Island’ recognized the powers of the God Fruit and taught her how to harness its abilities.

“So, you have the power of two fruits?. Wasn't that supposed to be impossible?” Zoro pointed out.

“This God fruit doesn't seem to follow the same rules as the devil fruits. So it stands to reason that she had both powers co-existing inside her.” Concluded Robin.

“And what abilities does this God Fruit have other than healing?.” Asked Sanji.

“The power of the God fruit is a lot simpler than any Devil fruit. It just enhances everything.” Said Vivi.

“What do you mean with everything?, that's very vague.” Said Robin.

“I know is broad but it is like I said. It enhances my healing abilities so I heal faster, it enhances my strength, speed, senses, memory, and even feelings…”

“That's…” Robin was the first one to realize the potential of something like that.

“What about your Devil fruit power?, does it enhances it too?”

Vivi nodded.

“Unfortunately, since my original Devil fruit was sort of incomplete, there was a limit to how much the God Fruit could improve it. But during my training, I found a solution!. I combined both fruits into a single one.”

The crew was in shock.

“What?, how did you do that?. Arent they inside your body?” Asked Luffy, not understanding anything.

“Technically, after eating a devil fruit, what remains is the source of its power. A metaphysical construct that exists inside your very essence. I gained access to that part of myself and found both fruits. Once I did that, combining them was easy.” 

They did not understand everything she had just said but at least got the general idea.

“So, you combined them. And what was the result?” Asked Robin.

“The result was a new type of fruit, or at least I think is new. I call it “Divine Zoan: Undine”. That's the shape that you saw me transform into.”

“Divine Zoan? Does that mean you can transform into an actual Goddess?” Asked Sanji with expectant eyes.

Vivi chuckled.

“Undine is a Goddess of water and the seas. But no…I’m still a human. I can only use a fraction of its power. ” 

“That's so cool thought!” Exclaimed Chopper.

Zoro gave her a measuring glance.

She looked at Nami who was watching with a complicated expression.

Vivi got closer to her.

“I told you, is still me. There is nothing to fear.”

This seem to ease her a bit. Nami nodded and smiled.

“And what kind of powers you got now?” Asked Usopp.

Vivi frowned.

“Got?, I had to work my ass off to get this far. After the fusion, my control and power output got better, but it was not easy to control it. I practiced every day, all day to learn. But eventually, I learned to do this…” 

She extended her arm and this one turned completely into water but it condensed into a solid crystalline form.

“Ice?!. That's impossible” Exclaimed Robin with her eyes open like plates.

She knew well who was the owner of that ability.

“Is not the same type of ice as the one ‘He’ uses. Go ahead and touch it, you will notice the difference.” Vivi moved her crystalline arm closer to Robin.

The archeologist nodded and placed her hand on top of Vivi’s.

“What is this?!” Shouted Robin with shock once again.


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