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Dialogue “sample”

Thoughts ‘sample’

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 124: Prey

“Hunters? What are you talking abou-”

Before Vivi could finish, one of the walls was brought down and several figures were seen behind a cloud of dust.

“What?!, I didn't feel anything approaching!” Said Vivi.

“They are very good at hiding their auras. Good luck getting away from them. If you survive long enough, try to make it to the center of the island. At the base of the giant tree, you will find a metal hatch. You may wanna start running now.”

The bee flew away and disappeared, leaving Vivi alone with the hunters.

She was able to discern two big figures in the dust and they did not look humanoid.

Vivi looked at the other side of the room where the hallway was.

‘I can leave the same way I entered.’

She did not want to fool around with whatever those creatures were. If they were at the level of that red gorilla, that would be troublesome and if they were even stronger…she rather not think about it.

Vivi rushed through the hall and reached the front door of the mansion. Without hesitation, she opened it and leaped out into the ghost town.

She could not detect the presence of those hunters but she could hear their footsteps as they ran across the stony ground.

“Grrr…“ She heard a growling sound on her side and turned her head. Something red jumped onto her and had to make use of ‘soru’ to get away.

This gave her a chance to finally get a good look at her attackers, or at least one of them, the other one was still missing.

The creature growling at her looked like a lion but it was easily three times its normal size and its fur was completely red, the same vibrant red as the gorilla's.

The red lion pounced at her with its claws out, ready to rip her to shreds.

“Shotgun!” A barrage of water bullets came out of her hands and went to impact the lion’s torso as this one was still in the air.

But, like with the gorilla, all the water bullets dissipated into steam before they even touched its fur.

With no time to avoid the attack, Vivi places her arms in front of her in a protective manner. 

The lion’s claw came down, slashing her arms. Since her body could be turned into water, she did not suffer any cuts but due to the incredibly high temperature of the lion’s claws, she did end up suffering excruciating pain.

A hissing sound was heard as the claws burned and evaporated Vivi’s arms.

She gave out a bloodcurdling scream as she struggled to get away from the predator.

The pain reminded her of the time when she was burned by Shura’s spear, but the lion’s claws were many times hotter than the priest's weapon.

‘My attacks are useless while theirs are not…this is a very easy choice then…’

She gained some distance, away from the red lion, once she saw it far enough, Vivi turned around to run away from that place, but then she heard some soft stepping sounds, and the next thing she knew, she back had been slashed by the other red lion that she lost track of.

“Ahhh!!” Vivi screamed and fell down. Her body already was shrinking in size from all the water she was losing.

‘I need to get away from them…I don't want to die in this place…no!. I cannot die here, some people still need me out there.’

She pushed the pain to the back of her mind and became determined to survive the ordeal.

‘I just need to get to the center of the island. If I can get to that giant tree…everything will be fine.’ She had to remind herself that, several times as she ran from the lions.

Vivi need a goal, she needed to believe that everything will be better if she can reach that old lady. She will have her answers then and request to be taken out of this island.

“Soru!” She used her movement technique over and over. Sometimes she would smash against some of the rocks since they were everywhere, but she stood back up and used them again.


The lions did not want to give up their prey and keep chasing her for what felt like hours and managed to get her a few more times, causing her tremendous agony.

By the time they gave up, Vivi was physically and mentally exhausted. She also lost almost half her body mass, forcing her into her child form, which made traveling much harder.

She found a small cave and used it to rest but could hardly sleep since she had to be on guard in case she was attacked again.

‘What am I going to do?...my attacks are useless against the beasts of this island, and because of the complete lack of water, recovering becomes a very time-consuming task…’

She had faced hard situations before but she always had her crew with her. Even if she had only known them for less than a year, Vivi had grown very attached to them.

As she lay down on the hard rock of the cave, which was thankfully not too hot to the touch, she became reminiscent of her friends.

“I already miss Sanji’s food. Even though I don't really need food to survive, he was always making something new and delicious…”

“I miss Usopp’s funny jokes…I even miss Brooks's terrible jokes about being a skeleton.”

“I miss Zoro’s getting lost and then acting as if nothing had happened.”

“I miss Robin’s insight…she could probably come up with some good idea to deal with this situation.”

“I miss Chopper getting all awkward after receiving a compliment.”

“I miss Franky’s… mmm…I should talk a bit more with Franky.”

“I miss Nami’s perky boobs…and her smile…the nice one, not the one when she goes all crazy about money…okay, that one too.”

“I miss Luffy…if he was here, he would probably say something like Shishishi, don't worry, Vivi, well make it out of here!.”

Vivi closed her eyes and smiled for the first time since she got here.


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