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Dialogue “sample”

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Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 105: Takoyaki time!

“This is soo good!” Shouted Luffy.

“I know, right? Hacchin makes the best takoyaki in the world.?” Bragged Camie.

The crew was currently stuffing their faces with octopus balls.

“It certainly is good stuff. How does he get this depth of flavor on the sauce?” Said Sanji.

“There is something great about a food stall at sea, right?” Said Usopp.

“I admit, this is my first time experiencing this type of food but is truly delicious.” Said Brook.

Camie and Pappag were helping Hacchi prepare the food.

“You can eat all you want!. The meal is at the house of course. Is the least I can do after you guys save us.” Said Hacchi. 

He then looked at Nami with hesitation.

“N-Nami…how is it?...is it okay?”

They all got nervous and turned to look at her. Wondering what she was going to say to Hacchi.

Nami gave him a look.

“I hope you don't think that I have forgotten what you did or forgive you in any way.”

“O-of course not! I was just wondering if you liked the food, that's all…”

Nami smiled. “They are great!”

Vivi and Robin were sitting some distance away at the Sunny while Luffy and the others were in Hacchi's takoyaki boat. Robin was reading a book while Vivi was drinking a cocktail that Sanji made for her.

“So, you don't like stuffing your face with balls either?” Asked Vivi.

Robin put down the book and gave her a look.

“Do you have to make everything sound so dirty?”

Vivi put down the cocktail and gave Robin a look.


Robin sighed, she was already used to Vivi’s behavior. She has changed a lot since her time as a princess.

Robin then turned her gaze to Nami.

“Would you have forgiven him that quickly?” Referring to Nami and Hacchi.

Vivi rose an eyebrow.

“I doubt she has forgiven him. More like, she tolerates his presence on the ship….I suppose that this could be a good thing since she needs to get used to being around fishmen and merfolk since our next island is going to be filled with them.”

“Alright, everyone!” Shouted Hacchi. “You keep eating until your faces are stuffed!”

“Damn right!, you keep cooking and I will eat everything that you throw at me!.” Said their Captain with pride.

“Oi, Octo-face, how do you make this sauce?” Requested Sanji.

Hacchi got nervous. “Well…this is an ancient recipe handed down from a legendary takoyaki stand a long time ago…“

“Hey!....Guys!!” Someone shouted, some distance away from the ship.

“What's that?” Asked Zoro before going to take a look. “Oi, there are a lot of people approaching.”

“Wait!, wait up! You guys can’t leave without saying goodbye!” Shouted the familiar voice as he approached, followed by the remains of his crew.

The blond man, riding a black bison, got next to the ship.

“It’s me, Handsome!...oh, I got it wrong, I mean Duval!”

His face was completely changed from what it once was. Now, instead of a badly drawn face, he looked kinda attractive.

“Umm, is that, him?” Said Luffy while eating non-stop.

“Yes, I altered his bone structure. Now he has nothing to complain about.” Explained Sanji.

“Ah!, Black Leg…I mean, Young Master!. After we all came to, we were stunned by the changes!” Said Duval.

“You made me so handsome! Now the girls will not leave me alone. My life is looking peachy and rosy thanks to you!”

He continued.

“I want to go back to my old life as soon as I can but-”

“You mean beating up innocent people for money?” Interrupted Vivi.

“Yes!, that one! But, how can I go home without showing you guys my gratitude? I could never forgive myself!”

“You guys have never been in these parts, right? if there is something we can do, just say the word!”

Duval then tried to wink but ended up making some weird face.

“If you are not used to winking, please, just don’t bother.” Said Usopp.

“If there are no hard feelings, that’s enough for me. If I have something to ask from you is to not bother us again with-” Sanji then realized that Duval was distracted with something else.

“Ah…maybe I should get a white horse. That would fit my handsome face” Duval said while looking into a mirror.

“Head!, you should listen to what he says!” One of his henchmen advised.

“Oi!, are you even listening?!” Shouted Sanji.

Duval turned to look at Sanji.

“Oh, yes…were you saying that I am beautiful?”

“I didn’t say anything like that!” Answered Sanji.

Duval ignored Sanji and turned his attention to Nami, who was cleaning her mouth with a napkin after eating.

“It’s a little embarrassing, but I shall accept your fair maiden kiss!” 

Nami got angry. “I wasn't blowing you a kiss! I was just cleaning my mouth after eating takoyaki.”

Duval ignored and looked at Vivi and Robin.

“What about you, fair maidens? Aren’t I handsome? You don’t need to restrain yourself. You can go ahead and say it!”

“You aren't really my type…like…at all.” Said Vivi with honesty.

“Or mine...sorry.” Robin ignored him and pretended to go back to her book.

“Hey!, stop going after our goddesses!” Shouted Sanji.

“Nonsense, I am everyones’ type.” Duval went back to look into his mirror. “Mirror Mirror on the wall. Who is the most handsome of them all…me?”

“You are only giving it one choice…” Franky pointed out.

“Well, handsome or not. A dumbass is still a dumbass.” Commented Usopp.

Duval looked at him. “Ah, I see that you are jealous. That is okay.” He then gave Usopp a thumbs up.

“This guy is so infuriating!” Usopp shouted.

“Well then, Young Master and his friends.” He approached Sanji and gave him a den-den-mushi.

“Call me whenever you need my aid!”

Duval went back to his ride.

“I apologize for the trouble I caused. I hope we meet under better circumstances next time….Now, let's ride away my Rosy Life Riders!”

“Yes, Handsome!” The other riders shouted.

“Just go away already…” Said Sanji with a grunt.


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