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Dialogue “sample”

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Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 80: Ghostship

“What is that?”

“A red light?”

“What? what's going on?”

Shouted the crew with shock.

“That was a flare” Robin pointed out.

Zoro chuckled. “So, no curse of the sea god then?”

“There is no problem if it was just a prank, but…there may be someone targeting this ship now.” Said Robin.

“You mean that we have alerted someone of our presence?” Asked Vivi.

Robin nodded. “Exactly”

“Can you guys see anyone?” Chopper asked while looking around with the spyglass.

“I can't see anyone, but…this barometric pressure…” Nami mumbled.

She then seemed to have realized something and started running.

“Everyone!, to your posts, we are fleeing southeast. A raging storm is coming this way!”

“Course?” Asked Franky.

“Two o clock!”Said Nami.

A few minutes later, the sky had turned black and there was rain, thunder, and lighting falling all over the place.

“Not good! it's all headwind!” Cried Nami.

“Humph!, don't underestimate this ship!” Said Franky.

“Everyone!, take up the sails. The paddles are coming out!”

“Oh!, what is the ship going to do now!” Luffy said with excitement.

“Soldier dock system! channel 0” 

Two compartments opened at the ship's sides and giant paddles came out.

“Cola engine…paddle ship Sunny…GO!” Shouted Franky.

The Sunny started to move out of the storm at great speed, and soon enough, they were out.

“We made it!” Yelled Usopp.

“Yes, but… what is with this sea?” Asked Sanji.

They were completely surrounded by a thick fog and could barely see anything a few feet in front of them.

“This fog is thick and eerily dark.” Commented Zoro.

“We have probably entered that part of the sea. The one Kokoro warned us about.” Said Vivi.

“Oh!, the mermaid island?” Asked Usopp.

“No, the one with the ghosts! right?” Said Luffy

“Yeah, don't relax much. We are definitely in the Florian Triangle. The strangest sea where many ships disappear every year.” Said Franky.

“Ghosts…I don't wanna see a ghost! Nami, get us out of here!” Begged Usopp.

“Even if you ask me that…we need to get through here first” Was Nami's answer.

They then started to hear music in the distance and someone's voice…

“Yohoho!” a voice was heard.

“What is that?!” Usopp was really freaked out.

“Nooo!!” Chopper wasn't much better.

“Behind us!” Shouted Zoro.

They all looked back, and there it was. A colossal ghost ship was approaching them at a slow pace.

“It really came out!” Yelled Sanji.

“The ghost ship!” Exclaimed Luffy.

“Yohohoho” The voice keeps singing.

“What is this song?” Asked Usopp.

“Vivi, can you feel anyone in there?” Asked Sanji.

“Yes, just one.” She answered.

“Hostile?” Asked Zoro.

Vivi smiled. “No, not at all.”

The two ships were slowly passing by each other side, and they soon were able to see the deck of the other ship.

“I can see a figure on the deck,” Said Robin.


They all were able to see it now. There was a skeleton drinking tea and singing while resting against the wooden rails of the ship.


Luffy, Sanji, and Nami were the volunteers to go exploring the ghost ship and talk to the living skeleton.

“Are they really going to be fine?” Asked Chopper.

“They are not going to get cursed, right?” Asked Usopp.

“Stop worrying soo much. I am sure that whatever is making those ships disappear has nothing to do with this. They will be fine” Vivi assured them.

Ten minutes later, a very cheerful Luffy came back yelling.

“Guys! We have a new crewmate!, and He is awesome”  

“Hello everyone! How do you do? it seems like my ship has caused some trouble. I'm ‘dead bones’ Brook, nice to meet you.” Saluded the skeleton.

Vivi had to admit that the reactions of the crew were priceless, specially Usopp.

“Usopp, where did you get a crucifix from?”

‘I didn't even know we had Christianity in this world.’

“Are you joking? What is this guy!” Franky and Zoro shouted.

“A…an skeleton…” Chopper was paralyzed with fear.

“There is no reason for a skeleton to talk, walk or wear an afro! This has to be a dream!” Usopp now had some Buddhist beads and garlic on top of the crucifix.

“Begone foul spirit!”

‘Where does He gets those things?’ Wondered Vivi.

Brook approached Robin.

“Hello, young lady, could I see your panties?”

“Stop that! you perverted skeleton!” Shouted Nami.

“Luffy, what the hell is this guy?!” Zoro demanded while pointing at Brook.

Luffy laughed. “He is very funny!. So I made him our crewmate.”

“You can't be serious!” Said Zoro with indignation. He then looked at Sanji and Nami.

“Why did you two even go with him? You were supposed to stop him from running wild!”

“We are sorry…” They said with their heads down in shame.

“Is not getting any warmer out here. Let's go inside and have dinner.” Said Brook before opening the door of the deck and going inside by himself.

“Don't decide that for yourself!” Shouted Sanji.


The entire crew was together in the dining room with Brook while Sanji prepared dinner.

“What a wonderful dining room! and the kitchen too. This is an incredible ship!.” Praised Brook.

“That's right!, Super Franky made this ship. You have good eyes!” Said Franky.

“But he doesn't have any eyes, yohoho!” Vivi laughed while Brook stared at her.

“I'm sorry, Brook. I stole your joke.”

“Ah, a lady that is funny and beautiful.” Brook got close to Vivi.

“Would you show me your panties?”

Vivi held her mini skirt in a seductive way.

“That would be impossible, Mister Brook…I am not wearing any panties today.”

They heard a massive mess in the kitchen as Sanji fell down while He was carrying some trays.

"Oh no!, Sanji feel down!" Cried Chopper

“Vivi! What are you saying?!” A flushed Nami shouted at her.

“Calm down, Nami. I was just messing around. Of course, I'm wearing panties.” Vivi got close to Namis ear and whispered. “Wanna see them?”

Namis face got red and she sat back down. “No!” She shouted.

“Yohoho” Brock laughed. “What an interesting crew!.”



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