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Shruti & Dre react to the 2nd episode in Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen | "Hidden Inventory Part 2"


"Gojo and Geto are assigned the task of guarding and erasing a "Star Plasma Vessel" Riko Amanai when two groups try to get rid of her."


Khalil Huq

Gojo's technique gets pretty complicated in the nitty gritty but it's basically split into 4 main forms (this was better explained in the manga which this episode is based upon): 1. Neutral infinity - Things that approach him are slowed to (seemingly) a halt. This is because the space between him and the target it divided an infinite amount of times (look up Zeno's paradox or Achilles and the tortoise for examples) 2. Convergence of infinity (Blue) - Loosely speaking it's rudimentary telekinesis, using attractive forces akin to a black hole 3. Divergence of infinity (Red) - The opposite of Blue so imagine a massive repelling force at the target (see his fight vs Jogo) 4. The combination of Blue and Red (Purple) - MASSIVELY destructive force we saw in season 1. Logically a force that both pushes and pulls you if it touches All only possible because of the damn eyes of his.