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Shruti & Dre react to the 18th episode of Jujutsu Kaisen | "Sage"  


"Megumi and Noritoshi confront their similarities and differences through battle. However, the Goodwill Event is suddenly upheaved by a sudden invasion!"


yasmina C

this may be just me, but I always pictured Hanami as female just because of the comparisons with Mother Nature/mother Earth and how Hanami is focused on saving living beings (not including humans lol). I think that's Hanami's plan, basically -- to restore Earth and all life to what it should be without pollution etc. p.s. there was a scene a few eps back, where Jogo or Mahito was describing the curses and how they're born from fears, like the fear of nature, natural disasters, and how Mahito was born of human hatred/fear/anger.