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Shruti & Dre react to the 2nd episode in the Final Season of Attack on Titan | "Midnight Train"  


"Though glad the war is over, Both the Eldian Warriors and Marley brass realize that neither have a future unless they finish the job of retaking the Founding Titan.


rob catorce

Marleyans = Normal humans Eldians = Titan Shifters when injected by the serum People inside the walls in paradise Island = Eldians (where eren and everybody lives) Eldians from Marley hate Eldians from Paradise Island (the walls) hence why they call Eldians the race of the devil


Reiner talking about the "Island Devils" always gets me. Because the most evil example he could come up with was Sasha swiping a potato, and others being normal human beings with minor character flaws. By contrast, if he considered everything he, Bert and Annie did, they were far more evil than anyone on the island. I think by now he's realized that they aren't devils at all, just people at the end of the day. People with their own reasons to live and fight. It's all about perspective. This season really digs into the story from both sides and it's amazingly written (as all past seasons have been, but this one is just *chef's kiss*).