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Just a little fun.

Marie bit into the cheese puff and instantly regretted it. Against her will her mouth clenched and crunched the aerated snack she'd foolishly tried to eat, her lips sucking in and her eyes rolling as her back arched. Her toes curled under her ass - which also clenched - and she felt her pussy moisten the clean panties she'd just put on after coming home from the club.

All of this just because a couple dozen orange crumbs had rained down atop the sensitive curves of her upper breasts. Marie's breath caught and held as half as many more pinged back and forth against her boobs like pachinko machine balls, brushing through her first cleavage and then her second before landing in her lap and soaking up the pussy juices overwhelming her panties.

As everything settled Marie let out a long sigh, carefully setting aside the uneaten half of the ill-advised snack and the plastic bucket she'd pulled it from. Even this slow, methodical movement sent all four titties jiggling and bouncing off each other, the musk of her loins becoming even more diffused in the apartment's living room. Her legs shook from the arousal as Marie stood up, hands touching whatever was nearby for support.

"Oh, c'mon, really?" the roommate, Stacey, sighed. She hit pause on the Roku remote, and watched with still-fresh fascination/irritation as Marie's four, sensitive titties swung around atop her ribs. "I would really like to watch After Party!"

"Yeah, yeah, me, too..." Marie waved a free hand at Stacey as she tip-toed towards her bedroom, "Let me wipe these off and change panties and we'll get right to it!"

"You better use your second wish to give me back my TV watching time!" Stacey shouted after Marie, the tease pungent in her tone. She'd expected Marie's idiotic wish about her breasts to impact Marie's quality of life, but making Stacey wait to watch her shows every time Marie did something to quadruple-boobgasm was simply unacceptable.

Maybe Stacey would have a word or two with that genie when she reappeared...


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