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Howdy all,

In the past 10 days I have lost 2 coworkers to heart attacks (these have not been work-related incidents). I work at a small, family business, so this loss has been really felt both emotionally and in workload.

Last night I was informed that our office cat had to be put to sleep after they discovered a tumor had taken over her bladder. This was also a sudden thing. I have cared for this cat and fed her many mornings, her presence was one of many perks of my job.

On top of all of this, my partner left for a work trip yesterday morning and our 2 year old's separation anxiety finally kicked in last night. I had to soothe her for hours, and didn't eat my "dinner" until 3am this morning.

Not saying creative projects won't get done - and possibly even still on time - since they are my coping mechanism, but wanted to share that things have just very suddenly gotten very dour and and exhausting and I just want to give you all the alert that I may just give myself a day or two to manage and recover from it.

I do expect everything on the posting calendar will at least get posted before the end of the month, if not on schedule.

I hope YOU are all well.

As always, thanks for reading,



Umbra Ghost

Take as mush time as you need, hope you're feeling okay.


Holy hell man! Take care of your loved ones and yourself. Also… I really hope that your creative output isn’t directly correlated to the amount stress and anxiety you are coping with. I’d hate to think that you were suffering while we enjoyed your work.


Ha, no, don't worry, my creativity is almost all joy, it just also happens to be how I carry myself through the rough stuff, too!


With a psychologist help I realized that I use jokes and laughter to cope with stress and trauma…A lot. Recovery is a hell of a road. I’m glad that you know what your coping mechanisms are. ❤️