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 Just another quicky...

Carolina pushed three fingers into the pink gel. She squinched up her face as she felt the cool stickiness envelope her hand up to the palm. She pulled out a decent dollop, bringing it to her face and yanking away her nose at the sharp smell. The squat little plastic container was being held between her swimmer's thighs, and she tightly screwed it closed with her goop-free left hand. She placed it in her desk draw and then swung her legs up onto her dorm bed.

The college sophomore stared down the lines of her jeggings clad limbs. Years of swim meets had toned them nicely, and she was quite proud of how they looked - all the way down to the feet. She stared at them. They had always felt big to her, and Carolina certainly believed that their broadness may have played into her racing success in the pool lanes.

But college was supposed to be for reinventing one's self. Carolina wasn't interested in swimming anymore. She'd had that success and didn't want to live in it. She'd dreamed of the perfect college life - sorority parties, frat parties, dressing up all sexy and having all eyes drawn to her tight dresses flexed by her perfect musculature.

All that was messing it up were these monstrous feet that she couldn't get to fit in any of the sexy heels she wanted, especially not the five-inch high sparkly pair placed on the desk chair across from her bed.

That's where the goop came in.

She'd been told all she had to do was rub it on what she wanted changed, and within five minutes proclaim the changes she wanted.

Simple enough. So simple that the little piece of paper that, presumably, held any further instructions was still folded up and stuck to the underside of the lid.

Carolina rubbed the goop between her hands and then hugged her legs to her chest. She could already feel the gel drying and she quickly massaged it into her heels, along the sole of her foot, between each of the toes, and back over the top to where she started. The wet sheen had already dried up by the time her fingers left her ankles.

"Okay, here we go..." Carolina sighed, picking up the heels and placing them beside her atop the blanket, "I want to be able to fit in these perfectly, with no pain, in fact, they should always feel good, look like perfect little feet, and let's make them ticklish."

A few naughty thoughts rolled through Carolina's mind with that last impulsive addition, the product of knowing the goo was most likely nothing more than styling mousse.

The young woman clutched her knees tightly against her, pressing back against her ribs her little tennis ball breasts. She stared down with the type of excited expectation one MUST have when they are certain they'll be disappointed.

Then Carolina felt the tingling. She could see the broadness of her feet begin to contract, her toes shrinking slightly as her foot contracted in on itself. She watched as her soles stretched and pushed her toes out, reformed to not just fit a heel but rely on it for balance. Curled up on her bed Carolina hadn't considered the awkwardness of that last detail.

Instead, she was wondering why she was losing grip on her legs. And why her hands were tingling.

Releasing her jeggings Carolina raised her hands just in time to watch her tingling fingers begin to pull into themselves, the joints contracting like nesting dolls. Her palm was getting thinner while her thumb pushed away from her engorging wrist.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, no, was I...supposed to wipe it off?" Carolina exclaimed. She felt bones stretch and snap, things which should have hurt but her newly forming feet could no longer process pain. Her legs kicked at the sheets as she tried to run away from her own appendages, and she quickly stood up from the bed only to find how non-supportive her intended changes were.

Carolina stumbled forward, her short brunette bob cascading hair all over her eyes. She instinctively put out her arms to catch herself on the chair, but all she did was curl her new toes and drag them across the material. She stumbled and fell into the chair, and finally stopped her momentum.

Trapped under her bra and shirt Carolina's breasts were heaving. She could barely see through her messed hair, and tentatively brought up an arm. A thin nubby big toe on her right foot-hand brushed clear the vision to the right of her face.

She looked at the changes she had wrought. Where her wrist had been was a slight knob reminiscent of an ankle, although not QUITE as broad. But from there forward she had what was unquestionably a foot in place of her hand. It was stretched out, and although Carolina tried to bend it ninety degrees to her arm the muscles wouldn't move, as if it was bound in place by invisible restraints. She could wiggle her new toes.

Slowly she used the other foot to clear the hair from her left side, feeling the brush of her toes on her ear as she tucked back what hair she could.

"I...I have to fix this..." Carolina sputtered. She spun towards the desk drawer and cursed at her little toes as she struggled to grip the drawer's bulbous knob. She took a deep breath and slowed down, carefully hooking her big and pointer toes around the plastic shaft under the white bulb. The drawer dragged out with a jagged fight, but it was open enough. Carefully pressing both hand-feet against either side of the container Carolina was able to lift it out and place it atop the desk.

And Carolina sighed. She already knew she'd never be able to unscrew it. She gave some half-hearted attempts, pressing her finger-toes down on the plastic, feeling how helpless her big toe was when trying to grip the lid. Every effort slipped along the smooth plastic.

"I'm going to have to-"

breet! breet! breet! 

Carolina turned sharply as she heard her phone alarm going off in her school bag. She rolled over to it and kicked the bag over, fishing about with her right hand-foot until the phone started to spill out amongst her make-up and books. She managed to grip the corner of the phone between two toes and toss it up onto her bed. It took a couple tries but Carolina finally swiped off the alarm.

"Shit..." she muttered, "I have to get to Ms. Stevenson's class!"

More to come!



Best of the shorts so far! Love the theme. More of this/ more like this please