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Here's 1,000+ new words! Hoping to get another update up before the end of the month. But I've also been playing around with a cover for the future collection of the Pleasure Cruise story! ~dS

Raina’s hands slipped down from Karli’s shoulders and slid alongside her lover’s breasts. The impaled woman’s upper limbs were succumbing to the gel and stretching bonelessly further and further until they met themselves and then shifted to form a connection with the solid band that her legs and feet had become. Raina’s upper arms fused to her torso, so she was now mostly a pink jiggling Venus de Milo with a horsecock running up her core.

It was pretty clear that there would be no easy way for Karli to remove her lover.

Carina was surprised to see that the changes were not yet finished. Starting at her ribs, Raina's torso began to twist, so that her face and breasts were now facing down and away from Karli. The endowed woman’s thumbs flicked over her lover’s pink clitty and then to the belly button that still faced her, and continued on to easily grab the squishy boobs dangling towards the floor.

Raina’s gasps had gone totally silent, although her face continued to contort and silently moan in pleasure. Karli was still quite loud and vocal about her oncoming orgasm, and with an exclamation of glee her first male equine orgasm erupted from the thick knob of her new cock. The copious white surged forward through Raina’s pink translucent form, and one cruise guest who had passed the pair to get her breakfast jumped back to avoid getting her food covered in cum.

But it was quickly clear why Raina had gone silent - her gel lips had at some point fused together. The flood of sperm could be seen filling her mouth and puffing out her cheeks before the elasticity of Raina’s new form had reached the limits of its elasticity. Carina guessed it may have been a gallon of cum that then reversed course and poured backwards into Raina’s transpicuous torso, splitting and filling each of the silicon woman’s balloon-like breasts. The weight pulled Karli’s stiff staff downwards, each of Raina’s pink nips nearly brushing the deck floor as her titties bulged and stretched.

“Ohh, fuck, Raina, you feel so good…” Karli softly moaned, stumbling across the walkway from the buffet to a nearby table. She pulled a chair and sat back, clearly exhausted in the afterglow. Raina could not respond, but the roll of her eyes and the pleasure-dumb half-smile on her pink face made it clear that she was quite pleased with the cum and cock visible within her new form.

With the show over Carina let out a long sigh…how would she ever find Tiara if it was possible she might not even be human anymore? Was that even possible given what the captain had charged them with?

Maybe she and Neome needed to meet up and consider a different approach.

What Carina didn’t know was that evidence of Tiara’s whereabouts had already approached her. Antoinette and Rachel, two women whose body parts had been swapped with each other while attending the magician Zynthia’s magic show, had come in for breakfast and sat down at a table behind Carina.

It hadn’t been long after Zynthia’s stage show that Antoinette had come knocking on Rachel’s door. Left with her head, Antoinette’s ass and pussy, and the pointed legs of a high-end love doll, Rachel needed a few tries to open her door.

As a stiff rubber toe finally opened the door Rachel again found herself staring at the cavernous rubber pussy that Antoinette had gained. Pulling her eyes upward Rachel lusted after the four breasts - the sex doll’s atop those Rachel had once sported - that hovered over her.

The pair were quick to take to Rachel’s bed while her roommate was out, sampling and pleasuring body parts that had once been their own, satisfying each other in ways neither had ever experienced before.

Between rounds of orgasms the conversations had been intimate and deep enough to warrant exploration of something beyond their swapped bodies. Laughing and flirting their way to the Lido deck, Antoinette happily carried both her own breakfast and Rachel’s in her four arms as they took to a table. Antoinette easily fed herself and Rachel as they discussed good times separately vacationing along the Italian beaches.

As part of Zynthia’s act the love doll that had been granted Rachel’s pussy and Antoinette’s breasts, arms, and legs had been poofed off to somewhere unknown on the ship. And each woman had agreed to experience whatever fun someone was going to have with their traded parts. Dolly had gone unfound through the night and morning - until now.

Antoinette felt the phantom hands on her breasts first. She had been offering Rachel a strip of bacon with Rachel’s own hand when the sensation struck, the arousal enough to make Antoinette quiver and Rachel have to chase the bit of pork with her mouth. As she chewed the bit of bacon she looked at Antoinette’s panting face with confusion.

And then she felt the hands on her ass. She shivered as she felt the remote contact, fingers spreading across each cheek and at first caressing with curiosity.

Then Rachel jumped with a burst of exhilaration as a light spank was laid on her. A few more followed, and her face blushed as the pussy which had once been her lover’s began to gush.

And then she felt something stiff and thick enter the slit which had once been hers. Without arms to grip the table Rachel wanted so badly to at least curl her toes, but the internal construction of her sex doll legs wouldn’t allow it.

“Do you…ah…do you feel eet azz well?” Antoinette gasped as her generous breasts were groped, her thick nipples pinched and sucked.

“Indeed…” Rachel grunted, feeling herself filled right to her limit. She could feel the lower belly of someone brush hers - then pull away, the phantom shaft sliding tightly back before stopping just before its head would pop free. A quick thrust then flew it back within her, causing Rachel to gasp and jump from her chair. All four of the hands connected to Antoinette gripped the table, causing the plates and silverware to rattle. She could feel her old legs wrapped around someone’s waist.

Someone who someone nearby had been looking for…



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