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I am currently wandering around the Cleveland Museum of Art and had an inspirational thought. Figured I'd give everyone a little bonus and test how it is to type on my phone. It was better than I thought, aside from some odd auto-correct items. Please excuse any typos! ~dS *** In the early times when great masted ships crossed the oceans... She looked up at the massive wooden ship. She sighed, a difficult thing to do in the tight bodice that pushed her full breasts practically into her chin. Usually sailors from a freshly docked ship were drooling at her presented flesh, but today the seamen were particularly focused on unloading the boat and not themselves. Her name was Caroline, and she looked up at the massive vessel before her. The great ship bobbed slowly, the tarred wood creaking. She leaned an arm against one of the straw-packed crates. It had a knot hole and the tip of an oil lamp was sticking out from it. She ran her finger slowly around the spout, a show for no one and simply habit of always trying to be alluring. Caroline was envious of the sailors. None of them trapped in one place as she was, never dependent on the base urges of others as she was, seeing far away lands UNLIKE she was. She had tried to bribe her way onto a ship once, but had been kicked off. It was unlucky to have a woman on board. Another sigh left her throat. "I wish I was on that ship, and no man would dare kick me off!" she mused in frustration. "Granted." The voice was soft and echoed, as if a woman was whispering into a metal pint. Caroline had no time to look around before her point of view suddenly changed - and stuck in place! Now before Caroline was water before her and to her right, while to her left she could just make out the dock she'd been standing on moments before. She tried to turn her head but could not. She could not raise an arm or kick a leg. She could feel them, and the smooth object pressed against the back of them, but they would obey no command. A splash of cold water startled Caroline and made it quite obvious that she was nude. She noticed now the curve of her bare breasts, much fuller than they had been before. She saw two bright red rigid nipples jutting out from the front curve. And her skin color was a strange light yellow shade. Suddenly her situation became clear to her. Caroline had wished to be on the boat and she was - as the wooden figurehead! Another splash, this sending water gushing into her stiff slit, made it clear to Caroline she was was the most bare figurehead she could think of, but no man would dare remove her or else risk angering the spirits that all sea faring vessels could fall prey to. As Caroline hung motionless from the bow she wondered when this boat would move on to the next port. She could not move her mouth to attempt any more wishes, so she resigned herself to a fate of seeing the world...or at least it's water.


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