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Here are 25,000+ words that encompass a massive edit and some updates to Sex In The Cards!

The biggest edits include correcting a lot of errors I made in tracking a few character's changes and their clothing choices, making sure everything was consistent. This was a huge amount of work, and changed some things enough that I felt it best to include everything from the start of Round 2 here.

New editions include, of course, moving the story closer to the start of Round 3 as everyone returns to the table, but also expanding the first-hand experience of Galinda Glitter and Brenda Bubbles' transformations.

I've stopped where I have because I've one more round of edits to look at - making sure I've accounted for all player's costume choices leading up to their next set of bonus cards. I don't think I did, and want to reexamine that after my brain has a moment to recover from all the edits I did make. I feel I need to more closely examine that before moving on to Round 3. If anyone spots obvious skips in that feel free to comment (I am aware that Akari and Cassidy, of course, never had the chance to return to their respective rooms and I want to address that).

I do hope you enjoy what is here. I enjoyed taking a closer look and making sure this story continues o be the best it can be!



Once more the quartet was in the presence of Lady Reduxia, impossibly manifested in the back of the formerly empty room which still had no visible inlets. She slinked around the space, taking long slow steps and puffing on the strange cigarette whose long filter was gripped in a coil of her slinky tail.

“It wasn’t...easy…” Daphne spoke up, needing to force out words she intended as defiant in Reduxia’s presence. She gave Cindi a sideways glance that actually went unnoticed by the usually observant assassin, whose entire attention was locked on Reduxia.

“And you are all the stronger for finding the solutions you needed!” Reduxia grinned. She manifested her alien holographic tablet in one hand and scrolled through symbols that meant nothing to the players watching her. “I see you’ve all earned your Purple cards. I’ll add them into the hands you’ve just been dealt. And remember, the limits are off this round - a player may play cards on another player even if they’ve already gotten cards played on them this round. Just watch out for who you’re giving those points to!”

With a wave of her cigarette filter each player could sense that their cards for Round 2 had been manifested at the table. Each looked down for a split second to confirm that, and when they looked up Reduxia was gone.

Cassidy could sense that she was first this round and eagerly gathered up her cards.

The new Purple card was very tempting; Target will experience endless back-to-back orgasms.

Cassidy had the Arms and Snake Blue cards from the last round, and a new one; Legs.

She also still had the Yellow card which read Blue Card tastes like FRUIT of CHOICE and a new one, A vagina will form on/in/under Blue Card.

She also had her Red reactive card, The player to the Receiver’s RIGHT is affected instead. That was Daphne, and that was a delicious thought.

Looking around Cassidy locked her eyes on Cindi. That uptight bitch hadn’t…


Cassidy’s strategizing was interrupted as she felt an orgasm coming on. Her extra sensitive ass ground into the seat, enhancing the feelings washing over the former cheerleader as she gave into the unexpected but welcome pleasure - without question her mind would be cleared up as the bliss crashed over her and ebbed away. She’d wait until after she’d finished cumming to play her Blue and Yellow cards.

But one decision was already made.

“I think...it’s timmmmme...you got a Puuuuurrrrple…”

Cindi stared down over the high bulge of her cartoony tits as Cassidy slid her Purple card over the table. The assassin hadn’t yet finished reading the text when she felt her pussy flair up, a tight ball of heat growing in her lower belly.

“What did you - Oh!

Cindi’s cartoonish tits bounced as her body convulsed. She felt the knot of pleasure tie tighter and tight in her loins, the flame of bliss burning brighter and brighter behind her abs and then it burst. Cindi’s stomach tightened up and she curled forward, her tits making the sounds of stretching rubber as she pressed them down into the table. The assassin gritted her teeth, adamant that she wouldn’t make a sound.

The other three watched as Cindi locked up into her first orgasm and then, after a moment, she began to relax and sit upright again - then the bubble of bliss began again to blow up inside her loins. Cindi gripped the table as she felt the second orgasm latch onto her just before the moment where she could have considered the first satisfying. Her pussy was oozing from the first orgasm and she could feel another sport of juices oncoming as the subsequent cum came upon her.

While it was entertaining to see Cindi shudder, Cassidy had come down from her own carnal crisis and was examining her cards with more thought. She had the opportunity to really screw with Daphne twice this round if she played cards on her now and hit her with the Red card later. Plus, she’d just gotten use of those arms back…

“And for you…” Cindi’s toothy sneer stretched across her face again as she turned and dropped down two cards, “...this should create some sort of fun for you.”

As had happened before Daphne barely had a chance to read what had been played on her before she felt it acting on her. She felt a tickle under each armpit, which elicited a giggle from Daphne. She slapped her hands over her mouth, embarrassed to have revealed a ticklish spot. As she moved her arms Daphne felt a change in her armpits, the sensation of split and formed labia sliding over one another instead of the familiar feeling of stretching unbroken skin.

Not wanting to reveal to any of her competitors what had been done to her - especially not Cassidy - Daphne crossed her arms over her breasts and slipped some fingers beneath her biceps. She could feel the V of her new labia; the bottom split near what would have been her taint began near her upper chest. It followed the curve of her armpit back and angled up slightly, fingertips gently gliding in the valley of puffy lips. Daphne could not hold back a shudder as she reached the other convergence of the new pair of labia, and she poked two new clits held tight below her shoulder blades. Moisture was already beginning to form along the line of Daphne’s two new slits.

“Pit stains” were going to take on a whole new meaning…

Curiosity satisfied Daphne suddenly remembered the Red card she could now play on her attacker. She yanked her hands out from under her arms, her fingertips glistening lightly. Daphne picked up the Red-backed card and slapped it down in front of Cassidy.

Just Ducky! Player’s mouth and nose are replaced by a fleshy duck’s bill.

“That should help you with all those selfies.”

“What did you do yooou biyooootch…”

Cassidy’s eyes went wide as she looked down at her nose and lips stretching out from her face. Her flesh pushed inches and inches into the air, Cassidy’s nose flattening until only her nostrils remained on the top of the forming protrusion. The other players winced as they heard cracking coming from within Cassidy’s altering jaw, but she didn’t feel any pain - only a tightness.

When the process was done Cassidy did indeed have something that resembled a duck’s bill. It was shaped like one, hanging just a little over five inches outward into the air. Vertical slits for her nostrils sat along the top. But a split from the top and the bottom did not run the length of her extended cheeks. It was a “fleshy” bill, so it looked more like someone had stuck a vacuum on Cassidy’s face and tried to pull off her mouth. Perched at the end of her extended jaw were Cassidy’s lips, nearly unchanged. They were slightly fuller, and their corners were pulled back a tiny but, but they were still human lips wrapped around an internal structure of a dick’s bill.

“You fooking bootch!” Cassidy proclaimed once more, her hands running down the length of her stretched visage, her vowels slightly altered by the strange arrangement of her lips, “What dood you do to me?”

“Why don’t you wait and ask that when I’m finished?” Daphne gave her own predatory smile. With that Daphne picked up the rest of her cards, the motion of her arms causing the pussies within her armpits to be squeezed and mushed around slightly.

She still had the Hair and Eyes Blue cards, and now Nipples was added to it. Daphne’s Yellow card that read Blue Card grows grapes that cause orgasms when picked and eaten was still very tempting, but now it had Blue Card is flattened into an erotically-charged living anime-styled image.

Daphne snuck a look at her new Purple card and was tempted to use it right now as well, but decided to keep it a secret.

“Jeepers, creepers, where’d you get those peepers?” Daphne laughed as she placed down her Blue and Yellow selections in front of Cassidy, “Oh, right - from me!”

Cassidy looked down at what had been played on her and blinked...then blinked again as her eyes began to tingle. She closed them and winced, and as she did so the split of her closed eyelids shifted from shadows to defined black lines. The lines each pulled back across her head towards her ears, getting longer as her eyelids smoothed and changed from imperfect skin to digital paint textures.

When Cassidy opened her eyes her new painted lookers were more than twice the size her original eyes had been. Her head had smoothed so that the painted eyes sat smoothly on her head, pushing up into Cassidy’s forehead and wrapping around towards her ears. Her irises had also gotten bigger, turning purple and featured large white spots that gave them a false sense of glassiness. Cassidy’s eyelashes were flattened against her skin as nothing more than black strikes as ink overtop each of her big eyes.

“You foocker!” Cassidy shouted through her duck lips, her vision clearly expanded thanks to her larger painted eyes. The stretched and changed cheerleader seethed in her seat, ready to stand up and pop Daphne across the face. She was so angry that Cassidy completely forgot about her Red card.

“Okay, enough from you two, it’s my turn now,” Akari loudly announced.

Akari was practically giddy as she started looking over her cards, a sensation the practical-minded woman rarely admitted to feeling. But she could talk again, in a fashion, and she was going to savor playing some of the new cards she’d obtained.

The first card to inspire Akari was her new Purple card; Target Player shrinks to 12 inches in height. That sounded delightfully inconvenient.

Joining her Blue Arms and own Eyes cards was yet another Breasts, which, given the theme of the game, Akari figured was a common card. That didn’t stop her from quietly grumbling at what felt like an uninspired option for her. She still had her Blue Card becomes bedazzled Yellow card, which Akari was still unimpressed by. That didn’t feel especially inconvenient to use on someone. But her new card had potential; Blue Card swaps with player to left.

Last was the lingering Red card from the prior round, Sender grows a dick for a tail.

Akari’s fingers tapped along the top edge of the cards in her hand. She felt her pussy drooling between her legs. Akari actually wished she had a tongue down there to lap up her juices. She wondered just what she’d be able to ask for if she won…

But that was getting ahead of herself, and the corporate saboteur concentrated on what she could do now.  She’d already decided that the Purple card was going to Daphne. The little irritant had gotten back control of her arms? Akari figured they wouldn’t do her much good over the next twenty-four hours the size of a doll’s.

That left picking between Cassidy and Cindi. Akari reminded herself what Reduxia had mentioned to them - that this wasn’t just a game about fucking with the other players, points were what mattered here! Every card played on someone counted as a point towards their score...and Akari had been slacking on tracking those points.

Cassidy had made herself such a target so far that Akari could just look at what had been done to her by this round and guess that the cheerleader-turned-satyr probably had more card points than Cindi had...likely more than any of them had. Akari took a deep breath and decided that it was in her best interest to play her cards on Cindi - and of those choices, to use the one that would most deter anyone from feeling like Cassidy could use more changes.

“Alright…” Akari’s voice wafted up from under the table as she drew her cards and placed them before Cindi, “This should make for an interesting exchange.”

Akari didn’t realize just how interesting playing the Breasts and Blue Card swaps with player to left. was going to be. Before Cindi could even grit back another orgasm and lean far enough forward to read what Akari had set down over her boobs, her two enormous cartoonish breasts popped off her chest with equally cartoonish Pop! Pop! sounds. She fell backwards into her chair and exclaimed, “What the shit?!” as she came.

Breathing haggardly, Cindi looked down at her body to see completely flat smooth skin where her absurd tits had hung. Cassidy was doing the same, as her natural Ds had also leapt from her flesh onto the table, making no other sound themselves aside from landing with squishy thud!s.

“No! Those awe my twademawk titties!”

The actions from the magic cards had pressed on regardless of Cindi and Cassidy’s time to react. Cindi’s toon tits rolled across the table and cards, making woowhump woowhump sounds as they went. Cassidy’s simply rolling by them end-over-end with the grace one would expect from disembodied self-locomotive bags of fat.

With little leaps each pair of boobs bounced up from the table and struck Cindi and Cassidy on their rib cages, the flesh merging and sticking fast. Cindi grabbed the table’s edge and braced herself for what were smaller breasts than what she’d grown the night before, but as they weren’t cartoons Cassidy’s former tits packed on more weight. Cassidy barely had to move as her new breasts from Cindi pushed up onto her with schluck! schluck! sounds.

Other than Cindi trembling from another orgasm there was a moment where no one who had just seen what had happened could quite gather the words to comment on it, not even Cassidy.

“Well,” Akari finally muttered, “That was certainly unexpected. And it’s going to make this seem pretty mundane.” As she spoke she pushed the Purple card over towards Daphne.

“Phuck you! Gib me back my booobs! I dom’t want dese phake phings!”

Daphne ignored Cassidy’s cussing and looked down at what Akari had just played on her. She got only a moment to read it before she felt a current of air move over her - pulled in by the vacuum being left in the space around her as Daphne began to rapidly shrink in size! Thinking fast she let her top slide down over her shoulders, arms, and slimming upper body before she could get too small to reach it.

As it fell past her chest her contracting lungs pushed a huff of air out of her mouth. As Daphne’s feet rose up from the floor and her ankles knocked the edge of her chair she pulled her reducing form up onto the table and rolled her naked body on up to it, her four breasts getting squished under her. All four nipples had begun spurting out quite a bit of honey as her breasts shrunk but the sweet substance didn’t. Daphne quickly stood herself up upon the table top, her little half-inch long feet sinking into the puddle of honey she’d expelled.

Everyone around Daphne was arguing angrily about whose tits were whose, and Daphne felt her heart jump in apprehension at how huge they all looked to her. She looked down at the card Akari had placed in front of her - which was now nearly half Daphne’s new height - and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Fuck you!” Daphne shouted at Akari.

But Daphne’s little voice could not be heard over the ruckus playing out between the other three players.

“Boose are by booobs, I wand bem back!”

“Hey! Listen to me!”

“I don’t think there’s actually anything you can do about it…not this round, at least.”

“Why dood you doo bis tooo us?”

“Why have any of us done any of this to each other?”

“Let’s see if this gets your attention!”

Akari leaned back in her chair, a smile on her face. She started to cross her arms, but as she did so a tingle fell over her body, starting at her fingertips. Looking to her hand Akari’s eyes went wide as she saw her fingers starting to flatten!

“What the Hellllllll…? Akari’s voice from under the table let out a long wheeze as her chest pressed back in on itself, her lungs flattening and pushing out all of their air like a bellows. Her entire form was compressing in towards her vertical center, front and back thinning at equal speed. Akari’s body was becoming weak and incapable of supporting itself as her flesh and bone slimmed, and her head tipped backwards to lay gently on the back of her chair - she never saw the card that Cassidy had hefted before her.

Like a balloon - or sex doll - losing air, Akari’s shape slimmed and sunk against the contours of the chair, her clothes now resting heavily on her and pulling her downwards towards the seat. Altered like this Akari could move nothing more than her eyes, which shot back and forth at those who watched her with shock and/or amusement.

Akari was suddenly sucked away from her seat, her murky form dashing through the air under the table and colliding with something new that had appeared in the room just beyond any of the player’s eyesight. It was a dark oak wooden frame surrounding a canvas of black velvet. And now “painted” across the light fuzz of the velvet was Akari.

Akari had felt every moment of being transformed and reformed as a flat painting on the canvas. She replayed it all in her head to get some bearings on what had happened.

The velvet she now adorned was soft but under constant tension. She was stuck to it, able to move parts of herself in some ways but not all of her.  Her body was bound by its two-dimensional limits, but unlike when she had sunk into the chair with no support the canvas provided some form of structure to move. Even if her painted body hadn’t been literally stuck to the canvas, had her arms and legs been able to respond to her commands to lift up from the material she was now so thin that gravity would drag her straight to the floor with a splat.

Her clothing remained at her prior seat. Akari had not considered it heavy before, but now that she’d felt it pin her to the chair like sandbags while her body collapsed under it she had a new appreciation for the weight of fabric. The entire experience had felt like she’d been stuck in a vice and squeezed, although instead of popping and breaking her flesh and bone had just collapsed like squeezed sponges. That pressure on Akari’s breasts and pussy was actually quite erotic, not that anyone could tell the difference in how her slit reacted to anything.

As it had become clear Akari could not become any slimmer she felt herself pulled ass first from the chair. As her form flew through the air Akari felt her very molecules soften, nearly liquefying. She felt her butt collide with something soft and stick there as the rest of her skin-thin body followed suit. Soon she was completely spread and adhered to the dark material.

Under these new circumstances Akari found that she could stand and move once more - although not without significant restriction. She could not step forward or backwards, only shimmy left and right. And even that had its limits - Akari felt an uncomfortable pressure pinch at her shoulders as she bumped into the sides of her enclosure - the points at which the velvet bent around the sides of the wood framework it was stretched across.

Looking forward Akari could see the other three bitches gawking at her, but when she turned her head Akari could only “see” pure blackness. She could pass her legs and arms in front and behind each other, but had no choice but to tightly brush her skin together. It was like she was vacuum-sealed into something, her form at all times pressed against itself. The others could see that this was because she had become a living painted image on the black velvet, but it took a few minutes for Akari to piece it together.

Akari looked like any finely detailed painting on the dark medium, only her movement and one other aspect indicated that she was something more than a vintage decor item. The transformation from human to art had not reduced the runniness of her pussy juices. They continued to flow out of Akari’s slit, at first absorbing into the velvet. As she shifted back and forth across the material a dark wet blotch followed her groin, and Akari could feel that moistness on her painted thighs as they moved across the canvas. The longer she stayed in one spot the velvet would become saturated and her juices started to flow down the fabric.

The arguing between the other three players had stopped as they looked on at Akari’s predicament. So far their changes had been invasive, inconvenient, or at the least embarrassing, but even Cassidy - who had most embraced her changes - had to take pause at the restrictiveness of this card’s results. Even if it was only for a day, as Cassidy watched Akari struggle fruitlessly against her circumstances and silently shout, she realized that this illustrated the extreme risk they were all facing.

Akari was lucky it was a Purple card. It was theoretically possible any of them could become stuck like her - or worse - for more than a day.

“Bwell, bat is weawwy phucked up,” the former cheerleader sputtered, breaking the silence.

“I think it is about time we brought this evening to a close,” Cindi stated dryly. Her stomach was constantly knotting and releasing, her pussy sore from the repeated tension. But her tension wasn’t just from the orgasm. What she’d just seen had been sobering, cutting through the fog of her orgasmic loop. Cindi realized that any of them could have had that card played on them - especially by someone Cindi herself now understood she had slighted. She’d been one insult away from having that potentially happen to her. Trapped, exposed...if someone stuck a knife through Akari’s painted belly right now what would happen?

Cindi was seriously wondering if taking up with this game had really been the safer option over running. She needed to get out of this room and back where she had a little more control over her circumstances. Cindi picked up her cards and slipped into her outfit the new Purple Card; Who am I? Forget your identity, accept what Player tells you as fact.

There were new cards in her hand but Cindi didn’t pay them much mind. Instead she simply threw two down in front of Daphne.

“There, sorry. I just want this round to end. Good luck with the evening, everybody.”

Cindi’s exit was designed to be swift and without interruption, and by that it was successful. Only Daphne had time to chase briskly across the table after her former lover as Cindi slipped by Akari’s frame and vanished into the hallway.

“Wait! Where are you going? What [cards] clitorises did you play?”

The first time it happened Daphne didn’t immediately notice she’d said “clitorises” instead of “cards.” But she did shudder as a very sensual tingle tickled the golden clit between her legs and the two new ones in her armpits. Daphne hugged her arms and tits as her body shuddered from the sensation, all three pussies moistening. As she took a deep breath Daphne recognized that she had misspoke.

“Why did I say clitorises instead of [cards] clitorises?” Another sensation across all three sensitive nubs, another tight squeeze to her upper body, another pinch of her swollen metal clit, and another shudder convinced Daphne her suspicion was correct - this was certainly caused by whatever Cindi had played on her.

Tiny naked feet took Daphne past her own cards, her soles sticking to the table as she left honey footprints behind her. She stood at the edge of the cards Cindi had dropped and read them. The Yellow Card read Blue Card replaces common nouns when speaking and feels the intended word when mentioned.

It then came as no surprise that the Blue Card read Clitoris.

“Wou weawwy fugged be ub, and mow I phink fome payback if neebed.”

The lisping voice that boomed overhead sent a different kind of shiver through Daphne, and she looked up to see Cassidy looming overhead. The tiny woman instantly started backpedaling across the table as Cassidy began to cross around towards her, but the honey made her stumble as her naked feet stuck to the tabletop like glue. She toppled hard into the table, but only made the lightest tonk! sound as her little marble-sized shoulder struck against the wood.

“No, get away from me!” Daphne screamed, throwing up her arms to protect herself as Cassidy raised her fist.

“Wet’f fee you pway mowe phucking cawdf om me if you’re a coafter!”

Daphne shut her eyes tightly as Cassidy brought down her fist. The tiny woman felt a breeze of air as something moved over her, but there was no impact. Slowly opening one eyelid Daphne saw that Cassidy’s fist had been stopped. Cassidy had a shocked look as they both looked at the futuristic cigarette holder hanging in the air between them, gently but completely stopping Cassidy’s attack.

“No no no, naughty naughty…”

These words were spoken in the unmistakable voice of Lady Reduxia, towards whom both Daphne and Cassidy turned. A bit of Reduxia’s tale was curled around the end of the futuristic filter. Only the strange woman’s otherworldly abilities could have explained how such a soft looking appendage could have stopped Cassidy’s strike. Reduxia had one hand to her hip, and the other was wagging a long and slim finger.

Cassidy hadn’t yet gathered up the ability to respond to Reduxia’s chastisement. Just being in their host’s presence was overwhelming, and learning that Cassidy had done something to upset Reduxia felt soul crushing. Just as the resolve was starting to bubble up into the former cheerleader’s throat Reduxia spoke again.

“Have nothing to say for yourself? Perhaps the best thing for now is to put some space between the two of you until tempers have calmed.”

With that Reduxia flashed a smile and Daphne watched as both women vanished.

From the floor, where her frame was propped up against the wall, Akari laughed as she shouted She should have squished you! But as she moved her mouth Akari realized no sound was being made. It wasn’t that she was speaking and couldn’t be heard, Akari couldn’t even feel the light vibrations in the lower part of her throat that accompanied any speech. The fact of the matter was that Akari was now nothing more than animated paint on velvet, there was no air in her to move over vocal chords. At this realization she angrily swung her arms and raged silently atop her damp canvas.

A Night of Firsts

For Daphne it took a moment for the overwhelming awe of Lady Reduxia’s presence to ebb away after she had left. It was like waking up from a dream as she fully got her wits about her. Her body was still shaking a bit from the terror of Cassidy’s attack, and she took a few - tiny - deep breaths.

What wasn’t a dream was her miniaturized predicament. She looked around to reread the cards that had been played on her only to find that they had all vanished as well!

“Damn you all!” Daphne shouted, slamming her little foot onto the table, splurching a bit of honey, “Even you, Cindi! Especially you, Cindi! You’re all [bitches] clitorises!” Daphne shuddered as all three clits reacted to her words. Her golden button vibrated in a unique fashion compared to the two nubs that remained flesh. “[Crap!] Clit!” Another shudder.

Daphne crossed her arms as best as she could across all four breasts and shoved her hands under her arms and squeezed her thighs. A bit more honey oozed thickly out of her tiny nips. All three slits were wet and buzzing. She could feel the puffy labia pressed against her fingers within each armpit. She’d have to ramp up the pressure against her doubled chest, but it wouldn’t be too hard to satisfy the impossible-yet-familiar hunger dripping onto each hand.

It was now that Daphne wavered. Here she was, mere inches high, stuck on top of a table, honey dripping down her body, and she was seriously considering masterbating her armpit pussies? What sort of priority was that? She needed to find a way to get down...but the feelings were awfully distracting. Maybe if she just pushed each hand in a little further to try and clear her mind…

The sound of footsteps in the hallways snapped Daphne out of her head. She yanked her hands out from her armpits, her juices glistening across her fingers. Strands of honey stretched from her breasts to her arms. Someone was coming, and Daphne was now very aware of how nude she was.

In a panic the environmental activist glanced across the table for anything she could cover herself with or hide behind, but with all the cards vanished the top was completely bare. Maybe she could reach some of Akari’s discarded clothes? That would be a long drop to the chair. As the footsteps got closer and closer Daphne could do nothing more than throw her right arm across her top tits, her left arm across her bottom boobs, and cross her legs.

All of which fell open in glee as Daphne saw who entered the room - dressed in a latex French Maid outfit!

“Maxi!” Daphne exclaimed, throwing up her arms in glee. A smile broke out nearly bigger than her little face.

As Maxi entered the room she paused, cocking her head as if she’d maybe heard something but wasn’t sure and was waiting to see if the sound repeated. Daphne was confused at first, forgetting that her small stature also meant a decrease in her volume. Suddenly understanding shouted even louder this time; “MAXI! DOWN HERE!”

Realizing that she had heard something, but still uncertain of what it was, Maxi looked around the room, swinging her vision back and forth while the latex stretched and creaked. She finally caught sight of the small figure on the table waving her arms. Curiosity - but notyet  recognition - brought the hotel staff member closer to the table, and it wasn’t until she was only a couple feet from Daphne that Maxi realized who she was looking at.

“Holy fuck!” Maxi exclaimed, slipping into one of the chairs accompanied by plenty of squeaks. She crossed her arms on the table and rested her chin on them, “Daphne, is that you?! Your hands aren’t on your boobs!”

“Yeah! I’ve been shrunk, can you help me?”

“I see that and of course I will! But, I mean, I think I need to ask now...what is going on?”

Daphne sighed and realized that shrunk as she was anything but the truth would be what was most unbelievable.

“First I need to tell you that I’m forced to say clitoris or clit in replace of the [words] clitorises I mean to say!” Daphne started, motioning to her mouth as she said “clitorises” and trying not to shudder too much at the triple tingle.

“And...is that caused by something related to why you have extra boobs that all ooze honey and are now super tiny?” Maxi asked, more amused than incredulous.


“That should make this explanation very entertaining!” Maxi laughed.

“You don’t even realize...” Daphne blushed, giving a flirty smile back. Then she took a deep breath and tried her best to not collapse from the pleasure acting on all three pussies as she spoke. “So, I received an [invite] clit to stay at this [hotel] clitoris but I had to play a magic [game] clit with three other [women] clitorises, and you have to play [cards] clits on each other that cause you to change, so now I’ve gotten all these [changes] clitorises made to me plus an extra [pussy] clit under each [arm] clit and my clitties vibrate every time I mention them! And I’m stuck this tall until the next [round] clitoris starts!”

As she explained Daphne attempted to mime or display the words she could not speak as intended, and Maxi appeared to be following as well as anyone could expect under the circumstances. As her speech ended Daphne’s body slumped down onto the table. The multiple vibrations across her three nubs had practically turned her muscles to jelly. Juices were flowing out from under her arms and down her legs and the tiny woman was panting.

“Wow,” Maxi muttered as she sat back, the rubbing of her ruffled latex skirt on the chair making some especially loud squeaks, “I knew this place was mad sometimes, but I didn’t realize there was real magic involved.

“Yeah…” Daphne panted, trying to sit up on her ass, but her limbs were too weak. Maxi looked down at the miniature woman covered in honey and underarm pussy nectar.

“It looks like you could use a bath…” Maxi had a naughty smile on her face which did not go unnoticed by Daphne.


“Yeah,” Maxi gently put her hand out next to Daphne, “I could take you all the way back up to your room…”

Thinking she knew where this was going Daphne shook her head No.

“Or I could try and do it in the restroom without anyone catching us…”

That sounded very naughty and fun but Daphne hoped there was another option and again shook No.

“Or I could do something a little more intimate and...tasty.”

Daphne enthusiastically nodded Yes! and rolled herself ass first into Maxi’s hand. The French Maid-dressed woman raised Daphne up to her mouth, and the tiny lass sat with her arms holding up her multi-breast-crested chest and her legs spread wide, the golden nub that Maxi had painted herself like a bullseye. Maxi held Daphne before her for a moment and then took a deep breath, actually drawing Daphne’s hair upwards lightly.

“Mmm…” Maxi smiled, “Sweet and musky!”

Without further delay Maxi drew Daphne closer to her lips and slipped out her tongue. The tip of the thick, wet, warm mass connected with Daphne’s lower belly and then dragged up her body. Her breasts were gently squashed and pushed about as the tongue rose, saliva and honey mixing together. Just as it reached the upper ridge of Daphne’s ribs the tongue stopped and pulled back into Maxi’s mouth.

“Oh, yes, very sweet,” Maxi smacked her lips. Daphne was shuddering atop Maxi’s palm, the lingering saliva warm and covering her like a comforting wet blanket.

“More where that came from…” Daphne managed to gasp.

Maxi didn’t delay. Again her tongue split her full lips, but this time the point dove lower. It connected with Daphne’s taint before pushing upward and mashing into her little pussy, saliva and juices grinding upon Daphne’s stiff golden clit. She yelped in pleasure and wanted the sensation to continue, but Maxi only paused for a moment before continuing the lick up across Daphne’s four breasts like before.

There was no pause to comment on taste this time. Before Daphne could recover from that attention Maxi’s tongue again pushed against her taint, lapped up over her pussy, and caressed her breasts - the only difference was that it concentrated on Daphne’s left side. Then her right. Then the middle again. Daphne was being driven mad with pleasure, the pussies within her armpits gushing fluids down her arms. Then Daphne mewed in disappointment as Maxi failed to lick her again. Instead she pulled back and examined her quivering little lover.

“Hmm, that’s all been very good, but I don’t know how thorough I’m being…” Maxi winked, “Oh, I know!”

Daphne braced herself as Maxi’s hands lifted her up and shifted her position. A very slight tinge of fear passed through the little woman as she was raised up higher, but it quickly passed as Maxi held her squarely under the arms, Maxi’s thick fingers mashing against the two additional upper slits. Hanging with her feet dangling freely, Daphne looked down to see Maxi lean back her head and open her mouth.

Feet, calves, thighs, and waist slipped past Maxi’s lips, over her tongue, and partially into the back of her mouth as Maxi deepthroated Daphne’s lower body. The shrunken woman cried out in bliss as Maxi’s tongue swished around her legs, roughly crossing over the metal clit, splitting her labia and ass and exploring every inch it could.

It was all too much, and Daphne could feel her body cresting. The force of the orgasm stunned her stock still, every muscle locking. The golden pussy between her legs vibrated and spasmed and sprayed directly onto Maxi’s invading tongue tip, while the slits under Daphne’s arms spurted like showerheads.

The shrunken woman collapsed limp atop Maxi’s lips, and feeling her little lover go flacid Maxi gently pulled her from her mouth. Cradled in enormous hands, and covered in a mixture of saliva and her own juices, Daphne looked up at the woman with deep appreciation in her eyes.

“Maybe next we can go up to your [room] clit...mmm...and I can show you what I can do for you between your [thighs] clitorises...hmmmmm,” Daphne mewed.

“I think I got the gist of that, and I think I like it,” Maxi smiled, “But I need to finish my shift first. Here, why don’t you ride along…” Maxi lifted up her hands and gently slid Daphne into her bustier-bumped cleavage feet first. Daphne put out her arms and stopped herself just as her lower cleavage met Daphne’s.

“Ooo, warm and cozy…” Daphne sighed, reveling in how she was being gently squeezed by breasts. She could get used to this.

With her little lover secured Maxi put away the chairs and table and was about to consider her job done when she turned and saw the Akari painting.

“Woah. What is that?”

Maxi jumped as she noticed Akari move. Daphne threw her arms out over her lover’s boobs to stay in place.

“You mean who!”

“What the fuck happened to her?”

“Me!” Daphne laughed, “I played a [card] clit on her. It’s not permanent. She’ll turn back when the next [round] clit starts.”

Akari silently cursed and then put up a middle finger.

“She doesn’t seem to be very nice.”

“She’s not! She shrank me!”

“Well,” Maxi grinned, reaching down and picking up the framed velvet. Akari staggered back and forth as the angle of the canvas shifted beneath her painted feet, “We can’t have such a beautiful painting going to waste in here. I think I know just the place for her. It. But I’ll need to stop at the utility closet.”

Maxi turned the painting ninety degrees so she could more easily carry it, sending Akari tumbling to one of the previously vertical sides of the canvas - a damp trail following her to new territory. As Maxi walked, Daphne gently bouncing in her bosom, Akari tried to get her footing but could not remain upright in the traveling painting, finally resigning herself to reclining along the long edge of her containment, her active pussy dribbling beyond the velvet and over the frame. The tiniest of trails followed the trio.

After emptying some trash bins from a few more of the private meeting spaces Maxi made her way to the utility closet and grabbed a portable power drill and a few long screws. Giggling with an idea only she fully knew, Daphne and Akari traveled along with Maxi until they reached the furthest rear portion of The Oasis. Maxi made her way to an even further back maintenance entrance, and after making her way through some tight hallways came out into a large room.

Daphne’s eyes went wide as she saw a bar, various tables and chairs, lighting rigs, cages, and a stage.

With poles.

And topless women dancing on them.

“A [strip] clit [club] clitoris!” Daphne exclaimed, massaging her underarm pussies.

“Yeah. It’s called The Gallery. Look,” Maxi turned her upper body so Daphne could more easily see the walls. All over them hung erotic paintings of all kinds, women of various shapes and sizes and colors doing all sorts of activities alone and together - but always naked.

“Oh my!”

“Yep,” Maxi’s grin was just getting wider and wider as she got closer and closer to completing her plan, “But she’s not going up here. This isn’t the only room with that decor…”

Moving through the tables, patrons, and waitresses Maxi stepped towards an open doorway, overwhich Daphne saw a sign which read PRIVATE ROOMS. Beyond that was a long hallway with over a dozen dark oaken doors. Two were closed and bolted shut; a tiny window above the handles displayed the word OCCUPIED. The third door, Room 3, was ajar and Maxi brought her entourage in with her.

Daphne’s eyes lit up as she looked around. A pleather seat, wide enough for two people, was bolted to one wall and the floor. Aside from that the room was mostly bare - except it also had a variety of erotic paintings spread across the walls - except these had plexi-glass sheets bolted over them. And there was some lingering evidence as to why the protection had been added. Instantly the tiny woman realized what her amazing rescuer was going to do.

The latex of her maid outfit stretched and squeaked as Maxi crouched down by the seat. She faced the wall across from it and held up Akari’s frame, sending the painted woman tumbling once more as her canvas was positioned vertically again. A damp dark line was all that indicated Akari had ever traveled along the one side.

“What do you think, right here?” Maxi asked, looking down at Daphne, “Do you think that’s a doable arc?”

“Yeah!” Daphne laughed.

Held as she had been, Akari had not gotten as good a look at where she had been taken, and her head was darting around trying to understand what was happening. Then, as the drill spun the first screw through the wood of the frame, Akari clenched her hands to her ears as the noise rattled her animated oil form. She gritted her teeth through the second, third, and fourth affixing the wood to the wall.

“There,” Maxi smiled, giving a tug on the frame and finding it stuck fast, “She should be pretty secure right here. We’ll come get her before your next round.”

“Loving it!” Daphne clapped, giving the confused Akari an evil grin, “Next [time] clit you’ll think twice before shrinking me!”

Akari raised her fists and raged at the two women hovering over her, demanding silently to know what they’d done. But they only laughed and left the room, leaving Akari in near total darkness.

Back out in the club Maxi wasn’t quite done. She pulled out her employee keycard and went over to an ATM in the back of the club and swiped some cash out of her employee account. Looking around she spotted one of the dancers step down from the stage to look for anyone interested in a private dance. Maxi beelined for her.

“Hey, Triana, I got a favor to ask,” Maxi grinned, shoving the wad of bills into the stripper’s hand, “I just installed a new interactive screen in Room 3. Can you pass the word around that management would like you to encourage aiming for that as we test it out?”

“Sure, Maxi,” Trianna grinned, slipping away the money, “Anything for you.”

“You’re the best!” Maxi waved, and she bounced out of the club, the ruffles of her latex French Maid outfit swinging and squeaking as she went. Trianna continued looking around for a moment before furrowing her brow and saying to herself, “Wait, did Maxi have a tiny woman stuck in her tits?”

But this was Vegas, and The Oasis, so Trianna shrugged the thought away and continued what she was doing without another thought.

The room was dark, and the first thing Cassidy noticed as she appeared within it was a musky smell of human sweat and rusty pipes. Popping into the strange space was quite startling, and Cassidy took a step backward - only for her hoof to bump something and send her tumbling backwards, her cartoonish tits from Cindi wobbling all over and squeaking and making balloonish bonk! noises. Thankfully, what her little twitching bunny tail landed upon was soft, and revealed itself to be an old, brown, overstuffed loveseat held together with duct tape. Her sensitive ass only pushed her towards an orgasm from the cushioned impact. After a moment Cindi’s wobbling boobs settled atop her ribs as her ass sank into the old cushion.

“There appears to be very little that will humble your attitude,” Lady Reduxia’s voice rang through the room. Cassidy watched as the eroticly alien woman stepped into view, as if the very fabric of reality drew apart like a stage curtain for her. She stood over Cassidy, looking down at the former cheerleader with eyes that glowed with judgment.

“I bom’t hafe...bo be mice...bo my leffers,” Cassidy bit at her words as they came out the end of her duck mouth, a mix of what she wanted to say - plus the lisping - and something compelling her to be completely honest. She had to strain her neck to look over the curves of her titanic tits.

“Lessers? I see,” Reduxia hummed, taking her electric cigarette from her tail and breathing in deeply from it. She returned the long filter to the curl of her tail and let out a glimmering cloud of vapor, as if she was expelling ephemeral glitter. “I think, for the safety of my other guests, it is time you faced a more interesting challenge this evening.”

“Whub bo wou meam?” Cassidy tried to growl her response, but it was difficult to do that with the lisp. The squeaking of her absurd breasts rubbing against each other also sucked away any authority Cassidy could possibly display. She wanted to stand and look Reduxia in the eyes - being so low in the worn cushion, towered over by this hoity woman, made Cassidy uneasy. But she could not compel her body to stand up.

“You are currently in the green room of one of my many establishments. It’s actually a pass-through for two business ventures…”

As Reduxia spoke Cassidy observed more of where she’d been deposited - or what she could see around her bouncing boobs. It was a long room - underground, she guessed, from the lack of windows in the cinder block walls. The floor was painted deep green, and the walls a teal - but the paint on each had been done so long ago that much of it had worn or peeled off. Metal pipes criss-crossed above Cassidy’s head, and across from her were a series of six old doors marked Dressing Room 1, 2, and so on. At either end of the room were metal steps leading upwards.

“Over there…” Reduxia waved a hand to Cassidy’s left, “...is the way to The Greased Pole, a strip club of mine. And over there…” Reduxia’s tail flicked to Cassidy’s right, “...are the steps for The Trimmed Fern, one of my brothels. Some of the girls in each work at the other, and this lets them move back and forth.”

As if on cue Cassidy heard high heels clicking down the steps on her left. Both she and Reduxia turned to see a woman in silver strappy heeled sandals walk in, a silver leather thong the only item she was otherwise wearing. Her blonde hair was styled in waves that came to her shoulders, and a slightly orangish fake tan covered two fake tits pumped up nearly to the size of the woman’s head.

“Hey! Who are you two? What are you doing here?” she exclaimed, stopping and crossing her arms under her breasts. Cassidy wondered why she wasn’t under the same sort of awe the game players felt when around Reduxia - was the strange woman capable of selectively affecting people?

“Who are you?” Reduxia asked, making no indication that the confrontation concerned her.

“Galinda Glitter,” the woman replied, “You two bitches have to-”

“I’m not fond of such language, even in an understandable circumstance,” Reduxia replied with a calmness that made Cassidy uncomfortable. At the end of her statement Reduxia snapped her fingers at Galinda Glitter.

Cassidy watched as the woman, who had been approaching them, changed. Her skin shifted from the orange hue to a shimmering sparkle. She’d raised a foot as she walked and the sandal dropped through it, scattering what had once been flesh into a cloud of glitter. Soon afterwards the thong was similarly claimed by gravity, dispersing the glitter-turned substance of Galinda Glitter’s thighs as it smashed to the floor.

As flesh changed to shimmering particles Galinda Glitter’s expression had just enough time to shift from anger to shock as she felt her body break apart and collapse atop her other sandal. The enormous collection of glitter crumbled to the floor in silence. Her silicon implants, retaining the inertia of her step, popped out of the pile just before landing on the cement and rolled softly about two feet. Galinda Glitter had been reduced to a pile of glimmering flecks heaped onto the floor like a pile of shimmering tiny leaves.

For Galinda the experience had been swift and…unusual. Not painful, but not exceptionally pleasant. The sensation she’d most experienced as her body broke up from flesh to tiny bits of glisten plastic was parched. She just felt extremely thirsty as her form slowly stopped responding to the commands of her mind. And she felt heavy - she wasn’t, really. In fact, as a whole she was far lighter as glitter than she’d ever been as human. But as she lost the ability to hold herself up the sensation of being unable to lift her own form felt heavy.

Galinda’s vision became unfocused for a moment as her essence separated into a countless number of tiny bits, parts of her dashing off here and there as she collapsed and her articles fell through her incoherent form. She gained more of a general perception of whatever was around her dissociated pieces. Where there was more of her she could sense more of what was around her, although even the smallest bit of glitter could feel something and share it with her consciousness. Her existence was now spread throughout the little bits of herself, an entirely new perception to comprehend.

Each little piece could still feel, and Galinda could sense that if enough of her was touched right an orgasm could be the reward. Until then she was just drifting about on the floor. She’d get the hang of it, eventually, even if she hadn’t yet understood what had happened to her.

Cassidy stared at the sparkling remains of the transformed woman. True fear in regards to the power wielded before her was chilling her blood.

“Now, as I was saying…” Reduxia continued, “...strip club that way, brothel that way. I’m going to give you until the next round starts tomorrow to humble yourself to the point you can earn from either, oh, let’s say...what you won with your first dishonest lawsuit.”

“I, waib, whad?” Cassidy sputtered, “Vab’f fo much! I can’d!”

“I think you could, you’re clever,” Reduxia mused, “And I think you’ll have the proper motivation if failing means-”

“The fuck? Who let you in?” another voice, this time from Cassidy’s right, interrupted Reduxia. She and Cassidy looked over to see a woman in a golden sheer nightgown. Matching golden slippers adorned her feet, which was why her entrance had not been detected until she spoke. Black lacy lingerie cupped generous natural breasts and hugged a fair pair of hips. Light freckles mottled milky white skin, and short strawberry locks framed a softly featured face.

“I tire of these interruptions,” Reduxia sighed, turning to the new interloper, “And what is your name?”

“Brenda Bubbles, and you-”


Cassidy watched Brenda Bubbles shudder as some alteration overtook her. Cassidy guessed that this change was starting from the inside, as Brenda Bubbles looked down at herself and started patting her stomach and sides with her hands. Curiosity and concern furrowed her brow as she took stock of the sensations running through her core.

Brenda Bubbles lifted her hands up and examined her fingers. The skin on each was starting to become transparent, but instead of muscle or bone appearing beneath them there was just emptiness within them.

No, Cassidy realized, air. Brenda Bubbles’ eyes went wide as her fingers, separated at each joint, released from her hands as a series of forty-eight little bubbles. They hung in the air as the transparency and bubbling moved through her. Toes blipped into little bubbles, as palms became larger ones. More quickly now arms and legs broke apart into bubbles roughly the size of baseballs and softballs. Each breast rose from the lingerie as its own orange-sized bubble. More and more of Brenda Bubble’s body turned transparent, separating into more and more of her namesake until her head gently split into six bubbles. In short order her nightgown and lingerie crumpled to the floor.

Cassidy watched the little transparent balls float through the air. They had a soapy swirl to them, and every now and then Cassidy thought she could catch an image of a nipple, or an eye, or lips form in their glossy surfaces. It did not appear as if these bubbles were as fragile as ones actually formed from soap, as the former cheerleader watched the bubbles gently bump against the pipes and walls and instead of bursting simply float away from whatever they’d contacted.

Brenda’s experience had not been exceptionally different from Galinda’s, save for the lingering human-sensations being nearly opposite. Instead of feeling parched Branda’s body felt overwhelmed with moisture as some of it turned into soapy fluid. And she felt a mild uplift that took the weight off the parts of her which hadn’t yet turned to bubbles. The whole transformation actually felt pretty good.

What helped and differentiated Brenda from Galinda was that Brenda’s bubbles retained some sense of what they had once been, while Galinda was just…glitter. Brenda’s mind, while slowing when stretched between the separate parts of her drifting about, could still process the sensation of when her pussy bubble was touched over her ankle bubble. There was a primal assurance in the depths of her fuzzing mind that none of her would pop. Which was especially good since her eyes - which had gone off in different directions - were the only parts of her that could see.

And Brenda could feel that if someone found her boobs or vagina bubbles and played with them right, she’d have one of the best - if not strangest - orgasms she’d ever experience.

“Do not worry, neither is dead, just experiencing a new form. Let us finish before we are interrupted again,” Reduxia assured the cheerleader, turning her attention back to Cassidy and batting away a few parts of Brenda Bubbles that had floated too close. “You’ve got your total, and it appears that The Greased Pole and The Trimmed Fern each have newly available openings for you to fill. You’ll find no resistance to your actions at either. Earn yourself that cash and you’ll head back to the table no worse than you are now. But fail and you’ll find me disappointed. And I care for disappointment even less than I do rudeness or interruption.”

Her instructions complete Reduxia took a step backwards and vanished into the curtains of reality. The impossible woman now gone Cassidy felt her ability to stand returned, and she carefully rose up from the disgusting couch, her rabbit tail twitching wildly.

And then Cassidy clenched and cursed and came as someone somewhere got off to her social feed. Cassidy’s breasts squeaked and squawked as she pawed at them, the cartoonish smoothness of their skin slightly off putting to Cassidy. She shuddered through the last moments of the orgasm and squeezed her thighs against the moisture that had released onto them.

Catching her breath Cassidy considered her options. She had no qualms fucking her way into riches, but she just knew that’s what Reduxia wanted her to do. To go the route that would likely be easier.

Trashier, Cassidy thought.

Which meant the only choice was to head to The Greased Pole and prove Reduxia wrong.

Cassidy took a few tentative steps as she learned how to handle her newly acquired tits. It felt like they moved down when they should go up, and up when they should go down. It was disconcerting. And since Cassidy couldn’t see past her bust she was startled when she felt something bump into her hoof.

Turning and looking down the former cheerleader saw she’d gently kicked one of Galinda Glitter’s loosed breast implants. Cassidy carefully bent down and picked it up, gently squeezing the silicon bag. She then looked to the pile of glitter still mostly resting atop Galinda Glitter’s thong and sandals. Some of the glitter had begun to blow about the floor, carried by little drafts. A few of Brenda Bubbles’ bubbles had floated down and bounced off the pile, bits of glitter now floating over their surface.

“Bebber wou fam me,” Cassidy muttered, and she tossed the homeless implant onto the couch. About to march over to the steps Cassidy paused. Considering that she was headed up to a strip club she realized she needed some sort of theme.

Thinking quickly Cassidy reached down again, this time to grab a small handful of formerly-human glitter. She sprinkled it over the expanse of her chest and down her cleavage. She then turned her attention to the bubbles floating through the air. She gently touched one, and it didn’t pop - it briefly stuck to her finger and had a cellophane feel to it. With her thumb and forefinger Cassidy plucked a bubble from the air like it was an apple, and found it sticky and resilient. The image of an eye briefly formed on its surface.

Cassidy reached around and pushed the bubble against one of her nipples. It stuck there, a vague slimy sensation holding it in place. She then began collecting more, using them to cover her nipples and groin. Cassidy didn’t pay any attention to any more imagery of Brenda Bubbles’ former humanity, sticking one that had been a nipple and another eye over her crotch while the second nipple, an ear, and an asshole found themselves stuck to Cassidy’s other tit. One single bubble was placed at the top of Cassidy’s ass crack, which shimmered Brenda Bubbles’ pussy.

“Ab leafp wou dwo were goob fow fomefing,” Cassidy mused as she clopped up the steps towards The Greased Pole.

Once she was comfortably far enough away from the game room Cindi placed a hand on the hallway wall to steady herself through another swell in her ongoing climax. She bent over and took a deep breath, thankful that her newly acquired breasts weren’t swinging impossibly about and threatening to uppercut her.

Cindi found that the weight of Cassidy’s naturally large tits were an inconvenience over the breasts the assassin had first entered the casino with - but they were a marked improvement over the cartoons she’d grown. They moved and bounced, but predictably - not like what she’d been dealing with the last few hours. It would require a little practice for Cindi to retrain herself with the additional mass and its associated momentum, but certainly doable.

Most importantly, they were quiet.

The ongoing climaxing, on the other hand, was a serious safety risk. As Cindi wobbled to the elevator she could feel her juices expelling and rolling down her legs. She smacked the call button and realized she was biting her lip. She pulled her teeth back and commanded herself to stand up and project as if nothing was wrong.

Show no weakness!

She’d been here a few days now - plenty of time for someone to have tracked her down. Cindi could not let it look as if she was compromised.

With a ding Cindi got onto the elevator and hit the button for the casino lobby. She hated that the gaming space was so far from her hotel room. Having to travel through so many people, in such an open space, was a sniper bullet to the head waiting to happen.

Unless The Rose had decided on a more personal attack - or been ordered to deliver a final message. It wasn’t outside the ego of the assassin’s former employers to want to have the last word before Cindi was snuffed out. Two more dings and two more climaxes brought Cindi to the casino lobby.

She could smell the musk she’d filled the elevator with following her. A look to the floor confirmed she was dripping a bread crumb trail of her juices. Two more ways she could be tracked now.

Trying to hold herself up straight through another orgasm as she stepped into the lobby, Cindi looked around. She needed to do something about the trail she was leaving - the last thing she needed was a series of carpet stains leading someone to her hotel room. She spotted a sign for a woman’s room right where the casino lobby transitioned to the gambling floor, and Cindi started towards it.

It was difficult to walk straight. In any other circumstance Cindi would have zigged and zagged a bit through the public space, and kept her focus off the bathroom sign to not give away her objective. But standing upright and keeping herself from groaning after each orgasmic swell was taking up all of her concentration. Cindi knew she was telegraphing her destination, but it was a risk she just had to take at this time. Once she’d dried off her legs and groin and stuffed a bathroom tampon up herself to stave off the dripping, Cindi could concentrate on the more complex self-preservation methods.

Approaching the tiled entryway of the women’s room Cindi stepped aside to let a gambler rush out back to the casino floor. Cindi had needed the extra moment to steady herself anyhow. Keeping the stony expression and locked knees through the blissful explosions was sapping all of her energy. She wanted to retrain herself for the changes to her body once she got back to the room, but Cindi was feeling more and more like she’d probably collapse into sleep.

Quivering into the restroom, Cindi found herself alone amongst the sinks and stalls. She steadied herself on the counter for a moment, taking deep breaths. Another climax shook up through her belly, across her fatty breasts, and down her arms to fingers that tightened on the tile. Cindi took and released another deep, long breath. Thank God this would be over when she sat down for Round 3.

It certainly meant running from the casino was no longer an option. At least until then.

Recentered, Cindi turned and began to pull paper towels from the dispenser. She’d taken six of them when the corner of her eye caught sight of the sink’s mirror. In the reflection a toilet stall door quietly swung inwards. It was slower than any casual bathroom-goer would open it.

And the person who’d opened it moved much more quickly once the path was clear.

Thinking quickly, Cindi wrapped the paper towels over each thumb and shot her hands up to her neck as a garrote was thrust over her head. The thin wire dug into the layered paper, but not tight enough to cut her skin - yet.

Cindi was pulled backward against the body of her assailant, and felt a voluptuous form pressed against her back. Even before hearing the voice delivering the final message the former assassin could tell who had found her.

“Because of what you did your former bosses think you lost your head. They wanted you to know I’d been sent to collect it for them,” hissed The Rose into Cindi’s ear.

Cindi had never been one for quippy retorts. And she wasn’t about to begin now. She thrust herself backwards, slamming The Rose hard against the center support between two stalls. It was enough to relieve the pressure of the string from her thumbs, but not enough to let Cindi’s head slip from the garrote. But she didn’t need to do that.

Keeping one hand up to resist being strangled, the former assassin felt for the purple cards she’d been keeping. She felt one stuck against her skin, but didn’t know which one it was. As The Rose thrust the pair forward, slamming Cindi’s quivering thighs into the sink counter, the garrote pulled tighter. Cindi didn’t have time to figure out which card she had in her hand, she could only hope either could help her.

Shifting and rotating so that Cindi and The Rose had their left legs pressed against the countertop, Cindi reached backwards and slapped the purple card against her assailant. Instantly the pressure of the wire was relieved.

Ducking away from the garrote and turning to face The Rose, both women were shocked to see the garrote and two black gloves fall to the floor as The Rose’s arms vanished, thanks to having the Totally Armless card played on her.

“What the fuck?!” the assassin screamed as she looked left and right at the smooth nubs of her shoulders. Atop them the straps of her black velvet dress perched precariously.

“Shit…” Cindi muttered. Although that had certainly freed her from the attack, she’d actually wanted to use the other purple card she’d been hoarding for this encounter, the Who Am I? card. Armless, The Rose was much less useful to Cindi.

But she was a bit less dangerous.

A bit.

Having quickly assessed her situation, impossible as it was, The Rose leaned back and began a flurry of kicks towards Cindi’s head. The defending assassin dodged and backed away, The Rose hopping on one leg to carry her attacks forward - although the loss of a limb counterbalance meant the attacking woman could not advance on Cindi as quickly as she wanted to.

Each woman was deadly, but between the one dealing with the sudden loss of arms and the other’s continued distraction of ceaseless orgasms it was fair to say each was off their game.

As she weaved away from The Rose’s attacks, Cindi was exploring every inch within her outfit trying to find the second card. She couldn’t believe she’d lost it, and just as Cindi was wondering if it had fallen out unseen in the game room she spotted the purple back on the tiled floor - it had slipped out when she had grabbed the Totally Armless card.

The Rose became aware of Cindi’s drawn attention, and spotted the object of her target’s attention.

“Is that how you did this to me?” The Rose spat, pausing her attack to consider her options. She didn’t know just what the thing on the floor was for or could do, but if Cindi wanted it The Rose was going to keep it from her.

Cindi attempted to use the pause in The Rose’s attack to leap for the card, but the assailant was quick to catch Cindi in the side with a kick. Cindi rolled towards the sinks, but the card was out of reach. The Rose’s blocky heels clomped across the tile and one boot slammed down atop the purple rectangle.

She should have slammed it down on Cindi’s head, but again - not at the top of her game, currently.

There was a moment as The Rose considered how she was going to pick up the card, and that was all the delay Cindi needed. She rolled over to the armless woman’s legs, grabbing one and kicking the other. The Rose yelped and fell backwards over Cindi, landing hard on her ass.

The swing of her toppling foot slid the purple card a few feet away, and Cindi struggled to reach it as the pair of them were a pile of six flailing and tangled limbs. Cindi could feel her stomach being squeezed by The Rose’s legs as she pulled herself over with her elbows. Cindi finally grabbed Who Am I? and slammed it onto The Rose’s bare legs.

“What have you...oh...what?”

The Rose’s vice grip on Cindi relaxed and the former assassin wiggled free. Standing up and leaning on a stall door as she panted through pain, exhaustion, and another orgasm, Cindi looked down at the woman she’d just defeated.

The Rose’s shoulder-length hair was spread out around her head on the tile, and for this mission it had been dyed a raven black. The fair and pointed features of her face betrayed a deep confusion. Past her armless shoulders Cindi could see that she’d taped down her generous breasts for this mission, The Rose’s naturally deep cleavage flat and dulled under the dress. Her long, muscular legs were splayed out, bending and moving purposelessly.

“Who...am I?” The Rose muttered, wide, scared eyes looking up at Cindi. The former assassin realized now was the time when she needed to create a new backstory for her defeated foe. She’d only briefly considered this, and now didn’t know how long she had to impart a new identity.

One that would be helpful to her.

Cindi thought back to the first time she’d encountered The Rose. The squirming woman had been sent to spy on Cindi to confirm her loyalties. She’d entered Cindi’s room dressed in a shimmering bra-top and bedlah pants and claimed to be there to satisfy any of Cindi’s needs.

At the time Cindi didn’t have any sexual attraction for her, but she figured if she was now going to redefine who this assassin was she may as well use something from their past.

“Your name is Rhea, and you are my personal nympho courtesan, completely dedicated in body and mind to satisfying any and all of my desires.”

Both The Rose - now ‘Rhea’ - and Cindi convulsed as she finished speaking.

For Rhea it was from an entirely new personality taking over. The former ruthless assassin, with over 400 confirmed intentional kills, vanished into the deepest recesses of Rhea’s brain, waiting for the time when she’d rejoin the card game and have her mind reset.

Rhea bloomed upwards into her mind, establishing a subservient personality who only had one goal - to please and pleasure the woman who was standing over her. Her pussy buzzed and moistened, not just because that was now its constant natural state, but because Rhea was staring at the focus of her lust looming over her.

Cindi had convulsed for a completely different reason - because she had lied. Cindi hadn’t considered how her oldest card-effect would react to this. Staring down at ‘Rhea’ her body flushed with desire. It had been a fairly deep lie - the armless woman had played the part once, but certainly wasn’t as Cindi had described. Cindi’s body shivered with a sudden sexual need to have Rhea’s bare skin pressed against her own...to feel her breasts against hers, to suck her nipples, to lick her pussy, to caress the bald shoulder nubs.

“Oh, Mistress!” Rhea moaned, wiggling on the floor, momentarily helpless to get up without her arms, “How may I please you?”

That silky smooth submissive voice would have sent an orgasmic shudder through Cindi even if she hadn’t been locked in a looping orgasm.

“For now it will please me to get you off the floor,” Cindi quietly replied, her skin flushed with arousal. She leaned down and had to resist plunging her hands underneath Rhea’s dress to find her breasts. Instead, she restricted herself to trying to grip Rhea’s shoulders and waist. With some struggle Cindi finally got her would-be killer on her feet. She wanted to ravage The Rose right then and there in the bathroom, to kiss her and plunge her tongue into the black lips and never stop tasting her. But while it was likely she’d come alone there was no guarantee.

“And now I think we can best tackle our desires in my room, unless you have one?”

“I do not, Mistress.”

Cindi had enough wits about her to check the stall that the armless woman had attacked her from. She found a black duffel bag and threw the strap over her shoulder. The pair quickly left for the hotel elevators.

Cindi thought escorting an armless woman would have been easy. She’d certainly pushed along her share of handcuffed individuals to various fates. But those were all broken or scared individuals, who Cindi held nothing but disgust for. Rhea was so sexy, so sensual, and Cindi wanted to feel her body pressed against her own. As they walked through the casino Cindi found herself stumbling as she and Rhea pushed sensually against each other. Rhea nipped at Cindi’s neck and ears whenever they came close.

And having her lower body quivering from regular orgasmic crests didn’t help.

Thankfully Rhea was trying to do the opposite of escaping and the pair finally made it to the elevators. They rode up alone, Rhea constantly asking if she could kiss Cindi or suckle a breast. Cindi mustered every ounce of self-control, pressing her ass hard against the wall and handrail as she continued to cum. The small space was quickly filled with their musk.

Cindi was relieved as they finally entered her room. She no longer had to try so hard to resist looking like a wanton helpless slut as another orgasm crashed over her. Her body slumped and softened as she released the tension. She pushed Rhea into the room, closed the door, and collapsed onto the bed. Cindi could finally moan out an intense orgasmic cry into the pillow she’d dove face first into, her shaking ass raised slightly into the air.

And Rhea was instantly upon her, knees brushing against the side of the mattress as she attempted to pushed her face between Cindi’s legs.

“Please, please, Mistress, let me relieve you!” The remade assassin insisted, her teeth trying to grip Cindi’s outfit so it could be pulled off. The fully-limbed assassin could feel the nipping at her ass, which threatened to pinch her.

“Fine, fine,” Cindi gasped. Perhaps pairing the phantom orgasms with actual physical attention between her thighs would help her focus. She turned over and shimmied the long skirt over her hips. Rhea finally nabbed it with her lips and pulled the fabric off the remaining length of Cindi’s legs. It caught for a moment on the heels, sending Rhea stumbling back a little when the fabric released with a snap. Cindi reached out, “real” concern in her heart for Rhea’s well-being, but the armless assassin caught her balance and spat the skirt to the floor.

As Rhea lowered herself to her knees, Cindi pushed her bare ass to the edge of the bed, spreading her legs to reveal her vibrating puss to her former mortal enemy. Rhea’s eyes went wide with lust and she dove for the dribbling slit.

“Ahhh, fuuuck…” Cindi hissed, squeezing Rhea’s head with her thighs and gripping her hair. It was an odd sensation, Rhea’s tongue doing everything right to please Cindi’s slit while her orgasms carried on out of synch with what Cindi was physically feeling. But slowly Rhea found the same rhythm, and Cindi’s mind found clarity as it associated Rhea’s actions with an expected crest following. She relaxed her hands, lowering them to Rhea’s armless shoulders and caressing the smooth skin stretched over the knobs of Rhea’s clavicle and scapula.

It was oddly erotic for both of them. For Cindi it was evidence of how soundly she’d outmaneuvered her opponent, long planning to use the Purple cards as a surprise weapon. For Rhea the sensation was twofold. Mentally she was giddy to fulfill the purpose she had been given. Physically, feeling Cindi’s fingers touching her upper body where her arms had been - where fingers shouldn’t have been able to touch - was the ultimate wrong but right for her.

Taking deep breaths to regulate her focus, Cindi turned to The Rose’s duffel bag. She unzipped it with violent flourish and was not shocked to find a few small firearms and more hand-to-hand combat weapons. Cindi tossed them aside, confident in her safety around the armless “Rhea”.

Even if The Rose somehow regained her mind, what was she going to do - shoot Cindi with her feet?

Next were a few forged documents, a Nevada driver’s license and US passport indicating that the woman eating her out was named DORIS DELANEY. Cindi cringed at the idea of being murdered by someone named “Doris” - even if the name was fake.

With the documents added to the discard pile, Cindi took a moment to shudder and revel in a deep guttural moan as Rhea’s tongue brought on an orgasm that hadn’t been phantom.

“Was that good, Mistress?” the kneeling woman mumbled through thighs and labia, barely pausing her tongue or raising her head up from Cindi’s thighs. Cindi could see that her juices were covering Rhea’s face, glooped up in her eyelashes. She felt compelled to gently wipe away her spray. Cindi didn’t want to admit how excellent the sensation had just been, but she feared what would happen if she lied about it.

“Yes, that was very good. Do it again.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Gulping down more air to reclaim her focus, Cindi turned back to the duffel bag. A few wrapped piles of $100 bills were next discovered, undoubtedly to pay for a room and/or to cover some gambling if The Rose had needed to blend in while hunting her prey. Those would come in hand when the damn game was done.

Finally Cindi found what she was looking for - a clamshell style burner phone.

The outside screen indicated that there was one unread message. Cindi flipped it open.


This was when Cindi hoped “Rhea” still had the Rose’s memories buried deep within her and available in on-demand circumstances.

“Ro...Rhea, what was the code you were supposed to use to affirm you’d killed me?”

Rhea looked up, an audible slurping sound accompanying her gaze.

“Oh, Mistress, I don’t know what you...wait...does the term ‘The cake is baked’ mean anything?”

“That’ll do, yes, thank you, you may resume.”

Cindi hummed in bliss as she felt Rhea’s juice-soaked cheeks slide back down the inside of her thighs, the armless woman’s nose pushed against her mons while lips met lips and Rhea’s tongue dipped back inside her slit. Cindi began awkwardly typing on the phone’s numeric keypad.



Cindi felt a chill finally push through her aroused blood as she hoped Rhea had recalled correctly. After a minute the phone buzzed.


A long sigh slid from Cindi’s lungs. When The Rose failed to come back her old bosses would realize something was up, but for now Cindi was free - hopefully long enough to finish the damn game. If she wasn’t trapped in a loop of orgasms that would only break by taking up the next round she would have left that moment.

Cindi briefly thought this cycle of pleasure wouldn’t be so bad if the rest of life wasn’t so harsh and demanding. Her penchant for seeing the worst in the world helped her cast aside that fantasy.

She was about to snap the phone in half when Cindi thought better of it.

Once it was clear something was wrong the first thing the people who wanted her dead would do was check the phone again. They could undoubtedly track it. If Cindi mailed it to Maine or something the next morning then maybe that would give her a little extra smokescreen. She placed it on the table next to the bed and turned her full attention back to Rhea.

Damn, she wanted to fuck this woman so badly. With the threat of life-or-death temporarily resolved, Cindi wasn’t sure if she could muster the will to further deny her lie-fueled attraction.

And the poor dear had been trying so hard to pleasure her - Cindi shook her head. Poor dear? Where had that come from? This was a deadly assassin like herself who boasted and prided herself on multiple murders - in the case of The Rose not all of her count had been part of the jobs taken. The Rose was a monster even by Cindi’s standards.

But, unless the armless woman somehow found herself with a seat at the game table, Cindi realized that The Rose had functionally been erased. The woman eagerly lapping between her legs was Rhea.

And all Rhea had ever done was try to make Cindi happy.

“Rhea, stop and stand up.”

A gurgle of disappointment bubbled up from Cindi’s sopping thighs as Rhea’s artful tongue retracted from the cumming cooch. Rhea shifted her weight backwards onto her heels as she pulled back her face, strings of various juices stretching from her glistening skin to Cindi’s crotch. She looked at her mistress with a seductive face that made clear she was disappointed to no longer be tasting Cindi’s pussy, but she also reveled in fulfilling the newest command.

With a sexy undulation of her stomach and chest Rhea ground the toes of her slight heels into the carpet and pushed herself upwards, knees burning as they straightened after being tightly bent for so long. Rhea stood at attention, her face beaming proudly as Cindi’s pussy splatter dripped down her cheeks and chin, dropping onto the black dress and uncovered skin of her cleavage.

Tensing through her continual orgasms Cindi stood up and gently slid her hands around the black velvet material clinging to Rhea. Cindi slowly undid the zipper, letting the sides of her hands glide down Rhea’s body from her shoulders to where the zip stopped just above her ass. Cindi gently pulled the straps around Rhea’s shoulder knubs, then let the fabric fall to the floor. Her finger’s lingered a moment on the smooth fleshy nobs, and then Cindi let her fingertips glide down the sides of Rhea’s body to her hips.

White panties hugged Rhea’s toned ass, and Cindi could clearly see through the cotton to the drooling cleft that had soaked through the no-frills underwear. She gripped the band and slowly peeled them away, Rhea shivering as cool air chilled her gradually bared damp labia.

Cindi next turned her attention to the wrapped cotton strips holding back Rhea’s breasts. Cindi knew that The Rose would have gotten them reduced long ago to better her hand-to-hand combat, but generous breasts were too useful for seduction missions. It appeared The Rose had not expected to need tits for this mission.

Slowly Cindi began to unwind the bandage, both women practically shaking in anticipation. Cindi worried how her would-be murderer could have breathed under such tight bondage. As cotton ceased being unrolled from over cotton and now started to show flesh, Cindi gently massaged the skin that was temporarily imprinted with the material’s pattern. Rhea unconsciously leaned her body into each touch.

Finally the end came near, and Rhea’s impressive breasts fell out of their loosening confines. Impression lines criss-crossed the generous orbs of fat, and Cindi hefted them in her hands. Titty flesh overflowed her fingers, and dark brown nipples - formerly flattened into their areola by the bindings - popped to attention. A pleasant burn from being released from such tight confinement radiated through Rhea’s breasts. She took her first deep breath since that morning.

Cindi could no longer resist her compulsions and took one of the formerly depressed nipples into her mouth.

“Oh, Mistress…” Rhea cooed. She wanted to grab Cindi by the hair and push her further against her aching breast flesh, but lacking the ability to do so she instead leaned her weight against Cindi’s face. The suckling woman wrapped one hand around Rhea’s ass and the other fondled the other breast.

Taken by her magically afflicted desires, Cindi pushed herself backwards onto the bed, pulling the startled but giddy Rhea with her. The panties and velvet dress were kicked across the room as Rhea’s feet, still strapped into her heels, kicked into the air.

Rolling around on the bed, Cindi released Rhea’s nipple and got up on her knees just long enough to remove her own top. Cassidy’s former breasts fell free, and Cindi looked down over them at the practically helpless and naked Rhea undulating in arousal on her back.

Fuck, this woman was hot.

Cindi dropped down onto her new courtesan and tasted her own juices on Rhea’s lips. Cindi slipped a hand into Rhea’s pussy, and the pair were a mess of intertwined legs. Mouths searched for any stiff or pillowy flesh they could find to suck or kiss. In short order Rhea had been orgasmed into exhaustion the classical way, and Cindi finally gave in to her orgasmic fatigue even as her groin continued to spasm and spurt on its own.

A few hours later Rhea woke up with an urge to pee. She looked over at her slumbering lover, Cindi’s ass slightly raised in the air as her bare butt cheeks jiggled from a particularly strong phantom orgasm. Rhea smiled at how cute she looked.

Unable to push herself up from the bed Rhea carefully rolled across the covers and stretched a leg to the floor. She still had on her heels and Rhea realized she had no way of removing them on her own.

Carefully swinging the other leg off the bed Rhea straightened up and wobbled a moment, leaning her knees against the mattress to steady herself. Arms looked like they came in handy for balance, but “Rhea” hadn’t been told that she ever had arms - the Purple card removing them from The Rose plated before the card that had let Cindi rewrite the woman’s history - and Rhea wondered how she’d gotten into the dress lying on the floor.

Perhaps her Mistress had helped her.

Taking cautious steps across the room Rhea winced as she heard her heels clack on the bathroom tile. Looking back it did not appear as if this had disturbed Cindi. Letting out a sigh of relief, Rhea turned it into a grumble of frustration as she saw the toilet seat was down.

She tried a few times to stand in front of the toilet and push the lid open with the point of her heel, but Rhea couldn’t find the right balance. She took a moment to think, nibbling her lower lip as she did so. Turning to the sink Rhea figured the counter could support her weight. She pushed her lower abdomen against it until she teetered forward, freeing her left leg to swing to the side and push up the toilet’s lid with her heel.

Swinging back down and clacking onto the tile Rhea smiled in victory. She sat and relieved herself with successful pride - until she was finished and realized she had no way of wiping. Letting out another sigh, Rhea stood up and teetered on the counter again so she could close the toilet. Using a knee she pushed down the handle to flush.

Looking around the room for a solution Rhea saw a few fresh hand towels rolled up next to the sink. Rhea grabbed one in her mouth, put it on the closed toilet, and then lowered her pussy onto it. That dried her lower lips satisfactorily. She kicked the used towel into the corner of the room.

Happy with the results of her late night mission Rhea returned to the bed and pushed her breasts against Cindi’s side before falling back asleep.

It had been hours since Akari had been screwed to the wall of the private room and she hadn’t  gotten any sleep. Instead she’d spent her evening jumping back and forth away from the happy ending spurts coming from the gentlemen brought to the back rooms of the club.

But no matter how much she jumped around the velvet canvas - which supplied the material she was made up of - eventually she found herself trapped between dripping splotches of man juice. She poked it with her finger and felt how warm and thick it was - she had to tug hard to pull her hand away from the sticky goop, unlike the trails of her own juices running along the material at hip height.

As the next guest was brought back to the room and told to aim for the “new interactive decor” Akari knew she had spent the last of her luck.

She wouldn’t be the only one spent.

As the dancer unzipped her client’s pants and released his rigid rod she spit on her palm and began to slide it up and down his shaft. It didn’t take long before he climaxed and released.

A massive wad of cum splattered right atop Akari.

The warm mess soaked into the velvet, and Akari could feel it sticking heavily to her. She tried to pull herself left and right out from under it, but she wasn’t strong enough to pull herself free. She would have only moved into an older splotch, anyway. She wanted to scream a silent curse but thought better of it just in time - she didn’t need this stuff “in” her mouth.

Just as Akari began to believe things couldn’t get any worse she felt a fuzziness fall across her. Looking down she saw the paint that made up her body starting to mix in with the cum.

She screamed, and felt the tip of her tongue diffuse into the spunk.

Cassidy enjoyed how the formerly-human bubbles jiggled atop her own jiggling assets as she strutted onto the stage. She was following a woman who’d dressed in a classic Vegas showgirl bedazzled corset and skirt, her act involving tassel pasties and ostrich feather fans. The crowd was still cheering and hooting for the prior performer as “Kick-Ass Cassidy, the Cheerleader Satyr'' was announced.

There were some murmurs about Cassidy’s legs as she took her place by the central pole, the spotlight on her. Looking into the darkness the former cheerleader could see throngs of casino guests at tables and booths and even standing at the stage.

She was going to give them a real show.

The beat dropped; exactly the one Cassidy had asked for - a techno update to a variety of 90s and 00s sports anthems. She grabbed the pole and swung herself backwards, one furry hooved leg flinging upwards. The bubbles shook and swung, and the glitter sparkled. Cassidy had cobbled together in her head a number of old cheerleading routines she’d always thought were hot - a few she’d been told to keep off the field. She smiled smugly as she put them to use for the cretins blessed by her presence.

A few moves in and Cassidy realized she was barely getting any cash thrown on the stage. Looking out into the lights once more she saw that the crowd, which had been perfectly teed up for her, was no longer rapt with attention. A few were still watching, small piles of bills on the stage before them. Cassidy hadn’t picked up any money yet - to do so would require her to get close to these people.

Confused as to why she was losing the crowd, Cassidy thought quickly and figured the low interest must be because she hadn’t removed any bubbles yet. She stood with her back to the crowd, looked over her shoulder with a wink, and plinked off the little orb covering her left nipple. It floated up into the rafters over the stage.

This did not appear to elicit any reaction from the crowd. Not even when the rest of Brand’s bubbled bits followed the first into the ceiling and Cassidy she turned around, breasts fully bare.

In fact, Cassidy realized she hadn’t felt any remote-triggered orgasms since taking the stage. Surely she must have gotten someone horny enough to rub one out in the bathrooms?

By now Cassidy had stopped dancing, standing dumbfounded at the center stage. Up until now the crowd had been dismissive, but as Cassidy stood staring out at the customers with a befuddled snarl on her face some finally started booing and demanding her to release the stage to the next dancer. Cassidy considered defying them, but then her music came to its conclusion.

Snatching up the cash she had been given with a snarl Cassidy spun around and stomped off as the next dancer was announced. She angrily shoved the remaining Brenda bubbles from herself, the little orbs floating off in random directions. As she passed her follow-up, a woman done up like a golden statue, Cassidy overheard her complain; “Way to suck the fun out of the room.”

“Excuse me, you bronze bitch?” Cassidy hissed, “Those people don’t know talent!”

“I’m gold, and they know when someone’s on stage for themselves and not the audience,” the woman curtly replied as she left to take her spotlight. Cassidy stared daggers after her before spinning around seeing that a few other dancers were also scoffing at her. Her rabbit tail went straight with rage. Her cartoon eyes stared daggers.

“Fuck you all!” the self-proclaimed satyr spat, and she trotted off out of sight.

Swiftly counting the wad of cash in her hands, Cassidy cursed again.

She’d barely made anything.

Of course, she could get back into the dance cue. Whatever power Reduxia wielded had let Cassidy demand a spot with no resistance.

But going back out and doing anything different would be the same as admitting she’d been in the wrong. That was unacceptable.

Which meant Cassidy was left with one other option to fulfill Reduxia’s demands…

As the door to Daphne’s room unlocked and swung open Maxi put her staff keycard away. Daphne was still happily snug in the larger woman’s cleavage.

“Thanks for helping me get back into my [room] clit!” Daphne exclaimed and shivered. Maxi looked down and smiled.

“Sure. Anything...more I can do for you?”

“Maybe a [bath] clitoris? I’m very dirty…” Daphne winked, trying to hold back the reaction to the attention on her pussies this time. She rubbed her hands over her arms and breasts to mime washing.

“I think the sink will work for you…” Maxi winked back.

As the water pouring from the faucet warmed Maxi gently helped Daphne out of her breasts and down onto the counter. Testing the temperature with her little hand, Daphne laughed at how the flow was like a waterfall to her now. She felt her golden metal fingernails react to the heat, and soon Maxi had it perfect.

Daphne slid down the porcelain sink like it was a waterpark slide, and laughed as her nude little form splashed. She rolled around in the water, feeling the honey in her four breasts slosh more and more as they were also warmed. Her golden clit was warmer than the water, and she cooed at the sensation of the metal contracting slightly as it was cooled - it was a glorious and inescapable pinch on her lowest clitty.

Maxi loomed overhead, leaning down and weaving her fingers together to rest her chin on them. She grinned as Daphne turned and looked up to her from the porcelain oasis.

“I think I need [someone] clitoris to get me all soapy…” Daphne mewed, miming using body wash. Maxi picked up the little bottle of complimentary body wash and squeezed some out onto two fingers. Daphne stood and held up her arms, putting the pussies under her armpits on display.

Although Maxi had attempted to put only a small amount on her fingers, the dollop of body wash was still very generous for Daphne’s scale. Maxi started by pressing her fingers into Daphne’s doubled chest, the soap squeezing into the crossed cleavages of Daphne’s tiny titties. It oozed through and beneath her breasts, and a small amount of honey was pushed out to mix with it.

From there Maxi began making little circles, rubbing over Daphne’s breasts and pit pussies as she moved to her back. Drips of soap and suds poured down the shrunken woman, pooling around her knees at the surface of the water. Maxi continued down to the little curve of Daphne’s ass, then shifted over her hips to the tiny golden-adorned snatch.

As the fingertip as wide as casaba melon passed over her groin Daphne pushed herself against it. She groaned as her pussy mashed against the slick pad of flesh, the metal clit dragging pointed across the fingerprint ridges, and Daphne hugged Maxi’s hand like a lover. Maxi’s fingers gently returned the embrace.

“Can we continue this on the [bed] clit?” Daphne moaned.

Maxi patted her little lover dry with a fresh washrag as she carried Daphne into the other room. The hotel employee’s latex french maid outfit squeaked and creaked as she climbed onto the bed and laid down on her back, placing Daphne between her wobbling breasts. The shrunken woman stood up, the washrag wrapped around her as if it was a full-sized towel, the larger stitches and fibers plumping out the folds.

“Thank you so much for [everything] clitoris, it’s [time] clit I took care of you,” Daphne shuddered, giving a wink and puckering her lips at the smiling Daphne. “Stay just like this.”

Daphne slid over the curve of Maxi’s left breast down to the sheets, her honey-filled hooters bouncing upon each other as she landed. Her little feet took a few steps to acclimate to the sponginess of the sheets and mattress, but after a few jiggling stumbles Maxi was able to stabilize herself against the latex outfit. Carefully the tiny towel-dressed woman made her way along Maxi’s side, hips, and past her thighs.

Passing the hotel maid’s knee Daphne decided she could now climb over Maxi’s leg. Dropping the rag, Daphne lifted her own tiny leg over Maxi’s shin. The wet pussy’s golden nib and her lower breasts dragged over Maxi’s skin, leaving trails of their respective fluids and sending shudders through their owner. Plopping down over the other side on her little rump, Daphne stood and pushed up the latex ruffles of the skirt.

A cave of musky wonders greeted Daphne’s nose, warm earthy wafts washing over her. She could see that unlike the rest of Maxi’s outfit her thong was black cotton. Were she bigger Daphne would have appreciated the look of a latex thong, but cotton would make her plan much easier. She guided herself between Maxi’s twitching thighs and pushed her belly and lower breasts against the patch of cotton, so she could reach up over the larger woman’s mons and grab the elastic band.

The look of the black material did not betray how much Maxi had soaked the cotton with her juices, but Daphne could feel the moisture stick to her skin as she pulled the band down over the reclining woman’s glistening labia. Unable to slip the hem out from under Maxi’s ass the thong fought to snap back, so Daphne ducked under one of the stretched leg holes and centered her back against the damp fabric, the folds of Maxi’s slit blooming before her. The thong attempted to slingshot Daphne into the enormous pussy, but she had stable enough footing to brace against it.

Daphne’s tiny hands scraped off some of Maxi’s dribbling juices and the little lover covered her fingers and palms with it. She then began to trace and massage Maxi’s engorged outer lips, squeezing and pinching as if she was one normal-sized hand toying at the entrance of the maid’s pleasure palace. Maxi moaned and shifted, but managed to stay still enough to not threaten crushing the tiny teaser between her legs.

Slowly Daphne shifted from the outer lips to the thinner inner pair, working her way further upwards and closer to Maxi’s hooded button with each pass. More and more love juice dribbled out of Maxi, soaking into the sheets under her twitching ass. Finally Daphne shifted her fingers up to the apex of Maxi’s slit, caressing her clit.

“Oh, fuck, Daphne, yes…” Maxi moaned. She’d been gripping the sheets hoping that would keep her still, but Maxi finally had to give in to other desires. She slipped her hands under the latex bodice, palming her breasts and pinching her stiff nipples.

Feeling the pressure of the thong’s elastic across her shoulders, Daphne thought of another way she could thank her enormous companion. Carefully Daphne walked her little feet up the bottom of Maxi’s butt cheeks, along her taint, and then beside either nether lips until she was straddling Maxie’s dribbling depths.

Then she plunged her lower body into the shivering woman.

“OOOH! YES! What? What did you...mmm…” Maxi screamed before melting into the bliss of fullness. Daphne had sunk in just to her waist, labia rolling over her hips like the frills of a spandex mermaid’s tail. Enveloped in Maxi’s tight, warm, slick pussy was like a hug and a sauna rolled into one. All four of Daphne’s nipples were painfully stiff from arousal and building honey, and she finally put a hand to one. She cooed, but was careful to make sure she didn’t get any of the sticky syrup inside Maxi, putting her other hand on the elastic of the thong.

There were still depths that Daphne could safely explore before feeling like she was getting her lower set of breasts too close. She twisted herself, wiggling her legs and sinking in further to her navel. It was now her little golden-topped toes felt the spongy ridge deep within Maxi, and Daphne’s feet massaged it.

Maxi’s chest tightened and her back curled, and she tried to speak but only guttural grunts rolled from her lips. Finally she could no longer resist what she’d been hovering upon for so many moments now. The lover between Maxi’s thighs thrust a hand into the musky layers surrounding her so she could flick her own metallic button towards her own climax.

Daphne felt the gentle moist grip on her engulfed body tighten. The constriction was delightful and the tiny lover cried out with Maxi. As the larger woman came a rush of juices crashed against Daphne, uncorking her slightly from the pulsing pussy before spraying over her. Each woman was locked in bliss for a moment before their muscles relaxed and they each gave in to the whims of the materials cradling them.

Finally, as she realized she was close to passing out, Daphne carefully pulled herself out of Maxi’s slit. Slowly, step by step, she made her way back out and up onto the latex-clad body until she was resting atop Maxi’s sternum, leaning back against a breast that had popped out of the bodice. Before Maxi’s afterglow took her into slumber she found the dry hand rag and laid it over her little lover, and the duo dozed peacefully and quite happily together.

Across the casino complex Cassidy cinched her furry legs around the third man she’d taken to the brothel’s second floor. His dick wasn’t nearly thick enough to fully satisfy her, the satyr cheerleader’s juices leaking out around it and matting her fur. But the guy was hard, enjoying Cassidy’s Galinda-glittered tits, noticeably avoiding looking into her cartoon eyes, and - most importantly - was paying.

Plus, Cassidy had another way of climaxing.

“Spank me!” she demanded. The guy grunted and gave her a weak tap to the ass, which barely did more for her than the undersized cock in her.

“Harder!” the amorous woman demanded. The guy took a few more swings, each with less care and more power than the last.

“Yes…” Cassidy gurgled.

Another Morning In Vegas

Cindi awoke suddenly, partially from another orgasmic crest and partially from the sunlight the opened curtains were casting down onto her eyes. She cursed and jumped from the bed, still nude and with dried juices crackling across her skin. Cindi reclosed the windows and instinctively shifted to the wall. Another orgasm shook her, and Cindi’s breasts heaved as she worked to settle her mind with deep breaths. She expected tiny streams of lights to reveal fresh bullet holes at any moment.

But no one was shooting at her.

Her mind recentered, Cindi realized that someone was missing. The Rose - Rhea - was not in the bed. Nor was she in the bedroom. Glancing across the room Cindi saw that the door was still locked from the inside. Gasping back another climax the assassin heard struggling in the bathroom.

Rhea was lucky that Cindi had recalled someone was supposed to be in the hotel room for her or else the armless woman could have ended up attacked. Instead Cindi simply followed the little grunting sounds and slowly opened the door.

The former assassin was standing in the middle of the bathtub, still completely nude save for her heels. Her generous breasts wobbled and shook as she stood on one foot and attempted to turn on the tub’s faucet with her other foot. Rhea’s toes were stretched out from the bottom of her shoe, attempting to crook around the knob. She was doing her best to stay balanced and find purchase but unable to do either very well.

“And just what doOoOo you think you’re doing, Rhea?” Cindi asked. It hadn’t occured to her that each time she called The Rose by the false name that technically counted as another lie, adding another reinforcement to Cindi’s sexual compulsion for the armless woman sent to kill her. The urge to take Rhea’s nipples into her mouth rose a bit more in Cindi’s mind.

“You gave me such pleasure last night, Mistress, I wanted to have a nice hot soapy bath ready for you, but I’m afraid that is difficult for me with these heels.”

Cindi had also not yet realized she never confirmed to “Rhea” whether or not she’d ever had arms. So the woman instead assumed other reasons for her troubles getting tasks done.

“I see…” Cindi mused, looking at the fleshy Venus de Milo and cumming again. Lightly biting her lip, Cindi stepped into the tub, wrapping her arms around the giggling Rhea then slowly sliding them down her naked body to undo the straps of the heels. Slowly Cindi lifted each foot, careful to help Rhea retain balance, as she tossed each shoe out of the tub. Cindi could smell Rhea’s arousal and found herself wanted to kiss the soft butt cheek so close to her face.

“Well, perhaps it would be more fun if we showered together.”

Cindi stood up and pushed her face against Rhea’s neck, kissing along the line of her hair.

“I can help you...get behind your ears.”

Rhea turned around to Cindi and their lips met while their nipples and breasts squished together. As their tongues danced and their chests tussled, Cindi reached down and turned on the shower. The pair shivered and gasped until the warm water reached them, the giggles of young lovers bubbling from them both. It actually enhanced another of Cindi’s phantom climaxes.

Outside the influence of the magical cards, each would have hated seeing what they were doing. But from within the influence of Reduxia’s game Rhea and Cindi were giddily grinding against each other’s slick flesh as Cindi poured body wash over them.

If orgasms were the basis for a good morning, it wouldn’t be long for the pair to have a great morning.

The two dangerous women were not the only ones to start their day with kisses and cumming. Maxi had awoken to find Daphne still curled up on her chest, and smothered her awake with smooches. The size-disparate pair found themselves just as handsy with each other as Cindi and Rhea, but there were no magical compulsions there.

After showering clamped between Maxi’s breasts Daphne voiced her concern about Akari. Not that she had any regrets for how they had left the painted woman - only that Daphne worried what Reduxia may do to her if she, the reason Akari had left the game room the prior night, didn’t make sure she was also the reason Akari returned.

Maxi’s shift didn’t start until later in the day, so the pair enjoyed each other getting washed, then Maxi folded up the latex French maid uniform and squeezed herself into some of Daphne’s hiking clothes. Once again the hotel employee’s lifted bosom made a great carrying pocket for the shrunken woman.

The pair swung by the breakfast buffet, using Daphne’s keycard credits to easily satisfy them both. A single grape was about the size of Daphne’s head, and quite filling. Maxi got coffee and pancakes, and Daphne squeezed out some of her honey to the pair's mutual glee.

Their bellies full, Maxi and Daphne made their way through The Oasis’s complex and snuck back to the room where they’d affixed Akari.

Although they were prepared with a screwdriver to take her off the wall, neither was prepared for what they saw captured in the frame.

The whole thing was covered in spunk. It was caked over the canvas and paint, thick drips dried like stalactites along the bottom.

Through the drying top layer of man splooge neither conspirator could see what was recognizably the image of the woman they’d left screwed the night before. A halo of Akari colors shaped more like a potato rested behind the male cum.

Maxi and Daphne were aghast, terrified that what they’d done could possibly have been the equivalent of killing Akari.

Then the potato of color shifted from one side of the painting to the other, and the duo screamed.

The troubled pair were not the only ones yelling. On the other side of The Oasis Cassidy had just performed quite a lot of sex. But the shouting came from performing some math. Her purple cartoon eyes squeezed shut in rage and disbelief. A pile of crumpled cash sat before her, but the bills were too small to add up to what she needed. Reduxia’s ultimatum echoed through her head again;

I’m going to give you until the next round starts tomorrow to humble yourself to the point you can earn from either, oh, let’s say...what you won with your first dishonest lawsuit.

Cassidy’s blood ran cold. Why did she think she could possibly earn that many zeros in one night? How drunk on hubris had she been?

The frustrated satyr swatted at the bills, her frustration sending them across the mattress and onto the floor. The cartoon tits she’d been given from Cindi wobbled and bounced with balloony plink! plink! sounds. What the fuck was she going to do to make up such a difference of cash in…


...in god damn Las Vegas! Cassidy laughed and fell back onto the bed, batting her wobbling boobs away as she now covered herself in the musky money. She was in the Fast-Fortune Making Capital Of The World! She needed to get herself some chips, some hot dice, and she could turn the money she’d “humbled” herself to earn into more than enough to satisfy Reduxia’s demands!

Cassidy could not hold back a maniacal cackle as she ripped a pillow out of its case and began stuffing it full of cash. In short order she’d be downstairs and-

No. Not downstairs. Not in Reduxia’s own casino. Who knew what the limits of the impossible woman’s powers were?

Cassidy was incapable of thinking anyone else would do anything different than her own self-serving impulses; in this case, making sure any games the former cheerleader played were rigged against her to ensure Reduxia would win the wager. She couldn’t imagine any game at The Oasis would be fair to her - or as fair as gambling got.

She’d find another casino to defeat Reduxia.

Cindi was shocked by how satisfying it felt to listen to Rhea’s deep breaths while her would-be murderer laid atop her. The pair were naked in the bed, Rhea’s armless form draped over Cindi, her head nestled between her armed lover’s breasts as she slept. Cindi was casually caressing Rhea’s hair, running her fingers down through it, along her neck, over her shoulder blades, caressing the shoulder nubs, and to the small of Rhea’s back. It made the sleeping woman shiver delightfully, but not enough to wake her.

Another orgasmic shiver rang through Cindi. She bit her lip and threw her head back. The constant cumming wasn’t so bad when she had Rhea in her arms, at least she could associate the physical contact with the pleasure. It was when Cindi came by herself that the orgasms were more annoying than enjoyed.

As the most recent climax mildly waned, Cindi brought her head back down to gaze upon Rhea, but as she did so she caught sight of an envelope on the table across the room. Another outfit challenge.

Cindi did not recall seeing the slip of paper there earlier. It bothered her that it was there now. Even though she’d just experienced the undeniable proof of magic existing, her brain still jumped to the conclusion that someone must have snuck into the room while she was distracted by carnal impulses. She was drastically losing her focus.

With great care Cindi slipped out from under Rhea and padded over to the table, half stepping a few paces as she came again. She ripped open the envelope and read it.

“Blah blah…‘advantage’...blah blah…‘green pantyhose in the dresser.’”

Cindi tossed the card aside and went to the dresser, leaning against it a moment through another climax before opening the top drawer. Laying amongst clothing she’d already sifted through was a set of green pantyhose. The color was bright, almost cartoonish.

Flipping them over in her hands, Cindi found there was no seam or toe reinforcement. Just two legs of smooth green nylon connected to an upper portion that would probably cross over at her hips.

“What are theeeeeese going to do to me…” Cindi muttered. She grazed her belly with one hand, recalling how she could no longer cover it with anything. She felt the weight of the shackles tugging on her arms. She could assume that, like the gold clamped around her wrists, once she sat down at the game table with these wrapped around her feet she’d be stuck in them.

But, as she glanced over at the sleeping woman on the bed, Cindi was well aware of the advantages of taking the challenge. She considered putting them on now, but as she bent over panting as another orgasm gripped her loins and sent another drip down her thigh, she decided to put them on later.


Rhea had started to rouse in the bed. Without arms all she could do was shift her legs and grind her breasts into the sheets, her succulent ass bobbing upwards. Cindi looked over and saw the glistening pussy peeking out from between the shimmying thighs.

It looked delicious.

Placing the pantyhose where she’d remember them, Cindi leapt into the bed, right atop the rumptious rump that was teasing her.

“Oh [shit] clit, oh [shit] clit…”

“Don’t panic, maybe this isn’t so bad…”

Daphne and Maxi had just returned to Daphne’s room, the framed Akari “potato” in hand. Maxi placed Daphne on the bed and propped the painting of the opponent player against the pillows. The blurry painted figure had been stumbling about on the canvas - or, that was how the motions had been interpreted by the guilt-ridden pair. Now the Akari cum blob settled itself in the center of the canvas. It vaguely appeared that Akari had sat down cross-legged, her arms folded in irritation.

That assumption was correct.

It was like looking at a person through a dense fog. Daphne had to squint to really see a human outline. She carefully walked over the soft bedding to the painting. Some of the semen on the frame itself had dried, but that which had clung to the canvas still glistened and oozed, shifting slightly.

Daphne was a little smaller than the blurred figure on the velvet, and even if they’d been the same size the frame would have put Akari an inch higher.

“She’s clearly alive.”

“Yeah...right…” Daphne muttered, examining the blurring shape. A thin part moved aside, and based on the motions - and that this was Akari - Daphne got the feeling the blur was giving her the middle finger.

“I don’t think there’s anything we can do, at this point we can probably only make things worse. If we bring her back to your game tonight maybe Reduxia can fix her?” Maxi offered.

“Maybe,” Daphne replied with a little sigh, and motioned to a door across the room, “Until then let’s put her in the [closet] clitoris and enjoy the [day] clit!”

“I like that plan,” Maxi grinned, and in short order Akari found herself stuffed into the small dark room not much bigger than the one she’d been screwed onto through the night.

But at least she was alone in this one, and she plopped her cum-painted little body on its side atop the lower limit of the velvet canvas to wait out the time.

Cassidy donned another toga to strut out of The Oasis onto the Vegas Strip. Her cartoon breasts bounced and bwoomped beneath the fabric, her hooves clonking solidly on the pavement. Her big anime eyes blinked under the bright sun. Her bunny tail twitched. She ran her free hand through her hair, taking in the gaudy grandeur of the greedy city. The other hand clutched tightly the pillowcase of cash. She looked up and down the street, past tourists scurrying from one sight to the next, feather-adorned woman passing out cards advertising various shows, and any number of barkers trying to get the next sucker.

Glancing up and down the road before her, Cassidy could see four or five casinos, including one directly across the street from The Oasis. That one was a little too close for Cassidy’s liking, so she mentaly flipped a coin and sacheyed to the left. She grinned at the looks she was getting, but nearly all were fleeting.

This was Vegas, afterall. A bosom-bouncing satyr woman was certainly a sight to behold, but the city always offered something new waiting to be seen. A few “Ooo”s and “woah”s were cast Cassidy’s way, a few asked what show she was in, but she quickly became irritated that she wasn’t more of a attention-suck on a street populated with nothing but gimmicks and amazements.

A block later Cassidy’s attention turned to a huge Roman-inspired building with “The Populi Circum” plastered across it. Cassidy couldn’t help but feel drawn to it thanks to how she’d embraced her satyr “look” and building impulses. She clopped across the street and burst with purpose and passion into the lobby of The Populi Circum.

And no one really cared. Patrons and employees continued on with themselves.

Huffing in frustration Cassidy found an exchange window and growled at a much less impressive-looking pile of chips than she’d hoped for. The young woman did do a double-take at the fleshy duckbill counting the chips, but even Cassidy’s big cartoon eyes were too focused to notice that.

Cassidy hunted down the blackjack tables, yanked out a stool and sat her furry ass down - hard enough she had to whimper back a near-orgasm. She then struggled for a moment to find a position where she could see her cards over her ‘toonish tits. Eventually she settled on angling herself off the side of the table and handling her cards nearly exclusively with her left hand.

After twenty or so deals Cassidy’s luck had brought her pile of chips up and down and back to roughly where she’d started - a result that most gamblers would be thankful for. But as other players came and went Cassidy cussed and fumed under her breath as her total stagnated.

Another ten or so deals later and someone new had taken the stool beside Cassidy’s back. Had she been winning more liberally Cassidy would have been looking to everyone around her for their recognition of her prowess. But, upset with her progress, she had her head low and stared cartoonish daggers at her cards and the dealer.

Which meant she failed to notice that the woman seated next to her had long black-striped knee-high stockings running up from 6-inch black heels. The woman’s black ruffled skirt barely came to her mid-thigh. A black bustier was mostly covered by a red velvet jacket decorated with golden buttons, white piping up the lapels, and golden frills atop each shoulder. Soft breasts bulged up from the apparel like loaves of bread. A white choker was adorned with a tiny black bowtie, and a similarly petite tophat was clipped atop amber waves.

A few more deals played on and Cassidy gritted her extended teeth as she busted over and over now. Her fingers ground into the felt of the table, nearly ripping it.

“If you’re unhappy with how this game’s going, I could offer an even better bet,” the woman beside Cassidy spoke up, leaning into the satyr’s ear.

“I’m boing buft fime om my owm, phankf,” Cassidy rebuffed.

“Honestly, I just wanted to find some way to make you an offer you may find interesting.”

“You cam bake…” Cassidy’s bitter retort trailed off as she reminded herself she shouldn’t scoff at any options. She finally turned and looked the woman up and down. “Why awe wou bwessed wike a phucking fircuf wingmafter?”

“Because I’m The Populi Circum’s Ring Dominatrix, Mistress Redd,” she replied with a very predatory grin. Mistress Redd softened her smile a little as she offered a hand, “Pleased to make your acquaintance, miss…”

“Caffidy.” It was the first time Cassidy realized her duckbill impacted how she said her own name, and the cheerleader groaned to herself. She carefully moved an arm over her animated assets to briefly grip the offered hand, “Whad’f youw pitch?”

“Well, I sense you’re in need of a windfall. I see people like that all the time here. What I don’t see that often are people like you,” Mistress Redd emphasized her words by motioning up and down Cassidy, “I put on a very special midnight show here and I’d be willing to pay you handsomely to appear in it...maybe have a little fun in it.”

“Evem wiphout amy of bhif,” Cassidy scowled, mocking Mistress Redd’s motion over her own body, “Wou habm’t seem amyone like me. Amd bhat’s imtwiguing amd all, bud I guarantee wou cam’t affowd me. So bom’t wafte my time.”

“Eh, don’t be so sure…” Mistress Redd grinned, tapping a finger on the chips before her. It was now Cassidy noticed the pile resting before the circus woman. It wasn’t quite enough to put Cassidy where she needed to be, but it was damn close. “I’ve been around these games for a while.”

Cassidy’s heart raced as she nearly drooled - from multiple places - at the sight.

“Wou have more of my attention. Bud bhat’s mot all bhat I meed befowe I agwee do amyphing.”

“Well, why don’t we step over to the roulette tables and we’ll make a little wager over a wager, eh?” Mistress Redd grinned, collecting her chips and rising from the table. She motioned for Cassidy to follow, and the former cheerleader grumbled as she did so. She was angry that her lusty purple eyes snapped right to the pert ruffled-topped ass that the ringmistress swung back and forth with each heeled step.

Mistress Redd stopped about ten feet from the entrance to the roulette games and smiled at Cassidy.

“Let’s start with this idea. I see you’ve got...a nice amount of chips there. Maybe I don’t know your situation, but I can guess that between us you probably need just one good win at roulette to put you where you need to be for whatever reason you need to be there. I’ve got a good faith offer for you. Go up to any of those roulette tables, put whatever you want on whatever you want, and if in one game you can come back and show me you’ve won something I’ll hand you these chips and say good day to you.”

Cassidy squinted her eyes and pulled one corner of her mouth into a suspicious scowl.

“Amd if I lome?”

“Come backstage with me and I’ll pay you upfront what you need, so long as you’re back here for our one a.m. show.”

This was too good to be true. Was it a trick being played by Reduxia? If not Reduxia’s doing, did this woman somehow have control of every roulette table, even if she didn’t know what Cassidy was playing? It looked win-win for what she needed, but it couldn’t be.

But how many offers like this was Cassidy going to get before she had to be back at that damn card game?

“Fime. Bub wou ftay hewe.”

“As you like it, sweetie,” Mistress Redd grinned, and she moved even farther back to sit on a circular velvet bench.

Cassidy soon found herself returning to that velvet bench, a few chips fewer than when she’d left. The cheerleader-turned-satyr had tried to pick a table well out of view. Tried to pick a relatively safe bet of Black. And had wagered as little as she could.

The ball hadn’t even landed on something dramatic or absurd like 00. It was simply Red 23. A droll, basic loss.

It actually burned Cassidy even more than if it had been something more unlikely, or dramatic, if she’d lost on a number bet.

“I’m very excited we’ll be working together. I think you’ll find my other performers eager to meet you.”

Cassidy sighed as Mistress Redd led her across the casino floor and through some personnel hallways into the greenroom of The Populi Circum’s theatre. The room was empty, but Cassidy could hear voices through the changing room doors.

The cheerleader muttered to herself that it was the second greenroom she’d had to see in one day.

“To prove I’m not yanking you around let me go to my office and get you the rest of the chips you need to cash out up front,” Mistress Redd grinned, and as she crossed to a door with a fogged-glass window she called out with a few hand claps, “Ladies, we have a new performer joining us tonight!”

Cassidy’s cheeks burned at the presumption she’d actually be back after getting the cash she needed. She wasn’t going to waste her time with some idiot willing to hand her money with no guarantee. As she stared daggers at Mistress Redd’s closed door she heard a changing room open and the sound of four bare feet padding out.

“So, what do you bring to the show - oh, nevermind, I see.”

Cassidy snapped her head towards the voice and glared at a woman with dark brown skin, curly hair, and a generous pair of breasts.

And another generous pair of breasts under those.

But that wasn’t the extra set of parts that Cassidy gasped at as she took in the nude woman before her.

It was the extension of the woman’s ass leading to a second set of human legs that caught Cassidy’s attention.

What kind of show was this?

The former cheerleader could not keep from staring. The womantaur crossed her arms between her upper and lower breasts and sighed, rolling her eyes and making her frustration obvious.

“Like you’re any better off,” the womantaur growled.

The statement actually caused Cassidy to blush. How dare this woman presume how she felt about the changes to her body?

“I’fe picked up a mumber of improvementf,” the ‘satyr’ responded, slapping her ass and sucking in air from the pleasure of it. Her extended mouth sneered.

“Heh, well, I promise you haven’t lived until you’d had a dick in yer front and rear twats,” the womantaur replied, lifting up each of her left legs and leaning on a nearby table and chair to make both of her pussies more visible.

“Wou come off af fomeone bhe guyf awe fighding ovew each other to-”

“Now now now, no fighting, please. I prefer my performers to find ways to connect through their...uniqueness,” Mistress Redd interrupted as she returned from her office. She had a small bag, and the muffled clatter of casino chips could be heard within it. The womantaur stepped her raised legs back down to the floor, but kept staring daggers at Cassidy.

“I don’t trust this one,” the four-legged woman growled.

“You don’t trust anyone, Lila,” Mistress Redd sighed, eliciting a grunt of agreement from her cohort while handing the bag over to Cassidy. The former cheerleader could not hold back a toothy grin of victory.

But Mistress Redd wasn’t done speaking.

“I, on the other hand, trust once it has been earned. So to help germinate some comradery between the two of you, Lila, I’d like you to accompany Cassidy back to her hotel so she can resolve her money issue - and then return for the performance she’s promised.”

A cold pang shot through Cassidy. So Mistress Redd did have some accountability planned. She locked eyes with Lila the womantaur, who looked as excited about this as Cassidy was.

“What? No, Redd, c’mon, the twins are in town and-”

“I’m sure they’ve got the stamina to wait a little while,” Mistress Redd responded, her voice stern. This was all it took for Lila to relent with a sigh.

“I’ll get dressed…”

“I cam fertainly go cafh bhese om my owm…” Cassidy smiled sweetly as she could with the duckbill, attempting to back out the way she came. But Mistress Redd was swift and positioned herself between Cassidy and the only door the former cheerleader knew led out.

“You’ll find Lila is a quick change. And with so much money on you I wouldn’t want to risk leaving you alone and at risk with it.”

Again Mistress Redd’s tone was stern. Cassidy could sense no particular power in the woman’s words like Lady Reduxia had. But she listened so as to not risk losing the money in hand.

Mistress Redd seemed like the kind of person you could not predict if you acted against her wishes.

Moments later Lila returned from the dressing room she’d slinked into. Her rear legs were wrapped in black butt-crack yoga pants. A black skirt hung around her forward T-shaped waist, the hem low enough to cover her groin. A pair of purple strapless sports bras covered her double pair of breasts. Wedge sneakers adorned all four feet.

“Let’s get this done with...friend,” Lila muttered through gritted teeth.

“Sure...pal…” Cassidy replied in kind.

“Oh, get over yourselves and do what you need to do,” Mistress Redd sighed, waving the pair away as she went back to her office.

Lila led the way to cash in the chips. Neither said a word to each other. Instead, Cassidy clopped along behind the womantaur, and despite her best efforts could not keep from staring at the rear ass directly in front of her. The combination of being permanently bent at the hips, while also being curved from the heeled shoes, and possessing an alluring sway enraptured Cassidy’s attention.

And she hated that she kept finding herself wanting to bite the lycra clad ass.

Lila’s large breasts, even when held in the pair of bras, still hung slightly beyond either side of the womantaur’s upper body. Whenever Cassidy pulled her eyes from the beautiful butt before her she found herself watching the quad of titties bouncing atop each other.

She had to get away from this woman.

That was not an easy thing to do, however. After cashing in the chips and offering to “lead” the way back to The Oasis, Cassidy did what she could to lose Lila in the crowd - sometimes subtly, sometimes more overtly. Just like herself, the Vegas crowd didn’t appear to be especially enraptured by Lila’s unusual form. Each time Cassidy thought maybe she’d given the womantaur the slip, Lila was soon behind Cassidy once again.

“Keep that up and I’ll make sure Mistress Redd knows you broke her trust,” Lila growled as she again appeared at Cassidy’s side through the street crowd.

“I’m fimply...interested in feeing what you cam do wiff that extra-credit body of wours…” Cassidy smiled.

“More than you can do with your furry form,” Lila spat.

“Were you bowm wike thab or bib fomeone, or fomething…” Cassidy realized she didn’t quite know how to ask if Lila had been another “volunteer” for Lady Reduxia, “...do that to you?”

“What, like plastic surgery? Why and how the fuck would some doctor add another pair of legs and tits to me?” Lila shouted, clearly upset by the question.

“Wow, yeesh, okay, fo wou wewe bowm wike thab?”

“Yeah, I was fucking born like this!”

Cassidy wondered if that was true, or if once this game was finished she’d leave The Oasis thinking somehow she’d been born with the body she’d been warped into the last few days.

“So why bom’t wou ged it all wemoved?” Cassidy asked.

“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, this is my body,” Lila hissed, throwing a hand to her forward hip and making her strut all the more dramatic and prideful.

Cassidy hated that her eyes once more traced the many curvy lines of Lila.

Then a deliciously naughty thought popped into her head. This woman was supposed to keep an eye on her until after the game round, right?

Well, what would Reduxia think of an uninvited guest?

Cindi’s face glistened from one of many marathon pussy-lickings. As the assassin came up for air she was sprayed yet again by Rhea’s juices, the armless woman screaming her most recent orgasm against Cindi’s labia, lightly raspberrying the lower lips. Cindi felt herself cumming, but she could not tell if this one was from Rhea’s ministrations or her current card-based curse.

With the curtains drawn it was impossible to know how long the pair had been endlessly fucking, and a glance at the bedside clock shocked Cindi.

She needed to get her ass downstairs.

“Okay, okay, Rhea, we need to take a break…” Cindi gasped. She could feel how strongly the impulses to pleasure the wriggling former hitwoman were tugging at her mind, but thankfully the need to get back to the card game remained a focused goal.

“As you wish, Mistress, if we must…” Rhea pouted, rolling out from between Cindi’s thighs. With a thrust of her neck and a knobby shoulder she’d learned to use the momentum to sit up on the bed. Her breasts swung and wobbled, threatening to pull her over the other direction before they settled upon her ribs.

Cindi pushed herself off the mattress and stood up, quivering through another climax. She looked over at Rhea and instantly regretted it -gazing on the woman caused her lusts to dip deeper into a need to pleasure the woman.

And Cindi was still developing new desires each time she lied by using the name “Rhea.” Cindi now found herself wanting to lick every inch of those succulent breasts and stiff nipples, to bury her face between them and feel their soft curves pushed against her cheeks. But Cindi’s mission-focused logical mind clawed out of the cloud of lust and turned to the closet.

Broadly brushing aside anything that would cover her bellybutton, Cindi sighed as she found a two-piece outfit that would have best suited a harem girl.

Or belly dancer.

Or a certain brunette Disney princess.

Cindi grabbed the clothes, shivered over to the bathroom to wash the pussy juices from her face, and pulled the green pantyhose up over her body. She hoped whatever was going to happen at the table would at least mean she wouldn’t need to find a way to shave her legs through the green nylon.

With a long sigh broken up by another climax, Cindi pushed back her pride and pulled the gauzy split-legged harem pants up to her hips. It covered up the hosiery, leaving only her green-clad feet visible.

Next she slipped the top over her head and arms. The hem of the outfit briefly caught on the edge of the bracers that had attached to her in the last round. Once on, the tissue-paper-like fabric did little to obscure the full breasts and dark areola she’d stolen from Cassidy. She knew she must look ridiculous and Cindi avoided checking herself in the vanity mirror.

Heading back to the bedroom to slip on the little slippers with pointed curled toes, Cindi attempted to keep her eyes away from Rhea so as not to risk losing herself to the lust again - especially as another climax welled up. In doing so she caught sight of herself in the room’s full mirror. Between the outfit and her red hair she looked like a combination of Princess Jasmine and Ariel the mermaid.

Days ago she’d been a ruthless killer. Now she was a Disney princess holding back an o-face.

Who had a pair of bracers permanently shackled to her, and soon most likely green pantyhose would join them. Her strategic training started to bubble up. The nylon and the bracers would be too much of a giveaway to her identity if they could not be removed. If she was targeted again - and eventually Cindi would be found out, since there was no way for “The Rose” to continue the ruse of her death - it wouldn’t be so hard to catch her in a crowd. And could she even get through a security check without the bracers setting off a metal detector?

“Mistress, can I help you with something?”

Cindi automatically turned towards the voice and was instantly smitten with the submissive vision of Rhea approaching. Once more Cindi’s rational mind started to seep away, the sweet memory of tasting Rhea’s lips bubbling up, the gently rocking of her chest so inviting-

“No, no, I’m fine. I need to go to annnnnn appointment. You stay here and, um, tidy uuuuuuuup...as best you can. And when you’re done, um, have fun wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiith yourself...as best you can. But do not leave this rooooooooooom.”

“Yes, Mistress!” Rhea chirped happily, and she immediately turned to the bed to bend over and pull up some of the sheets with her teeth. Cindi was nearly lost again in the full bare buttocks that bent towards her, but she wasn’t so obsessed with those globes yet. She slapped herself to remain focused before leaving the room.

On the other side of the door Cindi stopped, leaned back against it, and took a long orgasm-haggard breath. It was difficult holding thoughts that didn’t relate to putting some part of her in or on Rhea, and getting harder and harder the longer the game went on. She needed to focus on the task before her, which was ending all of this as quickly as possible.

Which meant she needed every advantage she could get. Permanent green pantyhose would simply need a future solution. Just like the bracers. She wobbled through another climax to the elevator.

Akari’s blurry form was woken up from an uneasy nap as the closet’s opening door showered her with light. Without any words for the paint-cum captured woman Maxi reached down and grabbed the frame of the velvet painting. The hotel employee was dressed and had the tiny naked Daphne tucked into a shirt pocket.

The gooey form that made up Akari swayed and lightly stretched with every swing and step as the lovestruck duo carried her out of the hotel room. She was glad she was so far from them that she could barely hear the sickeningly sweet flirting and cooing going on, made all the more ridiculous by Daphne’s compulsion to replace every noun with some variation of “clitoris.”

The trip down to the card game was interrupted by a stop at the buffet. Akari found herself propped on the bench seat of a booth - facing down. At the angle she felt her paint and semen form being tugged by gravity, threatening to gloop and drip off the velvet at any moment. But she remained together, again yanked and pitched about as Maxi and Daphne finished eating and resumed their walk to the game room.

They were the first to arrive, and Maxi dropped Akari back against the wall where Lady Reduxia had first trapped her in the second dimension. Akari watched the hotel employee exchange ridiculously out-of-scale kisses with Daphne before leaving her on the table near the seat she’d sat in the night before. As she left Maxi flipped her middle finger at Akari. The blob woman did the same, but to less effect.

A few minutes later Cindi arrived. She said nothing and acknowledged neither Cindi nor Akari. She took her usual seat and sat quietly, looking forward into middle space trying to hold her concentration through her rolling climaxes.

Daphne could not help but giggle to herself over how the woman who had once appeared so in charge of the situation was now dressed like a subservient genie.

The trio waited patiently and finally heard Cassidy clomping down the hallway. But it sounded like she had two people accompanying her.

Daphne let out an audible gasp as Cassidy entered the room, followed by only Lila and her dual pair of legs. The satyr glanced at the tiny woman with a self-satisfied sneer.

Then Lila got a good look at everyone in the room.

“What the fuck is going on in here?”

Glancing at Daphne, then Cindi, then the painting on the ground, Lila appeared truly flustered for the first time. Cindi’s defensive training snapped her mind mostly into focus, and she stood up from the table, her hand instinctively moving to where she’d once holstered a gun.

“Who’s this?” the assassin demanded of Cassidy.

“Juft my keeber,” the former cheerleader smiled, nonchalantly taking her seat and offering no further explanation to her gamemates.

“Nah, nah, nah, you’re going to give all of us better answers or...I’ll…” Lila’s demands trailed off as a curious expression fell over her face. “My finger nails...toe nails...they feel...tight…”

The womantaur brought her hands up to her face and gasped as she saw the smooth surface of her nails crinkle into the grain of wood. The same was happening across all twenty toe nails, and the woodiness soon pushed into the tips of all thirty digits, flowing up arms and legs and quickly locking all her limbs into place.

The flow of wood through her flesh was so quick that Lila had little time to do much more than shift her expression from curious to shocked as every bit of soft flesh and hair was changed, a dull creaking sound echoing through the room.

But that was not the end of Lila’s alterations. Louder creaking and cracking welled up, and the game players looked down to watch Lila’s feet change. The heels of her rear legs were stretching backwards and bending upwards. The toes of her front feet were stretching forward and pitching upwards at the same angle.

Her remaining toes and ankles were also stretching, moving towards each other, creating a curve that gently pushed Lila off the floor. The growing wood met directly beneath Lila at the apex of a long curve, revealing that the womantaur had been turned into a very sexy rocking horse.

“Do not worry, she is fine,” the unmistakable voice of Lady Reduxia fell over the four competitors, and again as if from just beyond the corners of all their vision she stepped into view. Reduxia’s futuristic heels trod lightly over to the wooden Lila and she ran a slim hand over the wooden horizontal back. Reduxia’s fleshy tail caressed between each pair of timberous legs, and another light creaking disturbed the silence of the room as Lila gently rocked. “I see someone was trying to be a bit tricky.”

“Juft pwaying the game how I know ib,” Cassidy grinned, playing with her money as she went to her seat. The smug grin was quickly wiped from her face, however, as she toppled backwards.

The chair had moved out from under her tail. She came as her ass slammed into the floor. Her breasts bounced wildly and let out a chorus of cartoon sound effects. A mix of cussing and moaning accompanied her as Cassidy jumped up. She wanted to shout at Reduxia but the strange subservient influence fell over her. She calmed herself as she watched the Lila rocker slide smoothly across the floor to her. It was clearly Reduxia’s doing, but the unnatural woman did not show any indication of being the cause.

“Since she is your responsibility you must remain atop her until the round ends and she reverts to her prior form,” Reduxia instructed.

“I’b...wather not,” Cassidy grunted out.

“If you do not, eventually all of you will turn to wood, like her. But unlike her, that will not become undone at the end of the round,” Reduxia shrugged, taking a long drag on her ciggy.

Cassidy instantly felt the tightness in her fingernails and hooves, and a quick glance down confirmed that they’d all begun turning into wood. Knowing when it was time to concede something Cassidy grabbed Lila’s wooden hair and pulled herself up onto the womantaur’s stiff back. She towered over the other players from this perch, and Cassidy quickly convinced herself that this was actually a great place to be.

“Now, to see about another naughty player,” Reduxia stated with a matter-of-fact air. She puffed some more on her electronic toy as she strutted towards the painting. She waved a hand at it, and the quivering blob of paint and cum stumbled out of the velvet and dropped the short distance past the frame. Akari landed with an ungracious splut!

The mix of paint and cum flailed around on the ground, colors swirling in a quivering mass that was struggling to hold any kind of recognizable shape. The velvet and two dimensional limitations had given Akari some structure, but now free of both supports she could divine no control of her gooey form. This meant what command she’d once held over her vision was also lost. Her perception first split into two incongruous visions, and then all she could see was a constant shifting of lights and shadow - when each window into her soul wasn’t sinking down to look at the carpet.

Akari then felt her substance start to shiver and grow, like she was yeasted bread rising from the kitchen floor. As she pushed out in each direction her size puffed up from baseball to softball. When she reached a size closer to a soccer ball Akari felt the first of her bones reforming - just one joint of her thumb. She wasn’t sure yet which it was, even as the next bone formed.

Within her expanding semi-liquid mass the two bits of hand quickly floated away from each other.

A second set of thumb bones coalesced followed by the fingers and wrist, all of which was quickly lost and separated within her. But in short order Akari could feel ligaments start to sew together. They stretched and instinctively found the parts they were meant to attach to, linking the floating bits in proper order. With great concentration she could start to push her two sticky skeletal hands upwards and above the surface of her undulating form.

This all looked like some body horror movie from the ‘70s or ‘80s to the three players watching. Daphne was actively trying to resist vomiting. Cindi thought Akari’s reformation looked like the sped-up history of evolution from primordial muck to humankind. Cassidy wasn’t really paying attention, wondering why Reduxia’s attention had moved to Akari instead of following up on the results of her money-making activities.

Akari wasn’t concerned about the look of her expanding reformation, only that she now had much of her arms and the start of her feet and shins under her control. Her goopy glob had expanded out to the extent of its regrowth, meaning that the messy mass was now pulling back within itself in some ways, stretching and forming with clear shape over the skeleton Reduxia was recreating for Akari.

Spine, ribs, shoulders, neck, and skull asserted themselves, Akari’s slim silhouette coming into clearer and clearer form. She felt dizzy as her vision snapped into place at her eye sockets. She attempted to push each hand into the floor to start standing up but found that she wasn’t quite strong enough to do that. The substance perched upon her bones stuck to the carpet and stretched until it snapped to her hand as she rose up.

It was now she realized that the sensation of touch was returning to her, for better or worse. She was happy that she could better discern where her feet were compared to her hands and what each was doing, but at the same time feeling her undulating form partially drawn into the dirty carpet was really unsettling.

As she brought her hand before her face Akari could barely see her bones through the still swirling mix of cum and paint. She examined it for a moment before suddenly she had skin again, the pale surface swiftly spreading over her body. As it did so she felt her pussy complete its reformation, instantly moistening and dripping once more. The last thing was the swift regrowth of her hair, the tips descending and feathering around Akari’s face.

From the outside, Akari appeared to be back to herself from the moment the last round ended.

But she could tell that wasn’t the case within. She had bones and the ligaments needed to move them, and the skin was nice, but as Akari remained on the floor waiting she realized that the remaining muscles and fat weren’t coming.

Or her organs!

Instead, her skin was acting like the surface of a water balloon - or, more accurately, waterbed. And even that wasn’t quite right - the paint-cum mix was more like a gelatin dessert. When held still her body and limbs naturally centered around her bones and she looked normal. But when Akari moved them or pushed on her skin everything shifted and stretched with momentum.

“What...the...fuck…” At least she could talk. Akari pushed herself up from the floor successfully, but she could feel her bones shift through her internal mass and press against the inside of her skin. Her breasts, stomach, and butt swung and shifted like water balloons full of molasses as she rose up. A hand placed on her knee sunk into the skin until bone pressed against bone on the either side of her rubbery surface. “What did you do to me?”

“I put you back together as well as...well, I found the contamination you’d incurred since my last visit intriguing,” Reduxia grinned, her linguistic feint making it clear she could have remade Akari completely right but had instead followed a path of curiosity, “I desired to see how you may turn out had a lesser being encountered you.”

“Contamination…” Akari gritted her teeth. Her body settled into place as she stood still seething with rage, her eyes glaring at Daphne, “So I’m full of what now? Semen? Paint?”

“It is both and neither. Something new!” Reduxia shrugged. Her tail, gripping the electronic filter, motioned in a way that indicated she wanted Akari to take her seat. She wanted to object but Akari stopped herself - not from the general sense of submission to the supernatural woman but from the knowledge that at her will Akari could be filled with cum.

Her body ebbed and flowed around her skeleton as Akari walked to the table and took her seat. The weight of her form pushed her coccyx down against the seat of the chair when she first sat, but slowly her internal gelatin pushed back until she was actually comfortable.

“Now,” Reduxia turned her attention back to Cassidy, “Speaking of agreements…”

Cassidy’s blood ran cold. Even though she had the money, which she victoriously dumped out over the table, it all depended on how willing Reduxia was to accept it.

“I’fe gob whab wou afked me to bwing wou,” Cassidy’s voice held onto as much confidence as it could. She waved a hand over the bundles of cash, still wrapped in the casino’s paper bands denoting how much each was valued. Reduxia nodded.

“That you have,” the otherworldly woman agreed, “But not exactly how I instructed. Still, it required you to do some humbling - if you actually do what you agreed to do to earn the remainder of it.”

Impossibly, Cassidy’s blood ran even colder as she realized Reduxia was about to bring down some sort of judgment.

“To make sure you see through the agreement made, my decry is that you will be unable to dismount your companion - whatever her form - until she has returned you to the place your deal was struck.”

Cassidy’s extended jaw grit tightly as she felt her white furry groin pulled against the spine running down Lila’s horizontal back. Her pussy was magically glued to the womantaur’s form.

“Now, let us see about everyone’s preparation for this round!”


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