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1,200+ words bring us back to Pleasure Cruise!

The ocean breeze was warm and gentle as Carina and Neome stepped out onto the Lido deck. Both women were washed and dried and dressed. Carina had borrowed a pair of shorts from her roomie, the ones with the longest cuffs she could find. The held down and covered almost all of her rubber cock, only the very tip of its thick head poking out past the material along her thigh. A logoed t-shirt the social media starlet had gotten from a vodka company rested over Carina’s braless upper body.

Neome had picked out a light flowy rainbow sarong wrap skirt to tease her legs. Of course all six extra-sensitive breasts hung and bounced freely from her ribs, a half-dozen nipples popping harder as the breeze tickled them, Neome biting her lip and trying to will down the arousal. Both women were sporting sunglasses and cork wedges.

They’d come up to the Lido for breakfast, but had decided to do a little more walking before eating. The casually strolled along the handrail, alternating between enjoying the beauty of the rolling sea waves and the multiple beautiful bodies of changed and unchanged passengers laid out around the pool. Each sighed as their hair and cleavages were rustled by the wind. Both let their minds wander through their thoughts.

“I think…I think I need to track down Tiara,” Carina finally sighed.

“Your former partner in crime? Why?” Neome asked. She’d been gazing at a woman whose hair had been replaced by a pair of breasts on either side of her head, the top tits resting gently on the headrest of a rattan recliner.

Carina’s cheeks had blushed in shame as Tiara said “crime.” She’d never wanted her life to break that way, she’d just reached a point where she saw no other way for Tiara and her to get to the next day. Desperation had coaxed bad things from Carina in her past, but she’d never liked doing it. On this ship of plenty she hadn’t had one impulse to resume her past activities. She hoped that meant she was still a good person.

“I was…scared the last time I saw her. Confused. Overwhelmed. And she was…angry. She’s never been good with dealing with being angry and I didn’t know what to do with myself at the time. And with the captain pitting us against each other-”

“Take a breath…” Neome calmly urged, placing a hand on the rambling Carina’s shoulder. The dick-adorned woman let out what breath remained in her and smiled at her friend’s needed interruption to her unwinding thoughts.

“Thanks,” Carina patted the hand and Neome gave her a little squeeze before putting it behind her back with the other so she couldn’t accidentally brush either arm against her busts, “We were friends…partners, at least. I can’t not try to see if there’s a way we can help each other through this.”

“That’s big of you…” Neome nodded, “But if she was interested in doing the same, don't you think she’d have tracked you down by now?”

“It’s a big ship,” Carina shrugged, “And I can’t decide to not do it just because I think maybe she hasn’t tried.”

“Alright, fine,” Neome sighed as they came around to the other side of the ship and entered back into the Lido’s food court, “But how do you expect to find her? We can’t just page the ship.”

“Well, she has to eat…” Carina stated, motioning to the smorgasbord spread out before them, “Maybe we stake out here for a bit. I’ll watch one side, and could you…”

“I’ll do the other,” Neome rolled her eyes. She got a little more detailed description of Tiara, patted Carina on the butt, and the pair split to either side of the ship.

Neome got herself a slice of tiramisu and a glass of milk and settled in at a table, once again with four breasts above and two below. She tried laying a fabric napkin over her top cleavage to try and avoid another mayo incident, but Neome could instantly feel the ropes of arousal reaching to warm her loins. Neome carelessly pulled it off in frustration, wincing as it caressed a nipple on the way to the table.

She’d just have to be careful.

People watching remained one of Neome’s favorite things, and there were plenty of interesting people to watch. She saw one woman with the tail and neck of a giraffe looming over the crowd. Another was walking topless, her nipples turned into marble nubs. Another had a second pair of legs which had replaced her arms. Another woman was nude and showed no physical changes, but she was constantly moving like she was doing a strip tease.

But none matched Tiara’s description.

Neome was doing her best not to eavesdrop on everyone around her - watching and listening pushed things too far into creeper territory for her - but a mildly loud statement from a nearby table caught her attention.

“What do you mean you still don’t like going down on me?”

Neome tried to turn subtly to get a better view of the conversation, a difficult task with the table sandwiched between the lowest horizontal cleavage of three sets of breasts. Eventually she could see a pair of identical blonde women in identical pink sarong bikinis seated at a table.

“I don’t, I just don’t, why do you think that would change?” came the reply.

“Um, because we’re supposed to be identical in every way now!” responded the blonde Neome had overheard.

“Uh, well, Ginny, I believe I said I would love it if we looked like hot blonde twins, I didn’t say anything about how I think your pussy tastes.”

“You think my pussy tastes bad?” Ginny gasped, “You get me turned into this California beach bimbo and you say that about me, Desire?!”

“Don’t act the victim, you know I don’t think any pussy tastes good,” Desire sassed back, “And I know you’ve fantasized about being a big titted beach tease since college!”

“I’ll tell you want I fantasize about,” Ginny huffed, “Being able to tongue-fuck myself if you won’t! OH!”

Neome watched as Ginny threw a hand to her gorgeous full lips, her eyes crossing past a little nose as she looked down at what she felt. Inside her mouth her tongue had suddenly stiffened. It then lurched forward, pressing against her teeth.

“Oh, now what have you done to yourself?” Desire pushed.

Ginny narrowed her eyes and stuck out her tongue at her companion - it was meant to be mean, not a demonstration. But both Desire and Neome could see a distinctly dickhead-like glan shape to the tip. And Ginny’s suddenly shocked expression and bobbing of her head made it clear that she was having trouble pulling it back in. She brought up a hand to try and push it backwards through her lips but blathered out a moan around it as her fingers made contact.

“Ah, poor Ginny, cat got your dick?” Desire laughed as Ginny sat back and dropped her hands. Her tongue-turned-cock was pulsing, getting thicker and longer with each beat of Ginny’s heart. Her teeth and lips were being pushed further and further apart as things slowed down.

Waggling out of her mouth was Ginny’s new three inch wide, eight inch long mouth dong. It glistened from her saliva. The notch at its tip was barely holding back a drop of pre-cum.

to be continued...


Otniel Torres

I didn't expect to enjoy this serious as much by the title alone but you won be over with the earlier entries I look forward to reading this one.