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Hi All,

On Sunday I felt ill and took a rapid test which was positive for COVID. Yesterday I took a PCR test which confirmed those results.

I am vaxxed and boosted, so my symptoms are basically "the super worst cold I have ever had" and I am not at a greater risk than that. Just really suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Lots of coughing. 

The whole household tested after my positive, and my wife is negative but my baby daughter is also positive. Thankfully, she seems to be taking this like a trooper and handling things fine (she was exposed when she was born so it is suspected she has some immunity). But because we can't risk getting Amber infected (who is also vaxxed and boosted but falls into other high risk categories) I have been left to take care of the baby alone sequesterd to the second floor.

So...you can imagine between feeling like complete super crap and being the only baby caretaker I'm not in a great place. I'm trying to steal moments when she's asleep and I'm actually awake (you can imagine this is many types of exhausting) to work on things. I'll certainly have all the comic pages that come to me lettered and posted. Prose is going slower.

So, yeah, that's the update. Struggling along doing what I can. Hope to post stuff as quick as I can.

Hope you are all well,

