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2.1.22 EDIT: My apologies, I thought I'd published this yesterday but it was still in my drafts.

As I wrap up my note updates for SITC I hope these 1,500+ words are entertaining!


Reality Joy Shaker

“So what the hell is this thing again?” I narrowed my eyes at my dorm roommate as she gleefully held out in front of me the plastic over-sized microphone. It was one of those cheap plastic pieces of crap which echoed your voice if you spoke into the open end. Serena had practically tackled me when I’d come through the door from class.

“It’s a Reality Joy Shaker!” Serena repeated. I presumed the name was some sort of terrible mistranslation. I threw my bag onto my bed and started unpacking it to switch my books for the latter half of the day.

“Okay, so what I heard was really as dumb as I thought it was,” I sighed, “Why did you buy it?”

“Because if you speak into it and say something about someone it will change them and they’ll be happy about it!”

“I’ll bet,” I muttered. I was not about to let Serena make me late to another class.

“You don’t believe me?”

“Why would I believe you?”

“{Clarissa strips off her clothes whenever she’s somewhere private!}”

I heard Serena’s voice echo in the microphone and I wondered why she was shouting that about me. God, I wanted to be naked so badly right now. These clothes were itchy and heavy. I was thankful for my petite breasts, which meant I could at least get through a day without a bra - one less piece of clothes! I would have been thrilled to strip down in my own dorm room, but Serena always made that difficult.

“Well?” Serena asked, her voice full of an expectation I couldn’t explain.

“Well what?”

“Aren’t you going to strip down?”

“You don’t exactly make this private, do you?”

“Hmmm, I wonder…{Clarissa is a super horny lesbian and thinks she and I are lovers!}”

Shit, why was I still bothering with these clothes! I immediately began unbuttoning my blouse with one hand and my jeans with the other. I couldn’t kick off my shoes fast enough, yanking my top over my head the moment I had enough room to.

I stumbled over my pants as I tried to use my feet to pull off my socks as I hooked my thumbs over the bands of my pants and underwear. I could feel the soaked fabric of my panties peel away from my lower lips…fuck, why had I put these on without a pad? My pussy was practically perpetually aroused and I should have known I’d drench unprotected underwear.

I turned towards Serena as I finished stripping down and blushed at her beauty. I could feel my lower lips spurt onto my thighs as I looked at my roommate-turned-lover. How had it taken until sophomore year to see how sexy she was? I was so happy to be naked and with her - despite the stupid microphone thing that she was grinning behind. I stepped forward to take her hand and she shifted to the side.

“Where are you going?” I asked. Serena’s face looked confused and turned to deep thoughts.

“{Between noon and one Clarissa strikes a sexy pose and holds it!]”

Uhhhhg…Serena knew me so well! God, I loved posing for her…holding still and being admired like a horny statue! I threw one hand into my hair to russel it lightly, the other to my hip, and I twisted my legs so I appeared to be beckoning a lover from across a room.

“Wow…” Serena laughed, stepping closer and looking me over. Fuck, I wanted to grab her and kiss her so badly, but staying posed to be admired as I was just felt too good. “I suppose I should test this on you a little more before I try it on myself…or Darren Courtright.”

Blech, Darren Courtright…I thought to myself. I vaguely recalled that Serena had discussed an attraction to him at one time…I could also remember that somehow she thought I’d been attracted to him as well. As if! Serena was all I needed.

“How about…{Clarissa’s breasts are super sexually sensitive and are like a pair of basketballs on her chest!}”

I felt a rush of air around me - and in me! There was a stretching and squeaking noise, a sensation of pressure…and just beyond the lower vision of my eyes I could see the bumpy brownish-orange curves that had inexplicably grown from me after puberty began.

Yeah, having basketballs for tits was strange, but they had their perks! Boobs this big made of flesh would have been so heavy…since mine were full of air I still didn’t need a bra. Which was good, since these babies had gotten sensitive! It only took a couple palmings of my basketboobs to get me cumming - especially if someone played with the two little black airports that sat at the front of each curve.

Serena was gasping and giggling as if this was the first time she’d seen them. She reached forward and palmed my right basketboob and while I held my pose everything inside of me was quivering at her touch. I couldn’t stop myself from dribbling down to my knees, and if she - AH!

Sure enough her thumb moved over and pushed against the right air port, and despite the pleasure rocking me internally I remained still and posed through the orgasm. Cumming holding the pose like this was so much more intense. I couldn’t wait for one o’clock when I’d drop the pose and I could have a moment to grab at her sexy slim form.

“Wow, look at you drip!” Serena smiled. I loved that smile so much! “I wonder if you’d be that horny everywhere? {Clarissa’s belly button is a second pussy!}”

There was a sensation of suction on my belly. It felt like my intestines were flipping around, making me queasy for a moment. Uhg, what if I had to vomit while holding my pose?

Thankfully that sensation passed and was replaced by the familiar throbbing arousal of my belly vagina. God, my puberty had been crazy…maybe I’d felt freakish at the time, but have you ever cum from two pussies at once? No matter how hot I could have looked in bikinis, having that fashion choice would never equal the loss of pleasure I’d experience if I didn’t have this sexy slit. It sat right over the spot in your abdomen where the pleasure starts to build when playing with the vag in its usual place.

I internally cooed and shivered as Serena sent a curious finger over my upper labia, gently poking the clit that sat high and proud just below my ribs. I could feel my belly juices dribbling down my lower abs and intermingling with the flow between my thighs.

“Alright,” I heard Serena mutter, “My turn.”

I watched her turn towards the mirror on the door and start to talk about herself. She described the sensitive and practically weightless Double-G breasts I wanted to suck on so badly. She talked about the round pert peach butt I wanted to tap. Her lovely pink pixie cut hair. How instead of getting a period each month she’d orgasm from laying a solid gold egg.

Then she turned and looked at me.

“I don’t need you chasing after me when you unfreeze, or competing with me! {Clarissa is still a lesbian, but no longer intested in me sexually!}”

Ah! Why had I stripped naked in front of my roommate?! This was so weird…it was already tough enough having to be so horny in front of her all the time with clothes on. I loved Serena, but not that way. At least she didn’t appear to mind…but damn, what a time to be stuck in my posing hour and unable to cover up!

I watched Serena turn back to the mirror, hold the weird plastic thing to her mouth as she admired her admittedly hot body - why had I never been attracted to her? - and muse, “{I am one hot bitch!}”

Being naked and alone in my dorm was so nice. Posing without any of my clothes getting damp was just freeing. I knew eventually they’d assign someone to the other half of the dorm, but in the meantime it meant I had room for all of Serena’s toys and her dog bed.

I could feel my little pink poodle whining as she rubbed against my legs. It was hard keeping her a secret in the dorm, but worth it.

Yes, I’ll take you out when my hour is up! I thought, And if we see any male dogs I’ll ask if you can have some private time with them!

Owning a dog that was perpetually in heat had its downsides, but I’d been drawn to her since it was strangely an issue my little Serena and I had in common. I watched as she clipped on all fours over to her bed. She had in her mouth some plastic junk she’d found. It looked like a novelty microphone and echoed the yipping she was doing into it. She kept looking around, then barking into it again. Then Serena looked up at me and nudged it in my direction.

I loved my poodle, but there was no way I was ever going to let that slobber-covered trash near my mouth!



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