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Rhyssa had tried to avoid an accidental wish situation. She liked Margaret, and the genie really had done her best. But what was said was what was said.

"...if he's going to want to finish in my ass every time I wish it was more like a proper pussy fucking for me!"

And a wish was a wish.

Margaret cocked her head at her genie with a perplexed expression as Rhyssa nodded, the wish granted. It was only when the younger-made model felt a twitch between her butt cheeks that she realized what she'd done.

"Oh shit, did that count? I made a wish?"

"Yes, Mistress" replied the genie as Margaret jumped up. She felt her asshole stretching and plumping, shifting and even pushing against her butt cheeks. Margaret rushed to the mirror, turning and spreading her butt and trying to see what the warm sensation was.

"What did you do to me?"

"Well, the only way to make having sex in the ass feel like a proper pussy fucking was to-"

"Turn my butthole into a vagina?!" Margaret shouted, getting enough of an angle to confirm what Rhyssa was admitting to.


"Oh my God, oh my God...how am I going to shit?" Margaret gasped.

"You...don't anymore, Mistress. The waste of anything you eat will be perfectly broken down by your body for use, either for fuel or to further enhance your hourglass. You'll actually find yourself less hungry."

That was a moment of good news for Margaret, but clenching her ass and feeling the puffy labia pushing against the inner curves of her cheeks pushed any assurance of that sort out of her mind. An engorged clit was being pinched a few inches from Margaret's tailbone. And she could feel how hot and wet her changed orifice was.

It also felt...empty. Her original pussy had magically sustained arousal, but this new one felt somewhat different.

"Why does it feel so wet and...needy?" Margaret wined, stepping away from the mirror and pacing around the room. With every step her ass pussy was lightly squeezed and squished by her butt cheeks, pushing her new lower lips up and down against her new button.

"Your wish specified 'a proper pussy fucking', Mistress, and for you that involves properly lubrication and desire. As that is your wish for the day I shall retire." Rhyssa slinked back into the bottle of her own accord, hoping that Margaret wouldn't say anything to properly seal her genie away for the day.

Indeed, out-f-sight-out-of-mind appeared to work, as Margaret paced in concern for a few more moments on her own before returning to the mirror and taking long, deep breaths.

"Okay...okay...so yeah, I have a pussy in my ass. Is that really bad? I mean, big picture bad? No one can see it. Even Roger probably won't see it, he just sort of...went in. Mmm, I mean, if I'm not going to have to shit through it this may actually be a really good thing!"

Rhyssa stood tall at the mirror, hands on her slightly wider hips and butt. She admired her youth reinvigorated body, how her make-up hadn't even smudged any further, how her hair was still attractively tussled, and how amazing her big perky tits were. She felt the flames of arousal - but of slightly different flavors - on either side of her taint.

"I think this is working out..." A small warm dribble down her taint did give Margaret a moment of pause, "But I do think I need to put something in there. Do I need to buy a butt plug or a dildo?"

The model lightly laughed at her mildly dirty joke, and then her phone alarm started beeping. Grabbing it, she saw it was a reminder to start getting ready for a photoshoot later in the day.

"Uhhh, let's get this fuckable body clean!"

Margaret danced her way into the bathroom, reveling in the jiggle of her tits and the mild clit-clapping wobble of her ass. She collected towels and supplies as she went. The model gasped and giggled as the first burst of cold water struck her chest, chilling her milk-engorged titties. As the water warmed she soaped her hands and milked her teats, thick cream spraying onto the shower tile.

"Mmm, I mean, moooo!" the lactating lady laughed, biting her lip at the wonderful contentment of feeling the release of pressure in her boobs. She wondered what it would feel like bent over, her breasts dangling over a pail, as someone rough and strong fingers pinched her nipples and let loose her milk. She squeezed her thighs and clenched her ass at the thought of being fucked in her new pussy at the same time as her milking.

With both breasts emptied - for now - Margaret moved on to soaping up the rest of her youthful form. She explored the other expanded inches of her bust, over her taught stomach, across her hips and back to her grown rear. She gently slipped one hand over her original labia, and the other over her new pair. Playing with both pussies sent a shiver of bliss through her body that nearly shutdown all of her joints.

Pulling both hands away Margaret let the shower spray wash her thick juices from her fingers. She really wanted to masturbate her new slit, to know what an orgasm from her ass felt like. But she pulled back from that impulse, thinking she'd rather let Roger take her new ass virginity both literally and orgasmically.

Although she'd still need something back there to get her through the day.

Margaret focus on finishing the shower, washing her head and the rest of her body. Shutting off the water she grabbed a towel and began to dry her hair. She ruffled the material over her head for a few moments before reaching out to wipe the fog from her mirror.

With a gasp Margaret let go of the towel. As it fell and released her hair she gasped again.

None of the make-up she'd woken up with - the make-up that had appeared the day before after her wish - had been wiped away. And her hair was completely dry, reshaping itself into the sex-tussled look once more.

"What the fuck?" Margaret muttered, wetting a hand cloth and dabbing it over her eyes and lips. No color ran or budged. It was like it was on there permanently.

"Hey, g..."

Rhyssa had felt a moment of pull as Margaret had started to call for her - being inside the bottle of her own accord meant her mistress did not need to rub the bottle to summon her again, a verbal command would have been sufficient. But Margaret's words had caught in her throat, and Rhyssa new the model had put all the pieces together to understand.

Just as the lustiness of her forward pussy was locked at the level of arousal she was experiencing the moment Margaret turned twenty-one, she was also locked to have the same looks from that moment.

The model was always going to have the slightly smudged make-up and mussed hair she'd gotten while having a marathon of sex.

Margaret attempted to apply some concealer, shadow, and lipstick over her face, but none of it would take. And a come through the hair just bounced those strands back into place.

"Well," Margaret sighed, pushing back the anxiety that was building, "Maybe this is a look that will work."

Rhyssa watched with building frustrated arousal as her mistress quickly dressed, slipping on a pair of silk panties that wouldn't stimulate either pussy too much. Over that went a short black skirt, and over her breasts she tied a plaid button-up shirt whose material was thick enough to hide most of the outline of her hard nipples. The genie wanted so badly to rip all of that off of the model and slide her body against Margaret's, to feel their breasts rub and slip aside each other. To play with both of her mistress' wet slits while Margaret snuck finger after finger into Rhyssa's pussy tucked into the start of her tail.

Unaware of her genie's fantasies, Margaret grabbed her purse and summoned a rideshare that zipped them over to a local adult shop. Through the entire trip she wiggled and squirmed in the back seat, the pressure of her body on her rear slit extremely stimulating. She was thankful she'd thought to wear black.

Once she arrived at the store, and after some contemplation, Margaret selected a short, thick dildo. After purchasing it she crossed the street to use the bathroom and the Barns & Nobel bookstore. Her cheeks were red the whole way from the front door to the stall in the woman's room, both her pussies absolutely inflamed with desire.

Peeling off her panties and skirt Margaret cursed the secure packaging of the dildo and finally ripped it from the box, blushing again hoping no one had heard the commotion. Turning the shaft in her fingers a few times Margaret could not hold back a grin. It was roughly four inches long, and nearly three inches wide. It reminded her of the butt plug she'd considered, but the head and girth made her feel more secure that it would help hold her rear pussy juices in.

A horny thrill poured over Margaret as she considered her situation, actually thinking about how a squat dildo was going to feel filling a pussy between her butt cheeks. Rhyssa was starting to feel the summons of her bottle, but peaked from the purse and held back a moan as she watched Margaret preparing to penetrate her ass.

Steeling herself, Margaret reached back and began. The knobby head pushed aside her ass and nudged against her rear labia. She bit her lip to keep from making an exclamations and pushed. Her butt slit swallowed the head of the rubber rod with a little pop, and the few inches slid smoothly. Letting go of the base Margaret felt it held securely.

It all felt weird - but good weird, the empty neediness resolved and the risk of dribbling resolved.

As Margaret summoned her next rideshare Rhyssa could no longer deny the force sucking her back into the bottle. She'd gone too long without interacting with her mistress, and with a quiet whine sunk into the darkness of her vessel.

Hours later Rhyssa felt the rub of the bottle and poured out of it. She found herself forming above a table in Margaret's apartment kitchenette. Her mistress was cooking a large pot of spaghetti, humming and lightly moving about the appliances with a spring in her step...and a particular fidget of her butt. Rhyssa was captivated not only by the sway and bounce of Margaret's tits and ass, but by a silk robe she wore over them that accentuated everything. The front of it was open, Margaret's milk-laden breasts and bare forward pussy on full display.

"Oh, hey genie!" Margaret beamed. Rhyssa nodded at her.

"Hello, Mistress. Thank you for summoning me, but I must remind you that-"

"Yes, yes, you're not here to make a wish. I just need someone to talk to, and the only one who would believe me about the genie granting my wishes is the genie granting my wishes!"

"Oh, I see..." Rhyssa let a small smile crack her lips. "How did you photo shoot go?"

"Oh, terrible!" Margaret laughed, sampling the spaghetti and adding more salt to the water, "Turns out being stuck with mid-fuck make-up and hair is not a look that works for every situation!"

"You seem...pretty happy about that," the genie pushed on cautiously.

"Oh, well, you know, a door closes and window opens..." Margaret mused, retrieving some plates, "...that photo shoot didn't work out, but I got pointed in the direction of a leg model gig and that went fantastic!"

"'Leg model?'"

"Yeah, photographer knew someone who had a last minute cancellation and my legs are smoking hot now so I quick went over there, slapped on some pantyhose, and no one gave a shit about my hair! I've got five more shoots scheduled already!"

Rhyssa nodded, pleased that her mistress had found a way to make her wishes work for her.

"And how is Roger?" the genie asked.

"Well, you'll see soon, I'm not making all of this pasta just for me!" Margaret laughed, placing down silverware.

"And how is your...behind, Mistress?"

"Oh! That reminds me, thank you! I want to be properly ready for Roger..." the model pulled up her robe and Rhyssa could see the base of the squat dildo gently engulfed by Margaret's hormone-swelled cheeks. She gripped it and pulled, the rubber dong popping out with a squelch.

For a moment Rhyssa could see Margaret's rear pussy before her ass swung shut, the pussy lips dribbling and the hard clit pushing outward in need. The genie felt her own pussy flush. She couldn't hold back the curiosity of how her mistress' second slit would taste. How it would feel to have buttcheeks instead of thighs pressing against Rhyssa's face as she lapped at it...

Unaware of her genie's fantasy's Margaret looked around for a place to put away the dripping sex toy, then decided to drop it into the sink next to a few plates and cups that needed washing. She let out a long sigh and flexed her new rear kegel muscles. Margaret shivered delightfully as she felt her stretched canal start to tighten and close up.

"I have to say, I never would have asked for this extra pussy, and it's made walking a new adventure, but it keeps the day interesting...in a good way, in a sort of constant edging sort of way..." Margaret mused.

Constant edging isn't amusing it it may last for eternity! Rhyssa complained to herself, clenching her pussy and feeling the heat of her own arousal build a little bit more beneath a sexual volcano she could not coax to eruption.

"I can't way for Roger to shove his-" the model's sentence was interrupted by the beep of a timer. "Oh! I need to get a move on! If you can find a place to stay out of sight you're welcome to watch the show, genie!"

"That's very nice of you, Mistress, but I...I can't move my vessel," Rhyssa replied, shame welling up in her for having to deny her mistress even in such a small way.

When she'd been human Rhyssa had never been so humble...which caused another swell of shame.

"Oh! Okay, um..." Margaret grabbed the little bottle and looked around hastily before dropping it into a half-closed dresser drawer, giving the genie a view of the kitchen and bed room.

Rhyssa shrank down and again slipped her nethers into the tightness of the bottle. She slipped her hands under the gauze of her top and played with her tits as she watched Margaret finish getting dinner ready, a little trickle of juices dribbling midway down her mistress' thigh before Margaret wiped them off with a dish towel.

Margaret jumped giddily when the buzzer for the apartment building's front door rang, and after buzzing Roger in the model turned to a mirror to check her look before remembering that she was stuck with one particular visage. All Margaret could do was gently tie her robe so that it barely covered her full breasts, hard nipples pressing harshly against the silk. The dangling ends of the robe's silk belt hung in front of Margaret's bald and glistening slit.

As a happily surprised Roger was let into the apartment Margaret tried to remain coy and resist the dual fires burning between her legs. She led the male model to the table, his eyes practically falling out as he took in the silk enrobed goddess. She served him his spaghetti and a glass of wine, then set down across from him with her own plate and drink.

Roger could barely eat as he watched his host slowly suck spaghetti into her full lips, licking them as she drank her wine. Margaret's bare feet were both playing with Roger's legs. She was squirming, her butt pressed down on the chair squeezing inward and tightly gripping her under pussy.

Finally neither could pretend to hold back from the thing they were both there for. Margaret swiped aside the platters and lunge over the table, her ass high in the air as she grabbed Roger's shirt and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Their tongues danced as Margaret's many lusts grew as wet as their mixing mouths. They broke from their lip lock and Roger stood up so fast he knocked over the chair. He scooped his eager lover into her arms and took her to the dark bed room, dropping her onto the mattress with a little forcefully flair.

Margaret gasped and laughed as her ass landed on the sheets, everything pinching her pussies. The knot of her robe came undone and the silk revealed all of her incredible body. Roger had started taking his pants off but could only summon the patience to unfurl his hard cock through the zipper. He dove upon the youthful model and impaled himself on the only slit he knew about.

A cry of satisfaction bubbled out of Margaret as Roger's thick ramming rod quelled the arousal in her original pussy. All four of their hands ran over Margaret's bloated boobs, coaxing her warm cream from the rigid teats. Both of them tried to suck and lick up as much of the sweet white dribbling as they could.

A minute or so of pumping was pushing Roger near his limit, so with a disappointed groan from Margaret he withdrew. He scuttled over her hips and up her stomach, his legs squeezing the sides of her body as Roger slid his dick, slick with Margaret's juices, between her generous tits. The model moaned, kissing and lapping at the head of her lover's length as it poked in and out from her cleavage.

A tit fuck was fine and all, but she now had two needy pussies which required attention.

"Roger, I...I need you...in my ass..." Margaret squealed. Of all the unbelievable things that had happened to her, this was something she'd never imagined telling someone.

"Fuck, that's...so hot..." the male model grunted, quickly pulling back and moving towards the foot of the bed again. He flipped Margaret over, and she laughed and gasped as her leaking milkbags were pressed beneath her. She pushed her ass up with her knees and wondered if Roger would notice the changes between her bottom cheeks.

As he grabbed her by the hips and shoved his dick into Margaret's ass, Roger didn't see anything knew - but he did feel it.

"Shit, Margaret, you're wet in here! And still so tight!"

The double-slitted woman barely heard the comment. As Roger's cock plunged into her sex-virginal ass pussy Margaret was screaming into the mattress so passionately she couldn't produce a sound. A hand flew back to her forward notch, fingers diving between her fat labia and pinching the engorged clitty. She paced her own ministrations to the rhythm of Roger's thrusts, and in a few seconds dual orgasms were gripping her body.

Margaret thought she would shatter. The blissful clench that overwhelmed her was two fold, striking her locking joints and pleasure-melting flesh from two slightly different angles. Both soaked trenches clenched tightly, wringing the long-awaited orgasm and explosion from Roger's balls. Margaret felt his hot cum surge into her back pussy, welling up her pleasure little more.

So great was her bliss that Margaret's body was quivering as she finally regained control of it, her joints releasing and her hips and ass falling to the bed, Roger's dripping dick slipping from the butt slit. He fell forward onto her back, his softening length resting between Margaret's plump ass cheeks. He hands found the outer swell of her compressed breasts and gently petted them as both dozed off.

In her hiding place Rhyssa was also quivering. Her djinn flesh...vibrating with useless arousal was more like it. The genie had no outlet, and although she could have remained out of the little vessel for some time more the only sensation she'd have which would feel the slightest bit like relief would be to return fully to the bottle. So with a long muffled moan she let her upper body soften and slip back in.

This meant that Rhyssa was not there to watch Margaret rouse from her slumber an hour later. She smiled at the weight of Roger atop her - and she could feel that his cock had started to get hard again in his sleep. With gentle shimmying she induced some early morning wood, guiding it between her cheeks and into her ass pussy once again. Margaret cooed to herself as she felt Roger's hard rod fill her new crevice, lying still and gently squeezing it with her back kegels until she again fell asleep impaled from behind.

As morning broke and Roger awoke to discover himself embedded in such glory, Margaret awoke with delight to find the male model gently flexing his dick inside of her. She let out a quiet, "Pleeeease..." to encourage him, and the pair started their morning with a pair of orgasms.

Roger was gone when Rhyssa felt herself forming over Margaret's disheveled and wet bed. Despite the wild sex - which included another ass fuck in the shower before Roger finally left - the stunning model had the same mid-sex hair and make-up she'd had since her first wish.

"I hope you had a good night, Mistress," Rhyssa smiled. Recalling any of the prior nights events would have been enough to add to the genie's arousal frustration, but Margeret was nude and that was doing plenty to enflame Rhyssa's libido.

"Yes, it was grand...I had no idea I'd love being fucked in the butt so much!" Margaret rolled her shoulders as she recalled the sensation.

"So you haven't summoned me to undo it?"

"No no no! I...I can't imagine living without that sensation now!" the model stood up and pranced to the mirror, turning and trying to get a good look at the source of her new bliss, "I'm upset I've got to do anything aside from getting rammed from, and in, behind now! But a girl has to work, and that is why I've summoned you."

"So what is your third wish, Mistress?"

"Well, I've realized that I could also make money being a hand and arm model, so I need to do something to help encourage that. But also, while it's so nice having such lovely legs that don't need to be shaved or waxed, I did realize that getting in and out of so many different shoes and boots all day, some of which are not always the best fit, is going to get me sore eventually. And I only want this new shot at youth to be about pleasure."

"That is a lot to cover in one wish, Mistress..."

"Yes, but I think I can do it!" Margaret smiled, crossing her arms under her breasts as she plowed through what Rhyssa had intended to be more of a warning, "I wish my legs would never get hurt and only feel sexual pleasure instead of any pain, would be comfortable on the floor barefoot or wearing anything on them, and that my arms would model and get the same attention just like my legs!"


Andrew Parsons

Why do i think that's going to turn her arms into legs?


Because it is the most obvious wording from the vague wish. Also it's hot.