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1,300+ words take a classic trick into a classic fetish direction...

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“Well, you have all been an amazing audience. That’s my show. Good night, and have with each other on this amazing cruise!” Zynthia announced, bowing and letting her rabbit ears sway down and back with her hair. She blew a kiss to the crowd before jaunting off the stage.

As the lights went up over the audience Neome looked over to her roommate. The six-breasted woman still had her hand gripped around Carina’s solid blue cock, and Neome saw that blue pre-cum had been dribbling from the head of the shaft over her fingers for some time. She’d been so wrapped up in watching the show she hadn’t felt it.

Carina was leaning back in her seat, both hands lightly tracing the outer curves of her breasts. Her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted taking slow quiet breaths. She’d spent the entire performance edging her orgasm and was trying very hard not to explode with so many people around her.

But as Neome shifted, her pre-sum slicked fingers unexpectedly shifting around the crown of Carina’s rubber length, her eyes popped open.

“No, I’ll...I’m...oh crap, here I cuuuuuuum…”

Neome pulled back her hands and shielded her eyes as a shower of blue spunk erupted up from Carina. Her body spasmed and her back arched uncontrollably, swinging the upward spray forward. Fortunately most of the crowd had already stood up and begun to leave, the flying sperm hitting only seats.

Carina muttered and quivered for a moment, then with a haggard exhale of long-held breath she settled back into the auditorium seat and give Neome a playful sideye.

“I hope you’re happy.”

Neome lowered her hands, revealing a light mist of blue spunk covering her arms and breasts. She’d been too close to avoid a splash zone.

“I will be once I go back and get a shower,” the six-breasted woman sputtered. She tried to flick some droplets from her hands but the spunk was already starting to hard dry across her skin, “But at least there’s a bunch more people for you to pursue in your next round.”

“Yeah, well, uh…” Carina replied as the pair stood up, “You’ll have to tell me about them...I didn’t pay the closest attention.”

Across the ship Ula69 was awake and pissed.

And Tiara could not help but laugh.

The duo had planned to strike out across the Mestra to begin making plans, but Ula69 had wanted to get dressed first.

When the living avatar reached into her closet to pick out a black lace tank top the fabric burst into 1s and 0s which were sucked into the image of her navel.

WHAT THE FUCK?! appeared over Ula69’s head as she watched the shirt dissolve from her grip. She grabbed a few more, along with some pants and shoes, and each one did the same. She scowled at the giggling Tiara - who immediately stopped laughing when Ula69 started grabbing the red-dicked woman’s clothes.

“Woah, woah, hey there! Let me fucking try something!” Tiara shouted. Her roommate had been turned into a video game character, so maybe…

Tiara tapped the flat spot representing Ula69’s belly button, then swiped her finger over it. With a bit of blur a black image slid over the polygons that formed Ula69’s body. Tiara let out a cackle as she recognized the black tank top Ula69 had first tried to pick up.

It was now a JPEG with some 90s-era image compression. And it was slapped over the avatar’s busty curves like a wet t-shirt - Ula69 wasn’t any more “dressed” then before, she simply had a different overlay on her polygonal pleasure pillows.

Tiara continued to swipe, other articles of clothing appearing. Pants slid over Ula69’s legs, and shoes appeared over the few polygons forming her feet.

STOP THAT, LET ME DO IT popped over Ula69’s head, accompanied by an impatient scowl. Tiara stepped back and the clumps of 3D shapes that made up the avatar’s hands scraped over her stomach.

But her look didn’t change.

“I think only a ‘user’ can change the outfit of a game avatar,” Tiara sneered.


Tiara leaned forward to continue changing Ula69’s outfit, but her hand was knocked away.


The roommate had turned to the mirror, which showed she was wearing the tank top again with jeans and black sneakers.


The pair struck out to scope the ship just as most of the passengers were heading to the evening’s performance. This allowed them to skulk around with little concern. No and then they would pass a woman or two hanging out in one of the ship’s many small bars, or lounging around the pools on either end of the Lido Deck.

Ula69 discovered something that gave her great pleasure. On a wim, as she passed a woman in a green bikini waiting for a drink at the pool bar, the living video game character reached out and gently brushed a hanging string of the bikini’s rear knot.

In a burst of 1s and 0s the woman’s bikini top vanished, her breasts bouncing as the binary code was sucked into Ula69. She grabbed her free boobs with her hands and turned in annoyance, but since she hadn’t noticed the flowing code and Ula69 strolled on like nothing happened with nothing in her hands the topless woman dropped any suspicion of her.

For a few moments the stripped woman looked around the floor for her top, but when she didn’t find it before the delivery of her drink she finally just shrugged, let her breasts hang bare and free, and took the drink back to her ratan recliner.

As they explored the ship Ula69 amused herself sneakily undressing a few other guests, getting away with it each time. She was starting to really enjoy this, amassing a huge wardrobe...she couldn’t directly access. But it was still fun.

Tiara, however, was not amused. They’d gone down hallways, stairwells, elevators, and every direction that could be tried. But none brought them to anything that appeared important to the operation of the ship. They couldn’t even find the captain’s quarters again, no matter how many times Tiara thought she was retracing her steps.

It was on the third attempt to find Captain Daphne’s office, which dumped the pair out at a forward coffee bar and quiet reading room, that Tiara finally lost her patience.

“This is bullshit,” she spat, and was immediately shushed by the automaton behind the coffee bar. Tiara flipped the middle finger at it, then got further annoyed that she was giving the bird to a robot.


“Well,” Tiara muttered, taking a look around the coffee bar and seeing the metal trays with sweeteners and stirrers. She stepped over and picked it up, then dashed towards the robot behind the bar, “We’ll just have to do something worth the captain’s timmmmah!

As Tiara raised the tray over her head to swing at the automaton her body was gripped by a joint melting orgasm. She collapsed to the floor, red spunk erupting from her shaft and spraying the side of the order counter. Tiara’s mouth hung open and her eyes rolled back, her arms collapsing to her side and the tray clattering to the floor.

Ula69 watched with a neutral face as the automated barista rolled out from behind the register, picked up the tray, put it back, neatly replaced all the items Tiara had tossed from it, and then went back to its position to wait patiently - all while completely ignoring Tiara’s state.

WELL, UNTIL YOU COME UP WITH A BETTER PLAN WORTH MY TIME appeared over the living avatar as she carefully stepped around Tiara’s pooling seed to pat the spasming woman on the head, I’M GOING TO DO MY OWN EXPLORING.

The patronizing pat drove Tiara’s desire to do violence even higher, and the security-induced orgasm intensified in response. All she managed to do was grunt out an angry “FAAAHGK!” as she watched her roommate’s digitized ass walk away - an exclamation the automaton swiftly shushed.

to be continued...


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