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Panel 1

A joyful Amy practically tackles Melissa against the door as they kiss.

Panel 2

They enter the bedroom. It is beautiful, like a honeymoon suite. Rose pedals lead a path to the bed, which also has rose pedals. Any remaining clothing on them disintegrates as they enter the room.

MELISSA: Wow, it’s beautiful…

AMY: You faid id…

Panel 3

Melissa and Amy approach the bed.

MELISSA: This game has some impossible powers…

AMY: Ib alweady bib fo for me…

Panel 4

Melissa lays back on the bed as Amy climbs over her.

AMY: I wonber whud duh ubber wooms look like…

MELISSA: I don’t know…I just know I like what I see here!


Full Page

Amy embraces Melissa with two arms, the other two arms playing with her udders. They share an intense and passionate kiss.


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