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May got away from me, here's a 10k+ word bonus story previously unshared to the public.



Looks Good On Paper

By Dan Standing

Cecily unlocked the cabinet door and pulled out her favorite can of ink. She carefully raised it before her eyes. Leaning back in her chair her free hand pushed the dark brown strands from her face that had stuck to her brow thanks to her sweat. She admired the little tin. She turned it in her fingers, feeling the liquid shift. It had been three years ago that Cecily first cracked open the lid and dipped her pen into the virgin liquid. She knew immediately, as she watched the dark fluid flow to her paper, that this was something unusual.

Despite her porous parchment the ink didn’t soak into the paper. Instead it just rested on the surface, puffy pools and lines that followed her quill. The color was supposed to be a flat black, but Cecily swore that she could see colors flashing for moments beneath the surface. Even when the ink dried, losing just a small amount of its round body, a wet shimmer remained across its surface.

Perhaps there are those who would have returned the defective product, but Cecily treasured it – even though there were flecks under her fingernails she’d never been able to fully clean out. She’d bought other tins from the same manufacturer – even from the very same production batch – and none of them replicated the wonderful properties of what had been contained in her first can.

So, given its apparent scarcity, Cecily reserved her special ink for special occasions.

And there hadn’t been many such occasions lately. Cecily’s dream had been to be an artist by trade, living solely from the money earned through the skill that she loved. There had been a glimmer of hope to her career when a newspaper syndicator pick-up up the dramatic sequential work she’d been developing since college. But then the digital boom happened, the newspaper business changed, and her comic hadn’t gotten enough print time to develop a significant audience. Cecily had tried self-publishing digitally, but was struggling to find the success that would have matched the old-school newspaper income she felt had been robbed from her.

“Bitter” only began to describe her feelings on it.

After that, to get by Cecily finally had no choice but to resort to taking commissions. She did this in two ways, under her own name taking commercial or up-scale private character work.

There was not a lot of demand for this.

The second, wholly more reluctant method, was taking work under the pseudonym of “Overflowing C.” Cecily had come up with the pseudonym and separate art persona because she had no misconceptions about where the larger demand for commissioned work came from; nude pictorials. Such pieces weren’t her favorite kind of “art” to create, but at the end of the day Cecily needed to eat and pay her rent.

In fact, during the last three months the only commissions Cecily had been working on were nude pin-ups. As a way to ease into accepting the reality of her situation Cecily tried to convince herself that, as a woman, she would be able to implant some feminine strength and independence to the female bodies and poses she was creating.

But most of the time she only saw pandering cheesecake when she was done.

As the days of nudie work turned into weeks Cecily found herself actually getting depressed. This was work she didn’t actually believe in, and had never intended to fall into it. She’d stopped bothering to get dressed in the mornings, padding around the apartment barefoot in the boy shorts and cotton t-shirt which acted as pajamas. The t-shirt was a size too large for her, and a man’s cut – left over from when she’d actually felt like going out and had successfully brought a guy home.

But that had been more than four months ago.

The gentle, broadly hanging fabric hid Cecily’s figure, which was more like two parallel lines than it was an hourglass. Her breasts were barely handfuls, and rested high on her chest. The building had not yet turned on the heat, and the drafty cold of the brisk Fall caused Cecily’s nipples, only the size of pencil erasers, to constantly tent the fabric resting over them. To add to her non-physique Cecily’s shorts cupped an ass that barely added any padding to the wooden stool she sat upon when working.

But all of the apathy and despair was lifting as Cecily’s hand moved over the image taking form on the page before her. The request had been for the artist to “capture and exaggerate the curve and sexuality of lesbian actress Andrea Sounder.” Cecily always found herself laughing at certain details included in the explanations for her commission work – in this case the “lesbian” description. It was a single figure piece; did the commissioner expect there was some sort of style or art that was reserved for lesbian characters? That somehow Cecily knew how to draw internal desires on a character that had no partner to reflect them on? She could only laugh; it could certainly be worse. Once she’d been requested to draw a character thinking about hot dogs – but without including any hot dogs in the picture.

This new enthusiasm had begun to grow three days ago. After receiving the email and payment Cecily had begun putting down her first pencil strokes. Before starting Cecily assumed that she would be as under-enthused about this piece as she’d been for all the other nudes. It didn’t help that she’d needed to print out pictures of the curvy Andrea Sounder and pin them up around her work table for reference. Cecily hadn’t found any nude pictures of the actress, but there’d been a few bikini shots and a number of skimpy dresses that bulged up the thespian’s breasts like a pair of melons. It was these that most put off Cecily.

As the penciled lines of the Exaggerated Andrea – or Xrea as Cecily began calling her – began to take shape, Cecily found her mood brightening. It was like a revelation in her mind; a switch had flipped. This guy wanted a hyper-sexualized illustration? So be it. Cecily would forego her attempts to power the image and just have fun with this one.

It was quickly clear that Xrea could not be a real woman. Her waist was extraordinarily small, the lines from her hips meeting the lines from her ribs at an impressive angle. Part of that angle was because Cecily made her hips absurdly wide. “Birthing hips” didn’t begin to describe their girth. Sticking straight out behind them was a pair of butt cheeks which looked like a watermelon had been cut in half and pushed against Xrea’s ass. From these a pair of legs, perfectly toned and slightly longer than they should have been, flowed down the page. At their ends were a pair of feet impossibly dainty, and stretched up on their toes at a ridiculous arch. From how Cecily drew the short and rounded calf muscles it was clear that Xrea’s feet were designed to stand stretched up as they were at all times.

Above the organ-defying abdomen was a pair of tits that put Xrea’s ass to shame. Cecily could only think of them as tits as she drew them – no other word was appropriate. Although there was nothing to give them scale in the artwork, within Cecily’s mind their diameter was twice that of a basketball’s – not as a pair, but eachfleshy sphere was about twenty inches wide. They fought for space at the center of Xrea’s chest, creating a deep and inviting cleavage. There was a slight droop to them that made it clear there was no silicon underneath their curves, but for the most part Xrea’s tits stood straight and proud. Nipples just smaller than the length and width of soda cans popped out from the end of the tits, ringed by areola the size of appetizer plates. Practically hidden beneath them was a pair of thin, lithe arms ending in hands with long, delicate fingers. Two-inch fingernails completed the look.

Xrea’s face was the most difficult for Cecily. She wanted the actress’ look to be recognizable, but Cecily also needed to incorporate the exaggerated details that the impossible body contained. Xrea’s eyes were made bigger, and her nose shrunk just a bit. Her lips were a puffy pout. As she continued putting in details of expression Cecily tried to come up with a very sultry “lesbian” look, as if Xrea was looking up and lusting after her creator. The last thing to sketch in was Xrea’s hair, which was billowing and light, reaching down to the very top of her smackable ass.

Stepping back Cecily admired her graphite creation. Normally she’d have out her gum eraser and begin making slight changes and adjustments. But as she looked across the penciled sexiness sprawled out on the page before her Cecily could find nothing she felt was inadequate. This was a first, and as Cecily stared into the eyes she continued to imagine the lusty lesbian libido captured inside the mind of Xrea. Cecily herself wasn’t gay, but she felt that Xrea’s sexual need was at least three times that which Cecily had experienced at the peak of her time at Lyon State University.

Slightly unsettled by her inability to find a fault with her pencil work Cecily decided to go to bed; she’d been working on the pencils for many hours and was exhausted. Cecily was sure that morning’s light would illuminate anything which needed attention, and she fell asleep with the image of the gray-lined Xrea at the center of her mind. Cecily dreamt of the many colors she could dress her creation in.

The morning did not reveal any overlooked errors. Cecily scratched her head, her eyes locked on the lusty look of Xrea. Normally she would scan a copy of the pencils and send them to the commissioner before moving on to the coloring stage. But something in the back of her mind tugged at her; the figure before her was so perfect Cecily could not allow some stranger the opportunity to critique or change it. Cecily would move forward with the colors. The commissioner would just have to accept the finished product.

The paint selection was long and labored. Cecily’s style was to put down flat layers of color with slight shading, and come back at another stage to add further shadow and depth. So the initial selection of tone was of great importance.

For the skin, Cecily settled on an almond shade. She imagined that it was the right color if Andrea Sounder decided to take up tanning. There was no doubt in Cecily’s mind that Xrea would already be this sultry selection. Cecily dipped in her brush and carefully caressed the caramel color across her character’s contours. Little spins enveloped the enormous tits, and careful strokes of minute bristles filled in fingers.

Much of Xrea’s flesh was painted without a second thought, but as Cecily reached the delicate crux between the thighs she paused. Xrea was in a standing pose, her arms straight down and out behind her, her tits pushed up with confidence, and her legs spread in a stance of defiance. At the pencils stage Cecily had only drawn a little line to indicate her creation’s slit, but now – seeing Xrea literally fleshed out – the artist knew that a simple split would not do. This was a woman who sweated sexuality, whose entire being was focused on physical pleasure. Her pussy would have to reflect that.

Pulling out some warmer colors Cecily set to work detailing Xrea’s lower lips. Her labia were plump and thick, which meant they would put constant pressure on the rosie thumb-sized clit that was poking up from the fleshy cleft. Some careful feathering and Xrea’s genitals had a permanent glisten to them. It was then that Cecily was certain that Xrea’s fertile valley had to be clear cut.

Moving on to other details Cecily painted the nipples practically the color of chocolate. She painted neon green finger and toe nails, and matching lipstick. Xrea’s billowing bright blonde hair also got tinges of green, a decision made from a moment of inspiration. Green also went into the painting’s gorgeous irises, and after putting the last touches of make-up on Xrea’s face Cecily finally stepped back.

Once again Cecily found herself staring at something she felt was perfect, even while lacking its final stage. Xrea’s expression was sexual desire incarnate, and it was difficult to look away from the green doe eyes that told the story of desperate desire for the artist standing over her. Cecily had dripped no paint, smudged no lines, and bled no color into any spaces she didn’t want it. Once more the artist found herself convinced she’d just need a night’s rest to find her imperfections, and as she slept the image of the lusty Xrea found its way into every dream.

With another sunrise behind her Cecily again found that she was still at a loss to find a single detail of Xrea that needed revision. So it was this day that she brought out the unusual and beloved black ink.

Carefully Cecily led the tip of her pen around the edges of the paint. She followed the line out to the curve of Xrea’s ass, and unfurled the ink down the back of the lengthy legs. Another dip of the quill and Cecily detailed each toe, smudging the ink to accentuate the impossible permanent arch from floor to heel. The proper lines here and there brought one’s eyes to the flushed and engorged arousal of Xrea’s pussy and clit.

Cecily applied the dark details to the wide hips, imagining how each long leg would swing in front of each other, the raised foot creating an exaggerated swagger. She outlined the naval caught at the center of the cinched waist, and began to create the deep plunging curves of Xrea’s tits. As she worked at the glistening shadows Cecily’s mind considering the quivering bags of super-sensitive flesh, swaying and shaking with each step and tiny shift of Xrea’s body. Cecily followed the lines over the shoulders, down the arms, and made stark contrasts between each of her creation’s fingers.

The ink brought new depth to Xrea’s face, making her green lips standout even further against the tanned skin. A frosting of shadow around the eyes, which caused them to become even deeper pools into a painted soul, almost brought Cecily’s work to a stop. It was as if Xrea was aching to leap from the page and ravage Cecily. She had to tear herself away from the painted gaze in order to work on the billowing hair that now captured the fracturing light in its strands.

Once again Cecily’s intricate and delicate work had taken the course of the day. As she pulled her tool away for the final time the artist realized that she could not recall when she had last eaten. Closing the ink and putting everything aside Cecily quickly escaped to her kitchen before she could lock eyes once more with her art. Even if she could avoid the eyes somehow Cecily knew that she could spend the entire evening searching for imperfections in Xrea…and find none.

As Cecily scarfed down celery and carrot sticks from her refrigerator she tried to get a handle on how she’d been acting the last few days. Had she really been so excited to create such a joke of a woman? Her mind slowly locked in on how she’d put much more work into Xrea than she should have for the cost of the commission. How could she have used the unusual ink on a work she wasn’t even keeping? What had come over her?

A large glass of water overflowed Cecily’s lips, sending rivulets down her neck and soaking into the shirt that had not left her body for three days. The wet patches turned translucent and stuck to her pale skin, although the effect did not spread as far as Cecily’s scant breasts. She placed down the glass and stood leaning on the table. Suddenly, despite her sleep the last two nights, Cecily felt exhausted. It was as if someone had possessed her body – her admittedly willing body – and assisted in the creation of Xrea. Cecily knew that the design of Xrea had been entirely hers; the painting’s absurd tits and enormous ass were certainly part of Cecily’s vision from the start. No, she felt that something had guided her hands to achieve the most perfect version of her preconceived character.

But, whatever had happened, Cecily felt weak from it.

The artist stumbled from her kitchen into the next room and fell onto her bed. There was a struggle as she gripped at the bottom of the still damp shirt and pulled it up along her body. With great effort Cecily finally pulled the cotton from her and tossed it to the end of the bed. She was lying atop the bed’s sheets, completely naked save for her shorts. She wanted to cover herself but the final fight with the shirt had made all her muscles too heavy to move. Cecily simply rested on her belly. Her mind could only think of Xrea; her beauty, her exaggeration, her pure sexuality. Although a modern woman Cecily found herself somewhat jealous of her creation’s assets. She imagined Xrea walking around, existing in the world, dealing with her body.

Cecily fell asleep to these visions.

While nothing had come from the previous nights’ lingering thoughts of Xrea, this night would be different. While Cecily slept impossible goings-on, created from the combination of two unlikely events, began in her studio.

To a casual observer looking over the painting the first changes happening to it may not have been noticeable. The strange black ink, which almost always dried slightly raised from the paper, was being fully absorbed into the paint and parchment beneath it. As it sunk down the edges of the paper began to pull in towards the sheet’s center. This was slow at first, but sped up as the black pigment vanished almost entirely from the outline of the figure. As the unused paper was pulled inward more and more, Xrea’s almond painted body and other details began to rise up from their mere two dimensions. Mountains and valleys were pushing towards the sky, and gradually they took the form of their painted intentions; knee caps and toes fully manifested, as did the arms and legs that held them. Xrea’s ass appeared to be pushing away the paper that had once captured it, but in fact the shrinking sheet was being drawn into the raised rump. Xrea’s hair lifted gently away, followed by her full face. As the paper fully vanished inside the painted figure the final features formed were Xrea’s tits and nipples, which jiggled sensually and barely pancaked under the new threat of gravity.

Slowly the figure slid from the desk as she grew. By the time Xrea’s feet touched the floor she was practically as tall as Cecily’s desk. The growing figure took a few tentative steps, her painted skin shifting and reflecting the light off impossibly glossy and perfect features. Stretched foot fell before stretched foot as Xrea sashayed from the desk towards Cecily’s bed room. Each step covered slightly more of the floor, and as the newly minted woman reached the doorway she had grown to her full six-foot height. She stopped, placing a hand to each side of the jam. Her breasts, which had been bouncing with every step, stopped and swung in the entryway. Their expanse nearly reached across the entire open door.

The room was dark, but Xrea could see the outline of her artist’s form splayed out on the mattress. Xrea’s glistening pussy pulsed with a fresh layer of moisture, and she stepped inside.

The next morning Cecily woke up quite warm. This was a surprise, since she’d fallen asleep uncovered in her cold room. As Cecily’s brain fully turned on from Sleep to Wake she began to feel the weight resting across her back and ass. It felt as if someone’s leg and arm were sprawled over her. Cecily turned towards the source of her warmth and leapt up as she saw the face of Xrea lying next to her.

“Holy shit!” Cecily cried out, backing herself into the corner of the room. Startled awake as Cecily’s body leapt out from under her Xrea was nearly thrown from the bed – if it hadn’t been for the weight of her tits she would have been.

“Please, please, don’t be scared!” Xrea exclaimed, her voice light and comforting. The painted woman’s arms stretched out as far as she could around her tits, her hands splayed as she attempted to calm down the retreating woman.

“Who…who the Hell are you?” Cecily gasped. She’d realized she was topless and was wrapping her arms around her torso.

“I’m she who you’d named Xrea,” the exaggerated woman smiled, her eyes wide and loving as she looked upon Cecily. Cecily stared back, for a moment her mind lost again within the gaze of her creation.

But she quickly shook herself out of it.

“The fuck you are,” Cecily replied. She could smell a heavy musk in the room, and it was very clear how the other woman’s pussy was nearly dripping liquid lust. A glance to the bed revealed a stain on the mattress where Xrea had been laying.

Cecily wanted to run, or scream, or attack, or…but she could not deny what she was seeing in front of her. The woman in her room was Xrea. Exactly how she’d been painted. In fact, she looked like she was still made of paint. The light bounced off the smooth almond color with no indication of hairs or other skin imperfections. The shadows around her edges were overly dark, and within that blackness other colors seemed to dance.

She was a walking cartoon. Cecily couldn’t comprehend how this was possible, but the possibility that her creation had come to life actually felt more likely than the possibility of a live woman pinching in her waist and standing on the balls of her feet while still supporting the titanic tits that were swaying before Cecily’s eyes. Finally she found there was only one thing she could ask;


“That I can only partially answer,” Xrea replied. As she spoke she relaxed her body and started making small steps towards Cecily. “In my first life I was a dryad. A tree nymph. A creature you would consider no more than myth, and for the most part that is all we are anymore. If there is a we…I may be all that is left, if I am even only one. My tree and those around it were cut down. I felt my wooden form cut into pieces, then pulverized, and soaked. I know not how many other dryad trees may have been fixed in with the pulp that my body became. But, while my physical form was destroyed, somehow the lingering energy of the dryad legend kept a part of my consciousness alive. Eventually that part of me was captured within the paper that you drew on.”

“So you took on the form of…of what I drew?” Cecily asked. By now Xrea was standing before her, the only thing between them being Xrea’s own tits. As a straight woman Cecily found Xrea’s clear sexual interest uncomforting, so she moved and sat on the bed.

Xrea followed.

“On my own I was not able to assume this form,” Xrea continued, “In fact, I have been nothing more than a sheet of paper many times before now, and have been recycled with many other images scribbled upon me. But, somehow, when you began to create this image of raw sexuality across my surface I was able to tap into your mind. Help guide your hand. Each night, as you slept and dreamt of your creation, because Xrea’s existence depended on the paper she was drawn on I was able to draw strength from your thoughts.”

“And that’s how you created…yourself like this?” Cecily asked. Xrea was leaning sharply in towards her and the artist stood and went to the open doorway. She leaned on it, a hand to her head. This story was impossible.

And, it seemed, incomplete.

“No…your thoughts could only give me so much shape and strength. It wasn’t until you applied that final layer that I truly felt the ability to leap from the page,” Xrea stood as she spoke, but did not advance from the edge of the bed. “Of course, my first thought once I was finally free of that flat form was to find you, my beautiful creator.”

“Were you always…interested in women?” Cecily asked, her voice fluttering for a moment. She had no idea how to deal with what was going on.

“Dryads are pretty much into everything,” Xrea blushed, the red color coming across her cheeks like blurry red circles, “But, just as I have taken on the new shape you drew for me, my new mind has taken on the thoughts you had for me.”

“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that,” Cecily replied, taking a step forward out of true concern, “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“You could fuck me,” Xrea smiled, taking a step forward. She stopped moving when Cecily took a step back.

“I’m sorry, but…I’m straight.”

“Perhaps I can change your mind.”

“You can do that?” Cecily asked. This wasn’t out of interest; she was actually a little afraid of the idea that Xrea could have such a power. The painted woman’s laugh did not set her mind at ease.

“No no, I alone have no such power, but in the right hands I think that ink you used might. Where did you get it?”

“The store,” Cecily replied, “But I had no idea it could do this. I’ve used it before without anything springing to life.”

“Its energy is familiar to me,” Xrea spoke, sitting on the bed and crossing her long legs, “It tastes of ambrosia. Perhaps it is possible that such a thing could have accidentally mixed with any ingredient used to make this paint. Funny that such an old source of power would also find its way to you. It would only be able to alter something with a life force of some kind. If there was ever anything about yourself you wanted change, I could use it to do so for you.”

This was really starting to be too much for Cecily. Dryads? Old powers? Inks that could bring things to life or change them? The artist needed time to think.

And breathe. Although Xrea was controlling herself fantastically well, Cecily could clearly see how horny she was. The smell of the exaggerated woman’s musk was filling the room.

“I…I need to take a walk,” Cecily blurted out. She practically leaped to her bureau and quickly pulled out whatever she thought would get her around the block without being arrested.

“I would love to go with you,” Xrea grinned, standing from the bed. A long string of her lube stretched from the mattress to the puckered lips between her thighs.

“No, please, just stay here for now. I need to think.”

Cecily was stumbling through the process of putting on pants, a bra, and a shirt as she made her way through the apartment. She grabbed her sneakers and slammed the door, putting on her shoes in the hallway.

The lithe artist could not recall when she’d last been outside. The air was crisp and cool, and the freshness of being outside reminded Cecily how long it had been since she had last showered. She’d walked nearly two blocks just letting her mind wander on thoughts of trees, and birds, and the sounds of her neighborhood before she finally got back to thinking about Xrea.

What was Cecily to do with her? She couldn’t possibly let the impossible woman stay with her, could she? If she’d given really Xrea an undeniable lust for her could Cecily really throw her out in good conscious? What would the poor woman do then? Not to mention, how could she get work or find her own place to live?

Cecily’s thoughts turned to what Xrea had said about the paint, how it could be used to make changes to living things. Could she want such a thing done to her? Admittedly, there were aspects of Cecily’s body she’d always dreamed of changing; her skin was too pale, she hated shaving her arm pits and legs, and perhaps her curves could use a little more…curve. But she couldn’t really have those changes made to her, could she? She was how she was, it was wrong to change that, wasn’t it?

Of course, she hadn’t always been a good artist. When she’d started out Cecily could barely draw the head on a stick figure. She’d worked and trained to change this aspect of her, leaving her body to \form however it would. Was this not a way of getting everything Cecily had always wanted?

But that didn’t mean she wanted to suddenly be a lesbian.

It was at the completion of this thought that Cecily realized she was outside her building once more.

When she got back to the apartment Xrea was reclined on Cecily’s bed. Cecily figured the other woman may not have heard her return, because Xrea looked like she was very wrapped up in playing with her breasts and pussy. Cecily watched quietly from the doorway as Xrea tugged at her titanic tit’s teat with one hand while the other worked the red clit between her long legs. Xrea was grunting, her body making little shudders. Her painted skin moved with the bouncy flesh beneath it, but the painted surface also seemed to ripple slightly on its own. The smooth perfection of the painted flesh fascinated Cecily, especially the black shading that hugged the underside of Xrea’s curves and danced with its own colors.

“Ahem,” Cecily finally coughed, and Xrea bounced up to a seated position on the bed.

“Oh, Cecily! I didn’t know you were home!” Xrea exclaimed, her body bobby as her tits settled. It was now that Cecily noticed Xrea’s hair was not matted with sweat. It was still the billowy perfection that had leapt from the page, completely untouched by the effects any normal hair would be having after such a session of self-pleasure.

“I…I was wondering…” Cecily could feel herself blush as she tried to get past her reservations, “Would you be able to use that ink to make it so I don’t ever have to shave my arm pits or legs?”

“Sure, I absolutely could!” Xrea smiled, “Let me mix something up and I can do that for you!”

“Great, I…I think I’ll take a shower while you do that,” Cecily replied. She figured if Xrea was caught up concocting whatever she needed Cecily didn’t have to fear an unexpected visit in the bathroom.

“Sounds good.”

Cecily had intended to shower quickly, but it had been so long since she’d washed away her body’s grime that she could not help but savor the warm water and soapy smoothness spread over her body. It had been so long since any fingers had pressed against her bare skin that Cecily didn’t realize she was getting herself worked up until her nipples were hard and that there was moisture between her legs that hadn’t come from the spigot. The moment she realized what she was doing she pulled her hands away, turned off the water, and dried herself. She wrapped the towel around her body and exited the bathroom to find Xrea waiting for her. In one hand was a brush, and in the other was a palette. A dollop of paint, the color slightly darker than Cecily’s skin tone, sat atop the wood.

“I tried to mix this as close as possible, but there may be a slight difference,” Xrea explained, a slight pout on her face.

“I’m sure it’s fine, but…you mixed the ink in that?” Cecily asked, walking over to her desk and sitting on the stool.

“Yes, you don’t have an infinite amount. Since we are not creating for you a new body out of nothing the power of the ink should still do what it needs to do mixed with this.”

“Okay, so, uh, I guess…” Cecily made sure the towel was tight around her breasts and then raised her arms, “Start whenever you are ready.”

Xrea smiled and stepped forward. She was still completely naked, and with her breasts as big as they were she had to angle herself so that they were jutting out right in front of Cecily’s face. The artist admitted to herself that she did wonder how it would feel to have such icons of femininity hanging from her own chest.

Then the brush touched the soft flesh under her arm. Cecily jumped a little. It was a cool, soft feeling, like body lotion straight from the bottle. In Xrea’s first pass with the brush Cecily could feel the stumble under her armpit picking the fibers of the brush, but on subsequent passes all she felt was silky smoothness. Cecily’s breathing was already heavy as Xrea moved around and worked on the other side. It had the same sensations.

“That should do it. You can lower your arms now. Time for the legs.”

Cecily did as she was told, and was amazed by how smooth her underarm flesh moved against itself. So caught up in the sensation was Cecily that she didn’t even see Xrea kneeling down. It wasn’t until the first brush of paint that Cecily saw her creation practically worshiping her.

“Oh,” Cecily shuddered again as the little hairs along her legs were painted away. She watched where Xrea applied the brush, starting just above Cecily’s ankles and going until stopping at the edge of the towel around the upper end of her thighs. The color was slightly darker, but that was not what made the paint stand out. Beyond the loss of the stubble Cecily also saw every vein and minute skin pattern vanish under a sensual sheen. The paint reflected the light much more sharply than her imperfect surface. The cool tingle of her new skin, spread over a larger portion of Cecily’s skin, was making her weak in the knees.

“Okay, now stand up.”

Lost in the experience Cecily almost didn’t register Xrea’s request. She slowly looked down at the painted woman, her eyes slightly out of focus.


“This is all I can paint from this angle, I need you to stand so I can paint the back of your legs.”

“Oh, yes, of course.”

Cecily leaned forward and stepped off of the stool. She turned so that Xrea could continue. The brush tickled the back of Cecily’s knees. At this angle she could see the large mirror on her bathroom door. Not concerned about Xrea seeing her reflection from where she was kneeling Cecily grabbed the edges of her towel and pulled it open.

It looked like she had on the smoothest pair of leggings imaginable, starting at her ankles and running to nearly the tops of her thighs. Her legs were of impossible perfection.

This was a disaster.

“I…I shouldn’t have let you do this,” Cecily moaned.

“Why?” Xrea asked, painting the last stroke and standing up. Cecily was too distraught to be concerned about her nudity. “What did I do wrong?”

“I’m…I’m the wrong color. I didn’t think it would matter, but…I can’t wear a bathing suit like this, or sandals.”

“I could paint more of you, to spread out the color. I could try mixing something closer to your color, but we’d never get your skintone exactly right.”

“Oh…yeah, okay,” Cecily replied. She couldn’t imagine there was any other option.

“Here, let me take the towel,” Xrea said gently. Her thin fingers wrapped around the upper edge of the thick fabric, and for a moment Cecily resisted but she finally let go. She’d have to accept her nudity for now.

“I’ll paint your feet and ass for you,” Xrea smiled, and Cecily nodded her head.

The cool tingle painted over Cecily’s rear made her gasp and bounce ever so slightly. But it was the caress of the brush over the tops of her feet that made Cecily really squirm. She gasped when she saw her toenails disappear under the paint.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands to her mouth.

“Don’t worry,” Xrea grinned, tapping her long green nail atop Cecily’s big toe, “Your nails are still there, they just don’t have as much…detail now. We’ll paint on your new color later after you pick have a moment to decide on one.”

“Alright,” Cecily said quietly, raising her feet one at a time so Xrea could paint their soles. Cecily let out a long pleasant sigh as she stood on her fully painted feet. She’d had some rough patches and calluses that had always caused her a little discomfort – now they were gone!

“This…this is amazing,” Cecily finally said as Xrea finished and moved away. The artist moved closer to her mirror, wonder very clear in her eyes. Her feet were so soft now it almost felt as if she was walking on clouds. She spun back and forth, making sure she got a look at how her ass seemed so smooth in the light. It was if she’d been covered with liquid latex, but this substance had very clearly replaced her skin. Gingerly she put her hands to her painted flesh. A shudder ran through her. Cecily found her new legs to be very soft and very sensitive. She didn’t want to stop running her fingers over her thighs and knees, both because of how her legs felt to her hands and how her hands felt on her legs.

Cecily noticed how Xrea had not painted her pussy or the tuft of hair around it. Cecily appreciated this reservation on Xrea’s part, but a part of her did wonder how her most sensitive bits would react to such a transformation.

“I’m glad you think this is amazing,” Xrea laughed. The underlying implication in her choice of words went over Cecily’s head. Finally she turned and looked back to Xrea.

“I think you need to do the rest of me.”

“So that your upper body matches your lower body?”

Xrea’s statement was true, but not the reason why Cecily had made her decision. Her legs felt so damn good that, when she crossed her arms and rubbed her shoulders, the feeling of her normal body was no longer enough for her.

“Yes, please, paint my stomach…my arms…my face…my…breasts.”

“My pleasure,” Xrea grinned. She took Cecily’s hand and brought her back towards the desk. Since waking up this was really the first time Cecily had felt Xrea’s supernatural body, and Cecily thought Xrea’s hand felt even softer and smoother than her legs.

Perhaps fearful of Cecily changing her mind Xrea quickly began painting up from her hips. Cecily’s stomach muscles jumped and pinched as the cold paint worked its way over her. The details of her naval were lost under the coating, her belly button little more than dent in her flat stomach. Xrea’s brush moved up over Cecily’s ribs and easily continued over her breasts. Cecily nearly panicked once more as the paint brushed over her nipples, leaving her chest and hard nubs all one color. Cecily couldn’t even discern where her areola had once stopped, as the paint had smoothed out the little bumps that had once ringed her tiny teats.

“Did you ever think that someday you’d get to choose the color of your nipples?” Xrea laughed as she moved to Cecily’s shoulders. Cecily was lost in the very sexy sensations coming from her newly coated breasts, and she only managed to quietly whisper, “No…”

Long cool strokes made their way down Cecily’s arms, wiping away the wispy hairs that had once graced them. Like her toenails her fingernails vanished under the paint, her fingers now long digits of uninterrupted color. Soon the entirety of her upper limbs held the silky smooth perfection that had previously only been under her arms.

Gently Xrea painted up Cecily’s neck and to the edge of her jawbone, but before she moved to her chin Cecily placed a hand on Xrea’s arm and stopped her.

“Wait, I…I want to see…”

As if walking through the heavens Cecily strode back to the mirror. Each brush of her thighs against each other, and each caress of her arms against her ribs, made Cecily shudder in delight. She stared at herself, her body up to her head a beautiful tan that Cecily didn’t believe a hundred summers could have given her. The lack of discernible nipples or nails was certainly strange in its way, but Cecily could not get over how perfect her body looked. There were no wrinkles, or hairs, or scars, or veins, or anything else to break the cartoony smoothness of her surface.

Except for her pussy.

Even after all of that Xrea had still left Cecily’s pussy and puff of pubic hair as normal as it had been when Cecily first woke that morning. The rest of her body felt so wonderful, every step making the presence of her puckering lips even more impossible to ignore, that Cecily could no longer imagine a reason why she would deny her slit such a feeling.

“Please, Xrea…” Cecily said slowly, turning with the same slow burn as her words, “…would you paint my pussy?”

“I…” for the first time that day uncertainty entered Xrea’s eyes, “I’m not sure if I should.”

“What do you mean?” Cecily actually looked hurt by Xrea’s resistance.

“It is as I mentioned earlier. Just as your thoughts influenced mine as you painted my body, my thoughts can also influence you,” Xrea explained, casting her eyes to the floor, “So far I’ve controlled myself, only thinking about how good your skin and body would feel to you. But…you made me a lesbian, a lesbian obsessed with making love to you. I fear that if I paint your pussy I…I may not be able to control my desire for you to desire me.”

Cecily considered Xrea’s confession. So caught up in the changes to her body, Cecily had forgotten Xrea’s earlier statement, about how the paint could alter a mind based on the painter’s thoughts. The honesty meant a lot to Cecily, and it said a lot about Xrea. She was not just some sex obsessed exaggeration created from the darkest parts of Cecily’s mind. Xrea had more to her, a good heart and morals. She knew her own weakness, her own temptation, and knew that giving in to that and forcing her desires on Cecily – when it would have been so easy for her to do so without Cecily even realizing it – was reprehensible and wrong.

Who was Cecily that she would deny someone such as Xrea the woman she loved?

“Paint my pussy, Xrea,” Cecily smiled, “Allow me to love you as you deserve.”

Xrea’s face lit up as she heard this. Her smiled stretched further than Cecily though physically possible – but perhaps, for a woman made of paint, normal human limits were not her limits. Xrea fell to her knees, her tits bouncing and shaking as Cecily stepped to her. The artist gasped and threw back her head as the cold tip of the brush wiped away the top of her pubic bush. Xrea was taking this slow, and Cecily bit her lip. Her feet bounced her up and down as another cool stroke wiped away another part of her hair. Although the paint was cold Cecily could feel Xrea’s body heat on her very wet slit, and the disparate temperatures on her moist cleft were driving her crazy.

Another brush and Cecily was completely bare below. Her silken smooth skin was broken by her engorged lips, the only part of her below the neck retaining any of her original skin tone.

Another cool stroke changed that.

“Oh…God…” Cecily hissed, finally bringing her head forward and looking down at Xrea. The other woman looked up, and Cecily once again found herself lost in her green eyes. The changes to Cecily’s preferences were immediately apparent; her body flushed with lust for the woman kneeling before her. Cecily reached her hands down and caressed Xrea’s cheeks. Xrea pressed her face into the silken fingers, as if she was someone who had been lost in the desert and finally found an oasis. The artist’s creation actually whimpered a little as Cecily’s hands moved up into her hair.

“Taste me,” Cecily gasped, gripping Xrea’s yellow locks and pulling the woman’s face into her crotch. Cecily cried out as, for the first time ever, a woman’s tongue snaked between her labia and found the aching clit trying to escape its dark home. Xrea moaned as Cecily’s sweat juices washed over her, the tip of her tongue working over her lover’s hard button. Cecily’s entire body was convulsing in the pleasures of Xrea’s mouth, so much so that her legs had gone so weak she was now leaning forward on Xrea. The kneeling woman could feel the extra pressure atop her, and in a smooth motion pulled her mouth away and scooped Cecily up in her arms.

Cradled against her creation’s tits Cecily’s mouth found a hardy teat, and her lips locked around it. Xrea almost didn’t make it to Cecily’s bed as her own body shook from the suckling delight. It was all she could do to not drop Cecily onto the bed.

Both now atop the mattress Cecily pushed against Xrea’s tits so that she could get her mouth to Xrea’s. As they locked lips, tongues stretching and curling around each other, Cecily regretted the fact that her own lips had not yet been painted. But she was getting plenty of incredible sensations from the rest of her body. Xrea’s tits were pressed hard against Cecily’s, their edges flowing around Cecily’s own body. Xrea’s nipples were drilling against Cecily’s flesh colored teats, and it felt amazing.

But not as amazing as the hand snaking its way between Cecily’s thighs. Long nails and fingers carefully spread open her labia, and adept digits found her needy clit.

Cecily returned the favor, but it was incredibly easy for her to find Xrea’s thumbed-sized pleasure spot. Cecily rolled it between her thumb and forefinger, which sent Xrea bucking and arching her back in silent screams of joy. Xrea’s hand pressed hard against Cecily’s slit, her thumb pressing firmly on her clit as their remaining hands grabbed at tits and asses and both of them tried their best to keep their lips pressed together.

It only took another few moments of this before each of them were crying out, their muscles freezing up as orgasms took hold of them. Cecily had never felt such a pleasure rip through her, and for a minute her mind went white. When she finally felt her bliss ebbing, her body fading into afterglow, she was able to look over and see Xrea cumming down from her own primal high. As they each slowly regained command of their muscles a weak hand from Cecily searched for the edge of the sheet and finally found it. She dragged the material over them, their post-orgasm bodies twitching from a sensitivity that was still very high. Once covered they laced their arms and legs together, traded gentle kisses, and let their silent afterglow lull them to sleep.

The next morning Cecily woke up before Xrea. Upon seeing her sleeping bedmate a wave of desire and love welled up in Cecily’s chest and crotch. In the very back of her Mind Cecily did find such a reaction to a woman incredibly strange. But it was also beautiful. With difficulty she resisted waking Xrea with a barrage of kisses.

As with the days before, the break of dawn had not changed how happy Cecily was with how the artwork had turned out. She could not comprehend undoing that which had been done to her.

But that didn’t mean she wasn’t still in need of some time to fully comprehend what she’d had done to her body.

Gently untangling herself from Xrea Cecily slipped from the bed and quietly made her way to the bathroom. She closed the door and looked to her reflection. Her body was so smooth, so perfectly painted with the tan color, that Cecily still could not believe it. She slid a silky hand down her equally sleek breasts, feeling her nipple – still the same color as the rest of her body – gently graze her palm.

She shuddered.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Xrea’s voice startled Cecily, and she spun around to see her lover leaning in the doorway. The partially painted woman smiled, twisting her body a little sheepishly. She’d never been this forward with her nudity to any of her male lovers. A blush of red spread over her cheeks.

“Ooo, I see that red,” Xrea said gently, padding her bare feet across the bathroom and taking Cecily’s hands in hers, “Why don’t we add some to these?” With that question Xrea quickly bent down and planted a kiss on each of Cecily’s pale nipples. Cecily threw back her head and laughed.

“Oh, yes please…”

“What color were you thinking?” Xrea asked as she led her creator to the art desk.

“A…a vibrant red,” Cecily replied, still a little shy to say such things aloud, “The same for my nails and…my lips.”

“I think that will look delicious…” Xrea purred as she mixed what she needed. Cecily perched on her stool, the hard wood pressing against her painted ass and pussy only driving up her anticipation. Xrea started with Cecily’s toes, making little licks with the brush across each piggy while making sure her heavy and hot breathing was falling across Cecily’s Technicolor calves. A little shiver ran up Cecily’s form as Xrea stood up and painted the tip of each digit hanging from Cecily’s hands.

Then came her nipples. A fan-tipped brush neatly circled the pert tips and the areola, and quite quickly each of Cecily’s teats had a bright red cap to them. All that was left now were the lips.

Cecily was fidgeting. Her painted body felt so smooth and wonderful, she could barely wait for Xrea to make the first brushes on her face. Cecily pursed her lips and stretched out her neck, causing Xrea to laugh as she caressed the protruding pucker with the red-soaked bristle. The cooling caress soaked into Cecily, followed by a warmth that she had not felt before. But it still felt wonderful and she hummed happily. As Xrea pulled her hand away Cecily relaxed her lips and smiled. She couldn’t resist, and ran her tongue over them.

Her eyes widened a little as she felt her tongue slide over a pair of lips puffier and softer than she could recall having. Xrea’s eyes also went wide.

“Oh, Cecily, I’m sorry! The way you were puckered, I couldn’t help thinking about how it would feel if your lips were always softer like that, and…”

“You did…the paint can change my shape?” Cecily replied, her mind registering a relief that she could still speak with her changes.

“Yes, it can. I only need to think the changes while I’m painting you. I didn’t say anything because, well, to me you’re perfect.”

Cecily heard her lover’s explanation, and appreciated it, but could not help but wonder one thing; if her breasts at this size felt amazing, how would tits like Xrea’s feel?

“Can you…give me dimensions like yours?” Cecily asked, standing up and putting her arms around Xrea’s waist.

“You’d really want that?” Xrea asked, shifting the paint and brush to one hand and pulling Cecily in close with the other. Cecily answered the question by kissing the woman in her arms, their tongues dancing within the soft lips pushed so tightly together. Xrea’s chest flowed over Cecily’s their nipples pressed tightly together. When the kiss was done there didn’t need to be any more words exchanged, and Xrea quickly moved to mix what she needed.

The first strokes were over Cecily’s thighs. She felt a wonderful shiver and warm shift under the painted flesh, an expansion of pleasure that followed Xrea’s stroke around her billowing ass towards the other hip. The warming sensation of change dissipated through her, and Cecily could look down and see how her lower body was now so much wider than her top. She could not see her ass, but she could feel the jiggly weight behind her. Cecily also noted that her stance had shifted to account for the larger space between her legs.

Xrea bent down, using her free hand to lift one of Cecily’s feet off the floor. A warm brush down the sole of her foot, and Cecily felt her foot stretch and arch. When Xrea returned it to the floor Cecily realized she would now always stand on her toes, and it took a hand braced to the stool to allow the balance needed for Xrea to paint the other one. Cecily teetered for a moment atop her altered feet. While most women would have been horrified to have such an alteration made to them, Cecily was cooing. Her weight, concentrated on such a small portion of her sensitive painted feet, felt wonderful.


Cecily had been so caught up on the changes to her feet that it was the first warm contact made to her breast which alerted her that Xrea had moved on. She watched and moaned as her chest billowed up after each of Xrea’s strokes, as if her body was absorbing an impossible amount of paint from her brush. Scant slopes were soon ballooning in front of her as vast tracks of land, with very sturdy red castles popping up at their horizons. Cecily expected to feel a great addition of weight, but her tits – and they were tits now, on par with Xrea’s – felt as if they weighed barely anything. They stuck out from her ribs, round and impossibly perky, the air blowing over her sensitive surface.

Xrea took a step back and looked over what she had done to her lover. Cecily could see her creation’s pussy was dripping down her legs. All of this was impossible, but amazing. Cecily had barely experienced her new body, but she knew there was no way she could give up the feeling of even just standing where she was, posing and being admired. Somehow she could feel the sensation of being looked at, and it felt amazing.

She was pretty sure she could feel her own pussy dripping down her newly spaced legs.

“My face,” Cecily suddenly spoke up, locking eyes with Xrea’s green pools, “Paint my face.”

“One thing first,” Xrea smiled, holding up the red that had been applied to Cecily’s nails and nipples. Cecily’s brow furrowed as Xrea leaned down, and she jumped a little as two pink nails gently opened her pussy lips.

Then she felt the warm touch of the brush on her clit. As the bristles and fingers moved away Cecily’s labia fell back into place, but now their northern end fell around a clit the size of a marble. Cecily laughed at the sensation of her big ball of nerves permanently kissed by her lower lips.

Xrea looked back into the eyes watching her, smiled, and brought a new brush with fresh paint to her face. A moment later her visage shimmered with the same joy her body felt. Cecily could barely keep herself still while Xrea turned her brown hair into long red tresses that matched the color of her teats and nails.

Walking around before her creator Xrea held out a hand and Cecily took it. She took a few paces on her arched feet, and marveled at how it felt to have her legs so far apart from one another. Without thinking about it Cecily’s legs were swinging one before the other with each step, and her hips gave them extra space to cover. That particular gait must have been a surprise addition from Xrea, and Cecily loved it.

“Thank you,” Cecily quietly said as Xrea let go and let the newly crafted animated woman take her first few steps alone, “You’ve made me beautiful.”

“You were always beautiful,” Xrea responded, a light chastisement in her words.

“Now I feelbeautiful. And you deserve a proper thanking.”

It would be an understatement to say the pair burst into the bedroom. Painted limbs and lips were interlocked with each other, bouncing tits and nipples fighting for space between the writhing bodies.

They didn’t even make it to the bed. They collapsed in a tangle of lust onto the floor. Before now Cecily would have abhorred feeling the hard boards and rough area carpet pressed against her bare skin, but now everything felt wonderful pressed against her.

Especially the woman pulling up her leg. Pulling her leg right up to-

“Oh!” Cecily exclaimed as her own calf brushed the side of her face. She could not see Xrea’s reaction – the other woman’s head was buried in her crotch – but Cecily’s surprised was plastered across hers. It took a moment for Cecily to realize she shouldn’t have been surprised. She was a cartoon now, after all. And as Xrea’s tongue lapped against her clit Cecily’s mouth stretched out as she came.


The first few days were nothing but sex. Neither Cecily’s nor Xrea’s tooned forms required nourishment or bathroom breaks or even tired. They did still need sleep, so that was the only thing that broke up the sessions of fucking. Every room and every surface of Cecily’s apartment knew their naked bodies.

Cecily had quickly embraced a desire to see how much she could contort her new form, and Xrea was only too happy to play along. They’d pulled their ankles behind their heads and spent the entire day with pussies exposed and only their arms available. Xrea had been eager to show Cecily the stretchiness of more than just their limbs, and Cecily was crying in pleasure as her feminine cleft was able to take Xrea’s arm up to her elbow.

Of course, Cecily was keen to give Xrea her own surprise. After her painted creation had fallen asleep Cecily took Xrea’s nipples to her mouth – but instead of sucking, she blew. The next morning Xrea awoke with tits inflated so large she couldn’t leave the bed room. It took hours for her breasts to return to normal, and the entire day was accompanied by a soft whistle sound coming from the ends of her nipples.

It should not have surprised Cecily that she woke up to find her hands and feet knotted around her bed posts. The tension across her limbs was exquisite, and amplified by Xrea’s use of feathers, lotion, and whipped cream throughout the day.

Everything, even the most outlandish face-stretched-to-one’s-own-pussy-licking, was done with care. They were in love, and lost in lust.

Fortunately, not so lost in lust that Cecily was not able to realize, during a brief moment of afterglow after an especially satisfying sixty-nine, that rent would still need to be paid.

“I’m still going to need to make money, somehow,” Cecily sighed into the glistening pussy she was gently brushing with her nose.

“I suppose you could go back to making commissions,” Xrea’s spoke up. Cecily could feel that her lover’s lips were just millimeters from her lower ones. She could also hear in Xrea’s voice a sadness.

“No, I couldn’t go back to painting, I could never create anything that could compare to you,” Cecily replied, giving Xrea’s damp slit a quick kiss.

“What then?” the shuddering woman asked, closing her response with a lick down Cecily’s split.

“I think I have an idea. Help me find my camera.”

A few days later the new membership website CartoonCaresses was the next big rage in adult entertainment. During the weekdays sexy comic strips would post, telling the tale of two luscious lesbian lovers trying to make it in the big city – but mostly, it was just them making out. Premium members would get weekend animated videos.

The comments on the posts were very positive. The members could not believe the quality of the sequential works, which featured photorealistic backgrounds with incredibly well-drawn characters. The smooth painting of the skin, the detail on the flowing hair, and the beautifully deep shadows that could not be replicated anywhere else, boggled the minds of the readers.

And the weekend videos dropped jaws. No one could imagine how such quality cartooning could be done in the age of Flash and outsourced animation. It was obviously not rotoscoping, as the ladies’ were able to stretch their arms to pinch asses, take spankings that rippled their entire body, and slip inside of themselves entire limbs. Members clamored for more, and rumors of the first X-rated animated movie in years began to circulate.

In the end, Cecily learned that she had received more happiness and success in making herself into a cartoon, than she’d ever had making them.

Well, except for that one…



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