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1,100+ actually continues into the next part of the evening performance...

$10+ Donors can submit transformation requests here:   https://www.patreon.com/posts/pleasure-cruise-36987224



First, the fabric clasps behind Isobel’s neck and the small of her back stitched themselves together. But since her outfit showed much more skin than Caitlin’s zentai, further changes washed over Isobel to maintain the permanent adornment of her dress. Wherever the fabric rested flatly on her skin the material stuck fast, as if by permanent fashion tape.

Over the inner portion of her shoulders the black rhinestone-adorned dress tightened, the contraction moving down her chest and gripping her breasts. Isobel’s tits were pulled in and lifted slightly, the fabric hugging her curves more like a comic superhero outfit than it did before in reality. The open plunge down past her navel sealed to her skin, continuing around her hips and only stopping so that the hanging material and slit could allow her legs to move and slip into view.

Beneath the dress Isobel had worn a crotchless thong over her shorn pussy, and the frilly material fused with her skin over her groin and ass, hugging either side of her flushed labia. This was just tight enough to give Isobel the sensation that two fingers were gently squeezing her below. This further stoked the heat of the unending arousal Zynthia had already commanded on her.

Isobel’s toes and feet were pinched as the clear plastic vacuum sealed around them, and to further ensure the heels would not come off the bottom of her feet stuck fast to the platforms.

Both women teetered and moaned as their changes completed. Caitlin was fidgeting from the arousal of having her deepest sexual desire realized, and Isobel was dripping from Zynthia’s instructions.

“Now, Caitlin, before we move on I should check. What are your thoughts on Isobel?”

“Oh, I think she’s very sexy, especially in that dress. She’s always identified as straight so I haven’t made a move on her, but I’d love to rub my body all over her.”

“Well, that’s good!” The magician winked at the audience and snapped her fingers, declaring, “Caitlin and Isobel, you may both awaken!”

The pair’s eyes fluttered open, and Caitlin was instantly aware of something wonderfully different. She began rubbing her hands over her body, feeling the change to how the suit hugged her. She shivered in satisfaction and happiness, her nipples getting even stiffer and the stain over her pussy swelling out even further.

Isobel was a bit more flustered than her partner. She blinked several times as her body and mind got a handle of her new unending arousal. Her pussy was so hot and her mind so foggy Isobel gripped at her dress and tugged on it to try and gain access to her crotch, but she stopped as she felt her skin pull along with the fabric.

“How do you feel, Caitlin?” Zynthia asked.

“Oh, just...just so secure and sexy and...just, blissful…”

“Speaking of bliss, Isobel, do you have anything you’d like to say to Caitlin?” Zynthia mugged to the hooting audience as she took a step backwards. Isobel turned and saw Caitlin for the first time since coming out of the trance.

“Oh, fuck, my Goddess, you’re so sexy…” Isobel dropped to her knees and reached over to Caitlin, grabbing her by the ass and directing her closer, “I want to spend my whole life pleasing you, making you cum, please, Goddess, let me make you cum!”

“Iz, I...I didn’t realize!” Caitlin gasped - and then gasped again as Isobel dove her head into Caitlin’s groin. Over the fabric Isobel's tongue traced the lines of the bloated labia, lapping up the taste of Caitlin’s juices and staining the self-cleaning material. Isobel’s hands massaged the globes of Caitlin’s ass while her tongue pushed against the fabric as deep as it could go, tickling the stiff clit trapped within.

“Uh, uh, if you keep doing that I’m...I’m going to...so many people, I...ahhhhhhhh!”

Caitlin’s cheeks flushed as red as the fabric covering them as she orgasmed publicly for the first time, her legs barely holding her up as Isobel pulled them together even more tightly. The explosion of juices sent a stain midway down Caitlin’s thighs.

As Caitlin’s bliss broke Isobel felt her own climax strike her from nowhere, her cry of pleasure muffled by her lover’s hips - the vibrations sending shivers through Caitlin’s pussy. Isobel’s own feminine juices splurged from her through the crotchless thong, dripping down her legs to the stage floor.

Both shuddered quietly for a moment. Isobel’s afterglow was quickly overtaken by her renewed arousal, and Caitlin’s mind cleared the pleasure fog.

“I think the two of you have a very fun cruise ahead of you, and you’re free to continue your fun back in your seats,” Zynthia prompted with a smile, gently helping Isobel up by an elbow.

“Mmm, I have some fun ideas in mind for us, my Goddess,” Isobel grinned, taking Caitlin around the waist and walking with her back to their seats amidst the audience applause. As soon as they sat back down Isobel’s hand was back upon the pussy held within the permanent sentai suit.

Caitlin simply turned her head and nuzzled it into her new lover’s blonde locks as she felt her next orgasm slowly build.

“Now, let’s get started on some of my more traditionally styled magic tricks for the evening. I’ll need a volunteer who hasn’t yet gotten an alteration, doesn’t mind nudity, and really enjoys some rope play!”

A few hands went up across the audience and after toying with her lips a moment Zythia finally called on a well-manicured brown hand from the left side of the theatre. The eager young woman jumped from her seat, the curls of her hair bouncing as freely as her generous breasts. The only thing she was wearing was a pair of black leather shorts.

“And what is your name?” Zynthia asked as the applause died down.

“Rita,” the young woman eagerly answered. Her dark brown nipples were rock hard as she grinned.

“Well, Rita, I have a special magic act for you this evening, and your part is super easy.”

The bunny magician waved her hand and a hemp-woven basket with a lid appeared on stage with a flash of smoke.

“All I need you to do is strip down and get into that basket for me,” Zynthia smiled. Without any further prompting Rita shoved her thumbs into the bands of her shorts. She’d planned to yank them down in one clean swoop, but as the audience reacted with catcalls and whistles Rita slowed down, turning the moment into an impromptu strip show.

It was quickly clear the shorts were all Rita was wearing as she slipped them over a fine round rear, and they dropped to the floor over smooth long legs. Rita took a few steps across the stage, strutting her looks to a very appreciative crowd before joining Zynthia at the basket.

too be continued...


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