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The next entry of Sex In The Cards is not yet meeting my standards, so for now please accept this previously unpublished 8000+ word story!



By Dan Standing

Sam could not keep his eye from following the curves of his wife’s body, tightly wrapped up in the subtly sparkly black dress she was wearing. Explicit thoughts of the skin beneath the fabric were on the fringes of his mind, but mostly Sam was wondering how much Alex had paid for a dress that would be so soon rendered unusable. For this evening Sam had picked the oldest and least used suit from his closet, but this was a dress he had never before seen on Alex.

Alex, for her part, was wondering why on Earth her husband had worn such a tattered and dated set of jacket and pants. At least she had gone to the resell store down the block and picked up something inexpensive that looked good. The dress was comfortable, but - within the vintage heels she had also picked up - Alex’s feet were uncomfortably tight. But she looked good, on par with many of the other party guests standing in line around them. The same could not be said for her husband.

But it was likely that most of the people in line with them could afford both the cost of the tickets and a brand-new suit used for only one night. Eager for something that could put the spark back in their slowly stagnating marriage, Alex and Sam had scrimped and saved for months in order to afford the tickets tucked inside Sam’s jacket pocket. But, from all that they had heard, this would be a night well worth the cost of admission.

The party’s theme was simple enough; sexual debauchery completely free of societal or moral guilt. One’s ordinary form would also be shed. As Sam and Alex reached the front of the line they checked in. Shoes and clothes were given a small numbered tag, while things like purses, wallets, and keys were taken into a small room and marked with the same number. Years of party organization made the whole process a well-oiled machine, which also benefited from earlier parties the organizing group – always kept anonymous – had been less prepared for.

The husband and wife were each handed a glass of nanite-spiked champagne and welcomed into the man ballroom. Not only would the tiny machines swimming about in the sparkly beverage restrict pregnancy or the spread of STDs, but they were also capable of manipulating a target’s DNA and creating physical alterations. For the length of the party anybody could be anything they liked.

Normally each party guest specified their own alterations, but Sam and Alex had gone a different route. After ordering their tickets and receiving their nanite logins they had traded. As they sipped their glasses and approached a high table with two other couples at it, they were the only ones who didn’t know what to expect of the evening.

“Good evening, I haven’t seen you two here before!” an older gentleman dressed in a brand new tuxedo greeted the pair. His wife, a silver-haired woman whose aging form failed to fill out the silver dress draped over her, looked put-off by her husband’s outgoing nature.

“This is our first time,” Same answered, putting out his hand and gripping the one offered him, “I’m Sam.”

Alex also introduced herself, offering her hand and shaking the man’s as he released her husband’s and offered his to her.

“Delighted!” the gentleman exclaimed, “Always happy to see fresh faces! Really livens things up! I’m Connor, and this is my wife, Sylvia. We’re nearly ten-year veterans of this imaginative soirée.”

“Charmed,” the older woman replied, simply holding up her glass and giving a little head nod. Sam and Alex awkwardly did the same.

“And these two are Lesley and Korina,” Connor continued, directing his attention to the other pair at the table. Both were women, Lesley a striking woman of African descent in a tight red dress. Her body was slim, but the glossy surface of her dress accentuated ever curve that she had. Korina was dressed in a loose-fitting suit, and although it was clear under the material that she was curvier than her partner it was also clear by Korina’s haircut and lack of make-up that she was going for a more masculine look. The ladies exchanged pleasant hellos with Sam and Alex.

The group continued on into pleasant small talk for a little while, all but Sylvia happy to share obtuse and general information about job, opinion of the weather, the performance of the local sports teams, and other topics of little import. As one of the chats came to another silent moment the older man turned to the new couple.

“So, you two,” Connor spoke up, sloshing around in his glass what little was left of his champagne, “Care to spill the beans about what we can expect from you? It’s best to ask now, not a lot of talking gets done once the nanites start to kick in.”

“Uh, well,” Sam mumbled, suddenly very interested in his own half-finished drink, “You see…”

“We programmed each other,” Alex stepped in, “So we don’t know yet what our own changes will be.”

“How droll,” Sylvia said, speaking for the first time since her introduction and drinking the last of her champagne while looking off in a direction that held none of her fellow table guests, “Did you come here expecting to fly in the face of tradition, or was that an accident?”

“Now, now, Sylvia, they can make use of their tickets any way they like,” Connor patted his wife on the shoulder before turning back to the new couple, “But I am intrigued about why you would risk losing out on your own fantasies. Pardon my assumption, but I take it this is a special occasion more so than an event you intend to frequent?”

Sam and Alex exchanged a glance. Sam was clearly flummoxed by the situation, his cheeks red.

“We thought this would be more interesting, and maybe give us some insight about each other,” Alex offered up.

“Insight?” Korina chimed in, letting her empty glass come down on the table with thud, “Insight is for pillow talk and psychologists. You don’t get insight by turning each other into your own wet dreams. You need to let your partner see your own ideal body. Then what they decide to do with that is your insight.”

“Alright lightweight, one was enough for you,” Lesley let out an awkward laugh and smiled as she symbolically moved her partner’s empty glass away from her.

Alex sputtered out her own awkward laugh as she drank some of her remaining champagne. As she felt the liquid run down her throat she wondered if the whole experience was going to be a complete waste of money, like every other attempt to salvage their relationship that they’d tried the last few months.

Then, when Alex felt a cool liquid running down her legs, she wondered; What the hell is that?

Looking down at herself and lifting the hem of her dress Alex could clearly see that the fluid trickling down her legs was the champagne she’d just drank, and not something else. Taking another sip as an experiment Alex tried to keep track of the sensation of liquid traveling down her throat. She moved her hand down her body as she felt her drink flow, her fingers sliding down her neck, over her slight chest, atop her stomach – then past her stomach and straight to her crotch. Again the champagne soaked through her panties and trickled down her legs.

My…my mouth’s been directly linked to my pussy! Alex realized, Why would Sam-

The clattering of her break-proof champagne glass against the floor interrupted Alex’s thoughts. The world felt like it was starting to move in slow motion. She could barely hear Connor’s deep voice behind her saying not to worry about the glass; that plenty of things would end up on the floor once the changes started.

The changes…

Alex looked to the hand that had dropped the glass. Her fingers were starting to get stubby and short, and were being absorbed into her palm. Her arms were also slowly being reeled into her shoulders. Even with knowing that she’d be experiencing physical changes Alex wondered why the vision of losing her hands and arms still didn’t completely terrify her, and wondered if the nanites were suppressing such a reaction.

The tightening of her dress across her chest pulled Alex’ attention down to her bosom. The black material was stretching and creaking as her boobs grew underneath of it. Alex’s eyes went wide as she realized her little peaches must have already grown to the size of oranges. She gritted her teeth and gasped as her dress got tighter and tighter. She instinctively went for the zipper, but of course there was nothing she could do with it as her fingers melted away.

It was now that Alex realized the world around her was getting taller and taller. She couldn’t actually confirm it, but she could feel that her legs were contracting into her the same way her arms were. The nubs which were all that was left of her hands were just now being absorbed into the smooth bumps of her shoulders, while Alex’s legs were being absorbed much more slowly.

What wasn’tslow was the expansion of her breasts. Alex thought the hem of the dress was going to cut into her, but the nanites would not allow for undesirable pain. Although compressed and spread out under the straining fabric Alex’s tits had taken on the mass of basket balls. Finally the thread-held seams gave up and Alex’s dress exploded open, her massive breasts bouncing to full attention. The shift in her center of gravity caused the transforming woman to topple forward, the stubby remainder of her legs unable to upright her. She landed square atop her breasts, a mostly erotic wince washing over her as Alex’s nipples made contact with the floor and were covered over by her expanding flesh. Her body lifted up from the ground as her chest continued to grow.

As Alex rose from the floor atop tits nearing the size of her torso she felt the last of her legs absorb into her ass. She thought maybe the shifting of her fleshy mass was the source of her breast growth, but with arms and legs gone she was still getting bigger. Alex could also feel parts of her pelvis shifting. Her ass was growing, getting bigger but also pushing up and over her lower back. As it did this Alex could sense that her anus and pussy were changing and shifting. Her asshole was actually sealing over, becoming a smooth part of the deep valley between each ass cheek. Laying as she was, if Alex’s mouth and pussy had been connected as a line – which it felt like they had been internally – that line would have run parallel to the floor. Finally Alex felt as if the growth of her tits had come to a stop, the last change to her body being the minor plumping of her lips.

What the fuck did you do to me, Sam?

By shifting her back slightly Alex was able to swing upright a little, so that her torso was resting on her gigantic gazungas at a more comfortable angle that allowed her to see more than just the floor.

It was clear that the party was in full swing.

Sam had been oblivious to his transforming wife. A sharp pain had spread from his shoulders down to the very tips of his fingers, and as he looked to his hands they were literally shaking. Sam flexed his fingers and gasped as they began to split, the backs of his digits pulling out as new fingers formed. Soon he had two hands atop each other, and the wrists were splitting as the duplication continued up his arm. The sleeves of his shirt and jacket were taxed to the point of ripping as his shoulders shifted to accommodate two new limbs. The seams finally began to fray and rip open as Sam looked down at his new appendages in amazement, unable to resist flexing and moving all four of them.

The seams of Sam’s pants were also being tested. While his arms had been duplicating his thighs had been gaining more and more mass. As the fabric began to rip Sam was getting taller as his calves stretched and pushed him away from the floor. A similar alteration was happening in the arch of his foot, forcing his heel out the back of his shoes.

As Sam struggled to get the remains of his shirt and jacket off of himself he felt his toes curling in and getting hard. By the time he’d pitch the ruined tops and balanced himself against the table to pull his socks off, Sam could see his toes swallowed up by keratin and become hooves. As his bones stretched and more muscle took hold it was clear that he was growing large bovine legs. A dull pain on his temples was from the growth of two pointed horns, and the tickle was from a newly sprouted fluffy-ended tail brushing his legs. With these additions the thought that he had grown a bull’s legs was cemented.

Amidst this the same dull pain that had crept through Sam’s arms took hold of something else – something much more sensitive. Pulling off what was left of his boxers Sam gasped as his dick not only grow longer and thicker, but split in two. He now had one very hard cock with a softer one hanging directly below it – both of which were easily four times the size of his old one.

Around the table the other party-goers we also experiencing their own changes.

Sylvia’s age-thinned body was filling out, her skin pulling taught and taking on an even tan. Her silver dress was blowing up as her breasts filled with supple flesh. In mere moments her chest had blown up to the size of large apples – the size she’d sported in her youth – but it was clear they were not going to stop there. As her hair curled up into a blonde bob and her body inflated into a cartoonishly proportioned hourglass Sylvia’s breasts stopped their growth just short of being watermelons. It was clear now that the dress had been fashioned to very snugly fit this body, her expanded hips and ass hugged tightly but securely by the silver material. Her massive tits and their inch-wide nipples were barely contained within the top of her dress, a bulging cleavage pushing up towards Silvia’s chin. Her face had also gained its youth, but in an exaggeration of sexual suggestiveness. She was a perverted cartoonist’s vision of a beach bunny draped in silver cloth.

Her husband’s transformation had gone the same route. Even at his age Connor’s male body had the recognizable masculine angles, but those were quickly washed away. His shoulders curved and his hips popped out as his waist pulled in and his old hanging pectorals grew out and began to round. Unlike Sylvia’s outfit Connor’s had not been tailored to handle the body his wife had grown, and as his face began to warp to match hers he was calmly removing his clothes and folding them up onto the table. Although much of his body was no longer anything that could be considered masculine, as Connor removed the boxer briefs a large and hardening cock sprung out. It was clear that this wasn’t going anywhere.

The opposite was happening to Korina. It was clear that – like Sylvia – she had dressed for the body the nanites were granting her. It was difficult to tell exactly what was happening to the feminine curves under her suit, but it was easy to guess based on the changes that could be seen. Korina’s jawline was sharpening, her chin and an Adam ’s apple now jutting out and becoming prominent from their respective perches. Within the jacket her thin feminine arms blew up with muscle, the definitive triangle of a male torso puffing up from within her shirt and jacket. She stared at her hands as they grew and became slightly rough, a light 5 o’clock shadow falling across her newly rugged face. Her straightening hips twitched and pushed in, and Korina reached down to pull out of her fly the foot-long cock that her clit and pussy had transformed into. Two more thick shafts were pressing hard againt the ridge of each pant leg. She – now he - looked down at his new exaggerated masculinity with greedy joy.

Lesley’s alterations were far beyond her partner’s, and even Sam’s to a degree. She laughed with glee as she looked down at her dress. Not only were her existing breasts growing out and stretching the glossy red – hard and determined nipples fighting against the material – but two new pairs were making their presence known directly below them. Being aware of what her changes would entail Lesley stepped out of her heels and pushed them under the table as her feet began to warp. Her toes stretched, and her big toes pulled back and to the side as all the digits transitioned into fingers. Not all five fingers formed, however, as both her feet hands and her normal ones had a few digits merge together until she had only a thumb and two thick fingers flexing off their palms. Her torso began to contract, her pelvis pulling in closer to her lower set of breasts. Lesley’s legs were also shrinking and transforming into full-fledged arms while her six breasts were still growing and testing the limit of the material. Three sets of cantaloupes were now squashed within the dress, and they were joined by a second set of arms that did not split from Lesley’s existing pair but bloomed from the middle of her ribs and became trapped within the red material. Lesley began blinking over and over again as two additional pairs of eyes formed tightly above her first set. Soon it was more comfortable for Lesley to bend over and support herself with all four free arms, and her last change being a massive expansion of her ass. Her body had been crafted to resemble a sexualized female ant.

Sam hadn’t noticed much of this. It had happened simultaneously to his own transformation, so his first thought after everything had completed was to turn to his wife. During it all he had completely forgotten about how he had programmed Alex’s nanites, and was taken aback as he saw her helpless form rocking on the floor. He was not allowed a long pause, for his hard cock was zeroing in on Alex’s open and inviting pussy like a dousing rod. Tough hooves clomped on the floor while thick powerful legs – slowly growing in a layer of course hair – moved Sam the two steps towards his transformed wife.

Alex, meanwhile, had been twitching in helpless need ever since she’d finished transforming. The cool air brushing over her opened pussy was maddening, but no amount of wiggling and shuddering on her part was able to sate the horniness that had dug its claws into her opened labia. Even her mouth, with her puffed up and puckered lips, ached with the need for something to fill it. Despite the intent of her undulating torso Alex was actually making things worse for herself. Every gyration rippled through her enormous anchoring bosom. Her nipples, larger than soda cans but completely hidden beneath her slightly squashed breasts, pressed hard against the floor. Each shudder of movement rubbed them between the hard tile and the warm flesh surrounding them, further inflaming Alex’s desperate need for a fuck.

“Oh please, oh please, I need something inside my pussy!”

Suddenly she felt the answer to this desire take hold of her rounded buttocks. Four strong hands shifted her torso up and forward, so that her spine was once again parallel to the floor. Alex turned her head as far as she could, and over the curve of her enormous udders she could see where the course fur of Sam’s transformed legs transitioned into the bare skin of his tightened belly. Neither spoke, but Alex knew that if the legs she’d given him had come to be then what she’d programmed to grow between his legs-

“OoohOoohOooh…” rolled out from Alex’s mouth as she felt her husband’s rock hard upper dick slide inside her open slit. The limp one beneath it bumped and rubbed against the rear cleavage of her supporting breasts, her body held atop them at the perfect level for Sam. All he had to do was rock forward and back for his cock to slide gloriously down Alex’s slick canal. Even so he still kept his hands on her raised ass, gripping it and massaging her expanded flesh from four directions as he slammed his pelvis into her legless hips.

“Oh God, babe, you feel so good,” Sam muttered as he increased his hammering. Alex could not give a lucent reply; her mind was too caught up in the pleasures coming from her pussy. Every curve and bump she’d designed for her husband’s cock was doing exactly as she’d intended. She’d been fearful of making it/them so big, but had bet on the possibility that he’d change her in some way that her design would fit. That bet had paid off, as each full penetration practically reached the point behind Alex’s naval.

But, as Alex’s body was wracked with more and more pleasure, with each pump it was almost as if the crest of her desperately needed orgasm was pushed just one thrust further away from her. It was maddening! How was this body not cumming up a storm already?

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Sam was gasping over and over. Alex could feel the second dick getting harder and harder, pushing with more conviction against the tight crack where her breasts met. She’d designed Sam’s cocks so that when one was spent and soft the other would be hard and ready – strongly in need of relief. So if the lower one was trying to dig between her tits that could only mean one thing…

“Yessss…!” Sam finally exclaimed, rolling his back away from his wife as he pushed his penis even harder into her slot. He was barely breathing, his body locked up as well over a gallon of cum erupted from the tip of his dick.

For a moment his massive ejaculation felt exactly as Alex had hoped it would. She could feel the warm spunk filling her core, drudging up in her mind the most primal and carnal sense of womanly purpose that should could possibly imagine. Even with the disappointment that she’d not come yet bubbling in her brain, the sensation was still satisfactory on base level. But suddenly Alex felt something; the white stickiness wasn’t filling and remaining in her abdomen. It was quickly rushing up her stomach, behind her ribs, and filling her neck.

“Holy shi-” was all Alex could get out as her husband’s flood of cum cascaded out of her mouth. As the first pint sprayed from her lips and dribbled down her chin her own orgasm finally kicked in and overwhelmed her. Alex suddenly found her body contracting and spasming as quarts of semen spilled from her lips. The force was so strong she couldn’t close her mouth even for a second, the unique rearrangement of her throat and wind pipe allowing the flood to continue without suffocating her. Every moment Alex was spitting out spunk her body was sustaining one of the best orgasms she’d ever experienced. Finally, as the white river shrunk down to a gloppy trickle Alex’s orgasm also began to subside.

“Oh…my…God…” Alex sputtered, thick droplets of white sprinkling from her lips and dripping down her chin. Only now was she able to comprehend the salty taste of cum layered over her tongue. She could feel the drying riverbed of the stream that had washed down the forward curve of her breasts and was pooled around her.

And Alex could feel her husband’s lower rod was hard as steel and pressed firmly between her massive breasts. The one inside her opened pussy was soft and slowly receding, and Alex felt Sam back away, pulling both dicks with him. His upper one popped out of her canal, actually causing a small gust of air to pull in through her mouth. Thinking she had a moment to rest in the afterglow, Alex realized that was not to be the case. She felt something thick and sticky come to rest in the valley of her ass. It was warm, and completely filled the gap between her inflated ass cheeks.

It wasn’t until she felt her husband’s hard lower dick press against her labia that Alex realized his limp upper dick was what was resting on her backside. Only now did Alex consider the true consequences of making one of Sam’s cocks always hard and needy for release.

But as she felt the meaty monster fill her own needy space Alex didn’t care how quickly she was being fucked again. Her new body shape was designed to keep her in constant desire to be fucked, and her need had spiked up after a horribly brief afterglow. The warm mass drilling between her hips was desperately appreciated. Once more Sam pushed himself all the way in until his hips were against her ass.

“God, that fits me so well…” Alex cried out, her body warm with pleasure as Sam resumed pumping. Something about the feeling of his second cock sliding along the lines of her butt cheeks made Alex bemoan her lack of a second hole for it to find a home in.

Not that the one already inside her wasn’t pleasurable enough.

“I know baby, fuck, you feel so good…” Sam hissed, reveling in how she so tightly held his penis. When he’d dreamed up her helpless fuckable form he’d only been thinking about it in terms of his normal body. Sam had expected to fuck his wife, and then watch as she lay helpless, slowly drooling out the cum she’d always refused to take in her mouth – the cum that was now directly responsible for her pleasure. He’d notbeen expecting to be transformed into a hormone fueled, dual-dicked minotaur. The moment his second dick had gotten hard the very satisfying orgasm that his upper dick had just experienced no longer mattered. He had to satisfy the urges of whichever cock was hard. As he fucked his wife one pair of hands left the grip of her ass and ran along the shaft resting on her back, but no amount of stimulation would get it hard.

Alex was not minding this. Her entire body was shuddering, ripples of breast flesh juttering below her and shaking her nipples into the floor. As she’d programmed it Sam’s second cock was just as perfectly shaped as the one that was dragging back and forth across her ass. She could do little more than gasp and moan as it jackhammered back and forth inside the long slick tunnel of her pussy. She wanted to cum so badly, but Alex knew that wouldn’t come until Sam did.

“Yes…yes…yes…” started to whisper from her husband’s lips once more, but Alex knew that the feeling of the hardening dick sliding back and forth atop her was a much better indicator of how close they both were to release. Suddenly, as Sam once more froze up and dug his fingers into the soft globes of her butt cheeks, Alex felt the liquid warmth rush into her. It rocketed through her body and spewed from her lips like an X-rated fountain, Alex’s own orgasm now gripping her entire truncated body. Man and wife groaned and gurgled in satisfaction.

As Alex lay panting and spitting, helpless atop her tits, she felt Sam’s softening cock retract and the hard one between her ass pull away. She expected to feel the upper one push into her once more, but instead she heard the clomp of hooves.

Sam was moving.

For a moment Alex let her thoughts drift away from her immediate experience. She had fallen forward with the table behind her, so Sam was facing the larger area of the room. She could see…beings, not so much people of all forms and colors fucking all over the place. Arms and tits and dicks and pussies and tails and all sorts of limbs were taking part in the wildest orgy she’d ever seen.

Then an enormous cock entered her view. Two of them, actually, attached to furry hips that faded into a human torso. Alex looked up as much as she could, even though she already knew it was Sam.

“I thought this end needed some attention.”

In their wedding bed Alex had refused to put Sam’s penis anywhere but “where God intended it,” and for a moment – as the head of Sam big dick raised up towards her mouth – that part of Alex’s mind tried to rise up into prominence. But as Alex saw his gloriously hard and thick cock, smelled it, smelled her own juices on it, and thought about it pushing apart her lips and filling her throat as it worked towards their mutual gushing orgasm Alex realized she desired to have it inside her. It was as if her very soul would shatter if she didn’t put her mouth around it.

“Oh God, Sam, please, I have to…I have to suck on that…” Alex pleaded, shaking her torso and trying to drive herself forward onto it.

“No worries, babe,” Sam smiled, placing all four hands on his wife’s shoulders, “Anything you want.”

Alex’s jaw opened wide, her lips stretching around the width of Sam’s head as he pushed his dick into her mouth. It was almost painful, but in her sex-crazed body even that felt a sort of good to Alex at this point. Finally the ridge around her husband’s cockhead popped inside her lips, and the long shaft pushed easily down her throat thanks to the combination of her saliva and what of her own lubricant was still slicked across Sam’s rod.

Her eyes went wide as his bullish legs came towards her, Alex’s nose eventually pressing into the bovine fur that surrounded Sam’s dual phalli. Her separated windpipe and throat meant she could take a deep breath of his bull musk, her body and mind melting from the smell she’d programmed him to produce. His scent was that of a perfect male; strong, steady, and ready to take her as a man should. Alex practically came just from the smell of him on her senses, but of course that was impossible and only inflamed her desperate need for her husband’s cum.

Of course, Alex knew she wouldn’t cum until Sam did, and while he was working well on his way towards that the orally-penetrated woman wished there was some room left in her mouth for her tongue to actually be of use. Sam had shifted one pair of his hands from his wife’s shoulders to grip her hair, his rocking motion pushing his bull pubes into and away from her face in rhythm. Her head was bent at practically a ninety degree angle to her neck and spine, but Sam knew she could handle it. He could feel his cock bulging and stretching her throat, reaching in far enough to push into the top of her ribcage.

Alex was loving all of it. The sensation of Sam’s fur brushing her face was fantastic, and her complete lack of a gag reflex meant she could concentrate on how full she was. The sense of his bulbous dick head gliding down her throat - stretching the sides of her neck as it forced her ribs to open - was nearly as intoxicating as the musk that was filling her lungs. She was shocked by how her teeth had shifted so that there was no fear of painfully dragging them across the thick rod forcing her mouth so absurdly open. She’d expected the tight grip on her hair to be excruciating, but instead Sam’s guiding hands were a source of comfort.

Soon the pelvic thrusts to her face began to speed up. Sam’s limp dick had been tapping the cleavage under Alex’s chin, but she could feel it now hardening and trying to drive between her breasts.

“Oh yeah, oh yeah babe, I can feel it, you feel so good…” Sam was panting, and Alex felt her husband’s whole body stiffen. He stretched back, pressing his furry crotch firmly into Alex’s nose. She could, of course, say nothing as she felt strings of his spunk spraying into her torso. Once more she felt his cum first fill the space immediately presented to it, before the first gallon finally pushed down the long tube that – diverted around stomach and intestines – now directly connected mouth to pussy. The warm flow exploded out from her displayed flower, gushing down the bulging cleavage resting under her ass. Alex was cumming intensely, unable to cry out thanks to the source of cum that was still pressed hard into her throat.

It was just as Sam’s flow was starting to thin out, and Alex’s body was starting to relax into a little afterglow, that she heard a woman’s voice behind her.

“My my, that looks tasty.”

Suddenly a long, thick, talented tongue was on her twat. Alex shuddered as someone expertly licked at the semen dribbling out of her pussy. She could feel hands, six of them with three fingers each, climbing up the surface of her tits. Two of the strange hands grabbed her ass while the bottom two gripped her breast flesh, a nose poking the valley of her ass while lips met her own lower lips and a thick, long tongue explored her dripping divide.

And Alex could tell the tongue was long. While at first it just gathered up the cum dripping around her labia, soon it was driving further and further into the living sex toy’s canal. With Sam’s cock still inside her, even if it was starting to soften, all Alex could do was twitch. The sensations were driving her wild, the fires of desire brightly relit inside her. While she was certain that in any other circumstance such ministrations would soon have her orgasming wildly, she knew that here her body was just going to get hornier and hornier until one end of her was gushing someone’s cum. That thought left her desperate to get some action going again. Alex started sucking on her husband’s upper cock, even though she knew it was only the bottom one that could do anything for her at this time. And it was held fast by her breasts, having managed to drive itself deep into her cleavage as it stiffened up.

“What are you doing to that poor girl? Let me in there,” another voice came from behind Alex. The voice was male, but not one she recognized from earlier. She couldn’t see anything other than Sam’s furry crotch, its scent also hammering on her libido. “May I?” came from behind her.

“Sure,” Sam answered, “I’m enjoying her tits on my hard cock, and I’m curious as to how she looks with someone plowing her from behind. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

Outside the party Alex would have been furious with her husband for offering the use of her pussy to anyone, but right now she was thrilled by it. Some small part of her had been excited to fuck someone other than her tiresome husband – of course, that thought had come before she’d turned him into the dual minotaur with one cock down her throat and the other driven between her monstrous mammaries. She’d forgotten about her desire to get some strange, but now – if he wasn’t going to sate the fire burning through from loins to lips – she wouldn’t turn down any offers.

Well, she wouldn’t have even if she’d been able to.

Whoever had been licking her climbed up over Alex’s ass and stopped atop her back. A hand was now on her pussy, and then something pushed inside of her. Actually, it felt like three somethings arranged in a triangle, one on top and two side-by-side under it. Alex couldn’t see that the male-turned Korina was threading her triplicate bundle of engorged cocks inside Alex’s gaping, dripping hole. The trio fit snuggly, and the triangle shape was unique enough that it made up for the fact that Korina’s cocks did not push quite as far inside Alex as her husband’s larger dicks did.

As Korina grabbed Alex’s ass and began to drive her dicks into the perfectly-leveled pussy Alex felt whomever was on her back move forward towards Sam. Lesley, with her six arms and many breasts, was completely nude atop Alex. She climbed over Alex’s shoulders and made her way up Sam’s chest, the two beginning a passionate make-out session. The hands Sam had placed on Alex shoulders lifted away and explored the many breasts hanging from Lesley’s body.

Alex couldn’t see any of this, she could only feel Lesley’s rear hands on her shoulders – and the woman’s engorged and sloppy pussy dripping lubricant and Korina’s own juices down into Alex’s hair and face. Normally Alex would have been disgusted by the warm fluids pouring over her – and the likelihood that someone was kissing her husband would have only enraged her – but she’d left those moral issues at the door.

Honestly, all Alex wanted to do right now was cum again. Korina didn’t have the same tells that Sam did, and it was only when the transgendered woman’s fingers really dug into Alex’s supple ass that Alex expected she might find some release from her erotic desperation. All three of Korina’s cocks came at once, and Alex could feel them splattering inside of her. They were not as full of spunk as Alex had programed Sam’s to be, but she could feel the warm goo slosh inside her, travel forward, and then – stop as it hit the head of Sam’s limp cock still snaking down her throat. Limp it may be, but little of its thickness had been lost with the redirection of blood flow. It was a perfect cork, stopping Korina’s cum in its tracks.


This was getting to be too much for Alex. If the cum didn’t eject from her mouth she couldn’t cum herself, and if she didn’t cum she was going to absolutely burn up. She wriggled back and forth, desperately trying to get some of Korina’s semen to leak past her husband’s cock. If she could just get a littlerelief…

“Yes…she’s quite a nice fuck,” Korina moaned, leaning forward and resting on Alex’s plump rump.

“Oh…I wanna cum again,” Lesley bemoaned, breaking away from Sam and looking down at all the sex going on around her. “My pussy wants to be filled!”

“Well, if you don’t mind it being a little limp, I think you’ll be quite well filled…” Sam began to say, pushing Lesley a little further onto Alex’s back as he began to reel his spent penis out of his wife’s mouth. Alex was giddy – if Sam wanted to fuck someone else that was great since it meant her had to pull out of her, and it was especially wonderful if there was someone willing to go at her after she finally came. But as soon as Sam’s upper dick pulled out he swung up the engorged lower one and pushed it between Alex’s limps. The prone woman had been given no time to eject any of Korina’s cum, not even a chance to cry out “Wait!”

Now Alex silently moaned in desperation. The hard shaft greatly limited her ability to move and squirm. As Sam’s soft cum-covered cock was rested atop her head Alex heard the woman on her back giggle. All of Lesley’s hands were quick to feed the spongy shaft inside of her pussy.

“My God…I can barely fit it…like this,” the multi-limbed woman groaned, only able to take the first ten inches or so of Sam’s phallus.

“You just wait,” Sam smiled, and he turned his attention to Lesley’s partner. Korina was still three-times impaled inside of Alex, watching with amusement at Lesley’s attempt to fit Sam’s monster dick inside of her. Korina looked up and met Sam’s gaze. “I’ve always wanted to do an Eifel Tower. Up for another go?”

“Absolutely!” Korina grinned, and with that both she and Sam began to work at Alex. The dual-fucked woman was going crazy, her horniness at a level that consumed her body and was nearly blanching out her ability to think at all. The feeling of Sam’s other cock resting on her head, inside of a woman on Alex’s back who was grunting and gripping at her skin, was just insanity.

Alex had no concept of how long it took either person inside of her to finally cum. She vaguely recalled that Korina had first, her white goo adding to that which was already within the living piece of sex furniture Alex had become. The fucked woman was beginning to feel tight inside as more cum filled her, but had nowhere to go.

It was when Lesley started crying out that it became clear how close Sam was to cumming.

“Oh God, oh God, it’s getting so big, I don’t know if I…if I…but it feels sogood…” Lesley was struggling to keep her vag wrapped around Sam’s hardening upper cock, but that was becoming difficult as it got stiffer and thicker.

And then Sam came. His stronger surge of semen sloshed down Alex’s insides and met the triple penetration blocking the exit. A hard pressure was acting on Alex’s interior, and she felt like her body would burst from an over intensity of both pressure and libido.

Well, the cum hit a mostly blocked exit. Formed as they were Korina’s three dicks could not create a perfect seal within Alex’s pussy, and little geysers of white were bursting out around Alex’s labia. But, instead of letting her orgasm, the experience was much more like what Alex thought was masturbating like normal – she was just at the tip of cumming, and this sensation was as if she was just barely brushing her clit in order to further that wonderful and fleeting experience just before the breach of bliss.

Right now that feeling was driving Alex’s mind towards a growing white spot that her brain could not look away from.

Then suddenly, “Fuck! I need this out of me! It’s so good, but I think I’m stuck!”

Lesley was thrashing around, stuck like a caramel apple on the end of Sam’s stick. The nanites wouldn’t allow bad pain, but Lesley also didn’t want to be stuck on one man’s dick for the run of the night. Korina grabbed her girlfriend’s upper shoulders, and she and Sam took a few quick steps away from each other. Lesley cried out from very sharp pleasure as Sam’s erect penis popped out of her.

At the same time this meant that both Sam and Korina had pulled out of Alex. Gallons of cum poured from both her mouth and pussy, and Alex was in rapture. Her body was shaking from the purest physical pleasure she had ever felt, like a white-hot poker of joy was being driven into her.

Into her everywhere.

It took quite a bit for Alex’s sex canal to finally empty. She came the whole time, blubbering white out of her mouth while a waterfall of semen cascaded out of her vagina and onto the curve of her breasts. When Alex finally came down and was enjoying the start of her brief afterglow she glanced up and saw her husband peering down at her, and smiling.

“Did that feel good?”

Alex knew she couldn’t even think of any actual words to respond to her husband with, so she nodded her head, small streams of cum still dribbling out of her mouth. She’d barely had the muscle strength to do that. A vocal answer – even gibberish – was well beyond her ability right now.

“Do you want to do that again?”

Astonishingly the empty need in her pussy and mouth was already making its presence known. Alex vehemently shook her head “Yes.”

For Alex the remainder of the party was spent doing much of the same. When Sam wasn’t fucking her someone else was. Few could fill Alex as tightly or as thoroughly as her husband did, but as long as she had cum dripping from her lips or labia she didn’t care.

Sam was able to find satisfaction with a few other guests at the party. But his massive cocks meant that very few party guests other than his wife could fit him. And he soon found that every time he left his wife to pursue some other piece of ass – sometimes literally – it was Alex’s form that most appealed to him.

After all, he’d designed it. It only made sense he’d prefer her, right?

As night pushed on near to morning the nanites finally kicked over to Stage Two – gently putting their guests to sleep. Sam fell asleep wrapped in Sylvia’s impossibly perfect arms, both of them not far from Alex. The minotaur slowly sunk to the floor, holding Sylvia with one pair of arms while the others used a table to guide his descent. Connor had been the one fucking Alex as sleep took him, and he slipped out of her before he could send any fresh ejaculate into her pussy. Alex was disappointed, until her own drowsiness caused her to tip forward and cum again from all the remaining white slime that only gravity was able to pull from her. She passed out amidst a soft orgasm with semen still dripping from her lips.

As the guests slept a clean-up crew arrived. While bodies slowly returned to normal a fine mist of more nanites was sprayed over them, these designed to eliminate the cum, lubricant, and any other juices produced during the party’s orgy. Any clothing that looked salvageable was gathered up for quick cleaning. Anyone whose outfits had been rendered completely beyond repair would be provided a set of soft cotton pants and shirt to return home in.

As morning broke Sam and Alex found themselves rousing. The nanites were programmed to wake every pairing of guests individually, so that they could collect their things and leave without any wait or issue. They checked out their personal items, received their pairs of shoes, and were dressed in the clothing provided. Soon they were on their way home.

The car ride home seemed hopeful. Their conversation was active, and their energy was high. Perhaps the night’s experiment had been a success. They admitted that each of them was still a bit horny, and sex immediately commenced once they were in bed.

Although neither admitted it afterwards, their post-party tryst was not as satisfying as they had hoped. They’d both cum, but there was something missing neither could quite put a finger on. The one mutually enjoyable experience they’d had in a long time was over, and since they wouldn’t be able to afford next year’s any repeated discussion of the party was pointless.

Over the next few days they continued to fuck in the moments they could, but this was mostly started half-heartedly by one or the other to mask that anything was wrong. As days turned to weeks and months, the time between their randy bed sessions grew larger and larger. It wasn’t long before their life returned to how it was before. But now each spouse was less willing to admit something was still wrong.

Nearly a year later and Sam and Alex were no better off than they had been before the party – worse, in fact. Neither wanted to admit that, although they’d both had a great time that night, the expense had been a waste of money in the long run. Without the budget to go again their only shared activity was to be forever beyond their means. Knowing this was worse than being ignorant of it.

It wasn’t until Sam went into his closet to do some cleaning that some hope glimmered up for them. He was going through his shoes when he found the pair that he had worn to the party, untouched since they’d arrived home that morning. As he put them aside his fingertip was poked by something within. Turning the shoe over a business card fell out with the name and contact information facing up. Sam immediately realized it was from Connor, and wondered when the older man had snuck it into the shoe. Lifting the card from the floor Sam turned it over, where a message had been written.

Sam and Alex – partiers as good as you shouldn’t miss a year because of cost! I’d love to have you again as my guests! Let me know if you are interested. –C

Sam just stared at the text for a moment, flipping the card over and over in his hands. Finally his voice came to him.

“Alex! I think you need to go dress shopping!”


Copyright 2013 Dan Standing


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