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The five high counselors of the queendom of Slipthia were both eager and anxious upon this important morning. Long before sunrise Tufstra, the lord high general, had assembled her army at the east gate of the city; and the soldiers stood in two long lines beside the entrance, looking very impressive in their uniforms. And all the people, noting this unusual display, gathered around at the gate to see what was going to happen.

Of course no one knew what was going to happen; not even the chief counselor nor her fellow counselors. They could only obey the law and abide by the results.

Finally the sun arose and the east gate of the city was thrown open.

There were a few people waiting outside, and they promptly entered.

“One, two, three, four, five, six!” counted the chief counselor, in a loud voice.

The people were much surprised at hearing this, and began to question one another with perplexed looks. Even the soldiers were mystified.

“Seven, eight, nine!” continued the chief counselor, still counting those who came in.

A breathless hush fell upon the assemblage.

Something very important and mysterious was going on; that was evident.

But what?

They could only wait and find out.

“Ten, eleven!” counted Bustra, and then heaved a deep sigh. For a famous noblewoman had just entered the gate, and the chief counselor could not help wishing she had been number forty-seven.

So the counting went on, and the people became more and more interested and excited.

When the number had reached thirty-one a strange thing happened. A loud “boom!” sounded through the stillness, and then another, and another. Someone was tolling the great bell in the palace bell-tower, and people began saying to one another in awed whispers that the old queen must be dead.

The five high counselors, filled with furious anger but absolutely helpless, as they could not leave the gate, lifted up their five female fists and shook them violently in the direction of the bell-tower, the source of the tolling no mystery to them.

Poor Vexa, finding herself left alone in the palace, could no longer resist the temptation to toll the bell; and it continued to peal out its dull, solemn tones while the chief counselor stood by the gate and shouted:

“Thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four!”

Only the mystery of this action could have kept the people quiet when they learned from the bell that their old queen was dead.

But now they began to guess that the scene at the east gate promised more of interest than anything they might learn at the palace; so they stood very quiet, and Vexa’s disobedience of orders did no great harm to the plans of the five high counselors.

When Bustra had counted up to forty the excitement redoubled, for every one could see big drops of perspiration standing upon the chief counselor’s brow, and all the other high counselors, who stood just behind her, were trembling violently with nervousness.

A ragged, limping peddler entered the gate.

“Forty-five!” shouted Bustra.

Then came Rosebud through the gate, still reveling so in the mixture of afterglow and replenishing randiness that she was barely aware of the counting.

“Forty-six!” screamed Bustra.

And now Professor Bolta passed through, looking composedly upon the throng of anxious faces that greeted her. Behind her was Rosebud, with Genevieve plodding at her rear.

“Forty-seven!” cried the chief counselor; and then in her loudest voice she continued:

“Long live the new Queen of Slipthia!”

All the high counselors prostrated themselves in the dusty road before the startled brunette. The professor was thrust back in the crowd by a soldier, where she stood staring in amazement, and Marrietta, still clothed in her beautiful cloak, stepped back and around to Genevieve’s side and looked first at her startled roommate and then at the group of royal women, who bobbed their heads in the dust before her and shouted:

“Long live the queen!”

Then, while the crowd still wondered, the lady high counselor arose and took from a soldier a golden crown set with brilliants, a jeweled scepter, and a robe of ermine. Advancing to Rosebud, she placed the crown upon the university student’s head and the scepter in her hand, while over her shoulders she threw the ermine robe.

The crown fell over Rosebud’s ears, but she pushed it back upon her head, so it would stay there.

The people quickly rose to the spirit of the occasion. What mattered it if the old queen was dead, now that a new queen was already before them? They broke into a sudden cheer, and, joyously waving their hats and bonnets above their heads, joined eagerly in the cry:

“Long live the Queen of Slipthia!”

Professor Bolta was fairly stupefied, standing in shock as all others bowed. Such a thing was too insane to be believed. A woman in the crowd spotted her and said to her brusquely:

“Why don’t you greet the new queen? Are you a traitor to your country?”

So Bolta bowed and screamed: “Long live the queen!” But she hardly knew what she was doing or why she did it - only that the shout had deliriously rattled her nethers.

Meantime the high counselors had risen from their knees and now stood around Rosebud the Queen and Genevieve the donkey and Slick.

“May it please your Serene Majesty to condescend to tell us who your traveling party is?” asked Bustra, bowing respectfully.

“That’s my roommate, friend, and lover Slick,” said Rosebud matter-of-factly, who was still in shock and doing her best to enjoy the unexpected attention. All the counselors, at this, bowed low to Slick.

“A horse for the Princess Slick, Consort of the Queen!” cried the lady high general; and the next moment she was mounted upon a handsome white palfrey, where, with her fluffy golden hair and smiling face and the magnificent cloak flowing from her shoulders, she looked every inch a princess worthy of consorting with a queen. The people cheered her, too; for it was long since any woman had occupied the palace with the Queen of Slipthia, and she was so pretty - especially with the red of her afterglow still lingering - that everyone was enamored with her immediately.

Before Rosebud could say anything more the queen’s chariot drove up, with its six prancing steeds, and Rosebud was given a hand to step up into the high seat of the chariot.

Again the people shouted joyful greetings; the band struck up a gay march tune, and then the royal procession started for the palace.

First came Tufstra and the officers; then the queen’s chariot, surrounded by soldiers; then the four high counselors upon black horses, riding two on each side of Princess Slick; and, finally, the band of musicians and the remainder of the royal army.

It was an imposing sight, and the people followed after with cheers and rejoicings, while the lady high purse-bearer tossed silver coins from her pouch for any one to catch who could.

A message had been sent to warn Vexa that the new queen was coming, so she stopped tolling the death knell, and instead rang out a glorious chime of welcome.

As the crowd moved on with the precession the dust settled around Professor Bolta, who found herself and Genevieve the donkey alike deserted. Exchanging a look the professor and the she-beast followed after.

As the pair began their pursuit Queen Rosebud of Slipthia, amid the cheers and shouts of thousands, entered for the first time the royal palace of Slippa.


Now when the new queen had entered the palace with her royal consort, the chief counselor stood upon a golden balcony with the great book in her hand, and read aloud, to all the people who were gathered below, the law in regard to choosing a new queen, and the severe penalty in case any refused to obey her slightest wish. And the people were glad enough to have a change of rulers, and pleased that so young a queen had been given them. So they accepted both the law and the new queen cheerfully, and soon dispersed to their homes to talk over the wonderful events of the day.

Rosebud and Slick were ushered into beautifully furnished rooms on the second floor of the palace, and Vexa, finding that she had a new mistress to assist, flew about in her usual nervous manner, and brought the pair the most delicious breakfast they had ever eaten in their lives.

Rosebud had been so surprised at her reception at the gate and the sudden change in her condition that as yet she had not been able to collect her thoughts. Her principal idea was that she was swept up in some sort of mistake; Rosebud was certainly adept at turning mistakes to her advantage. But the breakfast was very earnest and entirely satisfying and done without question, and she began to wonder if so much fuss by so many people could be a mistake after all.

Vexa, when she carried away the dishes, bowed low to Rosebud and said: “Beg pardon, your Majesty! But the lady high counselor desires to know the queen’s will.”

Rosebud stared at her a moment thoughtfully.

“Tell her I want to be left alone to talk with my consort, Princess Slick,” she replied.

Vexa again bowed low and withdrew, closing the door behind her, and then the pair looked at each other soberly, until Slick burst into a merry laugh.

“Oh, Rosebud!” she cried, “Think of it! I’m the royal Princess Slick, and you’re the Queen of all Slipthia! Isn’t it wonderfully absurd!” And then she danced about the room in great delight.

Rosebud answered her seriously.

“It is impossible but it appears to be so,” she said. “I can’t really be a queen, right? I half expect Bolta to burst in at any moment and announce it is all a test.”

“Nonsense!” laughed Slick. “Didn’t you hear what that woman announced about the law to all in the land? The old queen is dead, and someone else had to be queen, you know; and the forty-seventh person who entered the east gate was you, Rosebud, and so by law you are the queen of all this great country. I agree it sounds like a prank, but there is no way the entirety of a city could be in on it, and to lie about succession would break the people’s trust, don’t you see?”

Rosebud shook her head and looked at her long-denied-lover. Slick smiled back and they rushed to embrace, only to pull away as they felt the dead fish upon themselves.

“Well, if I am queen I am sending someone to university post-haste to demand we are given an A grade!”

“Of course!” exclaimed Slick, throwing off her pretty cloak and placing it on a chair. “You’re the rightful queen, and can do whatever you please! I’m sure Genevieve will be pleased to walk upright once more.”

“I hope Bolta is taking care of her. We should send word to have them brought to us,” returned Rosebud. She paused a moment as she looked Slick up and down, and then let out a hum, “If you’re a princess, why do you wear clothing that any university student would wear? Princesses always were the loveliest outfits.”

Slick looked at herself and grinned with mischief. They were of one mind now, to make the best of the situation in case it was pulled out from under them.

“I really ought to have some new dresses, Rosebud. And I suppose if you order them they will be ready in no time. And you must have some new clothes, too, for your jacket is soiled from travel on the road.”

Rosebud nodded.

“Call in that cute little assistant,” Rosebud hummed, pulling forth an image of Vexa in her mind’s eye, “I’ll order something, and see if she obeys me. If she does, then I’ll believe I’m really a queen.”

“Here’s a bell-rope,” said Slick; “I’ll pull it.”

Instantly Vexa entered and bowed low to each of the women, both only a few years younger than herself.

“What’s your name?” asked Rosebud.

“Vexa, your gracious Majesty.”

“Who are you?”

“Your Majesty’s valet and assistant, if you please,” answered Vexa.

“I want some new clothes, and so does my consort,” Rosebud announced, as boldly as possible.

“Certainly, your Majesty. I’ll send the lady high steward here at once.”

“Tell me, do you feel comfortable in your royal regalia?”

Vexa cocked her head at the queen’s question, and looked down at the thick jacket and heavy uniform that hung across the entirety of her body.

“It is heavy and hot most of the time within the castle, and stiff to move about in. But the old queen demanded the style of it,” Vexa explained.

“Then all who serve me should be freshly adorned,” Rosebud continued, “Dressed how they are most comfortable.” Rosebud figured a carrot would help endear her new subjects to her.

With this Vexa smiled and bowed most eagerly before Rosebud spoke again, now explaining why a messenger needed to be dispatched to the university and giving Vexa the commands to be acted upon. Vexa took down the notes and rushed away. Shortly thereafter Hystra, the lady high steward, entered the room and with a low bow presented herself respectfully before the pair.

“I beg your Majesty to command me,” said Hystra, gravely.

Rosebud was a little awed by her appearance, but she resolved to be brave.

“We want some new clothes,” she said.

“They are already ordered, your Majesty, and will be here presently.”

“Oh!” said Rosebud, and stopped short.

“I have ordered forty dresses for your Majesty and forty gowns for the princess consort,” continued Hystra; “and I hope these will content your Majesty and the princess until you have time to select a larger assortment.”

“Oh!” said Rosebud, greatly amazed.

“I have also brought in nine maiden volunteers, the most lovely in all the land, to entertain the princess consort while the queen performs her official duties. They are even now awaiting her Highness in her own apartments.”

Slick clapped her hands delightedly, and she and Rosebud exchanged lusty glances. Their relationship had always been a mutually open one, and the queen was jealous of what flesh may be waiting for Slick.

“I’ll go to them at once,” the royal consort exclaimed. Her slit had already returned to its now regular full flame, and the opportunity now granted to her flushed it further

“Has your Majesty any further commands?” asked Hystra. “If not your five high counselors would like to confer with you in regard to your new duties and responsibilities.”

“Send ’em in,” sighed Rosebud, and while Slick went to meet her new maidens the queen took a seat to hold her first conference with her high counselors.

In answer to Hystra’s summons the other four royal counselors solemnly filed into the room and stood in a row before Rosebud, who looked upon them with a sensation of awe and lingering suspicious disbelief.

“Your Majesty,” began the venerable Bustra, in a grave voice, “we are here to instruct you, with your gracious consent, in your new and important duties.”

Rosebud shifted uneasily in her chair. The more those around her insisted that this foolishness was real it all seemed so more unreal and absurd - this queenly title and polite deference bestowed upon an unsuspecting university student by five dignified women - that it was hard for Rosebud to curb her suspicion that all was not right.

“See here, all of you,” said she suddenly, unable to resist anymore,“is this thing a joke? Tell me, is it a joke?”

“A joke?” echoed all of the five counselors, in several degrees of shocked and horrified tones; and Lextra, the lady high executioner, added reproachfully:

“Could we, by any chance, have the temerity to joke with your mighty and glorious Majesty?”

“That’s just it,” answered the young brunette. “I am not a mighty and glorious Majesty. I’m just Rosebud, the failing university student, and you know it.”

“You are Rosebud, the...failing university student, to be sure,” agreed the chief counselor, pausing to decide if she wanted to repeat the word ‘failing’ and then bowing courteously as quickly as she could; “but by the decrees of fate and the just and unalterable laws of the land you are now become absolute ruler of the great queendom of Slipthia; therefore all that dwell therein are your loyal and obedient servants.”

Rosebud thought this over once more.

“Are you sure there’s no mistake?” she asked, with hesitation.

“There can be no mistake,” returned Bustra, firmly; “for we, the five high counselors of the queendom, have ourselves interpreted and carried out the laws of the land, and the people, your subjects, have approved our action.”

“Then,” said Rosebud, feigning a sense of being put upon,“I suppose I’ll have to be queen whether I want to or not.”

“Your Majesty speaks but the truth,” returned the chief counselor, with a sigh. “With or without your consent, you are the queen. It is the law.” And all the others chanted in a chorus:

“It is the law.”

Rosebud raised an eyebrow at the simultaneous exclamation, but nonetheless felt much relieved. She had no notion whatever of refusing to be a queen. If there was no mistake, and she was really the powerful monarch of Slipthia, then there ought to be no end of fun and freedom for her during the rest of her life. To be her own master; to have plenty of money; to live in a palace and order people around as she pleased - all this seemed to be quite the most delightful fate that could possibly overtake one.

So lost did she become in thoughts of the marvelous existence opening before her that she paid scant attention to the droning speeches of the five counselors, who were endeavoring to acquaint her with the condition of affairs in her new queendom, and to instruct her in her many and difficult duties as its present and future ruler.

For a full hour she sat quiet and motionless, and they thought she was listening to these dreary affairs of state; but her mind could do nothing but wander to thoughts of what Slick was doing.

And who.


Slick was not certain what to expect as she entered her quarters, but was pleased to see nine maidens of incredible beauty waiting for her. Each was dressed in lovely lingerie, and the group had been quietly chatting amongst themselves and attending to how each looked before turning their attention to the entering princess.

“My lady,” all announced together, standing and bowing. Breasts of varying sizes and fullness dipped down and hung within the various satin and lace underthings, before the group rose again stood waiting from some indication of Slick’s desires.

“I am told you are volunteers?” Slick asked, uncertain of what to make of the sight before her.

“Oh yes, indeed!” exclaimed one, “My name is Rouge, and it has always been my dream to live in the palace. And when I heard of your beauty I desired to see it myself, and now I am eager to see as much of it as possible!” This maiden had vibrant red hair that cascaded around freckled shoulders. Her white lacy bra and panties struggled to contain her generous hourglass curves.

Another stepped forward, her dainty bare feet making soft padding sounds on the marble floor. She pushed back wispy hair the color of a roasted orange, and pulled tight the silk nighty so that the little nipples atop her dainty breasts were more noticable.

“I am Octavia, and the moment I understood what real screaming pleasure was I have sought it out, for myself and for others,” she smiled, “And I felt it only right to offer my services to the royal court.”

Another stood up beside her in panties and bra full of lace - although the bra was no more full of flesh than it would have been on Octavia.

“I have a similar tale, and am called Yalla,” she said, flicking back luxurious blonde hair that cascaded down to a rather round and impressive ass, “And Octavia and I have been trading ideas.” As she said this she and Octavia intertwined their hands and smiled at each other.

“Indeed, they have put on an excellent show!” exclaimed another with incredibly full lips and an especially lovely face, who placed a leg on one of the many ottomans, displaying her slit which had a neat bush of green curls the same color as her paige cut, “And I, Galla, am excited to be a part of it alongside the Princess Consort!”

“Here here!” exclaimed another, a muscular woman proudly stepping forward. Blue hair fell to her waist like a waterfall, curled ends catching the lines of toned muscles, “Bia has trained for years to make sure she is at her best for such revels!”

“Yes, and I am-”

The announcement of the sixth maiden was interrupted as her feet were caught in a blanket, and she stumbled, her light purple hair cascading around generous breasts that were not helping her balance. Standing up and blushing as those maidens around her patted her and made sure she was steady, the clumsy woman meekly finished her exclamation, “I am Indiga, and I am eager to share my skills.”

A short woman with much darker purple hair stepped forward to Slick and bowed again, giving the Princess Consort a view through the neckline of the loose nightgown to slight succulent breasts capped with little nubs. As she stood up again she introduced herself as Violet, and Slick smiled at the pleasant round face before her.

“I am called Bianca, and my mouth waters for a taste of all here,” spoke up a wisp of a woman, whose silky slip hung lightly on her thin body. Raven hair framed her delicate face, but her lips were full and wore a striking color.

The last one spoke up, introducing herself as Willa. She pushed back her white hair and posed so that Slick could fully absorb how lovely she looked into the perfectly picked frilly lingerie.

“We are all eagerly here to keep you pleased and entertained while the Queen sees to her royal duties,” Violet said, her voice light and breathy.

Slick looked around at the lovely group before her. Each maiden was gorgeous, and although the Princess Consort had found there wasn’t a moment since walking to the castle where she wasn’t quite horny, it was moments like these that certainly got her all the hotter.

With slow deliberate steps Slick made her way around the room, gentle teasing caresses being traded between her and the nine maidens. Each was attractive in her own right and Slick was eager to sample them, when she felt a pair of hands slipping up her back.

Turning with an eager giggle Slick saw that none of the nine had been close enough to touch her. It was then that she realized that the phantom pleasures had returned. Invisible fingers slipped over the curve of her ass and began to play with the lower tips of her labia from behind. Slick shuddered, and collapsed to the bed as if she had no bones.

“Undress me…” the Princess Consort moaned, “...please.”

Eighteen hands were quick to remove her outfit, and as Slick felt the erotic touch of those she could not see she pulled those that she could onto the bed with her. Soon there was a tangle of bodies licking and kissing, giving Slick the tactile feedback she’d been so desperate for since the ghostly pleasures began. Breasts brushed and smushed and were suckled, limbs intertwined and teased and tugged and petted, and mouths licked and sucked all the skin within reach. There was practically no inch of Slick’s body that wasn’t touching a beautiful woman.

In short order the group was quivering in pleasure, their bodies becoming like jelly in their afterglows. The group arranged themselves more comfortably atop the Princess Consort’s bed, and with Slick in the middle the nude women fell asleep in a group embrace.


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