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Barbara meets with the family lawyer and her assets... 1200+ words. ~dS


“Oui, oui, moi aussi, ma beauté éternelle,” Alphonsine grunted with a prolonged sigh. Each lover poured out her tribute to the god of love, and with a few convulsive heaves of her divine bottom it appeared that Alphonse was about to faint away from Eudoxie. But in a miraculous turn their eyes sprung open, lust renewed in each of them. Neither of them appeared to be satisfied, and their touches and manipulations proved each was as amorous as ever.

Their pleasures continued to move swiftly, as with little further effort each began to gasp in blissful crisis. Their cons pressed tightly together, the shafting linking their pleasures nearly impossible to see. Their limbs, which had twisted and interlinked as they groped each other’s breasts and rears, had started to slow and still.

“Oui, oui, je jouis encore mon amour, cette fois c'est tellement fort, c'est-”

“Moi aussi, c'est incroyable, je n'ai jamais ressenti un tel plaisir, je me sens tellement-”

I watched as their faces twisted into an orgasmic climax, their foreign cries catching in their throats. Their forms had completely stopped moving, and slowly the color of their glistening skin began to pale. There was a gentle sound of creaking, like a mortar grinding in a pestle.

The first significant change was their eyes, the color of each iris blanching into a pink pearly whiteness. The color next appeared at the roots of their hair, washing up and over the hardening strands. Next, across the whole of their flesh, each woman transmuted from warm softness to stiff polished marble, lovely veins of pink spreading across them like ice freezing over a lake. The pair could have been nothing more than statues carved by the greatest Italian master if not for the delights still dribbling from their compressed cleffs.

Alphonsine and Eudoxie had been transmuted into the most beautiful monument of Sapphic carnality. The expressions captured upon their visages made it clear that each had been caught in the most intense moment of bliss, and I innate knew that their minds were still reeling in their climaxes.

“Well, I suppose I will have to move theeeeeeeeeem to the lobby, if only so that the floor is not at risk of collapsing intoooooooo the room below!” Libby exclaimed, “What lovely décor for our visitors to be greeted by!”

It was now quite late, the house closed for the night. I bade Libby an affectionate farewell and returned to my hotel. The next day I started for home.

Chapter IV


When I arrived home I busied myself putting my father's papers in order, and was so absorbed by the occupation that not even an amorous thought entered my head. This took me a whole week and I had only just finished when Mrs. Rachel Pitman was announced.

I recalled how, upon meeting Mrs. Pitman, I had found her to be a fine looking woman only about thirty-six years of age, even though she and her late husband had been our family  lawyers for years! As I met her in the drawing room I was struck again by her nearly six foot height. Her absurdly generous bust drew my eyes, despite the stately clothes she’d dressed over it. Her manner remained warm and Mrs. Pitman’s posture all but dared me to take in her womanly charms. I was certain a stiffness was presenting itself under her dress.

“Ms. Lustra, it is so good to see you again!”

“And I you, Mrs. Pitman.”

“Please, please,” she replied, hugging me into her wonderful bust and planting a kiss upon each of my cheeks, “Our families have such history, and I would rather you call me Rachel.”

“Very well, Rachel, shall we retire to the study?” I inquired, motioning into the house, “I’ve been making myself known of my father’s affairs.”

“And what of your mother’s?” Rachel asked, a twinkle in her eye. When I replied with only an expression of puzzlement Rachel let out a wonderfully disarming laugh and bade me to accompany her to the study. She made her way through the house most smartly, clearly familiar with its layout. As she strode I was certain she had beneath her garments a manly blessing of incredible scale. I could sense a deep hunger in Evelyn at the possibility, and hoped that she would not dribble through my undergarments.

My glances went not unnoticed, and as we entered the study and closed the doors for our privacy Rachel removed her coat. Beneath it was revealed the top of her dress, which clearly had no further undergarments beneath it. Not only were my eyes greeted with a better view of Rachel’s generous bubbies, but there was something more.

The soft material of Rachel’s garment was stretched thin over her bust, revealing that the soft bulbous flesh beneath it was overall a mildly darker shade of pink than the pale skin adorning her faces and hands. And pushing against the fabric atop each breast was not a single nipple, but four teats each!

“My word, Mrs. Pitman!” I reflexively exclaimed, and she once again corrected me to ‘Rachel.’ “My apologies, Rachel, but I am most curious as to what you are showing me.” I could not help myself, my body leaned forward and I raised a hand as if holding it over the encased nubs would somehow provide me with an understanding.

“I know little more than what I can show you,” Rachel replied, reaching behind herself to undo the buttons of her dress, “All I can say is that shortly after my husband and I took your parents on as clients I found myself changing most gloriously...”

I watched as Rachel began to lower the top of her dress, compressed flesh eagerly erupting around the edges of the fabric. But as Rachel released the material she took me by the shoulders and brought her lips to mine. I eagerly pushed my own bubbies into her fantastic pronged pillows and welcomed her tongue into my mouth. We kissed passionately for a minute, my hands trying to grip as much of her bosom as I blindly could. Finally she pulled back, and as I wiped her slickness from my mouth my eyes took in what was perched upon Rachel’s ribs.

What rested high and proud on my family lawyer’s torso were not a pair of breasts - or, to be more accurate, not a pair of human ones. Instead of bubbies like those I’d become so intimate with I saw before me breasts more similar in color and shape to be the udders of a cow.

I and Evelyn - Evelyne, especially - noted that there was no longer any mystery to what could be hidden under the waist of Rachel’s dress.

"I perceived you are as fond of amorous sports as I am, Barbara. As you see I have been impossibly blessed with miracles of unique delight. My husband was deliriously fond of the alterations I found acting out upon me, and when he lived I rarely went a moment without satisfaction. But since his passing it has been difficult for me to find comfort and release with another without risking quite the scandal. I was hoping that, given the private privileges our official relationship involves, you could help with resolving some of my carnal repressions between resolving your legal matters.”

I would later realize that my mother had a similar ability to grant desires as I, and at some point either Rachel or her husband had wished upon her the miracles Rachel reveled in.

But for now I could only eagerly agree to experience more of what Rachel had come to offer.

to be continued...


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