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Barbara and Libbey arrive at the final wish of the evening... 1300+ words. ~dS


In truth we had made our way through the majority of Libbey’s tenants, which I felt was for the best as I feared nearing repetition of what I have already observed, although pour hungry Evelyn continued to demand that we visit one of the rooms - any of them. I thought my visit was wrapping up when we suddenly heard a ring at the bell, and almost immediately afterwards I heard a gentlewoman's voice say something in French in the hall.

"It is Alphonsine de la Tour," said Evelyn. "Nooooooow I shall have to show you something really worth seeing. She isssssssssss the particular friend of Eudoxie, the most beautiful girl in my whole establishment and more amoooooooooorous and lascivious than all of them put together. She is lately from France, and does noooooooooot speak a word of English. She is perfectly crazy whennnnnnnnnn enjoying the sexual act and acts in the most preposterous manner. Her naaaaaaaaaaked body is worth going a hundred miles to see, she is so gloriously beautiful. But coooooooooommmme, let us get to her room first for it is best not to miss the slightest preliminary of their looooooove meeting."

I and Evelyn were very curious to see this paragon and followed Libbey to her chamber which joined that of the French girl. We were soon installed in a convenient place of observation. We had been there but a few moments when Eudoxie, followed by her lover Alphonsine, made her appearance.

At the first glance I cast on the girl I was struck perfectly dumb at her surpassing loveliness. She was about nineteen years of age. Her face was perfectly oval and her features as regular as if they belonged to a Grecian statue. Her complexion was a rich brown. Her hair was intensely black and hung in a thousand little ringlets on her magnificently formed neck and shoulders. Her eyes were shaded with long black eyelashes - her teeth were beautifully white and regular, her arms might have formed a model for a sculptor. Her hips were fine, her figure magnificent, and her hands and feet excessively small, while her bust, which her low-necked dress allowed to be seen, was the most beautiful I had ever beheld.

Imagine two lovely globes of snow which were so beautifully developed that they seemed to struggle to get free from the slight bonds that confined them. Every breath she drew caused those magnificent orbs to heave in sight..

Her companion was a fine, beautiful young woman of about thirty. She was well made, evidently of a very amorous disposition. The moment they entered the chamber Eudoxie ran up to her lover and, throwing herself in Alphonsine’s arms, imprinted some hot kisses on her lips. I could even see her velvet organ of speech enter her visitor’s mouth in search of her own, and they remained for a moment glued together. Suddenly the amorous girl released one of her divine breasts from its bonds of confinement and pushed it forward for Alphonsine to kiss.

"Baisez mon têton, mon cher Alphonsine, je meurs pour vous!" said she. And Eudoxie slipped the rosy nipple in Alphonsine’s mouth. While she was thus engaged Eudoxie kissed her hair, her ears and forehead.

"O foutez-moi - foutez-moi - mon cher - Mon con est en feu!" Eudoxie exclaimed, and with that she began to tear off Alphonsine’s clothes, and in a few moments she was quite naked. Eudoxie then, with trembling fingers, began to disrobe herself, and every garment she took off only revealed new beauties. At last she stood with nothing on but her chemise.

"Otez ma chemise. Je suis si excitée, que je ne le puis pas."

Alphonsine slipped her lover’s sole remaining garment over her head and Eudoxie stood in all her naked beauty before us. I had seen many naked women, but none to compare to Eudoxie; she was grace, beauty and voluptuousness combined. Her skin was dazzling white, her limbs models of beauty - her tapering legs, her plump thighs, her white belly, her magnificent buttocks and her mount of Venus, were the most magnificent objects I had ever beheld.

The moment she was naked, she knelt down before the object of her adoration, the position she assumed slightly opening the lips of her slit, and giving me and Evelyn glimpse of the coral interior. She kissed Alphonsine’s decadence between her thighs, then kissed it again and again, leaving strings of their juices between the disparate lips.

Eudoxie then rose to her feet again and, making Alphonsine lie with her back on the bed, she kissed her whole body, now it was her mons, now it was her labia - now she even caressed Alphonsine’s buttocks. Eudoxie placed one of her lover’s feet against her mount and, dividing the lips with her fingers, forced Alphonsine’s toe into her coral sheath and moved herself rapidly up and down on it.

This curious proceeding was very exciting to behold and her lascivious caresses caused Alphonsine's slit to dribble and glisten. As Alphonsine watched she retrieved from a drawer a rubber rod. Alphonsine must indeed be a recurring lover to know the placement of Eudoxie’s toys so well! With no effort, never taking her eyes from Eudoxie, Alphonsine affixed the phaux phallus atop her babbling brook.

Before she could reach her crisis Eudoxie released the tow and got on the top of Alphonsine. She turned her bottom to Alphonsines face, impaled herself on the affixed staff. I saw its bulbous head distinctly separate the luscious lips of her slit, and then beheld it slowly disappear in her sensitive vagina.

Please, I need that!!! Evelyn begged.

But even Eudoxie only kept it there for a minute, for jumping up again she placed the shaft between the fleshy cushions of her buttocks, and holding it there with her hand, moved her bottom up and down. Alphonsine reacted with gasps as the base of the rod ground against her own desirous nub.

Then Eudoxie suddenly turned around and rubbed her white belly against it - now she put it between her swelling thighs - now her armpit. In fact, there was no part of her body to which she did not conduct it. These manipulations were more than the young Frenchwoman could bear.

Alphonsine suddenly rose up and, pressing Eudoxie’s palpitating body in her arm, she laid the wanton woman on her back on the bed. Eudoxie opened her lovely thighs to the widest extent and revealed all the delights of the domain of Venus.

How can I describe the spectacle that we saw from our hiding place! An eminence shaded with a mass of hair as black as jet, the beauties of which the most delicate pencil could not trace.

In a moment Alphonsine was between those magnificent thighs. Eudoxie seized the member and guided it into the delicious interior of her rosy con. It grasped the rubber rod like a glove. Eudoxie was almost wild with excitement, she breathed short, and her bubbies rose and fell in the most delicious confusion. Their images were reflected in the mirrors surrounding the apartment.

It was a glorious sight. There lay Eudoxie extended on the mattress, her head reposing on the pillow, and her long hair streaming by the side of the bed. One of her legs rested on the ground while the other was a little elevated, by this means extending her thighs to the widest capacity. Alphonsine was between them, her staff buried in her con up to her own con, with one of her hands molding a globe of snow while the other was passed round her body. How delicious the contact appeared to be.

Alphonsine suddenly leaned forward and imprinted a thousand kisses on her lips; she then withdrew herself slowly from her, only, however, to plunge more deeply into the innermost recesses of Eudoxie’s con. So delicious, so transporting, so celestial was the pleasure that they both felt, that Eudoxie threw her legs around Alphonsine loins and pressed her closely to her and they twisted and writhed in each other's arms. Eudoxie suddenly exclaimed:

"Ô ciel! quel transport! O, O, O! Je souhaite que nous puissions rester tels que nous sommes pour toujours!"

to be continued...


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