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1,200+ words catch up with Tiara as she encounters her gamer roommate. Search for *** to get to the newest material.

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Tiara spun around towards the curt greeting, her red dick swinging and the towel atop her head nearly toppling off. She threw up a hand to keep it in place as she took in the woman standing in the doorway.

Black military boots with thick rubber soles crushed the carpet beneath them. Cuffed over them were distressed black jeans which had a variety of chains and studs hanging from it.Tiara huffed at how skinny the legs and flat the ass held within the pants were.

Covering an equally petite torso and chest was a black tank top that declared across it “I Eat Floor Food: HEALTH +1” in a blocky digital font. Above that was a sharply featured head with a nose piercing, black lipstick, dark purple eyeshadow, and blue eyes that were certainly judging Tiara. Above them a short brunette pixie cut had a green streak dyed in it. Tiara guessed the hair wouldn’t have come up higher than her tits.

“I see you got yourself a dick, does it match your personality?” the thin woman asked, crossing her arms and leaning on one leg as she assessed the new roommate.

“Only cause it makes me the biggest cock of the walk around here. What’d you get already, terrible fashion sense?” Tiara hissed back.

“Go fuck yourself…” the woman spat at Tiara as she pushed herself by, shoving Tiara so hard by the shoulder that the towel undid itself and fell into Tiara’s arms. One corner swung down and smacked her red rod.

“What do people call that bitch mouth of yours?” Tiara demanded.

Talented,” came the reply, “You can refer to the rest of me by my handle, Ula69.”

“Gamer, I knew it,” Tiara teased, putting the towel back up, “How’d someone like you get a ticket on this ship?”

“Because I’m the greatest at what I do.”

“Sit in your parents’ basement and fail at fattening that flat ass up?”

“Oh, bitch, you don’t know the half of it,” Ula69 laughed as she threw herself onto her bed, “I’ve won more esports tourns than you could possibly name. I got a penthouse, although that wasn’t from that.”

The evasiveness of Ula69’s last sentence piqued Tiara’s attention. It was the first falter and crack she’d allowed to show since bursting into the stateroom, like her boasting had accidentally lead the lithe woman into a subject she didn’t want to share more on.

“Ooo, do I sense maybe someone’s money hasn’t all come from legit twitching those fingers?”

“You know, I don’t need to tell you anything,” Ula69 huffed. Her arms, still crossed, shifted from a place of judgement to defense.

“Hey, I won’t judge. I’ll tell you what, I’m a thief! Stole every piece of shit I own. This dick here?” Tiara gritted her teeth as she dramatically smacked the head of her clit cock, “This is my punishment for sneaking onto this ship! The captain put us together for a reason, and I think this is why.”

“No fuck, you snuck onto this?” Ula69’s voice had a bit of an impressive edge to it.

“Yeah. And we’re in international water, so if you ever wanted to brag about some illegal shit now’s the time to do it.”

Ula69 squinted suspiciously at Tiara, wondering if this could be a trick in some fashion. But ultimately the gamer couldn’t resist finally telling someone about one of her proudest moments.

“You know what Second Life is?”


“Well, I got in there and made myself this fucking sweet avatar for the hornball gamer boys. Like a mash-up of Lara Croft and Tyris Flare. Big titties bouncing around, perfect pussy mapped to the crotch, just the most absurd mix of polygons you ever saw that had these guys drooling and yanking it whenever I showed up.”

Tiara hadn’t quite followed all of that, but got the idea.

“So, I start working these horn-monkeys. Promising pics and shit for coins, getting them all worked up. Tellin’ them my avatar is a toned-down version of me. And these morons are falling for it. They don’t even last a month before I’ve got them leaking their bank accounts to me.”

“Nooo shiiiit.”

“Yeah, shit. Cleaned them out right into some bitcoin. Bailed. So I have been living on some real coin, thanks to them. I got me a great view.”

“You bad, girl,” Tiara smiled, “Maybe the captain didn’t know what she was doing when she put us together.”

“Right? Maybe we could do something together. I seen a lot of crazy changes on this thing. Shit, if this thing could give me a body like I had fleecing those guys no man would safe from me in any life! That’d be sweet.”

As Ula69 finished talking Tiara watched her shiver. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the headboard.

“You okay?” Tiara asked, taking a step back.

“Yeah, I just...just got hot all of a sudden…”

The change that next followed did not happen slowly. The sound of a balloon inflating from a helium tank filled the room - as Ula69’s shirt filled out. Her top exploded into a dozen shreds of fabric as her breasts burst outward to the size of watermelons. The release sent waves of motion rolling through Ula69’s extended tits, and they bounced wildly against each other atop her chest.

There were audible pops along the seams of Ula69’s jeans as her thighs grew thicker and her legs stretched longer. As her ass and hips pushed outwards her pants were also torn apart, the patches of black denim falling to the bed like leaves.

“What the fuck, what the fuck, what...” Ula69’s voice faded away as she got off the bed, her heavy boots slipping off of tiny feet with their toes permanently pointing downwards. Her tits swung around as she stood, bouncing far more than sacks of fat that size should. The elastic of her panties finally ripped asunder, the fabric whipping away and smacking the wall beside Tiara.

The red-dicked woman watched a cartoonish caricature of sexuality teeter back and forth atop stretched toes. It wasn’t only her roommate’s body shape that was changing. Her skin was smoothing, becoming less detailed. There were lines along her sides and inner thighs where the texture of her body didn’t quite line up properly.

Ula69 was running her hands all over her altering form when she finally felt a change befalling them. All four fingers on each hand were sticking together, forming one mass that looked like individual digits but moved as a single unit. Only her thumbs retained their independent motion.

Next a pinch fell over her head and face. Ula69 felt her features push outward and simplify, becoming rounder. But her eyes felt funny, and as she blinked them her face smoothed and instead of orbs in sockets Ula69 instead now had a flat surface with a detailed image of her face on it. This was even more evident on her mouth. Her lips looked more full, and she could smile and frown and emote with her mouth, but Ula69’s jaw could not open. Her mouth was sealed shut.

Behind her immobile may her dark hair was stretching down past her neck on a long flame-red mane that shifted and swung as one rubbery mass. A flame-red heart formed on Ule69’s groin, right over the image of a puffy and wet pussy.


Ula69’s demand had not been spoken. Instead, Tiara saw the words blink into existence over her head, all caps in white block text. They hovered for a moment before fading away, replaced by ULA69.

“Oh, that is different…” Tiara mused, looking her roommate up and down.


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