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Howdy! this post is for everyone who is new, or just needs a refresher on where to find everything, and what we're about here!

  • Because Patreon has some spotty archive abilities and/or TOS practices, it's best to access the hundreds of archived comics in our Discord here: (COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK, CLICKING IT TAKES YOU TO AN "EXPIRED LINK" PAGE FOR SOME REASON: https://discord.gg/Z9XFYYR ). Then you need to connect Patreon to Discord using these instructions: ( https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- )
  • The best way to understand the most popular Donor Tiers is that $5 gets completed comics, $10 gets script previews and can submit ideas to certain projects, and $20 gets pencils and rough art previews (and each gets all the rewards of the tiers below it). There's also various prose rewards split between them. Always feel free to ask me if you have questions about the tier rewards!
  • As a former product manager, and someone who cannot create my own art, I run my Patreon with a pinwheel practice. What that means is that as our community grows, the benefits for everyone grows with it! Almost all of the funds go to artists who produce work for us. As we get more Patrons, and our funding grows, I'll continue to commission more work or find new projects. So if there's someone who you think would like my work, and would be able to chip in, they could be the one to put us all to that next funding goal! Without all of you none of this would be possible.

Thanks so much to all of you for your support!



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