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Sadly I was unable to achieve a new entry of Sex In The Cards this month that I felt was worth sharing. I'll make up for it in July, but in the meantime I hope this 7,400+ word collab about growing lactating breasts - and an extra pair popping in unexpectedly somewhere - entertains. ~dS


The Cream

A collaboration proposed and edited by Dan Standing

Based on a summary by Dan Standing

Diana knew she was extremely fortunate. She had a wonderful girlfriend, a cozy apartment, and a job. The last one wasn’t ideal, but at least she had one. But there was something more that she wanted. Something her girlfriend had been generously blessed with.

Boobs. Diana wanted boobs. She was really, really jealous of her girlfriend Bianca’s boobs. No, that wasn’t right - tits. Everything about Bianca was utterly drop-dead gorgeous. She had shimmering brown hair that cascaded down her body to her lower back. Bianca’s eyes were like a doe’s, brown once again and innocently wide. Her skin was so pale it almost glowed in neon light at night. Her libido was high, and her personality was bright, bubbly and supportive, and she had never, never once let her beauty rule over their relationship.  And Diana loved Bianca for it - for all of it. But the part of Bianca that almost everyone noticed first - including Diana - was her chest. 

Specifically Bianca’s big, round, bouncing, center-stage boobs. When comparing bras early in their relationship Diana learned that F-cups were almost too small for Bianca! Her breasts were so big, so massive, so full, that they nearly dwarfed the rest of Bianca’s body. But despite the potential downsides the busty brunette never considered such gargantuan tits with anything other than glee.

Bianca was proud of them. Her breasts had attracted someone like Diana to her, afterall. And they were as sensitive as they were enormous - a pleasure both Diana and Bianca enjoyed. But - despite Bianca many times assuring Diana she was loved just as she was - Diana could not help but imagine what it would be like to have that same pleasure and attention. 

Diana was especially jealous of how Bianca looked in dresses - particularly the beautiful red dress that she’d worn on their first real date. It was glorious. It highlighted Bianca’s figure so well, with a deep plunge that showcased her chest so perfectly it was difficult to think of anyone or anything else except for Bianca and her beauty...the way her pouty lips would curl in pleasure and moan whenever Diana took one of the nipples on Bianca’s massive boobs into her own mouth... 

Her own mouth...it got Bianca thinking about the rest of her own parts. Her black wavy hair stopped at her shoulders, framing a face of sharp features. A thin body, lean like a stick of butter more than an hourglass or even a pear. Olive-toned skin which was lightly mottled. And of course a pair of breasts that could barely be compared to any fruit. Diana didn’t know what Bianca saw in her body to be attracted to.

Not that Bianca didn’t tell her girlfriend over and over again how sexy she found her. She never spoke ill of Diana’s looks, always supported her if someone else made a comment. But Diana loved Bianca from the bottom of the heart and knew her girlfriend was attracted to big breasts like the ones she sported herself. Sure, Diana wanted to feel the same pleasure and attention that Bianca did whenever her breasts were touched and seen, but Diana also wanted to give back to Bianca a set of big soft titties to play with. 

All of which was to explain why Diana was on yet another website promising a way to grow out her boobs.

It’s impossible... Diana sighed, shaking her head and scrolling through the latest product she’d found. Today’s search had been ‘breast enlargement cream’ and a new result had come up. 

Application of this cream is guaranteed to enlarge your breasts by initiating an incursion of fat. The more cream applied the larger the relative growth. Please Note: cream can also affect hormone levels and bring about ongoing lactation. Use at your own risk. 

This wouldn’t be the first cream Diana ordered, and she didn’t expect it to be the last. Others had listed lactation as a risk, and just like the promise of “growth” she hadn’t gotten any milk either. 

Diana wasn’t worried about that, though. Even if lactation was all she got at least that would give her a little more volume between milkings. It sounded like something she could get used to. The thought of milk filling up her tits, pouring out of her nipples...Diana found the idea rather sexy. 

And it didn’t hurt that she’d once stumbled across a computer folder Bianca had filled with videos of women lactating and milking each other. In fact, before Diana discovered those videos she hadn’t thought twice about how sexy lactation could be. Now she fantasized about latching onto Bianca’s nips and tasting sweat cream dribbling out.

So without another moment of waiting Diana ordered the cream.

It arrived only a couple of days later, on a Monday night. Diana had gotten back from work before Bianca and hidden it away in the bathroom, not wanting Bianca to stop her from doing something “stupid.” That was why, instead of being in bed with Bianca at this moment, the bathroom door was closed as Diana examined the little plastic tub and the unfamiliar language used on its labels.

“Honey, you gonna join me or stay the night in the bathroom?” she heard Bianca teasingly call out. Diana quickly unscrewed the top and scooped out nearly all the white cream. She was already topless in front of the mirror - since she didn’t need a bra Diana went topless in the apartment most of the time she was home - and split the huge dollop between her hands.

“Ooo,” Diana quietly cooed as she pressed the cold cream upon her breasts. Her little nips immediately snapped to attention, and Diana could feel the rubbery nubs brushing her palms as she massaged the slick stuff into her skin. Aside from the coolness there was a strange tingling, perhaps there was eucalyptus in it? It certainly smelled like it. Diana didn’t try to figure out how exactly this cream was going to work. She just hoped she’d have a nice sleep and hopefully wake up to a bigger, bouncier bust.

“Coming!” she called out as the last of the tingly paste absorbed into Diana’s skin. She washed her hands, screwed the top back on, and put what remained of the cream in the medicine cabinet. Diana turned and threw open the door dramatically, eliciting a laugh from Bianca. Dressed only in silky pink panties Diana bound across the room and leaped into bed with her girlfriend.

Bianca embraced her and they kissed, and as they did so Bianca slid her hands down to Diana’s shallow ass and pushed the soft underthings over it. Now Diana was utterly naked like her lover. Both of them loved going to sleep naked, the feel of each other’s bodies on their bare skin was just too good to ever pass up. 

“Sorry, I was just taking care of a little stubble down below,” Diana whispered, curling up onto Bianca.

“You tease, we’ve got work tomorrow,” Bianca playfully reprimanded, her large breasts pushing against Diana’s side, her nipples already hardened due to the cold chill in the air. “Mmm, you smell good, what is that?”

“Just something special for you,” Diana grinned. Bianca sighed contentedly, pulling Diana closer to her body, both of them quickly falling asleep in each other’s arms. Neither knew exactly what they were going to wake up to. 

All night long, as Diana slept, small alterations were being made within her breasts. They caused pleasant arousing tinglings that seeped into her slumbering mind, stoking hot wet sex dreams that had her pussy buzzing and leaking through to dawn. 

As the hour of their morning alarms neared Diana slowly roused from her dreams, but she didn’t yet realize she was awake. Because what she was feeling and seeing happening to her chest could not possibly have been real.

Despite not being under the sheets her tits felt hot. There was a sensation of swelling fat that made her skin tight and taught. Then it would relax, the rigid roundness of her growing boobs loosening and spreading across her ribs slightly before more fat grew and tightened her curves again.

In her half-awake haze Diana dopily brought her hands to the sides of her burgeoning bust and lightly tapped at the growing sideboob. During the relaxed phases of her expansion Diana giggled at the gelatin-like wobbling and little waves her hands were making across her tits. Her boobs were already large enough to overwhelm her playful hands, a significant change from the days where the center of her palms could have easily hidden her toplessness.

As her breasts passed the size of grapefruits Diana was more and more feeling their new weight. It was a very real sensation that was slowly making her more and more aware - or at least suspicious - that perhaps this wasn’t a dream. The rounds of tightness and relaxation had ceased, leaving the curve of her tits a little more taught and firm than the average natural breast would have been, but not as packed full to make her skin feel like the surface of a snare drum.

But not for long.

A new feeling of fullness was seeping into each of Diana’s pleasure pillows. It wasn’t the all-round sensation of forming fat, this came from singular points deep within Diana’s flesh. It was a warm comforting tingle that filled her more and more, pushing her new softness against her once-more tightening skin - although this time it did not relax. Soon her breasts had been filled from within by a calming sensation that gave the shape of her tits that unnaturally round form and held them there.

And this new sensation, as it slowly travelled outwards from her ribs, was causing her nipples to harden and stretch and pucker, the nubbies across her areola crinkling.

As Diana pushed herself upright with more effort than usual, her eyes wide at the vision she was now understanding more and more was real, she awoke Bianca. The other woman rolled over to say goodmorning to her lover when her eyes also shot wide open and fixated on Diana’s enormous perky breasts. Lust battled against shock in her gaze.

“What happened? What did you do?” Bianca exclaimed, struggling with desires to grab the enormous tits hanging before her that her girlfriend had sprouted overnight, or grab the phone and call 911 on her behalf, “Did you see a plastic surgeon while I was sleeping or something?!”

“No, I…what you smelled last night? I ordered a breast-enlargening cream and applied it before bed,” Diana responded, her mind mostly running on automatic as she worked on accepting that the cream had been real. That her enormous knockers were real. Gulping, Diana moved her hands from the sides of her tits and ran her fingers over the new expanse of skin. She felt her pussy heat up from the tickling touch, more juices adding to those already pooling beneath her thanks to her dreams.

Bianca could smell the muskiness of her lover’s loins and that, combined with the exaggerated vision of bustiness before her, began to wet her own pussy. She figured Diana was at least as big up top as she was, if not maybe a cup larger.

Bianca continued to explore her new bust, her hands now reaching her engorged teats. There was a pressure behind them, a need for attention. Without considering what that was Bianca slid her nips between her fingers and squeezed. Her body twitched. Not just from the pleasure of squeezing her nipples, but from a carnal joy of something spurting from them. 

“What the hell?!” Bianca shouted, surprised at the sight of the white liquid leaping across the bed and leaving little droplets sliding down the curve of Diana’s expanded bust. “Are you lactating?!”

The watching woman didn’t know whether to be angry with her girlfriend for doing something like this without telling her, or be utterly elated that one of her own biggest fetishes was being realized with the woman she loved.

“It said that a side-effect could...would be lactation...” Diana mumbled, closing her eyes and sighing in utter pleasure as she continued to coax out smaller dribbles of milk. “I just wanted bigger breasts and….and…..I applied the cream and-”

“Oh, don’t make excuses for this...” Bianca couldn’t control herself anymore. Without warning she threw herself over Diana’s body, pushed Diana’s fingers away from the leaking nubs and engulfed Diana’s left nipple in her mouth.

Diana moaned at the feeling of her girlfriend’s warm mouth suckling on her. Liquid bliss travelled through her chest, out of her nipple, and right into Bianca’s mouth. Bianca moaned at the taste of the warm milk, absolutely delicious and utterly amazing. She never imagined her lover’s thick milk could be so tasty, it was practically addictive. At the first taste of it Bianca had accepted that if what Diana had done to herself was permanent she could see herself doing this every single day. Bianca’s other hand slowly fondled Diana’s other nipple, feeling it’s texture. It was like the one in her mouth being fondled by her tongue, puffy, smooth, thick, and remade to suck and feast upon.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe this is real!” Diana moaned. Her groans of pleasure elicited from her mouth like the milk drained from her breasts. She’d never been so loud and wanton. Bianca pushed Diana back against the bed’s headrest as she finally emptied one breast and switched to the other, lapping up escaping milk from the other nipple, biting and softly kissing it and making it swell even more before engulfing it in her mouth. 

Each suckle erupted more milk from Diana’s nipple, and each gulp of milk made Bianca hungrier for more. She was also moaning at the deliciousness of her fantasies made real, and was grinding her slit over Diana’s bare thigh. Bianca’s juices were spreading and oozing down her lover’s leg.

Diana could feel more and more wetness seeping out of her pussy, and the whole experience was getting to be too much. She was sure if Bianca kept going she’d cum just from being milked. But soon Bianca’s eagerness had drained the sweet liquid from both of Diana’s breasts. The tightness was gone, and the enormous bags of pleasurable fat rested atop Diana’s ribs with the slightest of natural curves.

Panting furiously Bianca pulled herself up Diana’s body so they could gaze into each other’s eyes in utter lust, the top of Bianca’s breasts pressed into the underside of Bianca’s enlarged pair.

“Was that as good for you?” Bianca asked, her eyes gleaming as she leaned down to furiously kiss her lover. Diana groaned, her hands wrapping around Bianca’s back as their tongues met. The strange taste of her own milk mixed with Bianca’s spit tasted so good, a mild sweetness that teased Diana’s taste buds. 

Their bodies rubbed against each other, titanic tits squashing and drilled by stiff nips, hands snaking down to find each other’s most sensitive spots - and then, as orgasms felt closer and closer, their morning alarms went off. The prattling of the damned phones brought them back to reality. They parted from their kiss, a trail of saliva connecting their lips, other glistening trails pouring from their pussies, their eyes lusted over.

“Going to work has never been so hard for me…” Bianca muttered. But they both knew neither was in a place to call out from a shift with such short notice. Diana was especially not going to risk people thinking she’d called out “sick” just to come back in with what looked like a boob job!

Diana grinned at Bianca and then her boobs. Success! She’d hoped she would have this effect on her girlfriend. She’d never been so eager to get through a work day so that the pair could enjoy Diana’s tits all over again after their shifts. Emptying them of the milk had felt too good, but they hadn’t gotten half as creative as some of their sexual sessions could get. 

Just because they were getting out of bed that didn’t mean they were quite done having fun. The bathroom had a generously sized walk-in shower, and Diana shivered and nearly came again as Bianca slathered body wash over her girlfriend’s bloated bust. By the time the pair were “clean” they were practically late for their shifts and still on the precipice of relief. They rushed to get dressed, and headed off to their separate waitressing jobs.

To say that Bianca was distracted as she took orders would be an understatement. Whatever this “enlargement cream’ was had changed Diana into a lactating bombshell, a living avatar of Bianca’s biggest kink. She loved it, loved the fact that Diana now had big breasts that lactated. She loved the taste of the milk she’d lolled about on her tongue. She’d always loved Diana, would have loved her forever as she had been, but this…

“Did you get that I want the tomatoes on the side?”

Bianca popped out of her lusty recollection and looked down at the customer staring at her, waiting for an answer.

Well, staring at her tits but still trying to order.

“Oh, yes, yes, tomatoes on the side.”

As she finished taking the order Bianca sashayed away to give it to the kitchen. After she and Diana had gone their separate ways she’d snuck back into the apartment and changed into the beautiful red dress she knew Diana loved on her. Bianca worked at a local “breastaurant” whose only dress code was “whatever attracts the eye.”

And the deep plunge of the tight red dress was certainly attracting many eyes.

“Oh god,” she heard her co-worker gossip to another, “Bianca’s girlfriend must have gotten her something nice for Bianca to wear that home to her tonight!”

Bianca winked at her gossipy compatriot - she could not even imagine the gift Diana had gotten her! Bianca picked up her newest ready order and strutted back out to another table. The sight of such a woman wearing such a red dress, her hair curled up like that and her massive boobs so on display, had taken the ability to breathe from most customers. She smiled, and she was sure at least one of them came hard inside of their pants at the sight of her. 

“If you want anything more, just call out my name. I’m Bianca,” she smiled, winking.

Since neither Diana or Bianca had cum this morning that had left Bianca extremely frisky. If it wasn’t her cleavage attracting so much attention it was certainly her hard nipples tenting the smooth red fabric. She’d always revelled in the attention her body had gotten her. It turned her on, and she didn’t want to lose the arousal Diana had built up in her. All day she leaned extra low, bent at the hips, swayed her hips erotically, giggled far too sensually, smiled too sultrily. 

The customers were certainly appreciative of it, and they showed it in the tips they left. Bianca made sure to share some of it as a show of goodwill to her coworkers. She wanted to feel this turned on every day. She wanted tips like these every day. A month of this and she and Diana could afford so many of the vacations they’d dreamed of.

And Bianca suddenly realized exactly how she could do that! If Diana’s cream had increased her breasts from barely-there to grapefruits, what could they do for Bianca’s boobs? She was already just too big for an F-cup, if she used the cream where would that put her? 

Plus, not only would Bianca get bigger breasts, but she would lactate as well! It was only fair that she got to share the kink she had introduced her own girlfriend to. 

And, of course, Bianca knew that the bigger the breasts she had the bigger the tips she would get. She imagined Diana and herself in skimpy overwhelmed bikinis in one of those private couples retreats. Laying back on the sand. Popping one of Diana’s full tits free and helping herself to a gulp of her lover’s milk on the beach.

Bianca clenched her legs, realizing that she was getting her thong damp. Her mind was made up. She just needed to make sure she got home before Diana...

Two blocks away Diana was elated. She worked at a 50s themed diner where the waitresses were expected to wear retro-styled dresses. Hers had always been too large across the bust, filled out only thanks to her bras. But today? Today the dress was just shy of being too tight. Boobs far bigger than any of her co-workers were tightly packed within, her nipples trying their damnedest to be seen through the denim-like material.

Some co-workers had teased her for her looks in the past. But that was not what Diana heard now.

“My God. That utter bitch…”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me. How did she get those?! That’s just unfair, she was-”

The whispers stopped as she shot her co-workers a glare, who instantly scurried off. Diana had never let the size of her confidence be dictated by the size of her bra, but finally having something she could literally shove in the face of some of her cattier coworkers certainly felt satisfying.

Just like Bianca, Diana’s lake of climactic relief that morning had left her in a very flirty mood, eager to keep the elation of her elevated arousal going. It did not go unnoticed by the diners, who were perfectly happy to let their mood - and tips - be carried away with Diana’s peppy attitude. 

As the day carried on Diana became more and more aware of the warmth that had returned deep within her tits. It had been getting more and more intense as her shift carried on, and as noon approached Diana could no longer ignore the fact that she was feeling more and more confined by her dress. The sense of the increased restrictions was actually making Diana hornier, as was the feeling that her boobs were getting bigger. Puzzled at first, Diana actually brought her hand to her forehead as she realized what it was.

I’m still lactating! My breasts are filling up again!

Diana excused herself to the single-use bathroom and latched the door behind her. Quickly she pulled her arms out and rolled the top of the dress down, her big tits surging outward as she freed them. Diana examined her breasts. They were red from pressing against her dress, and swollen with milk. Her nipples, now freed and standing at attention nearly two inches, were already starting to form white droplets at their ends.

With a gulp Diana slowly cupped them. Once more their spherical shape defied gravity, her skin tight from the milk sloshing within. Diana realized that she wasn’t going to be able to squeeze back into the top of her dress without soaking it. Leaning over the sink she grabbed her teats and drew the first squirts of milk out of them.

“Ooo, fuuuuck…” Diana groaned as quietly as she could. Her legs shook and shuddered as she bit back another moan. The feeling of milk gushing out of her nipples was just too much for her to handle, but she had to do it. With every single squeeze more and more milk splattered into the porcelain basin, and the pleasure pulsing down to her pussy more and more intense. By the end of it, her entire body was shaking and she nearly couldn’t stand. 

Diana’s tits had stopped dripping, but her pussy was another matter. It had gotten wetter and wetter with every single squeeze, and the familiar coil of a pending orgasm tightened further and further in her stomach. She could feel her panties wicking up her juices. 

“Not like this,” Diana panted, sweat pouring down her body, her emptied bare breasts heaving as she leaned on the locked door. Diana looked across at herself in the mirror, hair matted and skin flush and little drops of white drying on her tits. She already looked like she’d just gotten fucked in the bathroom, and she desperately wanted release, but she didn’t want her first titty-powered orgasm to be by her own hand in a bathroom. She wanted it to be by her love, in their bed.

Even if it meant going back out into the diner horny as Hell, fully knowing that she’d probably be full of milk again by the time her shift ended. Endlessly lactating throughout the day...this could be a problem. 

But Diana didn’t care. She had a beautiful girlfriend to return home to who would be happy to help empty out her milk every single day. Now Diana just hoped she could hold back the need to milk herself again; she wasn’t sure if she had the resilience not to give in to her desperately desired climax if she had to milk herself again. 

Bianca, you better be home when I get back because I really, really don’t think I’m gonna be able to handle these massive melons of mine without you.

Diana managed to make it home without needing to milk herself again. Not that she didn’t think she should have before leaving the diner. Her tits were so bloating with milk their heavy sway meant she could barely walk straight. And she could feel her nips leaking and staining her dress. Thankfully that hadn’t started until she was only a few minutes away from the apartment.

The cream had not lied about the lactation side-effect. Diana had thought it would be fun and sexy, and in bed with Bianca it was. But, if she wasn’t careful, in the real world where she had to work milking herself every single day during break time could get complicated. 

But at the moment all Diana wanted was to feel Bianca’s lips relieving her milky pressure.

“Bianca?” Diana called as she entered the apartment, spotting Bianca’s bag by the entryway, “I neeeeeeeeeed you!” As she playfully called out for her girlfriend Diana peeled the damp dress off of herself, letting her dribbling breasts pop into the chilly air.

“I’m in the bathroom!” Bianca’s voice called out. Diana rushed across the apartment, her tight tits barely bouncing, droplets of white flicking from her milk into the air and onto her skin. As she got closer to the bathroom Diana thought she could smell...eucalyptus? As she reached the doorway she was taken aback by the sight of Bianca in her red dress...that red dress. Bianca had pulled the top aside so that her big breasted glory was on display. Bianca was rubbing the cream over her breasts, the container laying on its side and completely empty.

“Oh fuck!” Diana exclaimed, the thought of Bianca’s breasts growing larger than they were already almost made her cum on the spot! “I see you found it!” Diana gasped. 

Just as she was about to chastise Bianca for thinking she needed to be any bigger their lips crashed together as Bianca rushed to her lover. Bianca’s slippery hands grabbed Dianca’s naked ass, squeezing and rubbing it softly as Bianca kissed her girlfriend deeply, their nipples rubbing over each other. Diana’s wer spurting milk from the intensity of their embrace, milk dribbling down their bodies and mixing with the juices of their pussies. 

“Why?” Diana finally asked as they parted to take a breath. 

“I need to know how it feels, to give milk like you do. And I want you to taste mine,” Bianca whispered into her lips, and Diana moaned as Bianca gave her ass a particularly rough squeeze and a soft double spank. “It’s not like I could use as much as you did!”

“It does feel really good to let down all of it...to feel you milk me like a cow…”

“If our life was one of those ebooks it’d be titled something like, ‘My Hucow Lover’ or ‘I Made Myself A Hucow For My Girlfriend…” Bianca giggled. 


“A human cow,” Bianca replied, pulling away so she could shake her tits against Diana’s teats, eliciting more little spurts. 

“Moo,” Diana laughed, but then she took another look at Bianca. “No...you’ll ruin your dress…”

“Then you’d better get me out of it,” Bianca grinned. Diana’s fingers immediately went for the hem before Bianca held up her hands, still glistening from the cream. “Wait, let me wash this off.”

Diana grumbled as the pair stepped back just enough to let Bianca turn and wash her hands at the sink. As she dried them she felt fingers slip under the hem of her dress and pull it upwards. The milk-soaked portions stuck to her skin and Bianca shivered as the material was peeled from her. She rose her arms and soon after she was standing in nothing but heels and her black pussy-soaked thong.

Two thick stiff nips pushed into Bianca’s bare back, followed by Diana’s massive orbs pressing against Bianca’s flesh and swallowing up her own teats. Bianca could feel Diana’s milk leaking down either side of her spine. She then gasped as Diana’s fingers slid around her hips and traced the material of her thong along the outside of her pussy lips. Bianca hummed and bent forward slightly to push her ass into Diana’s groin and give her lover better access to her slit. 

Two fingers slipped under the damp scant fabric and pushed inside of the sopping, dripping pussy. Diana repeatedly thrust her hand in and out of Bianca’s quivering quim, and as she did so she tried to kiss her girlfriend’s neck - but her bulging breasts leaking atop Bianca’s back wouldn’t let Diana get close enough! Frustrated Diana ground her crotch tighter against Bianca’s ass, her other hand softly squeezing Bianca’s dangling breasts. 

Having edged herself all day this was quickly too much for Bianca. She finally came with a loud scream that could be heard two floors up and down from the apartment. Her juices gushed out of her and over Diana’s hand. 

“Oh God…that felt…” Bianca panted, looking back at Diana who was licking the juices from her fingers. “I can’t wait to do that to you.”

Diana grinned sultrily, stepping teasingly back and away from Bianca, beckoning her to follow and keeping her tits just out of reach until they were at the bed. Bianca could not stand another minute away from those glorious leaking boobs and finally tackled Diana backwards onto the mattress. For a moment, all Bianca could see was her girlfriend’s massive breasts with white milk dripping off of them. Bianca leaned down and placed her mouth right onto a lactating nipple. She grabbed the unattended teat with her other hand and milked it with abandon, spraying herself with the sweetness. Diana smiled and moaned in contentedness at the electrifying feeling of milk gushing out of her and into Bianca’s mouth and all over her skin. “Yes, just like that.”

Diana couldn’t wait for tomorrow - the thought of doing the same to Bianca, to suck on her massive lactating nipples, was just too much for her. She lost control of her own orgasm and cam hard on Bianca’s thighs. But Bianca wasn’t done. Diana’s breasts had a lot of milk in them, and she was going to drink all of it

It didn’t take long before Diana felt herself rushing towards another climax, just from Bianca’s attention on her tits. Yes, Diana couldn’t wait for tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or after that.

But before those could cum the lovers did a few more times, finally passing out covering in milk in each other’s arms.

The next day Bianca woke up to a sensation she imagined was similar to what Diana had experienced - but this time Bianca knew was she was experiencing wasn’t a dream. A deep, amazing warm tingle had gripped her tits and she watched as the practically oozed down her chest, over rib after rib. F-cups? Forget them, she was well beyond them now. Her breasts were the size of watermelons by the time their growth started to slow, practically resting in her own lamp. Bianca’s nipples were twice the size of what they had been, like double-shot glasses. Her boobs were so big, so massive, so giant that she could hardly get herself to sit up.

Bianca felt a tightness in her chest and a sense of bloating unlike what she’d just felt as her tits transcended her chest. Something was inside of her chest and she needed it to come out of her in the best way. Bringing her fingers to her enormous nips she gently squeezed and qivered at the feeling of small arcs of milk flying from her teats. She pulled back her hands. She wanted her girlfriend to experience this with her.

“Diana…” Bianca moaned, slowly waking her lover. Diana woke up under the weight of her own milk-engorged tits, her eyes blurry and focussing. But the sight of the watermelon-sized boobs that her girlfriend now had was enough to banish all the sleep away from her mind. She stared at them it, her mouth agape, her mind too overwhelmed with the sight to take action.

“Please…suck on them. I need you to suck on them!” Bianca pleaded.

Diana didn’t wait any longer. She struggled for a moment under the weight of her own milk-laden chestbags and finally pulled herself closer to Bianca’s body. She climbed over her lover’s legs, Diana’s ass pushed into the air as her mouth engulfed the giant nipple one Bianca’s left tit. She bit down gently upon the nipple for some extra pleasure. 

Bianca squealed as the fire slowly erupted from her nipple, a pleasurable blaze that Diana greedily sucked up. The taste of her girlfriend’s milk was far more delicious than Diana had imagined. She greedily gulped down mouthfuls upon mouthfuls of milk from Bianca’s massive breast. 

Lost in the lust of suckling on Bianca Diana never wanted to stop, but a strange feeling in her ass was becoming more and more difficult to ignore. It almost felt like the growth Diana had experienced the morning before, fat amassing and growing and stretching her skin - but this time it was the skin of her butt cheeks. And there were two spots that itched in a way Diana had never experienced before. Finally, as she felt a warm tingling bubbling up in her ass, Diana stopped, gasping and dribbling thick creaminess as she looked up at Bianca, who’s entire face was flushed red, eyes tearing up in pleasure as she panted. 

“Why’d you stop?” Bianca moaned out, looking down at Diana. “What’s wrong? I still have more…”

“S...something is weird,” Diana mumbled, trying to look back at her own ass. Bianca looked down Diana’s back and did notice more fullness to her girlfriend’s butt cheeks. Diana caught the view of her rear in the hanging mirror and her eyes widened as she saw the reflection. 

Instead of her slight smooth buttcheeks, Diana saw that two soft, yet firm, breasts had replaced them, with large nipples stretching and protruding into the air. 

For a moment neither Diana nor Bianca knew quite how to react to the sight. Bianca then gasped, remembering that when she’d embraced her girlfriend the night before her hands still had some of the cream on them, which she’d unintentionally rubbed into her girlfriend’s ass. 

It was one thing for a balm to stimulate existing tissue growth, but to do...this? How was this possible? But as the vision sunk in Bianca realized she didn’t really care what the science was or wasn't. The sight of her girlfriend’s ass-tits was just…too much for her. Her pussy was sputtering in arousal, like a freshly burst oil deposit.

She looking down at Diana Bianca realized her girlfriend wasn’t having the same reaction. Her face was fearful and horrified. Bianca had to put an end to that.

“Don’t, for one second, think that I don’t love you even if you have ass-tits,” Bianca mewed. She kissed Diana passionately, their upper breasts mashing together and leaking all over each of them. Then Bianca pulled away and guided Diana so she was straddling facing the opposite direction, putting Diana’s right into Bianca’s face. “How could you possibly think having more milk-laden titties could be a bad thing?”

Diana gasped as Bianca bit down on one of her ass-nipples, and both softly moaned at the feeling of the milk slowly seeping out of her buttcheek. Diana swung her heavy tits back and forth across Bianca’s shins as she pushed her rear back against Bianca’s mouth. Bianca stretched a hand down and began to tease the milk out of Diana’s upper tits. On all fours, having her boobs and ass milked, Diana now felt like a cow more than she had the night before.

“Mooo,” Diana playfully exclaimed. Bianca claimed to like her butt-boobs? Then fine, that was all that mattered - and Diana was happy to play into that. Shivers ran through her body like lightning as Bianca simultaneously drained and spanked her ass.

Bianca sucked all the milk out of one rear-boob and switched to the other, absolutely loving the taste. Diana had four tits now that would all need milking, and could pose a litany of new sexy games for the pair. Bianca didn’t have any problem with enjoying as many leaking nipples as she could put in her mouth, wherever they were located. And as she savored the flavor she felt again how much her own tits needed emptying.

Diana moaned harder and shuddered as Bianca emptied out both of her ass-tits. The feeling of the liquid pleasure coming out of her butt was too much and she came, spraying Bianca’s neck and chest. Diana collapsed slightly atop her own and Bianca’s remaining full boobs. She’d just cum from having her buttcheeks sucked, from just the feeling of Bianca’s lips on her ass, suckling and licking nipples.

No one else could claim to have experienced such carnal bliss.

Pushing through the strangest afterglow she’d ever experienced Diana rotated herself back around so she could plunge her tongue into Bianca’s mouth. They were both covered in their own lube and milk and were about to set about emptying each other’s traditionally located breasts when they were again interrupted by their alarms for work.

That didn’t mean they couldn’t continue their fun inside the shower. Diana had Bianca pressed up against the wall, water falling upon them, as she suckled on the breast that she hadn’t yet tasted. Bianca was rubbing and bouncing her girlfriend’s ass-tits while she had one of Diana’s upper nips in her own mouth.

Bianca sighed in pleasure, one of Diana’s fingers pumping in and out of her quim as her tit was suckled. As she emptied one of Diana’s breasts - which were resting atop Bianca’s bigger bust - her fingers squeezed and toyed with the nubs Diana had mostly recently grown, showing the appreciation for her girlfriend sucking her newly grown-and-filled breasts of their milk. 

Diana sighed as she felt the flow of milk within her slow down. Bianca leaned back and looked down at Diana, water and white flowing down her chin and neck, then pressed her lips to Diana’s mouth - kissing around lips that were still latched to Bianca’s gargantuan gazongas. Bianca moaned as her tits took so much longer to empty, and she continued to jiggle and squeeze Diana’s freshly grown butt-boobs.

It was enough to bring both of them over the precipice. Each cried out in wantonness, no thought to the possibility of waking any neighbors. Bianca leaned against the wet tile and Diana melted into the titanic tits that had rooted to Bianca’s ribs early that morning. Bianca was dizzy with satisfaction. She’d never imagined being so much bigger could feel so much better. Slick hands traced the sides of Diana’s body and again settled on her butt-boobs, giving them a playful spank right on the stuff nips. Diana mewed a little whimper.

“I can’t believe...I have…”

“Honey, no matter how many tits you have, no matter where they are, you’ve always been and will be sexy. I love you more than anything else in the world. You got it?” Bianca asked, softly caressing Diana’s ass now. Diana nodded, her chin bouncing off the top of Bianca’s boobs. She shifted and the pair stretched to exchange soft kisses. 

“Now as much as I would love doing this all day, we need to get to work!”

Diana nodded. Truth to be told, she wanted to know what her ass-tits would feel like inside of her dress. And, unable to fit in any of the dresses she had, Bianca found an old tanktop she’d used a sleepshirt now and then. She barely tucked each tit into the material, deep cleavage and a significant wobbling underboob visible. And her nips were making no attempt to be subtle under the material.

It would have to do.

It turned out - not surprisingly - that Bianca enjoyed walking around with so much titty flesh leading the way. It took a bit of practice adjusting to her new center of gravity and walking in fashion that didn’t pop each boob out from under the shirt with each step, but once she got the steps she strutted

Bianca was pleased to discover that gigantic, massive, big boobs, did relate to gigantic, massive, tips. Her co-workers made no secret of gossiping how Bianca’s boobs got even bigger overnight, but Bianca paid them no mind. 

As the day went on Bianca did notice that her busty bounce tightened and the weight on her ribs grew. Thankfully she had a break before her stiffening nipples started to let down. In the bathroom Bianca tried to keep her own moans quiet, which wasn’t too hard since she was actually able to bring her teats to her own mouth. Softly sucking on her own boobs sent quivers through her body to her loins. But Bianca held off from cumming, returning to the rest of her shift with a damp puss locked behind her little denim shorts. She couldn’t wait to go home and have fun with Diana again.

In regards to Diana, she couldn’t help from grinning as she walked around the diner. The extra mass in her ass raised the hem of her dress slightly, not so far that she was at risk of anyone seeing an areola on her ass, but high enough to tease the crease where butt met thigh. Thankfully the light rubbing of the fabric against her ass-nipples didn’t chaffe. No, in fact it was quite the turn on, keeping them engorge all day and teasing Diana in ways she could have never imagined.

As the time neared to milk herself, the sensations in all four of her nipples only intensified, and at times Diana was so horny she could barely walk straight. Every shift of posture and step caressed her butt-tits delightfully, making her legs shaky and giving her voice a lovely vibrato. When finally on break and alone in the bathroom Diana’s bones nearly turned to jelly as she stood over the sink and emptied her upper breasts. She then turned around, lifted her skirt, and gently sat on the edge of the sink so her rear-bubbies dangled over the basin.

“Fuuuuuuuck…” Diana groaned, having to drain her lower boobs more slowly since she was already so horny from emptying the upper ones, her thighs driven together like a vice in an attempt to stave off an orgasm. As her butt-titties gradually emptied into the sink all Diana could think about was how good it had felt having Bianca’s lips sucking at her in so many ways.

“So what if I have four boobs now, Bianca loves them. And no one else will know how good this feels…” Diana giggled as she felt the last of her milk dribble down the cheeks of her rear and drip down her thighs. Diana had wanted to dive into Bianca’s kinky fantasies, and this was a cannonball of arousal.

Jiggling the last few drops of milk off her butt-boobs’ delightful nubs Diana realized that, given the chance to do it all over again, she would have gladly applied the cream to her own ass right from the start.

And on Bianca’s...

And maybe a few other places...

As she tucked all her tits back into the dress and prepared to finish her shift, Diana wondered if she could order another tub of the wonderful stuff...



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