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Below you'll find the original short, and then 1700 new words that continue the story. We're not quite yet to the part everyone has asked for, but this gets us closer! I wanted to share where we were. Enjoy! ~dS

I no longer remember what it was I said to insult her so badly. Or even who it was, honestly. I just remember my damn awkward rambling mouth ran itself while she was about to go down on my pussy, and her head snapping up when I’d finished talking. And that was it. My one night stand had turned into an hour of frustrating foreplay. The flapping of one set of lips had ruined the lapping of another.

So I was in something of a mood the next day. I’d left the apartment early to take a long walk to clear my head before work, a route around town I never would have taken any other day. Walking by that well, finding the nickel on the ground, and tossing it in was all happenstance. And the wish I made wasn’t anything more thoughtful than forged from the anger I held for myself about the night before.

“I wish I couldn’t talk and fuck at the same time.”

And then I kept walking. I guess it makes sense that nothing wish-related happened until I got to work, as a customer service agent for PayTech. Afterall, I wasn’t talking or fucking until I walked into the office, sat down, and said “Hello” to my cube-neighbor Riley.

That’s when I felt it. Something was suddenly very full in my pussy. It started small and swelled within me, filling my womanly canal tightly in every direction. Whatever it was had a slightly spongy resistance, firm enough to want to be fully straight but just flexible enough that its presence wasn’t painful.

But that wasn’t all. I could feel something thin moving up through my body, starting in the back of my loins and weaving smoothly within my belly and up through my chest. I opened my mouth and felt a smooth cord no thicker than spaghetti slip past my lips.

I couldn’t see anything before me, but when I brought up my hands I could feel something bouncing off my fingers like a partially inflated balloon the size of a used cardboard toilet paper roll. Whatever it was I couldn’t grab it, but it certainly had mass. I could feel the invisible cord bump into different parts of my open mouth as the phantom thing bobbed around in the air, bounced by my flailing hands. Now and then, just at the corner of my vision, it was as if I could catch a fleeting glimpse of something red.

I don’t think you’d be surprised to learn that this turn of events concerned me, and I quickly went to the women’s restroom. There was gentle relief within my filled pussy to be standing. In the stall I dropped my slacks and panties and peered down past my tits and bra. I felt the phantom thing in front of my face gently bop my nose as I leaned over.

A bright red heart was resting over my lower lips, but a heart that was designed to look like it was formed by labia. I poked it with a finger and found that it was soft rubber. A few more prods encouraged me to grab it. I felt the shaft within my vagina shift slightly, but this was not something I was going to be able to pump like a dildo. It was clear that it was either going to be inside of me, or outside of me.

Right now I wanted it outside of me.

Getting a good grip I pulled. I needed to put real effort into the extraction, but once the mysterious shaft began moving it slipped out smoothly. But I had no time to consider anything a victory. As my pussy emptied I felt the impossible cord running painlessly through me tighten, slipping down into my throat - which I only now realized had not irritated my gag reflex.

To the same degree that I was emptying my pussy, that cord was pulling the unseen thing by my head inside my mouth. It smoothly slid between my teeth and gently pushed open my jaw, firmly settling in to fit the form of my bite.

I let go of the shaft I pulled out from my thighs and it vanished, becoming invisible and floating around my hips like the other had been floating around my face. I turned and opened the stall door, looking out and across at the mirrors. Between my legs I felt the unseen pussy plug float against one thigh, bump it, and float over to tap the other. My lower lips could feel the string grazing one than the other.

Big bright red rubber lips, formed to show the fullest bimbo kiss pucker I had ever seen, now appeared over my mouth. Within my open jaws the rubber completely filled me, even cradling my tongue in place. It didn’t hurt at all, just a gentle forced gag. I tried to gasp but all sound was caught by this thing.

Eyes wide I flew both hands to the red pucker and pulled on it. I experienced everything in reverse, now. Once I had pulled with enough dedication the mouth gag slipped gently from my maw, while I felt the magic string pull the dildo-like shaft to plug up my pussy and the labia-heart become visible. As soon as I let go of the mouth gag it vanished, but I could once more sense it floating in front of me, tugging on the cord that brushed my lips and impossibly ran through my body.

My mouth was free, and my vag was stuffed full.

For a few moments I just stood still in the open stall, staring out across the bathroom at the mirror's reflection of my plugged pussy. When I heard the bathroom door open I realized I had my pants pulled down and closed the stall door before anyone could see me. I continued to stand there dumbfounded, trying to understand what had happened to me.

Then I remembered it. My wish.

“I wish I couldn’t talk and fuck at the same time.”

Well, this certainly did that.


Getting Through It

My brain wanted to attribute my situation to any number of more logical explanations, but I had invisible gags and plugs floating around me connected through my body. My acceptance of a supernatural cause came pretty quick.

Leaving the lower shaft inside of me I pulled up my clothes and got myself presentable. I’d been out of the phone queu for too long, and no one was going to accept “wish-gone-wrong” as a reason to go into negative numbers of Personal Days. I cursed all those hangovers that I’d burned up my time-off on.

Walking back to my desk was a different experience from when I’d left it. At the time I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know why I felt something floating behind me and tugging on the side of my lip with an invisible string. I didn’t know what it was inside my crotch. It was off putting and scary.

Now I knew. Now, as I strutted past my colleagues with a magical soft dildo stuffed up myself that did not appear to be a health risk, I couldn’t help but think about how inappropriate it was. How, aside from the slightly wider stance in my steps, no one knew I had a sex toy driven into my ditch. Or an exaggerated lip gag floating beside me.

I’d always been a little bit of an exhibitionist. On my off hours I’d enjoyed wearing out skirts that were a little too short. Or deep-cut blouses with no bra underneath. It was flirty and dirty and had certainly attracted plenty of the fairer sex at those bars I’d gotten all the hangovers from. I’d be lying if I claimed I didn’t sometimes fantasize about being seated at the bar with a hot woman who had one hand slipping into that short skirt and finding no panties blocking her path to my wet slit.

But at work? I’d never done anything like that. I was buttoned up and professional and doing everything I could do to look serious and stuffy. And now I found myself returning to my desk seriously stuffed.

It was so naughty. As I sat down I felt the shaft shift slightly. It hadn’t moved like that before, but I realized I hadn’t been so wet before. It was pushing on parts that were designed to just make me even wetter. One half of my mind told me I needed to take it out, that it was going to distract me too much.

The other half of my brain reminded its neighbor that if I took it out I wouldn’t be able to talk through big red gag lips, and talking to clients was an integral part of my job. I had no choice but to sit in my cubicle completely stuffed. And, well, fuck, that just made me wetter.

There was no shortage of attractive coworkers around me, plenty of ladies who wore skirts and hosiery, or leggings that only just fell within the dress code, or were simply so stacked no blouse or jacket could downplay their succulent round generous assets. Normally I could tune that out, ignore them as they passed by to the bathroom or kitchen or meetings. Be a professional.

But with the dong in me I found my eyes wandering to take in the view more and more. I was so distracted by this that when my phone finally rang with a customer call I jumped and let out a little yelp. My sudden jolt yanked the invisible string on the gag floating around my head and it bopped into my nose.

“PayTech cuftomer servife, how may I have you - help you!” I sputtered. It was the first time I’d tried talking since the connected parts had fully formed. The string in my throat did not appear to affect my vocal chords at all, but my pronunciation was affected by where the gag was floating. At either corner of my mouth I sounded normal, but if the cord was in front of me at all I started lisping around it.

With the mouth gag pulled aside I squirmed through the call. And another. And another. When replying to an email request I accidentally stared into the cubicle across from mine when the woman over there dropped a pen and bent to get it, her skirt sliding up her thighs revealing more and more of her hosiery until - damn it! 

I was actually thankful at this point that the pussy plug was so tight inside of me, or I was certain the juices building up inside of me would have soaked through my clothes and the chair and be pooling beneath me.

By the time lunch came around my pussy was no longer the only thing that hungered. Our floor had a cafeteria but I decided I’d be better off heading down to the sandwich shop in the building’s lobby - I was so horny I was afraid I’d jump one of my coworkers and throw them onto a table!

Slowly, with my legs akimbo as far as I dared to send them, I stood from my desk and waddled to the elevator. I wasn’t the only one on it as we rode down. The college intern who always wore her outfits just a tad too small was next to me. A woman from accounting who I was taller than and whose blouse could have used another button done up was on the other side. I was stewing, my legs shivering as my pussy remained plugged. The gag knotted near my mouth was floating upwards and tapping the side of my face - I assumed from the motion of the descending elevator.

I prayed we didn’t get stuck.

Out in the lobby I pushed the invisible mouth gag under my ear and wobbled over to the cafe where I panted out my order. Sandwich and drink in hand I flopped down at one of the little tables dotted around the lobby near the eatery. I knew I was flushed in the face, my chest heaving slightly as I attempted to calm myself down so I could eat. 

My mind wandered to that damn wishing well. My fingers idly played with the plastic wrap protecting my sandwich. My thighs squeezed-

“Hi, mind if I join you?”

I was startled out of my stupor by a young woman who did not wait for my response before she sat down. She placed her sandwich and drink before her and plopped into the chair across from me. I took her in and could not keep myself from starting with the generous cleavage on display. It clearly had no desire to be buttoned up within her blouse, or held back by her bra. 

I moved up to her beautiful grin that was savoring me savoring her chest. She had a button nose and doe eyes and a blonde feathered pixie cut which had just the slightest purple tinge to it. One of her thin eyebrows had a thinner slit in it. I recognized the face, we’d crossed paths in the lobby and elevator a few times before, and there’d been more than a few caught glances between both of us.

I couldn’t see the rest of her beyond the table but I knew it was crafted of the same quality.

“Um sure,” I stammered, “Why?”

“You looked lost in thought and I figured maybe I’d go looking for you,” this beautiful vision grinned. My pussy twitched around its stiff insertion. “I think I found you.”

“I think you did. I’m, um,” my arousal and surprise at being approached after so many crossed paths had caused me to forget my own name for a moment, “I’m Lydia.”

“I’m Bella,” she replied, and began to unwrap her sandwich. Uncertain about what else to do I began to do the same. We each took a bite.

Fuck, she even ate bread sexy. How is that possible?

“So, uh, what do you do, Bella?” I finally asked. I didn’t want to bog us down in small talk, but I couldn’t exactly rip open her shirt and motorboat her in the lobby of my office building.

“I’m accounts payable upstairs,” Bella replied. A little mayo had squeezed out of the sandwich and gotten onto her fingers. I watched as Bella slowly sucked and licked it off, her eyes drilling into me the whole time. “When do you get off?”

“Hopefully at the same time you do,” I replied as sultry as possible with a wink. Bella grinned, and I was very proud of myself for that double-entendre.

“Will I see you down here around five?” Bella asked, cleaning up her empty wrappings.

“Oh yeth.” The mouth gag had floated in front of me, the invisible cord causing me to lisp. I tried to ignore it.

“Good,” the beautiful woman answered as she stood up, and then as the crotch of her slacks rose above the table she added, “I hope I’ll see you done there around six.” And with that she turned, tossed her trash into a nearby can, and sashayed away. I watched her pert ass swing back and forth within the tight black fabric. I couldn’t make out any panty lines.

As Bella turned the corner to the elevators it was like a mind cloud lifted from me. Had I been so hypnotized by this incredible woman coming onto me that I’d completely forgotten about the magical invisible plugs floating around me? How was I supposed to do this with those? God, my twat was so full of my juices it was like I had to pee.

As I stood up, my pent up lube actually sloshing within me behind the dildo, I resolved I wouldn’t let this stop me from scoring a night with Lydia. I waddled over to the public restrooms in the lobby, took a stall, and making sure I was hunched over the toilet bowl I slowly pulled the vag shaft out. As I did so I felt the gag slip between my lips and push apart my teeth.

I shuddered as maybe a cup of my lube gushed out from my labia, splattering into the water below. I let out a long sigh, wiped, and then gripped the fake lips which now covered my own. Gently I pulled the upper plug out and this time I could really feel the impossible chain glide through the core of my body. It pulled on the dildo, and as I emptied my mouth my slit was once again full.

I took a few breaths to center myself, and shook off the craziness of all of this.

I was going to get some tonight, no matter how weird it was!

to be continued...


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