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2,300 words continue to flesh out the Mestra's guests, and let us see how Tiara starts her stay! 

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Pleasure Cruise - Part III

Tiara Gets Started

With a gasp Tiara collapsed tits first onto the floor of Captain Daphne’s office. She could feel her nipples pressed into the pools of dark pink cum she’d been pumping out of her twat-plugging clit dildo for… Tiara realized that, trapped as she had been in a loop of intense orgasm, she didn’t know how long she’d been stuck like that.

Tiara had fallen with her ass raised up in the air, and the red cock was dangling down from her thighs, still dripping. Despite the marathon cum session it wasn’t any less rigid - it was latex, after all. Latex toys didn’t have refractory periods. Grumbling as she pushed her hands down into the pink slurry that surrounded her Tiara stood up. Strings of faux-cum dribbled down her body and limbs, mixed with a heavy sweat. Taking no care to contain her mess Tiara swung her arms, launching the fluids haphazardly across the office.

Smiling as she watched the splatter spread across the walls and desk Tiara took stock of herself. She still wore the red bikini top and the bottoms, which were pulled aside to let hang free her new clit-endowment. Cursing at her unexpected enhancement Tiara reached down to tuck it away and was struck by the same intense arousal Carina had discovered.

The difference between them was that Tiara did not give a shit about letting the red rod hang in full view. She stopped her attempts only so that she could keep a clear head - and not let herself purposefully find any pleasure from what Captain Daphne had done to her. While Carina had felt shamed by her physical exposure, Tiara’s ego burned from having been bested.

That would not happen again.

Tiara’s mess-pleased smile turned to a more predatory grin as she realized Daphne had left the stowaway alone in her office. Continuing to slosh off her goo Tiara took a few steps to go around the captain’s desk, take a seat, and see what she could find of use.

Except that Tiara quickly found that she could not make herself walk around the captain’s desk. Some invisible influence just kept Tiara on the far side of it. The same influence kept her hands from quite reaching the desk to take anything from it. And any paperwork she tried to read went out of focus the moment she put her attention to it.

“Fuck!” Tiara growled, her first chance at getting back at the captain yanked out from under her. But while she couldn’t directly interact with the desk she could splatter her juices all over it, and after covering a significant amount of the room in her pink spunk Tiara stepped out into the hallway feeling her need for vengeance partially satisfied to a petty degree.

Walking into the hallway made Tiara aware of two things.

The first was how her lengthened clit wobbled in and out of her pussy, teasing the tightest portion of her canal. Tiara gritted her teeth at the sensation but refused to let it change her stride, sheer angry defiance keeping the stoking furnace’s heat tapped down.

The second was the key card bouncing around on her tits. Tiara snatched it up and nearly choked herself on the lanyard. Relaxing her grip she flipped it over in her hand and found a sticky note on the back that had RM 3140 written on it. At the bottom was added, Game starts at noon ~ Capt. D.

Tiara ripped off the note, crumpled it up, and tossed it to the floor, a blush of fury welling up from her neck to her cheeks and spreading over her forehead. Then Tiara realized, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, that she’d forgotten the room number. She took a few steps away from where the note lie before she admitted to herself that she needed to know where she could at least go to plan. Rolling back her body in defeat Tiara picked the note back up, uncrumpled it, and reread again 3140.

Marching off in the direction she was already facing Tiara had some distance to travel before she got to the next elevator lobby. She fumed as she went, pushing out of her mind the sensations wavering in and out between her legs. 

“I’m going to take this whole ship. That fucking captain is going to regret doing this to me!” Tiara muttered, spotting a sign up ahead pointing towards an elevator lobby, “All she did was give me a dick! A tool I can use! There’s nothing this ship can do to me that I can’t use to me advant-”

Tiara was about twenty feet from the next corner when she stopped mid-step and mid-sentence. She just stood staring at Fabiana, who had just slowly strutted around the bend and into view.

Fabiana Struts Her Stuff

From the moment she stepped onto the Lido deck of the Mestra it was hard to ignore Fabiana. Yes, as a model by trade she was certainly beautiful - a long lithe upper body outdone only by the length and tone of her legs. Breasts she could easily cover - with a little bulge out the size of her palms - for tantalizing photoshoots that also looked delectable in push-up bras. A round girl-next-door face with a perfect little nose and plump lips. All of it sunkissed with a coffee tan that barely hid a swarm of freckles. Everything was framed by curvy brown tresses that stopped just short of hiding her pert little peach ass.

Even if all of that wasn’t on display in black silk panties, bra, and robe atop bleck wedge heels, Fabiana made sure her volume meant you couldn’t help but notice her.

“Oh, my, gee, look at this pool!” Fabiana exclaimed directly to no one as she walked past the bar and whipped off her sunglasses dramatically, “I mean, it’s not as nice as the one at the hotel I stayed at in Monte Carlo, but I could explain to them how to spruce it up! I shared a lot of my opinions with the staff there!”

A number of eyes followed Fabiana as she replaced her sunglasses and went to the edge of the pool - where all the rattan loungers faced. She catwalked along the lip, swinging her head from side to side to take in who was watching her. And there were plenty of eyes upon her. Some lingering on her form with lustiness, and others with some annoyance.

“Dear me, are these not real rattan?” Fabiana pouted. She bent down her torso with her knees locked so her robe fell back and put her rear on display while she touched the end of one of the loungers - one of the occupied loungers. “I mean, I suppose it will do, but there is this wonderful little shop in Malaysia that just does wonders with the real thing that I will just have to recommend. I don’t know if I can sully the memory of it with this, I’ll just have to find a chair.”

Tables and chairs, however, were currently placed around the outer edge of the Lido deck, which wasn’t quite center-stage enough for Fabiana’s liking.

“Oh no no no, this is the completely wrong feng shui!” Fabiana announced, flopping her ass onto the edge of one of the tables and throwing an arm across her forehead as she thrust out her breasts, “If that old master I met in Puyang saw this he would just die. Someone fetch one of the help so I can make some alterations!”

“How about you leave it where it is and let some of us just relax? How about you relax?” one woman a few recliners down finally spoke up. As she heard the objection Fabiana popped up from the table like a mole in an arcade game.

“Just because you do not have the will to be the one who improves everything they touch does not mean you should think I am not doing what I was meant to do!” Fabiana announced. “My aura is clearly too great for you to comprehend!”

“Look, sweety,” another woman in a recliner to the side spoke up, “We’re just saying this cruise is a place where you don’t need to try and put off whatever energy you’re-”

“‘Whatever energy’? ‘Whatever energy?’” Fabiana scoffed, throwing back her hair as she raised her nose at the newest interjecter, “I am someone who everyone looks at and knows epitomizes big dick energy!”

As she finished her sentence Fabiana felt a shiver start at her hips and run all the way up to her head. It was a warm sensation, and Fabiana caught herself feeling lightly turned on by it. This was followed by a mild stiffness in her upper body and arms.

“Oooh...what’s...what’s…” Fabiana murmured, at a loss for words for the first time in a long time. She felt a pinching tightness in her bra and looked down at her chest. Her breasts were heaving and wobbling within the silk, and it quickly became clear that they were pulsing outwards centimeter by centimeter with each of Fabiana’s deepening breaths. 

But that wasn’t quite the source of the pinching. Fabiana’s breasts were not just getting bigger, they were moving. Shifting down her ribs specifically, which was dragging them against the lower support of the bra.

“Fuck, ow, fuck,” Fabiana hissed as she reached behind herself to undo the clasp. The silky brassiere dropped to the ground, her freed bubbies dropping downwards and bouncing as they continued to grow and shift unencumbered. At the same time her black silk robe slipped from her shoulders and also fluttered down.

At this point Fabiana had intended to bring her arms around grab her tits to truly prove that she could feel what she was seeing. But she found that the skin of her upper arms was stuck fast to where she had pulled them back to undo the bra. And when she tried to look down at them Fabiana instead felt her neck and chin being gently raised.

Those who were watching Fabiana could see what was happening. The flesh of her upper arms was fused to her torso from her shoulders to her elbows. The knobbiness of her shoulders was smoothing and moving inwards, while Fabiana’s neck was getting thicker. And while she couldn’t see it happening, Fabiana could feel her long brown tresses releasing from her scalp and caressing her back and ass as they fell to the boards of the Lido deck.

As Fabiana’s neck met the width of her head a thick ridge formed around her jawline, turning a slightly more purple-red than the skin below it. Her breasts had continued to grow as they pushed further and further down her torso, and by the time they reached her hips each hung from her heavily about the size of a basketball.

When her flailing lower arms tried to reach her escaping bust Fabiana felt her skin connect and stick to her stomach and within mere moments the entirety of both arms had been absorbed into her body. From her stomach upward her lithe form was filling out more and more, giving her the look of an overular shaft as wide as her hips and stretching back to line up with the curve of her ass.

With her face pointed up into the open sky Fabiana could see none of what was occuring, and after a few blinks her eyelids stuck closed. Her mouth stretched upwards and merged with her nose, this new opening forming a vertical opening with a light pucker of reddish lips to match the darker skin tone of what had once been her head.

It was obvious now to those watching that Fabiana had gotten what she had spoken about. Her long legs, still sporting her wedge heels and thong, were unchanged. Atop her thighs, hanging heavy and bloated and huge, were Fabiana’s breasts. They retained their nipples, but they were harder to see amidst a new wrinkled texture. From Fabiana’s ass up her body had become a huge cock, complete with a center ridges and some forming veins.

Nobody could deny that Fabiana now hefted big dick energy.

Fabiana’s head had lost all of her facial features, each one pulled within the cap of her enormous glans. A ridge was the only indication of where her chin and neck had once met, with a mouth-sized urethra opening the only remaining orifice. It’s pucker was twitching like a fish gasping for air - although Fabiana found she had no issues doing that. Instead she was learning how to control her new hole.

“Wuh...wuh...wuh...woah,” the walking cock muttered. She was stiff and turgid and the low hang of her breast testicles - her breasticles - created an odd center of gravity. The sun gently warmed the sensitive skin of her new form. The sea air blew over her length, and Fabiana could feel how each new part of her differed in its sensations - her full sacks were tickled, her body length erotically tingled, but the gentle air current caress across her head made her downright horny.

“Thiff...thiff feelf...fo gooood,” Fabiana sputtered, sensing how her body was stretching and stiffening slightly. It actually felt a little too good. She could understand how if she let herself continue to stand in the mix of sensations of warm sun and teasing breeze the aching pressure in her breasticles could end up released. She’d never cum in public and part of her, despite accepting that she was now a giant stiff cock on legs, still didn’t want to do that where anyone could see and gossip about.

Although she had no eyes, Fabiana found that the sensitivity of her length gave her a sort of short-distance sonar. She could sense the ambient heat and energy of things roughly two feet from her. While her first few steps were wobbly as she adjusted to the distribution of weight walking on a moving ship, Fabiana managed to cross the Lido deck and pass through the motion-activated doors. Wobbling through the hallway she sensed her way to the elevator lobby step-by-step. 

On her own operating the elevators would have been practically impossible, but Fabiana could detect that she was not alone in the lobby.

“Down, pweafe,” her urethra puckered. 

to be continued...


