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 Barbara, Kylie, and Fillance think a night of debachery is planned, but will Barbara's unknown djinn powers disrupt that? 2000+ Words! The PDF is nearly done! ~dS 


When we did not have our fingers playing amongst our three passages we passed a delightful afternoon together, wandering about the grounds, reading amorous books, and filling up intervals with tender conversation. I found Kylie to be a very intelligent girl who conversed on almost every subject.

We agreed that the temptation would be too great should we bed together that night, so Kylie took her marvelous sexually exaggerated form to Fillance’s empty chambers for the evening. I quieted Evelyn by sleeping with Margaret driven deep within us through the night.

The next day by two o'clock Fillance returned to Riverside Lodge, and Kylie and I were quite mad with lust. And given the outline within Fillance’s pantaloons she was equally in need of our attention. But instead of retiring straight to the soft chambers Fillance insisted Kylie and I walk the gardens for sometime while she prepared a surprise. We made known our eagerness for a release from our self-imposed arousal, but Fillance assured us it would be worth the wait.

We stayed out in the open air until it began to grow dark, then Fillance beckoned and we all reentered the house. To ensure our strength we sat down to a delicious repast - eating nude at the dinner table with its finery was quite the scandal! This was followed by a bottle or two of champagne. The wine caused our eyes to sparkle and unloosened our tongues.

"Come, girls," said Fillance finally, rising from her chair after we had finished dessert, "Follow me, and I will conduct you to the room destined to be the theater of our joys."

We obeyed and she led us to a part of the house I had never visited before. At the end of a passage she unlocked a door and ushered us into a magnificently furnished chamber, in fact it was furnished with a luxury which I had never before imagined. The apartment was of octagon shape and was lighted by a chandelier which hung from the ceiling, suspended therefrom by silver chains. The ceiling itself was beautifully frescoed and was painted with scenes from heathen mythology. Placed here and there throughout the chamber were statuettes made of Parian marble which almost seemed to breathe in the soft artificial light. The floor was covered with a gorgeous medallion carpet and around the walls were placed easy chairs and sofas of the most costly description. A peculiar intoxicating perfume was shed through the room, which had the effect of inducing a soft languor. 

But most unexpected was one more part of decor in the room. Waiting for us was a line of women. Over twenty of them, dressed in the most inappropriate revision of women’s tennis outfits, were still as if having no other business there than to be admired for their various beauties.

“I am a significant donor to the local women’s tennis club,” Fillance explained, “I learned recently that many of the members of the club were looking for a sport of a different type, and these twenty-one gorgeous examples of Venus’ crafting desired to join us as the paint upon our canvas of lovemaking!”

Kylie and I slowly approached the deliciousness before us. Between my legs Evelyn was absolutely dribbling, her imagination running wild as I looked to each woman. The one at the end closest to us stepped forward. She had a lean face with a softly shaped jaw, a pointed nose, defined ears, well-formed cheekbones and thin lips. Her brown eyes were narrow, and eyebrows angled sharply. She had medium-long, curly, dark brown hair which was worn in pigtails. Pale blush, a complimentary foundation, complex eyeshadow and natural-coloured lipstick adorned her face.

This woman bowed to Kylie and I, long arms sweeping out as her narrow torso bent, breasts slightly larger than oranges dangling down into her top. She did not have as much muscle tone as I would have expected, with a smaller-than-average waist which led to complementarily curvy hips atop short legs.

“I am Isla,” the woman said as she rose up, “I am the captain of our tennis club, and I have come with a bevy of volunteers who wish to only be used as the sexual paint on your canvas of pleasure. Please look us over and do with each of us as you will, we are here to do as you please.”

Oh yes, oh yes, please! Please! Evelyn exclaimed, Now that I have been a pussy for a while I believe I can discern quite a lot from a woman by her minge!

Heeding Evelyn’s insistence I let my gaze fall to the curls between Isla’s legs so that Evelyn could see them through my eyes.

Oh! Her pussy is damp, but looks to be quite tight! I believe she is coy when pursuing a lover, but very eager for anything once in bed! Look at how she fidgets, so cute and naked! Most often she cannot keep her hands from playing with her clitty when she is alone.

I could not disagree with Evelyn’s assumptions, and stepped with Kylie to take in the next woman. She introduced herself as Mila, and was nearly six feet tall! She had a square face with a pointed chin, a mildly hooked nose which was alluring it how it was unique. She smiled with small lips, and her brown eyes were narrow. Knee-length, fine, brown hair hung past slanted shoulders, toned arms, a thin torso with delicate breasts, straight hips, and long legs.

How amazing! Her pussy is overflowing with her juices, I see them dribbling down her thighs, but she is clearly tight as a virgin! Her body language makes it clear how lusty she is, even though she has never taken a lover to bed - or even cum by her own hand! This display and waiting must be driving her mad with a need for her first crisis of Venus!

Following Kylie we met Jessica, who was as tall as Mila and had wonderful dark-tanned skin. Her face was angular face, with a slightly turned-up nose, and puffy lips. Her hazel eyes were prominent on her face under angular eyebrows. Her short, fine, black hair was nicely styled. She had broad shoulders despite the rest of her body looking somewhat slight. Her fingers kept moving towards the dark matte of her bigou, before being pulled away.

Look how her pussy is already so wet with desire. And so tight! The way she is looking at us, she is obviously a complete nymphomanic, unable to keep from playing with herself no matter the circumstances. But she has no experience with partners in bed, she only brings herself to the blissful crisis whenever she is alone.

The next woman was Keira. She was a dark skinned woman of average height. She had a particularly welcoming smile that stretched her full lips on her wide face. Her pointed chin and narrow nose gave her a regal air. She had short, straight, black hair which was tapered.

Mmm, her bijou is also damp and in need of more use! Where does Fillance find these lovelies? She’s passionate, but more controlled, jilling herself only when she needs to. I don’t think she’s interested in finding love, only willing partners to ravage her one by one.

Blake was next, a tall woman just short of six feet. Her alabaster skin was worn well by her oval face, a stubby nose, and puffy lips. Her light green eyes were large and shone like lanterns. Blake’s light brown hair was cut similarly to Keira’s, short, straight, and tapered around her face. Her body overall was lean, and her long legs were nicely toned.

Look at that slow and steady dribble down her thighs. I think she’s virginal, but will undoubtedly be a size queen once her lower lips get a taste of Fillance! I don’t think she’ll be able to keep her hands to herself once she finally experiences a climax!

“I’m Anne,” the next introduced herself, her low class coming through her voice and teeth.

She was short by well built, brown almond-shaped eyes staring at me. As she finished speaking her thin lips formed a well-intentioned smile. Her light brown was pulled into a bun.

She, too, is...wait, don’t-

By this time my own slit was dripping so much I had not the patience to let Evelyn share her observations for what appeared to be over a dozen more luscious playmates. I increased my pace, admiring in quick succession the tall and golden-brown skinned Kate; the taller Charlize with her night-black hair and impressive bosom; the very short Kim with her curly auburn hair; the brown-skinned Zooey with her short dark hair and fine rear; the fair-skinned and sharp-faced Jennifer whose copper hair fell everywhere around her face; the very busty Vanessa with her brown knee-length hair; the tanned Penelope who had a rambunctious energy to her; the square-jawed Hayden whose narrow waist flowed beautifully into curvy hips; Juniper with her beautifully puffy and pouty lips; the bronze-skinned and charming Ida; Alice who held her straight black hair in a side part; Bertha who hefted another pair of impressive breasts; 

the impressively tall Clara with her lovely freckles; Margaret with her delightfully palmable bust; and finally Minnie, whose juices were trickling nearly to her knees and could barely keep her hands off her absurdly large bubbies. 

Barely got to enjoy the view! Evelyn pouted.

“I will make sure you enjoy much more,” I spoke softly down at my own groin. Evelyn laughed in glee and desire.

“So…” Kylie hummed as she strutted her magnificent sexual extravagance back to Fillance and Isla, “What would you ladies like to do with us?

“Oh no,” Isla replied, bowing slightly, “That is not up to us. As I said, you are the artists. To be pleasured, humiliated, or displayed as you see fit as the finest artistic examples of sexual depravity and pleasure is what we wish most.”

As the other members of the tennis club all voice their enthusiastic agreements a crackle of energy filled the room. There was a chorus of blissful gasping, and a bright light began to fill the room. I tried to keep my eyes open, but the intensity of the light was too great. Through squinting eyelids I thought I could see the flesh of the aligned ladies stretching, becoming thin and viscous and being pulled like taffy towards the center of our shared space. The gasping and heaving breaths of bliss were getting louder and more uncontrolled, like the howling of wind. Kylie, Fillance, and I stepped back, covering our faces as if preparing to be struck by the gusts of a storm.

A cacophony of cumming filled our ears as the light reached its brightest, and then as suddenly as it began the sound and illumination fell away.

We three lowered our arms and looked around and saw that we were the only persons left in the room.

But that did not mean we were alone.

At the center of the room now stood eight panels formed to reflect the octagon shape of the space. The upper portion of each panel was filled by a beautifully executed oil painting, the lower portion by a mirror or plate glass descending to the floor. Our lusty trio carefully approached the freshly formed artwork and gradually realized what had been captured on the motionless canvases.

The panel that faced us contained the beautiful Isla reclining on a sofa, her petticoats raised to reveal the curvy lower portion of her body. Her head was thrown back, her large breasts were bare, and her thighs were elevated in the air exposing her damp slit. In front of her was the tanned young woman, Mila. She no longer had her dribbling virginal pussy, and it appeared she’d now never experience the sensation of filling it - for she had grown the sex of a man! It was proudly elevated, nearing Isla’s domain of Venus. Another member of the tennis club, Jessica, was seated on the sofa behind Isla. She was endeavoring to pull Isla away from her endowed companion so she could have Mila’s phallus for herself - her clothes too were raised above her navel, revealing her own tight and glistening secret joy. 

All three women had their charms so perfectly captured in the living paint that it was difficult to believe they were not still real and fully flesh before us. The lips of their slits and the hair surmounting the hillocks of Venus was done to the very detail. It seemed quite a shame that none of them, clearly in need of a good rodding, would ever feel themselves in coitus again. This picture was labeled upon its reflective portion The Dispute

to be continued...


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