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For those who missed the Discord update, Amber and I did return safely from our vacation, although not how/when we expected. What I hoped would be an easy resumption of non-vacation life has not been the case. I know I'm not alone when I say figuring out this new "day-to-day" has been stressful, full of anxiety, and time consuming. Since we were 99% cut off from reliable news about what was going on Amber reckoned our return to this "similar but alien" world to a sci-fi protagonist waking up from hyper-sleep.

This Patreon, however, should not be a source of the unkown! I am happy to say that, to my knowledge, our artists are healthy. They have been sending me stuff to be approved. And I expect to be working on that over the weekend. I also have more prose work to complete and post, which has been put off since my return while I deal with the needs of self-quarantine. Sadly "more time at home" has not really meant "more time" for me.

But as this "transition" week draws to a close I think I've found enough stability to get back to this work! I hope I will have new stuff posted over the next 72 hours!

I hope all of you are well, and as always - thank you for your support!




Glad that you and yours are doing ok. Stay strong. Cheers!