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1,700+ words introduce another wisher, and we'll see some more characters in the next update! ~dS

Chapter III


After Harriette's departure, my father's house grew more and more distasteful to me, and I resolved to make an effort to leave it. One day I went to him and expressed a wish to take a situation as housemaid - he made but slight objections, and at last gave his consent. I immediately sent an advertisement to the Philadelphia papers and received several answers; amongst them was one from a Ms. Fillance Claymore who lived in the village of Chester. She offered me such advantageous terms that I at once accepted them, and the next day started for my new home.

Riverside Lodge, as Ms. Claymore's residence was called, was situated on the banks of the Schuylkill, and was fitted up with all the elegance wealth could command. The grounds were handsomely laid out, the gardens cultivated to the extreme of art, and in short, it bore more resemblance to the residences we meet on the other side of the water which are occupied by the proud aristocracy of England than the mansion of a simple American gentleman.

Nature too had done an immense deal to enhance the beauties of the dwelling. The scenery around was pastoral and beautiful - what it wanted in grandeur it more than made up with the picturesque view to be seen from all sides of the house. The lodge was situated on a rising hillock and fronted the river, from which it was not more than a hundred yards distant. To the north of the house was a thick wood, containing trees of many years growth. In this sylvan retreat Ms. Claymore had fitted up rustic chairs and seats, and in the heat of the summer it afforded a delightful shelter from the sun's rays. On both the other sides of the dwelling was a handsome sloping lawn, also covered with fine trees.

I was met at the door of the house by the owner, a fine beautiful woman of about thirty-five years of age. She introduced herself and I found Ms. Claymore to be a perfect delight, courteous, polite and agreeable. I soon felt quite at home with her.

I was naturally thrown much into Ms. Claymore's society and noticed that she daily grew more tender to me. When shaking hands with me she would press my hand and retain it in hers, and when I wore a low-necked dress I observed that her eyes were fixed on my white shoulders, and that when she caught a glimpse of my bosom her face would flush and decided protuberances would manifest upon her chest no matter the outfit.

Things went on in this way for two months. Then one day Ms. Claymore asked me if I would like to go out riding with her. I had always been fond of equestrian exercises and consented very willingly - although Evelyn voiced some concern. The horses were brought round to the door and I mounted a handsome bay pony, while my companion rode a large gray horse which appeared but half broken. Ms. Claymore assisted me to mount and in doing so I exposed a considerable portion of my limbs, my petticoats getting entangled in the saddle. When she saw my leg above the knee, for I wore no drawers, a crimson flush suffused her face - but it was not one of shame but desire. She recovered herself, however, almost immediately, and off we started.

We had ridden about six or seven miles when Ms. Claymore's horse suddenly took fright and galloped off with her. At the turn of the road, from some cause or other, the rider was thrown off and deposited on the green sward. Fortunately she was not injured—her horse, however, galloped away towards Riverside Lodge.

"A pretty situation, Miss Lustra," said Claymore as she rose to her feet. "Here am I, six miles from home, and nothing left for me but to tramp it on foot."

"Nay, Ms. Claymore, that must not be. If you do not mind, you can ride behind me. The pony can bear us both very well, and we can proceed slowly."

"I am afraid to discommode you, Miss Lustra."

"Not at all - our ancestors, you know, used to ride pillion."

"I accept your kind offer," she returned, and springing on the pony's back took her place behind me.

She passed one arm around my waist for the purpose of holding herself securely in her position. We then slowly started in the direction of the lodge. We had not advanced a mile, however, when it was clear that the bouncing and rubbing against my back was not entirely from the trot of our steed.

“Ms. Claymore, you could ride more steadily,” I offered, although I was not offended by the contact.

“Perhaps if I clung more securely to you?” Ms. Claymore asked.

“Feel free,” was my breathless reply.

Emboldened by the permission I had given, Ms. Claymore’s arm that encircled my waist was raised until her hand rested on my bosom, outside my riding habit; however, I made no attempt to remove it, and encouraged, doubtless, by my seeming tacit consent to her enterprises, she furtively inserted two of her fingers in the opening in front of my dress and I felt them on my naked breast. The contact of my bubbies appeared to electrify Ms. Claymore, her back straightening and her breathing becoming haggard.

"Ms. Claymore," said I, "I cannot say that I expected this."

"My young woman," she replied, "I cannot help it. I am deeply enamored with you. My only regret is that I cannot take you as I truly desire. I have a most impressive toy at the house, and I swear I will not injure you. But without doubt I wish I could take you with an endowment as impressive as the steed’s who left me with you."

Once more my djinn heritage acted without my knowledge or intent. All I knew is that the idea of Ms. Claymore hefting a horse’s shaft between my legs was perversely appealing, and Evelyn expressed the same desire, despite the pounding she’d already taken upon the saddle.

Then I felt something pressing stiffly against my bottom. My previous experience made me know what it was and you may easily believe, dear reader, that I began to feel a desirous sensation running through me. Whether my companion detected my sensations or not, I cannot say, for she was lost amidst the experience of growing the girth she had wished upon herself. For certain I felt a most impressive and unusual staff of love beating against my buttocks.

I was too fond of sexual pleasures to refuse them, and this was not the first time a companion of of Venus had grown such a tool around me, so I objected to nothing. Ms. Claymore made no further reply whatever, only gasping which I gathered was from the new sensations she was experience. Then she unbuttoned the front of my habit and placed her hand on my naked breasts, molding them and titillating the strawberry nipples.

With her other hand she managed to raise my petticoats from behind, and I felt myself sitting bare-bottomed on her lap. This was not all, for between my fleshy thighs was her instrument, which she had managed to disengage from her pantaloons. It was unlike Harriette, which made the utmost of sense - it was as thick as my arm, darkly colored, with an angled and slightly flat bulb at the end, which widened to a ridge wider than my fist.

Ms. Claymore now raised me up slightly and in another moment her hand invaded my mossy crevice, sending Evelyn gasping in pleasure in my head. No sooner did her fingers come in contact with the hair surrounding the domain of Venus than all reserve left her and, inclining me forward, she directed an equine instrument quite new to both or our experiences into my moist and burning passage. It was much larger than anything I had taken before, and while I was momentarily cautious all I could hear was Evelyn exclaiming, Yes, yes, I can take it! Give it to me! Fill me to bursting!

Although she could not hear the encouragement, Ms. Claymore took the initiative and drove it home with a sudden plunge.

"Oh God! Ms. Claymore! How delicious!" I exclaimed as a felt the extreme circumference of her ridge pop within me, and Evelyn used language far courser. Ms. Claymore impaled me at first only a few inches, and now gripped my hips to pull me down further and further, the prodigious wetness Evelyn had wished upon us all that was keeping our impossible act possible. It felt as if Ms. Claymore had impaled me into my belly when I felt the hair surmounting the base of her bronco shaft tickling my bottom. 

I wiggled myself from side to side on her splendid staff, finding almost no give within my Venus’ canal. The pony now began to canter and the motion he made was sufficient to cause Ms. Claymore’s lance to drag in and out of Evelyn. During this exciting proceeding, Ms. Claymore was titillating my clitoris in front, an impressive feat given that my lips and mons were simultaneously stretched out and pushed up. Turning my head around she kissed my lips in the most passionate manner. The pony really seemed to have some idea of what was being transacted on his back, for he set off in a gallop which soon brought a climax to our pleasure, for we both discharged simultaneously. Ms Claymore was practically brought to tears as she experienced her first manly climax, and I felt what must have been a gallon of her seed fill my every cavity, some even erupting from the tight seal Evelyn had around her girth.

She then withdrew her new appendage and, after taking some time to clean ourselves and for Ms. Claymore to find a way to return her pike within her outfit, we proceeded quietly home, indulging, however, in most delicious conversation on the way musing on how it could be that Ms. Claymore could have been thusly blessed. When we reached Riverside Lodge we had determined that both of us found the results of her wish quite desirable. We dismounted and entered the drawing room. It was, as expected, unoccupied.

"Darling Barbara," said Fillance, "I must enjoy you once more, this unexpected gift is not yet satisfied."

to be continued...


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