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"Oh, Harriette," I exclaimed, "this is too much - I am suffocating with pleasure - darling, dar-dar-"

The crisis came; a flood of rapture escaped from me and matted into her newly grown fur. At the same time I felt her copious discharge lubricate every depth and inch of Evelyn. I absolutely fainted with pleasure.

When I recovered my senses I found that Harriette was drying me with her pocket handkerchief. This done, she stooped and imprinted a kiss on the sheath of her joys, titillating Evelyn unexpectedly, and then she assisted me to rise. Whilst I was unconscious Harriette had stripped off the entirety of her pants, and I could now see how she was perched on her little double-toed hooves. The brown fur ran all the way up and around her ass, where I saw that a small tail had also grown from the small of her back. She appeared to have come to terms with her new arrangement and endowment, although her gate was halting as she learned to walk with her new legs and the weight between her thighs.

She asked no questions of me about it, likely happy enough that her alteration did not send me running. 

Harriette put her trousers back over her legs, which did little to hide her new jointed arrangement, but at least kept her rod out of sight. We returned to the house fully satisfied with our delightful experiences.

"Darling Barbara," said she, as we reached the door, "Leave the door of your bed chamber open tonight. I hope you would assist me in learning more of the pleasures I am suddenly privy to."

I pressed her hand as a sign of affirmation and we separated. You can easily imagine, dear reader, how anxiously Evelyn and I waited for night, leaving Margaret in her drawer despite the wet flames between my legs. My bedroom was far removed from any other occupied part of the house, and I had no fear that we should be interrupted.

At last the hour for retiring came, and I took up my candle and went to my chamber. I did not undress myself, but sat on the beside anxiously awaiting my friend's coming. I had been there about a quarter of an hour when I heard her heavy steps, sounding more like those of a solid heavy boot than a horse’s hoof. In another moment she silhouetted in the doorway. She rushed to me, kissed my lips and then, with trembling fingers, bared my breasts, which she covered with kisses. She then absolutely tore off my clothes, not even sparing my chemise, and I stood before her naked as Venus rising from the sea .

In a few seconds she was in the same situation and I saw for the second time in my life her splendid member, so stiff and firm that its ruby head nearly reached her navel at the upper limit of her brown fur. Harriette’s legs were bestial and powerful and I ached to feel myself wrapped in them. All my modesty disappeared as if by magic, and I removed my hands which I had instinctively placed over my center of attraction and, rushing towards Harriette, seized her burning rod in my grasp.

I capped and uncapped the fiery head and played with the furry purse containing the two witnesses to virility. My friend's eyes shot fire and she began to move her brown buttocks in reply to my touches, her tail twitching madly. She placed her hands on my bottom and pressed me close to her, and I could feel her staff of love pressing against my white belly.

In another moment she had thrown me on my back on the bed, and then set about examining the charms of my person at her ease. Her first proceeding was to open my thighs to the widest extent, thus exposing to her gaze and touches the whole of Evelyn's domain. She played with the hair covering the hillock of Venus; she divided the lips with her finger and, seeking my clitoris, almost sent me crazy with pleasure by gently rubbing it.

Oh, this is too much! I need her cock inside of me! I need to cum, I’ll go mad! Evelyn cried.

But Harriette then turned me over on my belly, smothering Evelyn in the sheets, and patted the cheeks of my buttocks, which she swore were whiter than driven snow. She titillated both my clitoris and bottom at the same time, but noticing by my convulsive movements that I was on the eve of spending, she suddenly desisted - and once more I listened to Evelyn’s desperate curses.

Restoring me to my former position on my back, and throwing herself on top of me, she inserted her staff of love into the pouting lips of my moss-covered slit, sending Evelyn into a blather of erotic nonsense.

No sooner had I felt the delicious morsel pierce me to the quick than I passed one of my arms around her neck and pressed her convulsively to my bosom, Harriette’s slim breasts overwhelmed by the spreading white dough of my own. I then clasped her furred loins with my thighs and legs and strained myself so closely to her that the hair of my genitals intermingled with her fur.

A large mirror hung beside the bed and I could see our forms reflected in it. I could see her instrument imbedded to the very hilt in my Mons Veneris, the lips of had become of Evelyn clasping it tightly. Harriette now commenced to work her plump buttocks up and down, rutting me like an animal, her tail as straight in the air behind her as her shaft was inside of me. I replied by a corresponding motion and we kept time admirably together, our nipples grinding against each other. Her hooves hung off the end of the bed and curled in on themselves in synchronization with our heaving bodies.

The thrilling rapture, the delicious sensations of that ecstatic period is out of my power to describe. When I felt her hot impossible pego rushing in and out of my sensitive vagina, I squirmed and wriggled under her fierce thrusts, and I thought my breath would leave my body. At last the dissolving period approached. I could tell it was coming on by her more rapid thrusts, by the dragging of her thick lower body hair against my legs, by her half-drawn sighs, by her interrupted breathing, and more especially, by a peculiar suction which Evelyn exercised on her rod. I spurred her brushy bottom with my heels, I pressed her to me, I bit her in the agony of my delight, and just as I was discharging, I passed my hand underneath her thigh and tickled her freshly formed testicles.

"I am coming, darling Barbara," she exclaimed. "Oh God, I come, I co-!"

"I too, Harriette," I exclaimed, "...there, there! there!"


She made two more vigorous thrusts to which I responded with such vigor that it made her testicles butt against my bottom, and the next moment we were both dissolved in bliss.

She then withdrew from me and lay down by my side. I looked upon the reflection of our bodies, not long ago similar in many ways but now very very different. I found that I loved what she had made of herself - no, I could tell that Evelyn and I lusted for it.

Once we both rediscovered our voices a delightful conversation followed in which she told me how much she loved me and how faithful she would always be to me. While we were thus conversing I had hold of her instrument while she was playing with my center of love, giving Evelyn no moment of calm. In a short time I felt her staff swelling beneath my grasp, and it was soon in a state of princely erection again. She indeed possessed the mythic hunger of the satyrs.

We waited no time to resume the rites of Venus.

This time she stretched herself all her length on her back, her tail tucked down beneath her ass. With how her feet had changed her hooves still dangled off the edge of the bed. Harriette then drew me on top of her, the little nipples of her slight bubbies pointing directly upwards. She clasped me around the waist, while I myself guided her dart into Evelyn’s bower, who was burning to receive it. Harriette then insisted that I should pump up her spermatic treasures myself while she would remain perfectly passive.

I was quite agreeable, and began an up-and-down motion. Her fur on her thighs tickled my buttocks. The other aspect of her wish had undoubtedly come true; my vagina fitted her pego like a glove, Evelyn slobbering and exclaiming with each pump, every ridge and inch of Harriette’s rod inexplicably always in the best place to please.

I had not played horsewoman a dozen times before I felt her boiling sperm inundate Evelyn’s passage, while I also poured down my share of love's elixer in such profusion that it wetted both thighs and belly, matting deeply into the fur down her legs.

I shall not detain the reader by detailing how many times we sacrificed ourselves to the shrine of Venus that night, nor shall I depict all the postures and modes we pursued, as I have many similar scenes to depict; suffice it to say that when we got up the next morning we were both thoroughly exhausted, and pale and feeble from our unwonted exertions. Even Evelyn was slow to ask for another round.

For six weeks I enjoyed sexual delights in every possible form - not a day passing without at least one experience of Harriette's capabilities. At the end of that time she was compelled to return home, with all her pants altered to obscure the new shape of her legs. She left me with the most ardent protestations of love and devotion, and took an oath that she would - now that she possessed an inarguable member of manhood - marry none but me. I had such a confidence in her that I firmly believed her word.

 to be continued... 


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