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Not long afterwards I graduated and found myself returned home. Here my time passed monotonously, with few friends to entertain mine and Evelyn’s desires. We would pace around the house more lustful than ever. Many nights we would fall asleep with Margaret deep inside of us. Some days we would attached her to the harness in reverse and minced about the rooms with her held tightly within, trying ever so hard to give no indication. I wished myself back at University a hundred times. 

But an event happened which more than reconciled me to my change of life. This was nothing less than a visit from Harriette Dubois, an old friend who resided in Baltimore.

Harriette was a fine, comely young woman, about twenty-two years of age, and when away from the practices of her home dressed in outfits more befitting a man. The moment I saw her I felt irresistibly attracted towards her - and Evelyn was quickly begging me to find a way to bring Harriette into our sheets. But in not knowing Harriette’s persuasions I disguised my admiration with all the hypocrisy common to young women

One day we were out walking together in the beautiful grounds surrounding my father's house. The weather was deliciously warm and the birds filled the air with their melodies. I was clad very lightly, wearing a low-necked dress with a light scarf thrown over my shoulders. We wandered for some distance, conversing on everyday topics, when my friend proposed that we should rest ourselves on the grass under the shade of a fine, large elm tree; I consented and we sat down. 

Harriette then took my hand in hers and kissed it. Her pursuations had been made clear! I blushed at this familiarity but did not withdraw it from her grasp. By degrees she grew more enterprising, and drawing me towards her, imprinted a kiss on my lips. So settled in my act of indifference had I become that I now feigned an effort to withdraw myself from her grasp but she held me tightly.

"Dear Barbara," said she, "I love you with all my heart and soul."

"Oh Harriette," I replied, "you have said that to hundreds of others."

"Pray, darling - it is you alone that possesses my heart. I swear I love none but you."

So saying, she imprinted fresh kisses on my lips, and I feigned no further resistance. I felt a delicious feeling run through my body such as I had never experienced before. She grew bolder and almost devoured me with kisses. The light scarf which I wore on my shoulders became displaced making my neck and the upper portion of my bust bare. The sight of my white shoulders appeared to electrify Harriette, for she immediately brought her lips to bear upon them, and caressed and patted them with her hand.

She did not stop here, however. My dress was rather loose in front and she invaded the secrets of my bosom. The pressure she made caused some of the buttons to give away behind and my frock fell completely off my shoulders, revealing to her gaze my two "orbs of snow," as she called them.

Harriette immediately took possession of them and molded and pressed them with her hands, at the same time gently titillating the strawberry nipples which, under her lascivious touches, stood out stiff. I was now completely on fire. Harriette kissed and caressed my bubbies for some minutes, and while thus engaged, one of her hands was furtively raising my petticoats. At last I felt one of her hands on my naked thigh - a shiver of desire ran through my frame. She cautiously ascended the snowy columns, and in a moment or two I felt an impudent finger in the outskirts of the domain of Venus.

Oh yes, please, please, I want you inside of me! Evelyn cooed, echoing my unsaid desires.

I instinctively lifted up my thighs in order to facilitate her curious researches, and soon experienced the most delicious sensations, for her finger had already divided Evelyn’s lips which formed the entrance of my moss-covered retreat. She gently pushed forward until the digit was clasped tightly by the warm sides of my shared vagina.

While she was acting in this manner she kissed me repeatedly on the lips and breast, only pausing to suck the rosy nipples which surmounted the two semiglobes. Although she addressed every term of endearment to me, I was too much excited to make any reply. For in a few moments she continued her delicious play, titillating the interior of my Mons Veneris, while she caressed Evelyn’s clitoris with her thumb, sending a lava of delight through my frame.

I could not help moving my buttocks in response to her soul-inspiring touches - Evelyn and I felt the crisis approaching. Harriette must have sensed this within me, for I detected a moment of sadness take visage, and at this point Harriette quietly murmured, “I wish I possessed a lower form more suitable for showing you how I lust for you, like a satyr of myth chasing a nymph, with the perfect member with which to crest you properly.”

Once again my unknown heritage acted, and Harriette’s ministrations paused for a brief second, for which I can only assume was caused by Harriette feeling the unexpected outcome of her statement taking hold of her groin and legs. At that moment I saw her tear open the front of her pantaloons and out jumped her unexpected member, as stiff as an iron bar and three times as thick. 

Around the base of her mythic meat long hairs were curling, and she shifted and fidgeted about as she grabbed at her legs. Within her pants many a change was taking grip which she could feel but we could not see. Later on I would see that long brown fur had been taking root upon her legs, covering everything from a line starting just below her navel, over her shapely ass, down her thighs, and all the way to her feet.

Although it was not fee which she would long have, and this was one change I did take note of. A sound of leather whining and stitches breaking preceded the unbinding of her shoes, which fell apart in pieces amongst the grass.

Revealed amidst the cobble wreckage were Harriette’s once dainty feet. At this time her feet were stretching, her heels moving back and away from her toes many inches. As her feet pushed themselves up to form a new joint in Harriette’s leg at her ankle, I watched her toes begin to merge together. Her big toe and the one beside it joined, and the three smaller remaining ones on each foot also made themselves one. The nails across the to joiners connected, and in quick time she had two large protrusions with hoof-like nails.

As the brown fur grew in over her altered ankles and down to Harriette’s new thick twitching digits I realized she now possessed the legs of a goat, like those of the satyrs she’d mentioned. To some surprise I found that neither Evelyn nor I found this off putting, for the same lovely face hovered before us, as well as a turgid and enticing looking member still stiff in our laps.

I have no doubt that there was a moment of disbelieving panic in Harriette’s mind as she felt and observed all of these changes to her, but the natural impulses of her new addition drove her to resume her carnal actions - reason could wait.

With her unoccupied hand she seized mine and bore it down on the freshly groan masculine object. I seized it in my grasp and began to imitate her motions. This was more than Harriette could bear, for I had scarcely made half a dozen movements when my friend, frantically seizing me around the waist, stretched my length on the green sward. In one moment she was between my thighs, which I am willing to confess were eagerly opened wide enough to receive her, and in another moment her instrument had penetrated the lips of Evelyn’s most secret charms, and was embedded to the very hilt in my body. Her thick goat hair brushed and tickled my thighs and groin.

Oh God!

The ecstasy I felt when the conjunction was complete I can never describe. She reposed for a moment or two in this condition driving Evelyn and I mad with her stillness. Harriette then began to gently heave her furry buttocks. I responded with a corresponding motion and no tongue can tell the delights I and Evelyn enjoyed as her delicious staff rushed in and out of the sheath destined by nature to receive it.

to be continued...


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