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As part of my renovations of my Patreon, I have decided to retire the "Sexy Fantasy Prose!" donor level.

If you are currently subscribed to this level you will continue to get the same 1,000 prose reward each month, as will everyone subscribed at the higher levels. Your subscription has not been impacted or ended. I thank you for your support, and will continue to tag and send you your rewards for as long as you are my Patron at that level.

"Retiring" a pledge level only means that new subscribers cannot be added to it. But the 1,000 prose reward continues on for other levels and legacy pledges to the "Sexy Fantasy Prose!" level.

As Patreon changes I find no choice but to make alterations to fit into the new structures, which is why I have retired this pledge level.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions or concerns.



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