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I'm really enjoying working on this project, and can see some opportunities for quite a bit of transformation upcoming! Meanwhile, this 2,700+ word section sets up a couple characters we'll see changed, as well as a look at what happens when you ask for too much of a good thing! ~dS


I shall not detain the reader with all the exquisite enjoyments I experienced from Evelyn’s teachings. I am quite certain that had I attempted such activities on guesswork alone I would have never found the most perfect spots to press the rubber shaft within me. So it was with great fortune that Evelyn was in my mind, giving the most exquisite feedback and instruction. It was in short order that we found our crescendos and had our wits about us again.

But such clarity of desires never lasted long. Evelyn had made us wet and hungry near constantly, and we exhausted every method that two young women of ardent imagination could propose for the rubber toy. Thankfully we were two minds when it came to completing our study work, and fooled the faculty into believing Evelyn was ill and studying through the post for the immediate future.

At last the time approached for us accept that our studies were on track, and it was time to concentrate our focus on the pleasures of the flesh.

Chapter II


Finding individuals who were open to mine and Evelyn’s carnal needs was quite frustrating over the next year. And having a voice in my head constantly commenting on the lovely and sexually available classmates that surrounded us made my loins all the more needful. Every night, and oftentimes in the afternoon, I would have to personally sate the incessant wet needs Evelyn had granted the pair of us.

But relief at the hands of another was soon to come when we received two new additions to Lyon. One was a young ethics professor known as Dr. Leric, and the other a new pupil named Margaret Maitland, the daughter of a distinguished lawyer, residing in Baltimore. 

Margaret was a beautiful girl about my own age. She was rather tall, her eyes and hair were black, while her skin was of a whiteness ravishing to behold. Evelyn and I would spend many a night trading thoughts on what parts of her anatomy we felt were most salacious, often while exercising the dildo within us.

It was clear that Margaret was exceedingly dedicated to her ethics course, and spent a great portion of her time in study. I noticed that she visited Dr. Leric’s office very frequently and always appeared very happy and contented when she left. Evelyn and I felt satisfied that there was something going on which partook more of the flesh than the mind, and we determined to follow and investigate.

Dr. Leric's apartment was situated at the eastern extremity of the university grounds. It contained a large closet, and one day while he was in class concealed myself in this closet shortly before I knew he and Margaret were likely to meet. I had been there but a few minutes before the doctor entered. He was not yet thirty years of age, not long since his own graduation, stoutly built and rather handsome. He did not wait long before Margaret made her appearance. 

She looked positively beautiful. Her eyes sparkled, her cheeks were flushed, and her bosom rose and fell, showing that she was laboring under some excitement. To my extreme surprise, the moment she entered the room she ran up to Dr. Leric, and throwing her white arms round his neck kissed him passionately on the lips.

Oh, they are indeed eager! Evelyn mused in my mind.

He returned Margaret’s embraces and drew her on his knee. This sight was entirely novel to me, and my cheeks burned while my eyes almost started from their sockets watching what would be their next proceeding. I had not long to wait, for I saw the professor's officious fingers unbutton Margaret's dress in front and deliberately pull it off her ivory shoulders, thus exposing two globes of snow, round, firm, exquisitely formed, and surmounted by two strawberry nipples, which stood out stiff. He pressed and kissed her breasts, absolutely burying his manly face between the soft cushions. Margaret cooed and shuddered at his light suctions, and the rough brush of his short whiskers dragging across her smooth skin.

Dr. Leric was, however, soon not satisfied with this, but canting her slightly up in his lap, he put his hand up her clothes, and invaded the most secret recesses of her body. This action raised her petticoats in such a manner that it exposed, to mine and Evelyn’s gaze, one of her ivory thighs, which was large, well developed and beautifully rounded. I could see that he was moving his hand rapidly while Margaret seemed on the point of dying with delight.

After amusing himself a short time in this manner, he suddenly desisted and, slipping her off his lap, placed her on her hands and knees on the floor. He then went to a cupboard and took from it a bunch of rods. Margaret remained in the position which he had placed her without making the slightest movement. Dr. Leric now walked up to her and, raising her petticoats, threw them over her head, thus exposing, in a moment, all her hidden charms to my excited eyes. It was a delicious sight, sufficient to have seduced the most rigid anchorite.

I could see Margaret's white buttocks, admirably formed, her two beautiful thighs, and exquisitely formed legs; all was naked from her waist down. Situated at the lower portion of her white bottom, between her lovely thighs, I could discern the pouting lips of her bijou, with a line of coral marking the spot where they met.

Dr. Leric raised the rod and brought it down gently on her broad, white buttocks - their hue was immediately changed to a blushing red, while Margaret twisted and turned under the flagellation, every movement revealing more of her exquisite Mon Veneris. While the professor plied the rod, he appeared to be experiencing the most delicious sensations. Margaret's bottom was soon as red as a cherry, but she did not appear to mind the flogging which she was receiving the least bit. It was clear the Dr. Leric’s strikes were heavy enough to bring color, but not injury.

When the professor had continued this exercise for a few minutes, he threw down the rod, and kneeling on the ground behind her, he unbuttoned his pantaloons, and out leapt his staff of love, stiff, firm and with its ruby head uncovered. He nestled it for a moment between her buttocks, and then gently driving the vermilion lips of her coral sheath with his fingers, he brought his instrument to bear on the luscious opening, and seizing her by the hips, in another moment he was plunged to the very hilt in her beautiful body. 

When Margaret felt that the conjunction was complete she uttered a faint exclamation of joy and wiggled her buttocks from side to side as if to prevent her prisoner from escaping her. The professor now began to move himself in and out of her - and as he did so, I and Evelyn could distinctly see his staff appear and disappear in its warm nest. Every time he withdrew, her vagina clasped his instrument so tightly that he drew out the interior lips, and each time that he plunged it into her palpitating body, they were carried in with it. 

You can imagine the ongoing prompts from Evelyn, dear reader, as we watched all this.

Wouldn’t it feel fantastic to have something within me right now?

I agreed, and was disappointed that we had not thought to bring Evelyn’s rubber toy. I raised my clothes and carried my hand to my own moss-covered retreat. Before I had even touched a single curl I could feel my fluids dripping on my hand. I pushed a finger between the lips, and Evelyn let loose a long groan - I was jealous that she could be as loud as she liked!

How do you think it feels for her?

I found my digit tightly grasped by my vagina, and at Evelyn’s prompting I imitated all their motions, thrusting it in and out, my eyes being all the time fixed on the amorous couple. The professor was evidently in the seventh heaven of enjoyment, his hands wandered from one beauty to another as if at a loss to know which to take possession of. At one moment it would be her snowy globes which still remained uncovered; at another it would be her white belly, and then again it was the top of her Mount of Venus. My own hand gripped at my womanly endowments, matching his explorations of Margaret.

Suddenly his motions grew quicker, his staff entered in and out of the coral retreat so rapidly that I could no longer detect the motion. The crisis came, and with a smothered exclamation of joy they both discharged. At the same moment the exciting scene I had witnessed drew from me my tribute to the god of sexual desire. I bit my finger to stifle my exclamation, while Evelyn’s cries rang through my head.

I cultivated Margaret's friendship after this, and when I was intimate enough with her I told her all I had seen. She blushed at first, but when she saw that I could be discreet, she confessed the whole truth to me of how she yearned to be used as a sexual plaything, and how Dr. Leric had been the only one to recognize her desires for such.

I found her an able instructress in the revels of passive play, and was soon even more perfectly au fait in all the mysteries of love, except the actual experience of sexual intercourse with the other sex. She made me a witness of many scenes between herself and Dr. Leric, and I soon found they were both perfectly adept in the art of procuring sexual enjoyment. For each of those times I had brought Evelyn’s artificial shaft, and Margaret appeared to be oddly jealous of my usage of it.

One day I discovered another example of the great morality pervading Lyon. There was a Maths teacher by the name of Lisa Abbey who was a curvaceous, fine-looking woman nearing about thirty years of age. She graded quite viciously the test of all the students of the University, except for two roommates named Erica Kawl and Fara Dawson.

These two girls were her pets and were always together when not with Ms. Abbey. They were both beautiful girls, with flashing dark eyes and beautiful complexions. On the day I refer to, Margaret Maitland came to me and whispered in my ear that if I would come with her she would show me a pretty sight. I followed and she led me to a window outside Ms. Abbey's room. It was opened slightly to let the cool evening breeze in. I looked through and saw a very strange scene which I will endeavor to describe to you.

Seated on a low chair near a large sofa was Professor Princeton, a Biologies teacher in his early thirties. His pantaloons were down and the lower portion of his body all uncovered; his instrument of love stood stiff and erect. Seated sideways towards him on the sofa I have just referred to, was Ms. Abbey. Her dress was off her shoulders, revealing her well-developed bust. The lower portion of her body was entirely naked; one of her feet rested on an ottoman, the other on the ground; by this means one of her thighs was elevated.

Prof. Princeton had one finger in her lustful slit, while she had grasped his staff in her hand. He was slowly pushing his finger in and out of her warm nest, and every now and then kissing her broad white buttocks which were entirely at his command. But this was not all; Erica and Fara were also there, acting their parts.

Erica stood on the sofa with her petticoats raised above her naval, thus revealing her delicious thighs, her white belly and the moss-covered domain of Venus. She was exquisitely made. Ms. Abbey was titillating her clitoris with her unoccupied hand, while Erica's excited face, the tip of her tongue slightly protruding from her coral lips and the heaves of her alabaster buttocks rising to meet Ms. Abbey’s deflowering finger, sufficiently showed the intense delights she was enjoying.

Fara was at the other end of the sofa. She had her back turned towards Prof. Princeton; she knelt on the sofa with one knee, while the other leg rested on the ground; her skirts were thrown over her head, and her head was buried in the sofa, thus elevating her white bottom in the air. Between her ivory thighs we could see the panting lips of her luscious bijou. She was rubbing the top of her slit with one finger, and by the quivering of her buttocks, I guessed she was enjoying herself to her heart's content.

Oh, how I desire to be a part of this evening’s revelries! Evelyn moaned in my head, her embodiment of Venus becoming moister between my thighs than it already was.

Margaret and I watched all their proceedings. Their motion soon grew fast and furious, and we instinctively raised each other's petticoats and imitated their actions on each other. I forced a finger in Margaret's lovely grotto, and at the same time felt her finger caressing my clitoris. I could hear Evelyn lose herself to the explorations being made within her lubricated being.

More… Evelyn pleaded.

I opened my thighs to the widest possible extent to admit Margaret’s manipulation more readily and she did the same. It was a delicious sensation, feeling her delicate finger force its way into Evelyn, my warm vagina. On occasion Evelyn would cry out so loudly that I would think she would draw attention to us.

We kept time with the actors in the next room, and at the very moment that I saw the sperm go from Prof. Princeton's instrument to the broad, white buttocks of Ms. Abbey, Margaret, Evelyn and myself emitted, and Ms. Abbey and her two pets were not a moment behind, Ms. Abbey emitting a splash of her pleasures upon her thighs.

As the lustful quartet waded into their post-bliss pools Ms. Abbey muttered without much thought, “I wish I could complete like that all of the time.”

That was something I certainly would have been eager to see, and was unaware that my djinn heritage had acted on Ms. Abbey’s statement and my desires. In short order the Maths teacher’s eyes were spread wide open, and her body began to heave once more. Her companions inquired if she was well, to which she replied that she was fine - albeit between gasps and shivers. Her soft orbs shook and rocked atop her, and her Venus’ blessing quivered without any touch upon it.

In short order Ms. Abbey’s back was arching and her skin was flushing. She gripped at the couch and made a muffled exclamation as she once more emitted her joys. She appeared to relax for a moment, a fleeting instance of post-orgasm calm and satisfaction that saw a confused smile spread across her face.

But then the process started again, Ms. Abbey’s confusion over what was happening clear upon her face. But the expression was quickly pulled away as her eyes rolled up and her form fell into the blissful process once more.

We and Ms. Abbey’s companions watched this repeat nearly a dozen times before Ms. Abbey felt she had displayed her pleasures enough for Prof. Princeton, Erica, and Fara. She redressed herself, but haltingly as she paused for each reiterous explosive moment. Fully fashioned she left the room, stopping only to use the door’s frame to steady herself through another completion of her perpetual pleasures. Erica and Fara had offered to accompany her, but Ms. Abbey turned them back.

In the days following this Ms. Abbey’s classes would become some of the most popular, as she was known to falter and moan quite illicitly whilst explaining the formulas of Maths and her classroom held a warm musk that inflamed the loins of the coldest attendants. She would shiver and quake at her desk, her large bosom attempting to leap free from whatever Ms. Abbey had attempted to contain it within. I expect by this time she has enjoyed thousands of completions.

After Ms. Abbey’s exit Erica and Fara dressed and said their farewells to Prof. Princeton. From the way they were gripping each other’s hands Evelyn was certain there would be more fun to observe if we followed them, and Margaret made no objection when I suggested we follow them.

 to be continued... 


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