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What is it? An ancient male warrior fighting an equally ancient evil usually body-hops into an equally BigTough man when he is killed. But when things go kaflooey he finds himself in the body of a modern day mother.

Why is it in the Transformeum? There's a moment where the ancient sorcerer is shrunk by his enemy and held like a doll. One woman also rapidly ages off panel when the magic keeping her young is turned off. Oh, and there's gender swap when the macho male warrior gets put in the mother's body!

~A quick note about Transformeum Quickies - I know I have other issues of Mantra, these were just all together when I got to them. As I find other Mantra issues I will add them to the Transformeum Catalog file but not spam them in posts unless an issue contains something more than the gender-swap status quo situation. However, I do love comics like this because they allow for a long view of the Impact of the TF.~

Publisher? Malibu Comics, 1993

Let me know if you want to learn more about this comic!



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