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Adelaide Glade, brilliant scientist, grumbled as she worked on the camouflage circuitry of her time machine, the Temporal Engine Navigational Destination Redundancy Ignoring Lift or TENDRIL. She pushed back a lock of light red hair from her round face. The sharpness of her pixie cut was a nice counterpoint to her soft facial features.

With a grunt Adelaide stood up to stretch her back. The white tank top she'd put on stuck to her skin, the contoured material plastered over her slight breasts. The shirt stopped just above her belly button and waist that was almost inline with the hips covered by a pair of boy shorts she'd thrown on to try and stay cool in the TENDRIL's engine room. Adelaide was only human, after all, and she had designed the ventilation system to keep the temporal engine at the key temperature - a balmy 85 degrees.

She'd been working on the TENDRIL's camouflage circuit for nearly an hour, and she still did not understand why it had stuck the Tendril in the form of a 1990s plastic porta-potty. Adelaide was beginning to think the time she was putting into it wasn't worth the minor aesthetic downside. 

After all, the look DID keep most people from getting too close. And the one woman from the 1990s who had come inside to find the control room larger than expected - and lacking the toilet Genevieve been looking for - had ended up traveling with Adelaide in both her time machine and bed.

Of course, then Genevieve stupidly stepped into that pool of 48th Century nanites thinking it was a hot tub and turned herself into the TENDRIL's new coat rack, which was why Adelaide was traveling on her own once again.

Adelaide sighed and decided she would try one more thing before giving up, bending down and latching the 32nd Century coritzer to the stalt plug.

That's when she felt the shock rip up her arm and send a shudder through her entire body. Adelaide immediately let go and stepped back, taking deep breaths. That had made ever muscle and, somehow, bone clench up. She stood still and looked down at her hands. It looked like she was okay.

For a moment Adelaide recalled when Jazmine, an Arabian harem girl she'd picked up in the 1300s, had kicked the engines in frustration. That had neutralized the poor woman's weak force and popped her atoms across the universe, while somehow binding her consciousness to them. Adelaide was, at least, still corporeal.

Deciding that she'd had enough manual labor for one day Adelaide gave up on the engine and went up to the control room. After a scare like that she needed to have a little fun. Throwing her hands to the controls Adelaide set a course for Hollywood, California, 1945. There was probably some back lot party and repressed lady-loving ingenue she could find to relax.

As the TENDRIL went through the motions of time travel Adelaide walked over to Genevieve. She'd been turned into a statue of galvanized aluminum whilst presenting her impressive tits to Adelaide, which meant her arms were bent perfectly for coat hangers to hook onto. Adelaide selected a long, light coat to cover her work clothes. The time traveler had decided she'd bathe and change at her destination. A pair of black work boots completed her ensemble.

Yeah, Adelaide smelled a little ripe, but she liked stepping out of the TENDRIL with a specific and immediate need in mind - it was easy to get mixed up in all sorts of grand time travel shenanigans if you showed up with no clear goal. Finding a shower and a change of clothes was a great thing to focus on.

Happy with her outfit Adelaide slid open the plastic crossbeam holding shut the "porta-potty" door and opened it. A light breeze of 1945 Hollywood caressed her body, her nipples under the sweat-drenched shirt hardening with a chill. Excited to get things started Adelaide stepped out of the TENDRIL and was met with a shiver.

This shiver, however, was not like the one that had plumped up her teats - although it did also make them just a little harder. This one felt much more like what Adelaide had felt when she'd been shocked. 

Instantly she felt her flesh flowing and stretching around her. Her bones cracked and her muscles grew to keep up as her petite figure got broader and taller. Fat and muscle poured down her legs as her thighs become delightfully thicker in their to match her larger hips. Adelaide through her hands to her breasts as she felt them filling out with fat, her nips stone hard as the rising shirt's fabric dragged over them.

As her titties perked up and grew heavier, Adelaide realized her red hair was darkening and lengthening into full waves of brunette locks. Her round face was contracting and becoming more angular, her features sharper and her eyebrows more defined. A little dimple pushed into her chin.

Adelaide could feel her clothes getting tighter, and her shorts were actually about to snap. Before they could do so, though, Adelaide felt the fabric shift across her body. Her boots de-materialized along with her coat, their substance joining with her shirt and shorts but adding no mass.

Instead, her top and bottom were each getting smaller. Adelaide now sported across her breasts a bikini top. It was white with polka dots and was tied in the center, covering quite well her ample breasts. Her shorts had transformed into large briefs with the same pattern, the sides across each hip tied with a criss-cross that teased the skin.

"Well, I guess getting zapped by the camouflage circuit did do something to me..." Adelaide mused. She stepped back into the TENDRIL and found a mirror. She was stunning. Face and body perfect. Adelaide's first impulse, as was often the case, was to grab her tits and send a hand down to the pussy had that started moistening the moment she looked at herself. Her metamorphosis had also cleaned off the smell of sweat, but she'd replaced that scent with a new musk.

However, Adelaide held out, thanks in part to her scientific curiosity. Looking herself over in closer detail the time traveler thought there was something familiar about the green-eyed, auburn haired woman in her reflection.

"Why do I feel like I've seen you...me...before?"

Being the scientist that she was Adelaide began collecting data. Her Breasts-Waist-Hips ratio was 36-23-36 inches. She estimated that her bra size was now 34B. Barefoot as she was Adelaide topped off at five feet and six inches, and 120 pounds.

After a few moments of typing Adelaide had entered all of that into her computer. As it ran its searching she posed in the mirror, running a hand down her amazing long legs. A bing! brought her attention back to the monitor, which had one result given her physical parameters and the year.

Adelaide was an exact double of Ava Gardner. No wonder she couldn't keep her hands off of herself. 

With that knowledge Adelaide made a realization - she had gotten the camouflage circuit working, just not how she had intended. The TENDRIL was still stuck as it was, but now Adelaide was going to change to look like she was someone from whatever time period she arrived in.

As she turned and pushed out Ava's delightful rear at the mirror - which was also reflected in the shiny surface of Genevieve's polished aluminium body -  Adelaide figured worse fates had befallen people.

Doing some quick thinking in her head, Adelaide realized that in 1945 Ms. Gardner was still somewhat unknown, as her breakout film The Killers wouldn't come out until 1946. If Adelaide played her cards right she could have quite the evening, looking as she did.

The thought warmed her loins and she squeezed her thighs, and did a delightful little horny dance in her bare feet and 1940s bikini. Adelaide was quickly back out the door again, ready to find an eager lady to taste and be tasted.

In the back of her mind Adelaide was already making a list of other time periods she was going to have to try out. The 1980s would absolutely have to be next!




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