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Here's the 2,000+ words start of a collab I am experimenting with. Some sexy stuff to come in this! ~dS


“More drinks at table 9!”

“Waiting on table 11!”

“Jeez, Jessie, keep it moving!”

“Sierra, get out of the way!”

“Keira, please! Move on ahead! Don’t stop now!”

“Jessie! Go at table 15, now!!!


Keira Jebs sighed and shook her head as she looked at her overfilled tray. It wasn’t a stable looking sight, that was for sure. She was balancing over four tables worth of orders on one single tray as she walked around, giving plates upon plates to all the people that were sitting on their tables. By the time she’d safely delivered them all and retreated to a small alcove of the diner she had a visible streak of sweat on her brow, which Keria wiped with the back of her hand.

“Think you’re really cut out for this?”

Keira sighed at the needling question, and looked over to the source of it. Walking over was a fellow waitress named Jessie, who was grinning at her in a way that made Keira’s skin shiver. Like Keira and all the other waitresses the approaching woman was wearing a casual blue coloured tank-top. Unlike Keira and most of the other waitresses Jessie’s shirt was tightly stretched out by her large breasts.

Not just large, really large. Keira considered Jessie’s bust to be huge, which was the nicest compliment she could say about it. Each wobbling mass getting closer and closer with each of Jessie’s steps was full and plump. She was the envy of every single waitress at the diner, and the dream of some. 

Keira didn’t know if Jessie swung that way or not, but she did. It drove Keira crazy that the owner of such alluring assets was such a huge bitch. Keira didn’t know why, but every since getting hired Jessie had seemingly made it her goal to make Keira feel like she wasn’t capable of performing her job.

“Don’t start right now, Jessie,” Keira rolled her eyes. “You know as well as I do that today been crazy crowded.”

“You’re just saying that because you’ve been stuck serving the big boring families who have no sense of fun and just want their food now now now,” Jessie replied. Her eyes glinted their intent to find one more dig. A leery grin crossed Jessie’s face, and she hefted her breasts at Keira’s face. “Over at the bar we have plenty of gentlemanly patrons who understand the weight we’re all working under.”

Keira sighed. Jessie always retaliated with a jab at Keira’s small bust size. Keira wasn’t like Jessie, even if she’d had bigger breasts she wouldn’t want to showcase her boobs. Jessie on the other hand appeared to be constantly preoccupied with them - beyond the basic needs of dealing with they size. Even right now Keira could see Jessie clandestinely caressing the underside of her large breasts with one hand Jessie must have thought was obscured by her other crossed arm.

Given the amount of tips Jessie was famous for getting, Keria knew Jessie wasn’t the only one preoccupied by her rack.

It wasn’t that Keira didn’t try to angle her looks for more tips. Keira’s long black hair and her cutesy looks drew the attention of almost everyone that was above the age of eighteen. Families liked her warm smile, the way that she took orders and was careful around the children. Keira wore colored stockings under her skirt, and a scarf around her neck to make doubly sure she didn’t flash anything when bending down to take an order from a little one.

Jessie was actually rumored to have flashed herself to customers on late nights when the managers had left early. The amount of the tip in the rumors always changed, but it was always nearly as big as her tits.

“Shut up, Jessie,” Keira finally muttered. “Maybe not everyone wants to be like you.”

“And what am I like?” Jessie pushed.

“A slut who’d be bettered served serving a topless bar!”

Shocked and embarrassed by her own outburst Keira clutched the tray to her slight chest and scurried away. The fact that Jessie was laughing did not make the blushing waitress feel any better about her retort. She dropped her tray at the server station and went straight to the women’s room, where Keira locked herself in one of the stalls and tried to keep back the tears. She curled her legs up onto the seat and just rocked in place.

After a few minutes Keira had gotten over the encounter. She didn’t know why she let Jessie get to her like this. But Keira had already spent more time in the restroom that she was comfortable with. The waitress was about to stand up and leave when she froze at the sound of the women’s room door being opened very violently, and then slammed shut. There was a click sound.

Keira stayed perched atop the toilet as she saw the shadow of someone looking under each stall for feet - Keira was happy she was hugging her legs up to herself. She heard the intruder let out a nervous sigh and go to the sinks. Carefully Keira adjusted her position on the toilet and peered through one of the cracks between the plastic boards that made the stall’s walls - something the other person had overlooked in their rushing.

From her vantage point Keira could see the back of another waitress, but she couldn’t yet see who it was. The woman had a bag with her and was rummaging through it. When she pulled out a small beautiful vase and turned Keira could see that the woman was Sierra. She was a relatively new waitress, one who had so far flown under the radar of both Keira and Jessie. She was a mousy woman, quiet and kept to herself.

The way she was acting right now certainly made Keira reconsider that assessment.

Sierra had a wild look in her eye, and was muttering to herself as she flipped the bottom of the vase towards herself. Sierra was tracing something onto the bottom of the vase with her finger.

“Yes yes yes! Now I’ll just need to wait for one of these idiots to walk in here and pick this up…” Sierra had a mad grin on her face as she lifted her finger from the bottom of the vase, and a light flashed over her features. She gently placed the vase down next to sink, and pulled her hands back quickly. “Then bam! I get three wishes to-”

“What the fuck are you going on about?”

It was all too weird and Keira could not keep herself from bursting out of the stall. As she did so Sierra was startled, and reacted by grabbing the vase and trying to hide it. The instant she did so her face went pale, she looked down at the decor in her hand, and she threw it across the room. Keira expected to hear it smash against the bathroom wall, but was surprised when it hit the ground in one piece with a heavy thud.

Perfectly upright.

Turning her attention back towards Sierra, Keira saw the panicked woman turn and run for the door. She was repeating, “No!” over and over, and Keira watched as she reached for the turnlock on the door.

Sierra’s hand passed right through it. Shocked, she stumbled backwards, looking at her hands. Sierra’s eyes were following a tingling creeping up her arms that Keira could not see. The panicking woman started grabbing at her shirt as a feeling of lightness spread over torso. Her attempts to grip the material were fruitless. Her shirt slipped through her shoulders, hanging onto her still-worn bra for a moment before pulling that down as well, the shirt slumping forward down across her breasts and the bra sliding backwards through them.

Her pants also now fell away through her body onto the floor. Only her small red panties hung onto the last edge of hips for another moment before they fell too slipped down - and through - Sierra’s legs. Keira couldn't take her eyes off the scene as Sierra continued stumbling around the bathroom, now nude. Her breathing was becoming heavy and labored. Each breath increased a light glow across her skin, Keira gasped as she saw Sierra’s breasts begin to grow in size with each huff.

Sierra looked down at her chest, feeling the mass growing from her ribs. She brought up her hands as if to clutch her expanding bust, but could not bring herself to actually grip her tits. She spun around to the bathroom mirrors and watched as her wire brown hair filled out and curled into golden locks. Her make-up shifted and the plain features of her face morphed into sharp and beautiful visage more befitting a goddess. 

As Sierra stared at the alterations happening to her torso - her breasts already dangling from her body like pert grapefruits - Kiera was noticing something much more concerning further down. She watched as the naked woman's feet begin to “melt” - losing their cohesion, becoming faded, and spreading across the floor like dry ice mist erupting from a Halloween witch’s cauldron. 

The dissolving woman noticed that she was getting shorter in her reflection, and she clutched at the sink for balance but her hands simply passed through it. She shot her face downwards and watched as the mist which had been her feet began to pull together and meld as one pool of swirling smoke. The dissolution continued up into her legs, and soon it was dragging her hips downward her. Sierra’s petite ass stretching and soon, as more and more of Sierra’s flesh changed and loosened her torso began to twist. 

In mere moments she’d become barely more than a set of shoulders, head, flailing arms and melon-sized breasts perched atop a long stretch of shifting pink fog. Her boobs hung down like fruit on a tree, their undersides starting to lose form like roughed up felt. Sierra’s newly grown breasts were still heaving with heavy breathing, but each gasp just puffed air down into Sierra’s dissolving chest and disrupting the form of her misting body. 

Keira watched the smoke wash over the tiled floor lying flat and dormant, but she soon saw it begin to twist in a clockwise fashion. The spiralling smoke seemed to contract towards its center, where a bright glow was emanating the pink smoke. The smoke twisted towards the light until it broke through. The twisting suddenly turned into a rush, as it began to fall into a lightt like water in a drain, brushing against Keira legs with a warm tingle. It wasn't long until smoke was finally sucked into the light with a solid fwoomp, leaving only the spinning vase to land on its base. 

At first Sierra’s new form washed across the tile from the force of her impact, but the mass of it quickly recollected itself into something vaguely human, but with a single pointed mass where the legs would be. Kiera watched as the recollected mass, starting with the tip of the smoke-fused toes, flowed across the floor, curled up the sides of the vase like a corkscrew, and found the lip of the vase’s opening.

The moment the tail passed the lip the whole mass of mist was very suddenly pulled towards and up into the vase, briefly circling the top like a pink cyclone before being sucked inside like a wispy whirlpool with a final fwoomp!

Keira didn’t know what to do. What had she just seen? What was going on? What had happened to-



A moment of silence was drawn out as Keira just stood still in the bathroom, eyes blinking as she tried to remember why her body had gotten so tense. Had someone else been in here with her?

Keira looked around for any clues and saw a small vase standing on the floor. She picked it up and examined it. There was brass inlay with different colored glazes. Keira could not make out a particular pattern, just that it was very detailed and quite lovely.

The correct thing to do would have been to turn it in to lost and found, but something about the vase felt...special. Keira wrapped it in paper towels and slipped out the bathroom. She quickly placed the vase into her bag. If someone called in for it she’d make sure it was returned.

But if no one was missing it…

Keira pushed through the rest of her shift as best she could, avoiding Jessie whenever possible. Their interactions weren’t as pointed as they’d been earlier, but by the time Keira finally clocked out and left for home she was exhausted from the anxiety of just being near Jessie. 

to be continued...



Oh nice, I wonder where this will go...