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Howdy all,

I want to give you a heads up about a change that Patreon is working on to how reward tiers work. Per their provided blurbs;

Starting Nov 7th, Patreon is making an update that determines post access based on the tier you’re signed up for - not the dollar amount you’re paying. This means that you must be signed up for a tier in order to receive access to posts.

If you’d like to keep receiving access to the same posts, you simply need to sign up for the tier matched with the amount you’re already pledging. You can sign up for the right tier by going here in your Patreon settings and it will only take a minute.

Of course, I don't really know what this will do until it turns on. Then I'll have to fiddle with things to make sure everyone is getting what they should.

If I'm reading it all right, there may be ONE advantage to this. Right now everything is based on bulk delivery of comics. If you want to get any comics, you have to be in the $5 level and you get ALL of them. If suddenly you can't afford the $5 tier, you either have to drop to $1 or leave entirely, and get NO comics.

What it sounds like this may allow me to do is set up a parsed level of tiers for people who need to drop lower in their support for a short time. So, let's say you can't do $5 for a month or two but still want to read HELD WITHIN. I could have a $2.50 level pledge for PROSE & HELD WITHIN as an option along side a $2.50 PROSE & TIME AND AGAIN. It also opens up an option for me to create a new way to share transformations split between explicit and non-explicit. I could even merge back together the Transformeum page with this one, and I'd no which pledges should be directed towards that project. 

Just an idea.

I'll keep people looped in as I better understand it.

Thanks for reading,


P.S. Inks are starting to roll in so I hope colors will be ready to be worded and posted soon!


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