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A fellow Patron had sent me an image for inspiration. I can't share the image here because it isn't mine, but I did take the original short I came up with and reworked it a bit to share here. Another more odd transformation hearkening back to my earlier writing styles, I hope these 1,008 words are enjoyable! Regularly scheduled stuff should start posting next week!


Tanya's First Trip

 by Dan Standing

Tanya hated traveling. The svelte redhead was quite leggy, and every airplane seat felt cramped to her. Taking her shoes off for security was an embarrassing pain. Then there was the waiting. The cancellations. The rerouting. It was all such a hassle, especially having to keep track of her luggage. 

So it was only a matter of time before Tanya, standing in line for some overpriced coffee and reviewing the schedule for an upcoming work trip, muttered to herself in frustration, “I wish there was a suitcase I’d always know the whereabouts of! That traveling with it could be enjoyable in some way for me!” 

Venting her frustrations like that wasn’t much of a surprise for Tanya. What was a surprise was that this wish was granted. A freed djinn waiting for her own coffee in line behind Tanya had overheard her. Djinn are impulsive artists - a loosely worded wish is like handing an ever-eager painter a blank canvas and watercolors. She could not resist being creative in how she granted Tanya’s wish, and that forever changed the business woman’s existence.

Tanya didn’t understand the sudden impulse to go to the restroom. She didn’t have to use it, she just needed to be in it. Once Tanya stepped inside and closed the door she swiftly found her clothing slipping from her as her body pulling inward. The center of Tanya’s back becoming loosely flexible. Her legs were folding in on themselves, and her pussy pushing upwards and growing in size - and desire. Tanya felt her arms push into her sides and meld away. Her tits pushed outwards and shifted around to her back, one sliding up to her shoulders and the other heading towards her ass.

As she continued to shrink down Tanya felt one side of each of her breasts becoming stiff and encompassing each half of her mass, a tough surface forming over them like a clamshell. Her asshole closed up and her feet were flattened away by the stiff material flattening around her. Tanya felt a very strange sensation in her nipples, as if they were stretching, getting thicker and forming loops.

As she settled onto the floor, her ass flat down and her face hinged at ninety degrees over it, Tanya got a look at herself. She realized she had been transformed into a business briefcase, her pussy and its surrounding flesh contained in the bottom half, and her head nestled in the top. Suddenly an invisible force closed her tight shut, and in the darkness Tanya's face was pushed down into her hairless slit.

Despite despite what should have been abject horror of it all, Tanya found that the experience had made her exceptionally horny. With her nose and mouth pressed against her pussy she began to lap at it. Frustratingly, her lower lips had grown so large and stretched so long that her chin was the closest part of her to her clit, and Tanya found that opening her mouth as wide as possible could let her only barely push against it.

Folded up in the dark Tanya had no idea that she'd been transported from that coffee house restroom to a luggage store, or that a young businesswoman had purchased her, or that she was about to be used for a trip. She could vaguely feel a sensation of someone pulling on her nipple-handles as she was carried, but Tanya’s mind was most occupied with how her pussy felt empty and wanted attention, and was eagerly doing what she could to address that.

Tanya blinked rapidly as she was opened for the first time. As her eyes adjusted and she lapped at the strings of her arousal dripping from her lips, she saw a woman standing over the bed Tanya had been placed on. She expected that this woman, seeing a briefcase with a woman’s head and pussy in it, would scream. But Tanya’s new owner made no reaction, as Tanya was glamored to appear as a perfectly normal and empty briefcase - one she was about to fill.

In quick succession Tanya had folders and binders pushed against her mouth, her lips stretching opening on their own to take them in. More and more paperwork was packed beyond Tanya's teeth until she felt like a hamster that had filled its cheeks with seeds. She thought the sensation might be similar to having a ball gag strapped to her face. Tanya found she could not spit anything out, but thankfully the corners of the stiff material did not hurt.

Next she watched wide-eyed as the woman pushed all sorts of convention swag into Tanya’s lower slit - stress balls, pens, even Frisbees. As the woman's arm moved in and out of Tanya the briefcase groaned through the gag of paperwork - the woman's arm was just too thin to satisfactorily stretch the new circumference of her drooling valley, but it was certainly stimulating nonetheless. Each time her owner’s hand entered and left Tanya's pussy she left more and more convention freebies behind, slowly filling up Tanya's inner pleasure parts. By the time the businesswoman was done Tanya felt like she'd had a thick dildo pushed into her - and left there.

Fully packed Tanya was closed and locked. With her mouth so full and her tongue buried under binders Tanya could do little to stimulate the full snatch she was once again pushed against. The sensation of her nipple-handles being held and tugged at with each step was much more noticable now that she was heavier, and every little bounce caused the swag in her pussy to shift and push in wonderful ways.

Tanya felt so wonderful being full and carried and...used. Free of the stress of needing to be anywhere on time for anything she just hummed and vibrated her entire new form, feeling completely satisfied. She wondered if she would get lost on the way to her destination in this maiden voyage. It was the first time the woman-turned-briefcase ever thought she wouldn’t mind if a little luggage got misplaced.



Love this! The inclusion of the glamour makes this extra freaky and extra amazing! Would love to see the picture inspiration.