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 This was part of a project collaboration that, sadly, is not going to happen. I wanted to share it with everyone on Tumblr, but I'm posting it here first so you all have a chance to enjoy it first.


Mirror On My Mind

“‘This is perfect!’ ‘It will look great in my room!’ ‘It can’t be that heavy!’ What the hell was I thinking?”

Josie grunted as she heaved an enormous wooden mirror up towards the mount she’d just hammered into the back of her bedroom door. Her tank top and boyshorts stretched and the fabric groaned while her scrawny arms and legs splayed out as she shifted the old wall hanging into place.

Her knuckles were white as her fingers tried to keep purchase on the intricately carved frame.

“Ouch! Yeah, let’s carve roses complete with thorns into our thousand-pound wall hanging, brilliant idea!” Josie growled as she struggled to feel the wire snag the hook. Sweat was dripping into her eyes and itchilly dribbling down her chest and arms, clumping up the hair of her bob cut, but she could do nothing about any of it.

But it was enough of a distraction to break her concentration at the wrong moment.

“Oh, fuck fuck fuck…” Josie’s eyes went wide in panic as she started to topple backwards. She threw back her foot and slammed it down with enough force to rattle the room, and practically bruise her sole, but it stopped the momentum. Taking a deep breath Josie approached the door again and the five-foot-three-inch young woman felt the cord on the back of the six-and-a-half-foot tall piece tug back in a sign of glorious success.

Still not ready to celebrate complete victory just yet Josie slowly and carefully let go of the mirror’s weight, sore and stiff fingers pulling up from the frame one by one. The carved bottom of the frame hovered a few inches above the floor of her bedroom. Josie released the last of her grip, flexing and massaging her fingers for a moment.

Taking a few steps back across the cold hardwood floor in her bare feet, the foot that had caught Josie’s fall stepping more lightly than the other, the young woman rubbed her aching hands and took a deep breath. She swiped her sweat-matted brown locks from her face and continued her full breathing, and hard little nubs were all that pushed out against her lightly sweat-soaked top. Josie placed her hands on her thin hips and looked at her work.

“Fuck, I...I can’t believe I actually did that! I did it!” Josie’s grin pulled wide across her cute face as she looked at the enormous mirror hung up onto the door.

Josie had discovered the beautiful silver glass in the ornately carved frame at an estate sale. It had been in the attic and the glass covered over with old newspapers and masking tape. Josie had wondered if she’d get in trouble for unwrapping it, but she just had to see the glass beneath.

It was as if the mirror had called to her.

Now that the task was done Josie couldn’t believe that she’d actually attempted any of this on her own. One wrong move and the huge antique piece could have easily crushed her lithe form - like it nearly had.

“I’d have been such a lovely corpse with all that shattered glass and broken ornately-carved-leaf framing embedded in me,” sighed Josie, “Shit, I could have made a Top Ten list online.”

As she gazed upon her reflection, Josie’s mind turned to how she had successfully bested the odds, and felt her slight chest puff out in pride. And then with the inevitability of such things, the ache of her muscles quickly retook it’s sapping grip on Josie’s skinny muscles and she slowly retreated a few steps back from the glass to sit on the foot of her bed. Staring at her reflection, deep breathes only exacerbating the aching, her hair and clothes still matted to her thanks to the glistening layer of sweat that sparkled across her visible skin, Josie did second guess her hubris for a moment. She held up her stickly arm and sighed.

“Not like anyone I brag about this to would believe me with these twigs hanging off of me. I really would like to be a little stronger…” the young woman mused.

A disturbance in the reflection across from her caught Josie’s eye. She sat up and cocked her head. She’d just seen a ripple roll across the reflection in the mirror, as if a pebble had been dropped into a still pool. But the warping of the image hadn’t been uniform. Only one thing in the reflection of her room had change - her bed, the dresser, the end table, and the wall behind her had all remained static.

It was the image of her in the reflection which had fluttered. Josie stared at herself and finally noticed what she saw was no longer what she expected..

Her body, in the reflection of the mirror, was slightly more muscular. She could see that her biceps had a little definition to them. She opened her legs and found that her thighs and calves had a fine crease defining them. Josie stood up and gawked at just the tiniest evidence of abs.

Glancing down at her own body, the one in the real room made of flesh and blood and bone and not reflected light, Josie did not find any of the changes in the mirror were reflected on her actual form. She was the same stick waif she had always been. She looked back up and reached out a hand towards the glass.

“How is this happening?”

“Well, because I’m a magic mirror,” Josie’s reflection replied.

The actual flesh and blood woman stumbled backwards in surprise and fear, her thin legs striking the foot of her bed and her little body tumbling backwards onto the sheets. Struggling for a moment she gathered her wits and jumped up onto her knees atop the mattress, staring across at the mirror.

Her reflection had gone through no such clumsy antics, instead remaining standing in the reflection at the same spot. The woman in the mirror was examining her own body, curiously running her fingers over the light muscle definition.

“Who...how…?” Josie muttered, grabbing a pillow as if it could be used in some weaponized manner. She was upset with herself for leaving the hammer leaning against the door jam. 

“Well, first, I am real. I’m not you or any sort of aspect of your mind, like some sort of mental projection,” the reflection replied, rolling her eyes and acting as if this was a speech she’d given many times and was quite bored with, “I was cursed and locked within this mirror. Once someone asks for something the curse compels me to provide it...with some rules.”

Josie remained kneeling on the bed, the pillow gripped tightly to her. Her phone was in the living room on the other side of the door...and the magical talking mirror. Her bedroom didn’t even have a closet for her to dash to. Her reflection just stood and stared at her while Josie processed everything.

“Do you...have a name?” the young woman finally asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t know what it is,” the reflection replied, “He never got my name so I don’t get to have it either.”

“He?” Josie asked as she lowered the pillow to the bed.

“The god whose advances I rebuffed,” the reflection replied. Her skin reddened slightly, and Josie thought her mirrored face flashed a bit of anger, but it all quickly faded away. Josie thought back to her studies of Greek and Roman myths and all the asshole deities in those stories.

Somehow she was handling the revelation that all of those might be real fairly well.

“So, what should I call you?” Josie asked, concentrating on one impossible thing at a time. She let one leg slip down the side of the bed.

“I don’t have an opinion on the matter,” the reflection replied. Josie thought a moment and grinned.

“How about Pussycat?” the young woman asked, her smile betraying that the name choice was not random. As she asked the question Josie pushed herself up and was now standing beside the bed.

“Is there...oh, yes, I get it,” the reflection muttered, shaking her head at the silliness of it.

“You know who Josie and the Pussycats are?” Josie cocked her head and the mirror elaborated.

“I didn’t. But you know it, and as your reflection I know what you know when I want to know it. You were smiling as if that name was a thing of importance and out of curiosity I called upon that...knowledge.”

“Well, do you like it?,” Josie asked. When the reflection cocked an eyebrow Josie added, “I could think of something else.”

“I don’t normally get to choose...but I have no objection. Very well, Pussycat it is.”

“So...how does this…” Josie asked, slowly stepping towards the mirror, but not yet back in the spot she had abandoned so swiftly. Josie motioned a hand back and forth between herself and her muscled doppelganger.

“There are four rounds. You must state what you want and I must provide it. You then lock in a change once you are happy with it, and then I get to change something,” Pussycat explained.

“Lock in…?”

“Yes,” Pussycat replied, putting one hand to her hip and cocking a pose while the other motioned down her body, “So, for example, in this round, you asked to be a little stronger, so I have become a little stronger. So are you happy with this level of musculature or would you be interested in changing it?”

“How much adjusting can I do?” Josie asked quietly, looking the reflection up and down.

“You specified ‘a little stronger’ so you can’t go tossing boulders, but there’s some flexibility here,” Pussycat replied, giving a wink at her own pun.

“How about a little more muscle definition overall? To really accentuate my muscles without looking like that’s all I am?”

Pussycat shifted, and Josie watched her mirrored form shimmer. Mass was added to Pussycat’s limbs, thighs, and upper arms in strategic places, shallow valleys appearing across her stomach as muscles tightened and grew. In mere moments Pussycat appeared to be someone who was mindful and proud of how she had trained her body but did not come across as someone whose entire world revolved around sculpting themselves. She was a great mix of a classically feminine physique and beach body show-off. 

“I think I’m happy with that look,” Josie smiled.

“This is one of those things you have to be certain about,” Pussycat replied.

“I am certain I am happy with that look.”

As she finished her statement Josie looked down at herself, expecting to see her own body morphing and shifting to match her reflection. But when no alterations occurred Josie looked up at Pussycat, who was clearly waiting for the attention to be returned to her.

“The changes you would like don’t happen to you until we are all done,” Pussycat explained, “And I think I would like long red hair…”

Josie cocked her head, both at the suddenness of the statement and out of curiosity to watch the change occur. But she didn’t see anything happening to Pussycat’s locks. It was only when Josie felt something brush her shoulder that she realized she was the one changing this time.

“What the hell?” Josie exclaimed. She grabbed a portion of the long bright red length sliding down her body. Her hair continued to grow longer as she held it up at Pussycat.

“Well, I did say that this was going to go back and forth…” her muscled reflection replied, half a laugh and a grin accompanying her words.

Without any help of her goddam mirror, Josie was left to stretch and peer around down at her ass to see how far her hair had grown. It had indeed stretched all the way down to her flat little rear, the red locks having more curve and body than her rump. Josie raised her hands and patted at her new do, guessing that she’d gotten very voluminous waves. At least a pound, if not more, of new weight pulled at her head.

“I guess it isn’t a bad look…” Josie sighed, twisting the ends of the hair she was still holding in her fingers and eyeing the deep red shade they had taken on.

“I like it,” Pussycat replied. Josie noted her tone; an effort to be positive, but with an underlying tone of...sadness? The reflection was clearly pleased with what she had done, and Josie could have assumed it was a “magical wish-granting being” just messing with her. It was a trope she had some familiarity with. But if that was the goal why not give Josie a third eye? Or four boobs? Long red hair wasn’t a random prank, it was a purposeful goal.

But what was the purpose of that goal? To trick Josie into complacency? Or was it building towards something bigger?

“Well, with those muscles and this hair, I think next I want to be nine inches taller. Should make me six feet tall on the nose,” Josie spoke up, moving forward with a change she’d wanted for herself for a long time.

Pussycat nodded and began to grow before Josie’s eyes. Her reflection’s body stretched upwards, evenly between the legs and the torso. Her muscles adapted to the new height, remaining at their relative sizes - although it was putting even more stress on the bits of clothes already struggling under the muscle growth. In a moment or two Pussycat had reached six feet tall and looked down at herself with some satisfaction.

“Not a view I haven’t had before,” the reflection mused, “Not even the tallest someone has requested.”

“That’s tall enough for me, let’s call it there,” Josie replied, once again a little disappointed that she wasn’t immediately experiencing the change she’d requested.

“Very well, my turn then. I know of something that could stand to be a little bigger still…”

Josie furrowed her brow as Pussycat raised her hands in front of herself, not as if reaching out to touch Josie but as if she was shaping some unseen balls of clay. 

Which Josie quickly realized were her breasts.

The first indication was when her nipples pushed out an inch against the cotton top. Josie’s eyes went wide as she watched what had once been little pencil erasers - at best - now stretch and bloat out to finger size, then wine corks, then thumbs. Josie’s body shuddered and she sucked in a deep breath of air through her teeth as her teets stopped their growth nearly twice the size of shot glasses. It was clear that their width had well surpassed the diameter of the little titties swallowed up by the enlarged nipples.

Josie looked out in front of her, her hands outspread and hanging inches beneath her engorged flesh-nozzles. Slowly she brought her fingers up and gently tapped the tips of her nips through the cotton. Josie’s belly spasmed and she felt her pussy warm up, just from a gentle touch. She pulled her hands away and took a deep breath. She’d closed her eyes, and now Josie reopened them and looked over at Pussycat.

“Those better not be all that you’re growing…”

“Nope,” Pussycat spoke up, “You may want to take that top off.”

Josie was quick to act on the warning Pussycat had given her, and not a moment too soon. The little breast flesh that had been swallowed up by saucer-sized areola now began to fill out as Josie grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over herself, sucking in air again and squeezing her thighs as the fabric caught her bulbous nipples for a moment and flicked them. By the time Josie had thrown the shirt to her bed her breasts had already grown out to the size of softballs.

And Josie had felt every centimeter of fat growing and filling in behind her teats. It was a warm and sensuous feeling, not dissimilar to how one felt after eating an especially satisfying bowl of chowder. Given the sensitivity of her nipples Josie was hesitant to touch her blossoming breasts, and put her hands to her hips to keep them occupied.

Sumptuous stretching was following by a gurgle of growth and then stretching skin again in a cycle Josie was coming to enjoy. She moaned a little at the completely erotic sensation of her titties growing so largely so quickly. Josie pressed her thighs together to deal with the wet embers building within her loins. There had been moments when her back was starting to struggle with the weight, but that discomfort was quickly corrected each time it rose up.

In short order Josie was standing topless in her room with tits the size of melons, and long hard nips extending out into the air. Her conscious mind, the one that would have thought about this if she’d been asked about having such a ridiculous rack, knew how absurd she looked. She was a top heavy sexual caricature. 

But it had all felt so...scrumptious.

Josie looked up and was about to tease Pussycat, to ask if these were ‘big enough’ - but the words caught in Josie’s throat when she saw her magical reflection. Josie saw that Pussycat was not looking at her with an impish grin, or a self-satisfied stair of superiority over the silly malleable mortal before her.

No, Pussycat was staring at Josie’s engorged gazongas with...longing. Desire. Her eyes also had a sad distance to them. It implied that sexing up Josie had implications beyond just a sexual purpose in Pussycat’s thoughts. There was actually some sort of fond memory playing through Pussycat’s mind.

Josie quietly cleared her throat, being careful to swing her arm out wide as she brought up her fist and coughed into it. The glaze in Pussycat’s eyes cleared up and she looked into Josie’s own and had a slight blush to her cheeks.

“Locked in?” Josie asked kindly.

“Yes,” Pussycat responded, her words light in the air.

Josie wanted to try something.

“Then let’s talk about...a bigger butt. Let’s try twice as round first.”

As she finished speaking Josie could see the curve of Pussycat’s posterior push out. It had already gained a little more definition thanks to the muscle improvements, but it wasn’t outstanding. Pussycat turned to the side a half step so they could both get a good look. But there was a problem.

“I think those shorts make it difficult to really see what I’m working with,” Josie spoke up, “Would you mind removing them?”

Pussycat looked up and considered for a moment that Josie’s wording had been as a request and not a command. The doppelganger smiled.

“I don’t mind at all. Shall I remove my top as well? It is a little tighter with this new physique.”

“It would not bother me, please make yourself comfortable,” Josie answered.

In a moment Pussycat was nude within the mirrored bedroom, the outfit tossed to the alternate bed. Josie felt a butterfly in her stomach as she looked into the mirror at someone who had her body and features, but at this point only vaguely resembled her. The added height and muscles were quite a sight to behold.

“How’s the view now?” Pussycat teased, breaking Josie’s long stare. Josie closed her mouth and collected herself.

“The view is excellent. The subject could be twice again rounder…”

Josie’s previous alteration had popped Pussycat’s tush out about two inches, and now it ballooned out to nearly six. Where Pussycat’s back met her butt there was a tightly defined shelf of cheek, which could easily hold a soda can.

Josie blushed at her next thought, but she needed to try something.

“Would you mind...giving it a little slap for me?” Again, it was a request and not a command.

Pussycat cocked her head, a curious look on her face.

“I want to see…” Josie willed herself to keep talking, “...how much it jiggles.”

The reflection’s lips broke out into a naughty grin. Pussycat locked eyes with Josie and, holding that eye contact, Pussycat pulled back her arm and brought her open palm down onto her right butt cheek. It wasn’t as hard as she could have possibly struck herself, but it had been solid enough to make a loud SMACK! that echoed within the mirrored room. Pussycat’s eyes scrunched up at the moment of impact.

Her ass had barely moved.

“Did that hurt?” Josie asked. There was no innuendo in the question. There was only real concern upon her voice.

“Yeah,” was Pussycat’s straightforward reply. 

“First, however badly that hurt I now want it instead to feel erotic and sensual. Second, without changing how those cheeks look when left alone, I want them to jiggle like jelly when struck,” Josie requested.

Pussycat’s mouth gave a sly little grin as she raised up her hand and struck her ass again.

Two things happened at once. First, the reflection’s rear rippled and wobbled like a jello dessert as hand met ass. Both cheeks swung to the other side of Pussycat’s hips before slapping each other and swinging back, wiggling and jiggling for some time before they resumed their tightened shape.

The second thing was that Pussycat’s eyes closed and she let out a moan as her body dipped down a bit thanks to her knees going weak. She quickly caught her balance and stood upright again. Josie could see a glaze of juices seeping across the bare labia between Pussycat’s sculpted thighs.

“Mmm...that is delightful…” Pussycat practically purred, opening her eyes and looking at Josie with what was certainly now sexual desire.

“I think that looks fine as is,” Josie declared.

“Mmm, good. And you should feel this good all the time…” the lust dripped from Pussycat’s words as she motioned towards Josie, but downward.

“OoohOhOhOoohOh…” rolled out of Josie’s mouth. She hopped up onto her tiptoes as her pussy suddenly became alight with desire and awash with juices. Josie’s hands pulled at the elastic of her shorts and sent the material sliding down her legs. Her little tippy-toe dance sent her breasts a-bouncing and Josie threw out her arms to try and keep her balance. She took a few steps back and landed her flat ass on the edge of her bed, her legs spread apart as her slit continued to heat up.

It was more than just a bolt of horniness that was acting on Josie’s loins. She could feel things changing and shifting. Her labia were puffing up, both becoming softer but pushing outwards with more vigor. Pushing against them was her growing clit, her button blowing up from pencil eraser to marble and not yet stopping.

All of this while her new pleasure pillows artfully blocked her view while also swinging around atop her ribs and clapped against each other, their new enhanced sensitivity becoming very apparent.

“Fuck...fuck me…” Josie gasped, unwilling to move as she tried to retake control of her body. Although overwhelmed with the sensations acting on her altered form she could still hear Pussycat say very quietly, “I would like to…”

A few moments and slow deep breaths later Josie felt herself settling down. That didn’t mean the wet hot sensations stoking her slit had stopped. It was as if the deliberate breath of a dedicated lover was hovering over her plumped pussy - constantly. As she sat up a little more Josie could feel her slick labia slip around the sides of her grown clit, which felt as if it had expanded to the size of a golf ball. Josie quickly understood that all of this was going to make her feel hot and bothered down below pretty much all the time.

As she looked up at the mirror Josie once again recognized a deep sad longing in Pussycat’s eyes as the reflection gazed upon Josie’s reclined nude form.

“Done?” Josie asked, her language still haggard and airy.

“Yes...yes,” Pussycat caught herself staring and stammered to collect her composure, “You have one request left, what do you want?”

Josie took a deep breath and leapt at the presumption she’d made.

“I want you, on this side of the mirror, with me,” Josie stated.

The request had certainly caught Pussycat off guard. Her brow furrowed and she blinked a few times as she considered the request.

“I...I don’t think I can…”

“What you told me earlier,” Josie carefully pushed herself up from the foot of the bed as she spoke, keeping her legs apart to avoid pressing against her big buzzing clit, “You said I must state what I want and you must provide it. Whose words are those, yours or the instructions of the one who cursed you?”

As Pussycat considered this question Josie took a few steps towards the mirror. Josie’s reflection caught sight of the enormous nipples wobbling towards her and was distracted a moment before catching herself and answering.

“Those were not words I had chosen.”

“Then let me state again the words I have chosen,” Josie smiled, putting out her hand and beckoning Pussycat to take it, “I want you...on this side of the mirror...with me.”

Pussycat stared down at Josie’s extended hand. Now her eyes showed a mix of emotions; fear, anxiety, desire, exhaustion...hope. Pussycat looked up to Josie’s eyes, then down again.

And reached out her hand.

Pussycat paused as her fingers approached the barrier between her prison and Josie’s bedroom. One single emotion had risen up to become the dominant expression upon her face; fear. As if this was something she’d tried before and had failed at miserably.

Glancing at Josie Pussycat found the strength to beat back her fear.

“I want this, too.”

As Pussycat talked she gathered her courage and quickly pushed forward. This time the glass itself rippled like a pond and Pussycat barreled into Josie, the pair of them becoming a tangle of embraced arms as they stumbled backwards onto the bed.

Landing atop the sheets each woman cried out as more magic acted on them. The alterations that had as yet only been made to one or the other - the red hair, breasts, and hot pussy on Josie but not Pussycat, and the muscles, height, and bust on Pussycat but not Josie - now began to alter their counterpart. 

Pussycat bellowed in pleasure as her toned breasts grew out from her, nipples exploding forward and leading the way up into the air. She could feel an intense pleasurable warmth overtake her pussy as long red hair snaked down the bed.

Josie gripped the sheets and her toes curled as her body stretched out. Her ass pushed her up and away from the mattress as every muscle grew and toned and sculpted itself.

The pair rolled and moaned on the bed for a moment, each caught in their own personal sphere of pleasure as their final transformations completed their course. As their bodies stopped squirming and they finally settled still atop the bed the pair found themselves lying on their sides facing each other. Josie and Pussycat each had satisfied smiles, and as their eyes opened and looked upon each other those smiles stretched further with happiness.

“Hi,” Pussycat quietly said.

“Hi back,” Josie replied. Her eyes flitted down at what she could see of Pussycat’s curvy form, the other woman’s nipples at the end of her gargantuan gazongas barely brushing Josie’s identical pair. Josie lifted her chin slightly, as if pointing at Pussycat with it, “So, is this how I look now?”

“Mmm hmm,” Pussycat responded playfully, a tooth nipping at her bottom lip.

“And does that mean your body wants me to touch it as much as I want you to touch mine?”

“Mmm hmm,” came the response again, but this time with a heavier sexual undertone.

Josie lifted a hand from the bed and gently touched the top of Pussycat’s exposed and muscled-toned bicep. The other woman shuddered in pleasure, her shoulders rolling as her eyes did as well. Josie giggled, the joy in that laugh the purest it had been in a long time. She slowly ran the tips of her fingers down the undulating woman’s arm, then down off of it onto the side of her round breast. Josie was learning the new lines of her own altered body as much as she was exploring Pussycat’s.

As Josie’s fingers neared a fat nipple she changed course just at the edge of the areola, eliciting a small whimper from Pussycat. Josie moved her hand back to the other woman’s side and into her pinched waist and up onto her bubbled hip. Josie put a little more pressure against the curve of Pussycat’s ass, varying the contact so as to cause little bounces of booty. Small gasps elicited from Pussycat each time Josie pushed a little harder on her rear.

The exploration swung back up to the front of Pussycat’s hips and delved between her thighs. Josie’s fingers were quickly covered in juices as she traced the edges of Pussycat’s labia, first the outside of one before slipping over and following the cleft of her lower lips. Pussycat’s legs shuddered in anticipation but Josie pulled her hand back to herself just before she grazed the other woman’s precious button.

“You...tease…” Pussycat bemoaned. Her eyes had closed midway through Josie’s expedition, but now they reopened. Her irises were huge for a moment, and Josie watched them shrink in the light as Pussycat looked across at the playful woman reclined with her.

“C’mon,” Josie exclaimed, grabbing Pussycat’s hand and pulling her up from the bed, “Let’s see how we look.”

Pussycat was slow to follow, and as she stood up she looked across the room with some trepidation. Two identical nude women stared back from the reflection, big round breasts and plump pert asses on display to anyone who would have been looking in on them. Josie was turning and admiring herself, while Pussycat remained largely still. Slowly she rose an arm and shook it. Then she lifted the other. Here eyes were locked with her reflection’s the entire time.

“It feel so strange to be me...moving the me...in there,” Pussycat replied, becoming more adventurous and lifting up her breasts from beneath. It was as if she was playing with a toy she’d been kept from until now.

“How long were you in there for?” Josie asked, working hard to pull her attention from gawking at the body she now inhabited to Pussycat. She laid a hand gently on Pussycat’s arm.

“So long it would be pointless to try and put it into years,” Pussycat replied, “Let’s just say I lived before most of anything you’ve ever read ever happened.”

Josie let her hand slide around Pussycat’s shoulder blade to the small of her back.

“And is this similar to what you looked like before you were put in there?” Josie asked, taking a step closer to her companion. The outer curves of their breasts touched, partially on purpose by Josie but also partially from her not yet learning how to account for her new dimensions.

“In many ways,” Pussycat replied, running her own hands up to her breasts, “I’ve looked like so many people it’s hard to remember the specifics. It’s mostly sensations that I remember, so I gave you the body parts I thought would match those feelings.”

“Your pussy was always so...gushy?” Josie asked. She’d been trying to push back the sensations happening between her legs, but she hadn’t been able to completely ignore the constant attention playing across her lower lips by some phantom forces.

“Oh yes,” Pussycat grinned, turning to Josie and taking her hands in her own, “I started out as what I suppose you would call a sprite, or maybe more so a nymph. I was almost driven mad by the lack of sensual sensation you humans live with.”

“It will take some...getting used to…” Josie replied. The pair took a step towards one another, their breasts pressing against their opposite pair. As the succulent flesh bulged between them Josie and Pussycate reached forward and locked lips in a sensual kiss. Their tongues swirled for nearly a minute before they parted, a light strand of saliva stretching between them that sank to their bosoms.

“I’ll just have to help you deal with it,” Pussycat grinned.

“Anything else a nymph can do that we humans can’t?” Josie asked.

“Well, let me see if I can still…” Pussycat concentrated for a moment, her eyes closed. Josie wasn’t sure what she was doing, but then noticed the other woman’s ears starting to twitch. Josie’s eyes went wide as she watched Pussycat’s ears get longer and larger and pointier. After a moment they started to slide upwards slightly, and Josie realized they were reshaping to resemble a cat’s.

And Josie jumped deeper into Pussycat’s embrace as something tapped her on the ass. Josie gasped in pleasure and felt her butt jiggling as she tried to get an eye on what had touched her. Pussycat was giggling now and she opened her eyes and looked to her side. Josie watched as a long, round-end tail lifted into view. Despite being smooth and hairless there was a sexiness to it.

“I can still do a little shapeshifting, some transmogrification,” Pussycat grinned, “I can’t change anything we did to ourselves in the mirror, but I could add a couple things I thought were appropriate.”

Josie reached out a hand and gently touched the tip of Pussycat’s tail. Her companion gasped, indicating that there was some sensual stimulation surging through its length. Joise grinned naughtily and ran her fingers over it, feeling how the end bulged slightly wider than the length that ran back behind Pussycat’s hip and connected to the bottom of her back, just above her ass.

“So, about sating the fire betwixt my thighs…” Josie stated quietly. Pussycat, without a word, lowered her tail and Josie felt it sliding down the side of her own leg. It curled around her for a moment, slipping up and down Josie’s calf and thigh before sliding between her legs. Josie went up onto her tiptoes and exclaimed in pleasure as the tip of it pushed between her dripping lips and squeezed itself a few inches inside her pussy.

“How’s that feel?” Pussycat asked. Josie was unable to answer at first, only able to gasp out little pieces of words.

“Good, very good…” Josie finally sighed. She expected Pussycat to do more, but aside from the occasional twitch - which would send Josie hopping on her toes - Pussycat left the tip of her tail largely unmoving within her snatch. Josie realized it did greatly help return her concentration.

“Thanks...thanks…” Josie smiled. Then a thought struck her, “Do you recall your real name?”

“No, but I think I like Pussycat,” the pointy-eared woman replied, “It’s playful and sensual and everything I’m feeling.”

“I’ll call you PC when we’re in public, then,” Josie said. Then, thinking about the other things P and C meant, she laughed at the thought of that applying to the sexual characterization she and the woman standing before her had become.

“So, aside from freeing magical women from mirrors, what do you do?” Pussycat asked.

“I thought you knew what I knew?” Josie asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I do, and I could just summon up your most intimate memories,” Pussycat crooked her head as she spoke, gently running her hand up Josie’s neck and over her temple, brushing her fingers through the long red locks, “But I’d rather I get to know you more traditionally. To explore the wonders of the current world with you beside me in the moment, and not just sneaking peeks at your old thoughts and knowledge.”

“Probably the only traditional thing about any of this,” Josie replied with a laugh, “I, uh, well, I work for a lingerie store at the mall.” It was such a droll question for someone to ask while they had an appendage - and an erotic hairless tail at that - pushed up her pussy. But Josie could tell the only reason she could give a reasoned response was because Pussycat’s tail was inside of her, satisfying the need ensorcelled upon her slit. “I was a bit less...curvy when they hired me. I guess now maybe I should be modeling things instead of doing stock work in the back. I think I’d do a better job than the mannequins.”

“When do you have to do that again?” asked Pussycat.

“Tomorrow morning,” Josie answered, “I have an alarm I need to set.”

The pair were still in each other’s arms and Pussycat released Josie, even pulling her tail from between her legs. Josie instantly felt the phantom teasing resume across her slit, her eyes closing as a backlog of juices were released from her that slid all the way down to her legs to her toes. She opened her eyes and saw Pussycat reclined on the bed. She had posed herself, legs open and breasts rolling to the side, like a buffet of pleasure.

“Then we have quite some time to have quite a time,” Pussycat grinned.

Josie did not hold back. She leaped forward and pounced on her felined friend. The two were again a tangle of limbs. But before there had been confusion, uncertainty, and disbelief. Now there was a clear purpose that legs and arms and tail were all fixated on; pleasure.

Both wielded strength that, while not unreasonable, was certainly beyond what they were accustomed to. As they were equally matched neither risked any injury from the other, but their eager playing was causing the bed frame to creak and sway in ways it was certainly not meant to.

Without the tail within her Josie was very eager to return attention to her pussy. After making out for a few minutes, and rolling over atop each other a few times, Pussycat paused with a thoughtful look on her face. Josie wasn’t certain what her lover was doing, and then Pussycat swung herself around for a sixty-nine.

The moment Pussycat’s tongue touched Josie’s overgrown clit the moaning woman knew exactly what her feline doppelganger had stopped to do. Although her new anatomy was a bit exaggerated, Josie could feel Pussycat’s wet caresses upon her exactly where she liked them...exactly when she liked them...exactly how she liked them.

It was clear that Pussycat had accessed some past memory to learn the perfect way to please the woman lying beneath her. Josie considered it an incredibly intimate act, a choice Pussycat had made to prioritize Josie’s happiness. The lover above her was not using that information to quickly drive Josie to orgasm, but to draw out her bliss. This wasn’t just about physically pleasuring her, Josie could sense how Pussycat wanted to satisfy her wholey. It had been a long time since Josie had felt someone cared for her - loved her even - in such a way.

And Josie was disappointed in herself that she could not pull from some detailed source of knowledge to do the same in return.

The pleasure was so intense that Josie was almost incapable of returning the favor in any fashion. Stealing herself against her own squirming she fought back the fog of pleasure and pulled a pillow under her head so she could taste the sweet nectar dribbling above her. As lips met labia Pussycat let out a moan that sounded suspiciously like a meow.

“You...you like it there?” Josie gasped out. “Do you want...me deeper?”

“Right now...I just want you…” Pussycat haggard, “Anything...as long as it is you.”

And so Josie plunged her tongue into the wet recessess before her, Pussycat’s body shuddering in delight. The pair soon found themselves drenched in the other’s pleasure as they brought each other over that eager edge.

Thoroughly satisfied for a moment, Josie felt her afterglow quickly being overtaken by the supernatural sensations playing on her pussy. But in a swift motion her kitty double swung back around so the pair could come down in a shared embrace, and Pussycat’s tale soothed the need within Josie’s slit.

Blushing and glistening the pair fell asleep held tightly in each other’s arms, smiles spread across their twinned faces.

Josie awoke the next morning and found that she was having trouble breathing. This was caused not only by the extra weight growing up from her ribs, but also the strong warm arm lying across her upper body. Josie turned and looked lovingly into the practically identical face lying beside her, differentiated only by the pointed ears. Josie caressed aside a strand of brilliant red hair from Pussycat’s face and then reached for her phone.

As she looked at the time Josie’s eyes went wide. She’d never set the alarm.

“I’m gonna be late for work!”

The exclamation startled Pussycat awake and she rolled off the other side of the bed with a thud. As she did so her tail slipped out of Josie’s slit. The tardy woman had jumped up from the mattress but came to a stop as she felt the phantom feelings upon her labia. Her legs wobbled as she tried to walk to the bathroom, but the play upon her pussy was building so much need in her that Josie had no choice but to send a hand between her legs.

“Pussycat, I need you…” Josie gasped, “I need to get showered.”

“My pleasure,” the cat woman purred. She’d already stood up and bounced over to Josie. As they walked into the bathroom Pussycat slipped the tip of her tail back within Josie’s needy recess. Josie moaned in satisfaction as the supernatural teasing ceased. Joined together like they were the pair stepped into the shower and washed off the joys of the night.

Josie had to work had to stay focused. Not only was Pussycat apt to twitch her tail in the most naughty ways at any moment, but Josie’s request to make their asses more sensitive to contact meant that the shower water beating down on her rear was quite the erotic massage. Especially when the pair of them stood butt-to-butt, their cheeks bumping and bouncing into each other in the most delightful of ways.

Out of the shower and dried Josie sought out her largest outfits for the pair of them, which turned out to be a pair of sweatshirts and sweatpants. Putting on the pants meant that Josie had to be without Pussycat’s tail, and as she pulled up the band of the pants Josie began to buckle over in need again from the supernatural caressing.

Seeing this Pussycat pulled the inside of her left pant’s pocket out and ripped the fabric. As her tail snaked through it Pussycat did the same to Josie’s right pocket. Pussycat’s tail slipped inside Josie’s pants and then inside of her.

Josie slowly stood back up, smiling at the satisfaction of feeling Pussycat inside of her once more. It was as if such contact from her loving double completed her. But fantasy needed to meet reality at some point.

“You can’t be inside of me all day at work,” Josie sighed, “I’m lucky no one will really see me in the stockroom dressed like this…” Josie motioned at the sweatshirt which, thanks to her added height and bust, looked more like a midriff baring belly shirt.

Pussycat took Josie’s hand and stepped close to her lover, their breasts pressing gently against each other through the soft material. Pussycat’s eyes looked deeply into Josie’s as she spoke earnestly.

“I cannot undo the transformations done to us. I can’t even undo what I’ve added to myself for another week or so when the spell starts to weaken. But what I can do is help you train to handle the sensations working upon you. And you need me with you, and very close, to do that. Besides…” Pussycat motioned towards the mirror, “I didn’t finally escape that thing just to be stuck in a room with it all day. I am going with you. We are having an adventure...and probably lots of orgasms.”

Josie couldn’t resist such a proposal. After all, magic was real. Punitive gods weren’t just a fairy tale. Josie hadn’t yet decided how all of that reframed things she’d previously ranked as important to her. She decided they’d take each hurdle at a time. So a knit hat was thrown over Pussycat’s ears and they were out the door.

Walking wasn’t too bad. The pair had to keep roughly hip-to-hip to keep enough of Pussycat’s tale inside Josie, but with an arm happily wrapped around each other they could keep the small stretch of tail exposed between their pants mostly out of sight.

Getting on the bus to the mall required some sideling. They were lucky to find two seats and Josie found that she had to keep her thighs wide open to allow for Pussycat’s tale to remain within her. It was a funny way for her to sit, and Josie wondered if this was why men always had their legs spread in chairs.

The muscular busty twins were certainly getting looks, but Josie couldn’t pay much attention to them as she was constantly answering questions posed to her by Pussycat. The sprite had been generally aware of society’s advancements as she saw new women and rooms on the other side of the mirror over the years, but she hadn’t gotten the chance to inquire directly about them - and there were certainly things beyond a bedroom wall that Pussycat knew practically nothing about.

Josie knew that Pussycat could have pulled this knowledge from their shared memories at any moment, but she had to admit that there was fun and pleasurable bonding to be had talking about all the things in the world Josie took for granted. Pussycat’s enthusiasm for the conveniences of the modern world, and the scientific ‘magic’ humanity had engineered to achieve it, was addictive.

Including her doppelganger’s fascination with the bus they were on. Josie could not help but giggle and pet Pussycat as she shared as much as she could to feed her partner’s boundless curiosity, made all the more appropriate by the feline features she’d given herself.

Soon they had disembarked and made their way through the mall. Pussycat wanted to stop and look at everything but Josie ushered them on to the stock and service hallways that weren’t accessible to the mall customers.

“So, what is it that you do?” Pussycat asked as they neared the rear of Josie’s workplace. Josie talked about her responsibilities in the stockroom, checking the floor to bring out more when needed, receiving the delivery trucks, and other rather banal activities Pussycat nodded her head to.

“That sounds doable,” Pussycat mused, an idea forming in her head.

“Yeah, well, since I don’t think I can last more than ten minutes on the floor before shoving my hand down my pants without your tail we’re going to have to figure out how to explain you.”

“Or,” smiled Pussycat, “We could start to train you to deal with resisting the sensations. I think a week without being able to touch yourself will be a good way to start training your self-control.”

Josie cocked her head at the mischievous look on her double’s face.

“Not ‘being able’ to touch myself, eh?,” Josie grinned back, “And how do you intend for us to make that happen?”

“Well, do you think you could trust me to-”

“Of course I trust you.”

Although Josie had not allowed a pause between their statements, Pussycat did take a moment to let the assertion of faith between them resonate.

“Alright,” Pussycat grinned, “Strike a sexy pose for me.”

There was a moment when Josie had an inkling of an idea of what Pussycat was going to do. She could have objected, but part of Josie was eager to find out what such an experience would be like - and she knew Pussycat could have found that part of her secret thoughts. Josie threw back her red hair and put a hand behind her head, and slid another hand to her hips. She gave a sultry smile to Pussycat, who smiled back, pulled out her tail and motioned at the swiftly horny woman.

The first thing Josie noticed was the return of the intense teasing upon her nethers. Her first impulse was to push the hand on her hip just a little further to her big clit, but Josie found that she couldn’t move her limb - as expected.

Quickly testing her other arm and legs Josie confirmed that she was frozen in place - no commands to move any muscle were obeyed. It felt like being held tightly in a snug rigging designed to keep her titillated and denied - something Josie was quickly discovering she liked.

As Pussycat walked around her stilled lover Josie’s locked vision lost track of the cat-woman. She felt Pussycat’s finger touch her gently at certain joint points, and a pleasant tightness ran through her body where Pussycat contacted her.

At the same time Josie could feel her big muscular body start to feel lighter and lighter. By the time Pussycat had touched Josie at her neck, shoulders, waist, and thighs she felt just a third of the weight she’d had minutes before. Her skin had also tingled as it transmuted to something other than flesh.

This entire time Josie’s labia remained teased and petted and her inability to do anything about it was blissful madness. As Pussycat finished her circle and returned to Josie’s vision she knew exactly what the magical woman had done to her, and she was quite excited for it.

She put out a hand and caressed Josie’s cheek. For that moment Josie felt a line of communication open between their minds.

May I keep you as you are for a week? Pussycat asked, The spell is not yet locked in, I have the time to undo it.

Josie was quite interested to see how this would play out. She had no fear that Pussycat would take good care of her.

Please, I’d like to try this, to see how it feels...and how it helps.

Then may I undress you and put you on display?

Yes! Mmmm...yes! Josie mentally begged. Pussycat smiled and removed her hand, and with Josie’s mouth and lips long turned to immobile plastic she was once again unable to speak out.

But that was part of the fun.

Just as she’d agreed to do Pussycat reached out and with a gentle twist and click she was holding one of Josie’s arms. There had been no discomfort for Josie. If anything the sensation of feeling her limb disconnected from her somehow boosted the pleasurable sensations coming from her plastic piece.

In short order Pussycat had disassembled and undressed Josie, placing her wigged head on a stock shelf amongst the softest of their bath accessories. From her disembodied perch Josie could watch Pussycat take her parts out to the sale floor through the double doors. She could feel her legs carried out, the sensation of the softest lingerie being dragged up them. And being detached from her buzzing sex wasn’t toning down how much she wanted something - anything - inside of her.

After a few minutes Josie could feel her torso and limbs had been reassembled, that her mannequin body was standing and posed somewhere beyond her fixed vision. And then Pussycat came back into the storeroom with the biggest smile Josie had yet seen on her.

Pussycat picked up Josie’s frozen head and cradled it against her breasts. She carried her disassembled lover out into the store. Josie could see a number of her coworkers preparing for opening, and would have blushed if still capable of doing so. Somewhere in the store her body was posed and displayed - but then Josie remembered that few would recognize her, and as far as anyone knew Pussycat was their coworker.

Any concern was pushed aside as Josie spotted herself in the front window. She could see her full juicy butt, currently hard plastic and wrapped in a frilly black thong. She towered over the other mannequins in the window, her long red hair blocking Josie from seeing what Pussycat had dressed her upper body in.

As they got closer Josie marveled at her muscles, captured in the plastic body like a roman statue. Josie could see her impressive sideboob peak around her arm as they got closer, a sexy black lace shelf bra wrapped under them. Tassels had been hung from her long hard teats.

The shape of her big clit was barely visible beneath the little V of fabric between the front of Josie’s legs, and as Pussycat held her for a moment Josie internally giggled at how much of a goddess the pair of them were now.

Josie was so excited to show off her new body like this for a week. There was no fear in her mind or suspicion that Pussycat would leave her like this for longer than that, and Josie was right to believe that. The magic woman had been trapped in one place for an uncountable number of lifetimes with no concept of when her situation could end. It wasn’t a fate she’d place on anyone else, ever.

Pussycat mewed as she heaved her enormous plastic lover up towards the stand she’d just set up in the front of the shop window. Her sweatshirt and pants stretched and the fabric groaned while the enhanced musculature of her arms and legs splayed out as she shifted the sexy model into place. Her cheeks were red as her face brushed ridged round breasts, the plastic smooth and sensual. Pussycat struggled but eventually forced herself to let go when she felt that Josie was centered on the platform. Pussycat’s bubbled butt was bumping the glass, and given the tight space she never could have showed Josie how she looked on her final placement.

There was another moment or two while the feline doppelganger perfected Josie’s pose, and within her stilled form Josie silently cooed and moaned from the pleasure of each touch and shift. She so wanted to touch herself, but she was certainly enjoying the denial of that impulse.

Finally satisfied Pussycat took a step back. She smiled at her handiwork, placed a kiss on her hand, and patted the bare plastic ass on the dais. Pussycat paused and made sure she had in her mind the names of all of Josie's coworkers, all her responsibilities and routines, and anything else work related. Doing stock work seemed pretty dull, but working at a sexy lingerie store felt like the kind of thing a nymph could excel at. 

Something else about this modern world had become clear to Pussycat since she’d left the mirror; the old gods were gone. Maybe not entirely, but their influence was clearly lessened. Pussycat could sense that much of the thinking that had been behind her stay in the mirror was still around, but now it was human societal norms that perpetuated it.

And a nymph was well practiced in changing societal norms.

Pussycat clapped her hands, a sense of eagerness rising up in her like it hadn’t in a long time.

It was time to get to work.




Well, rest in pieces Changelog v3