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SEX IN THE CARDS continues to require more work, so there's yet another - but unrelated - stop-gap entry (which should be the last).

This time I give you a look-behind-the-curtain of a simplified way that I deal with keeping track of TF Game Style storytelling. Above you'll find the actual Sheets file I used to track all the changes, who had used what cards, and what was going on. You'll also find the reference photos I found to help me visualize the characters.

Keep in mind that this is a file I work on in real time alongside writing the story, so looking back on it after the fact it may not make total sense - for example, you'll see all the cards in the first column or bolded, but at the time of writing I would bold each one as the character used them.

These 3,600 words may also be a bit rough, as I had been trying to complete SEX IN THE CARDS and this was a last minute tack switch to make sure I got something I considered "complete" posted for you. I'll certainly be going back and refining it and posting a polished PDF for you all - and if there's any moment you'd like me to provide more detail, insight, or sensuality to let me know in the comments!

OKay, now to post up some images I didn't yet have time to put words to...




“What are these? Who snuck them into the bathroom while I was showering?”

Tammy was carrying three playing cards in her hand as she descended the steps of the sorority house. On the face of one card read TRUTH, the other OR, and the third DARE. Her hair was done up in a towel, and another was wrapped around her body.

In the living room of the house Holli was stretching, dressed in a sports bra, small jacket, running shoes, and yoga pants. She was stretching as she got ready for her jog, bending over and smiling at the site of her orange-sized breasts straining the sports bra.

On the couch sat Olivia, who had been watching a cooking show on the television and shouting instructions to her girlfriend Maisie in the kitchen. Olivia was sitting in a cotton bra and shorts, while Maisie was dressed in boyshorts and a robe and nothing else.

“What are what?” Holli asked, straightening up so that her boobs bounced up at Tammy. She always enjoyed showing them off, teasing Tammy whose own chest was practically flat.

“These!” Tammy replied angrily. She tried to hand all three to Holli, but could only pull one from her hand - TRUTH. Holli took it and looked at it.

“Oh yeah, I found some tucked into the band of my yoga pants when I put them on. I think they’re for some sort of game,” Holli replied.

“They’re playing cards, I know they’re...God, why did I even ask you?” Tammy sighed, exasperated, “Your tits are bigger than your brain. Olivia, Maisie, do you-”


The sound that poured out of Holli’s mouth was wet with erotic passion as the blonde’s chest was suddenly gripped by a warm tingle. The sound of elastic stretching took over the room, and Olivia muted the television as she peered over the couch to see what was happening. Maisie padded into the living room on her bare feet.

Tammy took a step back up the stairs as the three watched Holli’s sports bra push out from her chest. Jiggling boob flesh was at first pouring up and out of the cups from the center, and as more soft titty flesh blossomed from her ribs the trio could see thick underboob pushing out under the bottom of the struggling top.

Holli’s face scrunched in pain, and that pulled her from her haze. She hooked her hands under the straining bra and pulled it upwards, fully revealing her wobbling pink pillows. Holli took in a deep breath now that her boobs were no longer restricted, and stared down as they continued to grow forwards.

The expanding woman put her hands under her bulging tits and palmed them, inches of flesh overflowing her hands. She bent backwards to try and handle the increasing weight, and Holli let out a sigh as the tingle across her skin finally ceased. Cradled in her grip were two enormous tits each larger than Holli’s head.

“Holy shit, it is some sort of game…” Tammy muttered.

“A magic game!” Olivia and Maisie squealed delightfully at the same time. The pair turned to each other, eyes wide with wonder. Once more they spoke in unison, “Did you get cards, too?”

While the girlfriends dashed to retrieve the trio of cards they had also mysteriously found that morning, Holli let out a groan and looked up at Tammy.

“Like them?” she winked.

“I’m...not into tits…” Tammy stuttered back, but she couldn’t look away from Holli’s chest. It was the biggest, roundest, softest looking set of tits she’d ever seen. Holli’s nipples, which hadn’t grown much themselves, stuck off the forward curve of her boobs like pencil erasers at the center of pink quarters.

“That’s too bad,” Holli pouted, and she pulled one of the three cards she’d gotten from her jacket pocket. It read DARE, and she handed it to Tammy. The towel-wrapped woman didn’t want to take it but found herself compelled to. Holli thought for a moment and then said, “I dare you to think about tits the way you thought about men, mine being the sexiest you’ve seen.”

Suddenly Tammy’s slit flushed with her juices as she looked at Holli’s boobs. For a moment she struggled to keep in her mind her thoughts on snuggling up to men, feeling a hard cock pressed against her, how she’d secretly crushed on fellow students, how she browsed underwear websites and watched reality TV to get a look at handsome ones.

Now Tammy thought about motorboating titties, falling asleep with her head between them, rubbing their nipples against her clitty, peaking at the tits of her classmates through low cut blouses, browsing bra sale websites and lingerie TV commercials.

Tammy licked her lips and took a step down the stairs slowly towards Holli. Her shyness to approach men she found attracted to had carried over to her feelings on breasts, and she blushed as she looked into Holli’s eyes.

“Can I...do you mind…?”

Holli smiled.

“Only if I can see yours.”

Across the room Olivia and Maisie had returned to the couch, both of whom had watched eagerly as Holli played her dare card. Seeing how that worked out the giddy pair turned to each other with big grins on their faces.

“Okay, so we know how TRUTH and DARE work, but what’s the OR one?” Olivia asked, holding it up and looking it over. Maisie snatched it from Olivia’s hand and winked.

“I don’t know, how about we find out? Maybe give me a choice?”

“Okay, fine, how about...you never wear underwear anymore, or you only wear the sexiest kind?”

“Well, the sexist kind of course!” 

Suddenly Maisie began to fidget, moving around her shoulders and butt. She jumped up from the couch and quickly stripped the robe and boy shorts, standing naked before he girlfriend.

“What was that about?” Olivia asked.

“It all itched like crazy!” Maisie exclaimed, looking down at the pile. Then she looked up and Olivia, “Oh! The robe isn’t underwear, and the boy shorts I guess weren’t sexy enough?”

Olivia blushed, “Well, not as sexy as a thong…”

“Wait, so I’m ONLY going to be wearing skimpy underwear from now on!” Maisie exclaimed. Olivia could smell Maisie’s loins - already heated up - get very wet at the idea of such a restriction.

“I guess so…”

“Well then, if I’m going to constantly have my tits on display, let’s give you some a little harder t cover up…” Maisie grinned, picking her cards up from the nearby coffee table. She pulled TRUTH out and handed it to Olivia, “Your titties are double in size, sensitivity, and number!”

Olivia groaned as her chest was overcome by the erotic tingling. It wasn’t just centered on her breasts; the skin over the ribs beneath her bust was also tingling.

“Oh fuck, yes…” Olivia moaned as she felt for the two new nipples that had bubbled up upon her skin. Her fingers played with them as inches of new warm fat pushed them outwards from her ribs. Olivia’s original breasts were wobbling with growth as they grew inch by inch, pushing against the soft cotton bra.

Olivia had never been satisfied with her cup size, even though it was an above average two-and-a-half inches. Now in mere moments her skin had stretched out to a five inch bust, with the pair of tits beneath them filling out fully shortly after. Olivia smiled down at how her bra was stretched across her flesh, so thin the color of her areola could be seen through the white fabric. She pulled away the fabric and jiggled her four tits, running her fingers between vertical and horizontal cleavages.

Then suddenly her body shook and Olivia pulled her hands away. She panted for a few moments, opening her eyes and looking to Maisie, who had a naughty expression on her face.

“Sensitive?” Maisie asked. Olivia silently nodded, knowing what would come next as Maisie pounced upon her girlfriend, hands and lips at the ready.

Across the room Tammy had bashfully dropped her towel, and with even more shy blushing embraced Holli. Tammy was slowly kissing her way over the top of Holli’s tits, working her way down towards her hard nipples. The big-titted woman hummed happily as Tammy took a teet into her mouth and sucked. Holli was very satisfied with the attention, but Tammy felt like the experience could be enhanced for her. She fumbled for her two remaining cards and pressed OR into Holli’s hand.

“Your titties are filled with chocolate milk or strawberry milk?” Tammy asked before returning her mouth to the nipple.

“Guh...strawberry?” Holli responded, not fully aware of what she was answering to. Instantly she felt another tingle, this one inside her breasts. There was a warm pressure building - not unpleasant in itself, more like the pressure was enhancing how the rest of her breasts felt. Moment by moment it increased, as did the size and length of her nipples.

Tammy could feel the nub between her lips increase in width, and then push further in against her tongue. Then after another moment, as Tammy continued to suckle, she was rewarded with the taste of strawberries. Tammy giggled to herself and sucked for another few moments before releasing the nipple and leaning back in order to catch her breath.

A string of saliva stretched from Tammy’s lips to the glistening nip. That was the only fluid on that teat, but looking to the unsuckled breast Tammy saw that Holli had a pink droplet forming at the end of it.

Holli had returned her hands to the underside of her breasts. While her titties had first grown very round for their size, the addition of the sloshing liquid confined within had both pushed them out another inch and made them stand very spherically on her ribs.

The milk also added quite a bit of additional weight.

“Can we...move to the couch?” Holli muttered. Tammy nodded and the duo sidestepped across the room until Their legs hit the arm of they couch. They toppled over, nearly landing atop Olivia and Maisie.

“Hey! Watch it!”

Holli and Tammy paid no attention as they encroached on the couch, forcing Maisie and Olivia to scoot away. Olivia was especially disappointed by the interruption, as she’d been teetering on the edge of an incredible quadruple-boobgasm. Watching Tammy slobber at Holli’s breast she grabbed her TRUTH card and dropped it on top of Tammy’s back.

“You’re like a catgirl in heat!”

In short order Tammy’s body began to change. Tammy’s nose became smaller, soft whiskers grew from beneath it, and the pupils of her eyes lengthened. Her ears became pointed and slid upwards on her head, finally causing the tightly wrapped towel to fall away.

The finest and softest white fur sprouted across Tammy’s skin, an especially fluffy poof forming around her pussy. Tammy’s feet lengthened ever so slightly, and over the course of a few minutes she grew a long, thin, sensual tale.

A tingling had taken hold of Tammy’s chest, one that Olivia would have recognized. Although Tammy’s breasts did not grow in size, they were growing in number; two more pairs of nipples grew out upon her ribs, with two new sets of tits growing in beneath them.

It didn’t take long for Tammy’s transformation to sensual catgirl to finish. Two final changes indicated the completion of her new body; she was purring, and her slit was aflame with need.

Tammy’s womanhood wasn’t the only one in need. Holli was enjoying the action on her tits, especially now that the sensation of having her strawberry milk emptied from her was so satisfying. But she needed to be satisfied in a different way.

Holli looked up at the girls beside them, uncertain of who it was that had just altered her sexy companion. She fumbled for her OR card and pushed it into the first hand she found, which happened to be Olivia.

“You have a big hard cock on your nose, or on your ass?”

“Uh, on my ass!” Olivia responded quickly, not certain what either would mean.

She quickly found out what one of them had in store for her. Olivia felt a tingling at the base of her spine. Still seated on the couch she stood up and turned in a few circles before she realized she wasn’t going to get a viewing angle on her ass. She stopped, and Maisie watched as the head of a dick pushed outwards just above her butt crack.

The glans of the cock was about two-and-a-half inches wide, and more inches followed it. Stiff as a tree branch it curved upwards as it grew nearly a foot long up and over Olivia’s round rear. As it completed its growth Olivia could feel something lightly fill up her butt cheeks.

Something that desired released.

“Oh...oh...please…” Olivia whimpered, shaking her ass and rear-cock at Maisie. The dick waggled back and forth slightly, but its solid stiffness kept it otherwise still. Not one to turn down an offer to ride her girlfriend in any manner Maisie stepped forward and guided the head of the cock into her very wet slit. It was a tight fit, and slightly lengthier than the toys the pair had played with before, but the duo both let out a long moan as Maisie took Olivia’s length.

The girlfriends undulated their bodies in rhythm for a few moments, each grunting at the pleasure they were both receiving. Maisie had her arms wrapped around Olivia’s body, her arms laced through the quadruple tits. In a moment of passion fueled lucidity Olivia pushed her DARE card against Maisie’s thigh.

“I dare you to wake me up like this every morning from now on!”

“Mmm…” Maisie groaned, “Gladly…”

Meanwhile Tammy had finally come up for air, licking her lips to get every delicious drop of strawberry milk. That was when she saw the impossible.

Four glorious titties, all on one woman, being jiggled and squeezed and groped with abandon.

Holli felt Tammy’s light fur caress her skin as the catgirl crawled over her and the couch to get a better view. She crawled over directly in front of the humping pair, getting up on her knees. Tammy’s cat tail curled around her torso, and she held it gingerly as she stared at the quad titties. Her cheeks were deeply blushed.

Amidst her deep thrusting into the small of Olivia’s back Maisie became aware of Tammy staring at them. Preferring to have a participant than an audience Maisie tossed her OR card at the woman on the couch.

“Are you just going to shyly stare at us, or do something sexy and perverted to us with your tail?”

“Uh...sexy and perverted…” Tammy quietly responded.

Instantly the bashfulness was gone. As reluctant as Tammy had been to take part in boobplay before, she was now so eager. She leaned forward, guiding her tail around the two-bodies-made-one before her. Tammy’s lithe new appendage easily circled Olivia and Maisie’s forms, and as it completed its loop Tammy guided the tip of it into Olivia’s dripping slit, and its own gasped out her pleasure.

Holli, meanwhile, had drifted out of her fog of tit being suckled when each of her breasts refilled with strawberry milk and the skin of her bust tightened. Lying on her back, legs still dangling over the arm of the couch, it was difficult for Holli to see past her soccer-ball like boobs, but it was clear to her that no one was servicing her anymore.

Following the sounds of sex, Holli rolled her head backwards and scowled as she saw everyone pleasuring each other - with the exception of her!

“Hey!” Holli growled, pushing herself upright - with some difficult thanks to the the heft of her titty fat combined with the full quarts of pink milk within her. She pulled up her TRUTH card and was prepared to weaponize it against the traitorous Tammy, but found that she could not hand it off or speak about it. Something was holding Holli back from using it on the catgirl. As Holli turned her attention to Olivia she found the same resistance - as if the two women had already had TRUTH cards played on them and were no longer eligible.

Finally Holli’s intentions turned to Maisie. The milk-filled woman saw how Maisie was doing her best to pleasure all four of her lover’s tits, and Holli wanted to the same sort of attention.

“You have enough arms to play with all three of us,” Holli muttered as she placed the card on Maisie’s shoulder. It swiftly fell away as the structure of Maisie’s upper body changed. Maisie held up her arms for a moment as she felt a pressure along their length. Swiftly they split into three pairs, their shoulders arranged like a triangle on each side of Maisie.

The multi-limbed woman looked to all six of her hands and flexed all thirty fingers. She was quickly a master of them, and now took four of her hands to the four breasts of Olivia. The bottom, unused pair reached out and began to run up and down the six soft breasts adorning Tammy.

“No no no!” a frustrated Holli complained, clenching her fists, “Play with my tits!”

Tammy had finally found the limit of her patience, and slapped her DARE card against Holli’s thigh.

“I dare you to only care about pleasuring the three of us.”

Without missing a beat Holli’s displeasure washed away, and she was beside the three fucking women. She wrapped her arms around them, her tits pressing into their soft skin and forcing some of her strawberry milk to leak out. One hand found Maisie’s sideboob and began to caress it.

Holli’s other hand wrapped around Tammy’s waist and found its way to her furry snatch, a finger deftly zeroing in on her clit. Faced with so many amazing titties, and the attention to her slit, Tammy quickly found herself cresting.

“Oh God, I’m gonna...I’m gonna...I’m cumming!” Tammy squealed, her body locking and shuddering. Olivia watched and grunted.

“I’ve got...two genitalia...and I haven’t cum from either...yet…” she bemoaned. She’d come close many times, but between her pussy, ass-cock, and four titties it felt like there was too much stimulation now, keeping her from concentrating on any one pending orgasm.

“Well, I’m gonna take care of your dick…” Maisie whispered into her ear, and pushed her DARE card - the last amongst the group - between Olivia’s upper and bottom left breast, “But anytime you hear ‘I’m cumming’ I dare you to have an extra intense pussygasm.”

“Ooo...okay…” Olivia grinned.

“Good, because...because...I’m...I’m...I’m cumming!” Maisie cried out, her pussy tightening around Olivia’s cock as she squirted her juices around it.

Oliva now found herself locked in a dual orgasm. Maisie’s final tight grip on her ass-cock had been enough to make it explode inside her girlfriend, the faux-cum stored in her ass cheeks rushing through her dick and bursting inside of Maisie. At the same time, Olivia’s pussy was spasming around Tammy’s tail as her trigger phrase froze her muscles in a wash of bliss.

With three of the four women having finished the group was weak in afterglow. Their jelly legs brought them down together on the couch, Holli dutifully following after. Tammy found a compulsion to curl into a tight ball on the cushions, and Maisie and Olivia spooned together - Olivia’s permanently erect dick still buried deep in Maisie’s leaking slit.

The trio gradually fell into slumber as Holli caressed and kissed them, before finally dozing off herself, her unattended strawberry milk dribbling down to the floor.


The next few days would take a little adjusting, as the group worked out how to live with their apparently permanent alterations.

Tammy found that sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt could hide enough of her feline features to go outside and return to class. It didn’t keep her from constantly staring at any cleavage in view, or how she had to wear absorbent pads in her underwear to soak up the juices of her unceasingly horny pussy. The moment class was done she’d rush back to the house to freaky fuck whoever was there.

A sufficiently baggy shirt could also obscure Olivia’s four-breasted situation, but her nipples were so sensitive that wearing anything on her upper body was a constant struggle with concentration. Her ass-cock would never go soft, so the only way to obscure it was to belt it against the small of her back. These two items could work for how she looked in public, but Olivia had discovered her trigger phrase had not been specific enough. Ever since she’d been in the quad and someone had shouted to a distant group of friends, “I’m coming!” Olivia had been reluctant to go back out - although she’d had a very good orgasm in front of the dean.

Maisie was basically housebound, taking online courses now. Yes, the same baggy Lyon State sweatshirts could have hidden two of her three pairs of arms, but of course a sweatshirt wasn’t sexy underwear. Thongs and lacy bras were all she could wear, and with the only inhabitants of the house fucking each other practically all the time she rarely bothered dressing. Morning had become interesting, as each day upon waking up Maisie found her pussy to have a nearly undeniable need to impale itself on Olivia’s ass-dick. The pair had found that everything depended on when Maisie woke up - Olivia would remain asleep for however long it took for Maisie to give in to her loinal needs and ride her girlfriend’s ass.

Holli made no attempt to return to class, dedicating herself to pleasing the other three. In return they made sure to keep her milky breasts at a comfortable level, and to support her however may be needed.

How the cards made it into their lives that morning no one knew, but all four agreed that they were having much more fun since they’d played TRUTH, OR, DARE.




Sheet1 Played on: Tammy TRUTH," You' re like a catgirl in heat!", Holli OR," Are you just going to stare at us, or do something sexy and perverted to us with your tail?", Holli DARE," I dare you to think about tits the way you thought about men, mine being the sexiest you' ve seen.", Holli ...


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