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Randomly written for a friend. And then posted here as a test of the new platform's abilities.


Nicki looked down as she felt the tingle in her toes. She'd come to the set of her next music video early that day to get an early start to things. These hack set dressers usually didn't include the details she desired, and Nicki wanted a few minutes by herself to get a feel for the set. 

She especially wanted the chance to review the ones she'd be rolling around in for hours as b-footage.

The singer found herself pleasantly surprised by this set, which was designed to look like a casbah of pillows within a genie bottle. There was a circular bed with all sorts of soft cushions and quilts. Scattered around it were bottles and lamps and other trinkets of eastern design. Nicki took off her overcoat to reveal the sports bra and shorts underneath and flopped onto the bed. Her ample ass sunk into the goose down deliciously, and Nicki giggled as she was surrounded by softness. Her feet were gently bumping some of the decor strewn at the far edge of bed, but she didn't think much of it as she rolled in comfort.

Until that tingle.

Nicki pushed herself up to see that her left big toe had found its way into the neck of a pretty glass bottle. She cocked her head and watched as her dark flesh began to turn into a bright neon green. The coloration spread up her leg, following the other down to its toes before passing over her wide hips and full ass. The wave of bright green rushed up her torso and breasts like an inverse waterfall, and Nicki brought up her hands to watch each finger be taken by the new color.

Another tingle brought her attention back to her toes. Now her body was...fading? Not the color, no, now it was the solidness of her form that was coming apart. As if her molecules were unbinding from each other and transforming her from solid mass to...smoke?

It was a dry and pleasant sensation, one that made Nicki shudder and even giggle. As her legs - yes, both were dissolving simultaneously now - turned to smoke a small tail of her new misty material form was being drawn into the bottle.

As the smokiness moved up to her thighs Nicki watched her right leg be drawn to her left, their airy masses twisting about together. Soon Nicki felt the mass of her ass shift beneath her, and her shorts fell through her new loosened being. Her upper body remained pushed upright despite its balance atop such immaterial form, and Nicki felt herself being drawn faster and faster towards the bottle. Her smoky legs, now one twisted tale, were swirling into the neck of the bottle like water down a drain, and her sports bra fell from her misted breasts to the bed below. Calves, knees, and thighs were vacuumed into the bottle with ease, but as her smoky rear reached the neck Nicki stuck for a moment, as her famous rear literally bottle-necked her body.

As she waited for the bottle to adjust the flow for her ample ass the rest of Nicki shifted into smoke, her arms wrapping around her torso and becoming one with it.

The pressure on her misty hips finally broke, and with a SHWUMP her suction into the bottle completed as if it was making up for lost time. Nicki now found herself nearly solid once more - but only because the staged interpretation of a genie's bottle was wrong.

Nicki's smoky body was now tightly packed within the itty bitty interior space of the mysterious magic bottle she'd so innocently brushed with her toe.



Thanks for posting on Patreon as well - appreciate you letting us get all your new content in one place!