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Julie tried to keep a clear head as she maneuvered the eager woman wrapped around her towards the bed. Julie’s legs were getting week as Daphne’s ministrations continued, and if they were going to fall upon each other Julie wanted it to be someplace comfortable.

As soon as Julie felt the back of her legs hit the edge of the bed she stopped the pair of them and gently pulled Daphne’s head from her front breast. There was a small whimper from Daphne, which quickly turned into a more pleasant hum as Julie began to strip the other woman of her outfit.

Daphne was quick to help undress herself, and she was soon as naked as her lover - she’d kept her own heels on, and noticed that Julie’s had become yellow ballet heels with lace crisscrossing all the way up to the knee.

Julie smiled as she took in all of Daphne’s naked glory. She had two fantastic little breasts, with pointy brown nipples just a tad too large for the flesh beneath them. Daphne’s ass was small but soft, and between her thighs was a nicely trimmed bush.

A giggle escaped from Julie as she had an idea.

As if on cue Daphne leapt forward against Julie. Daphne’s arms criss-crossed behind her lover, each hand grabbing a rear breast on the opposite side. They fell onto the bed, Julie’s back tits smushing against Daphne’s palms under their combined weight. Julie shuddered at the feeling of Daphne’s boobs squashing down atop her forward ones, their mouths locked in a tongue-filled kiss.

There was one more thing Julie wanted to fill with her tongue.

Daphne gasped and broke their kiss for a moment as she felt something warm and wet glide across her pussy lips. She could feel a tingle as something brushed over her mons and her curly pubes were dissolved away.


Daphne’s inquiry was interrupted as Julie pushed her pussy tongue as deep as it would go into Daphne’s wet canal. She gasped in pleasure and bent her back up, pushing her hips down harder against Julie’s so as much of the tongue as possible could slip inside. Thus far Julie had tried to keep her lower extremity’s exploration within limits, but now she pushed it out as far as it would go. She could feel and taste herself a few inches deep inside of Daphne, stretching and flexing as much as she could, occasionally slipping out to do rotations around Daphne’s engorged clit.

“Mmm...mmm...yeah…” the top girl squirmed. Her eyes had been closed, but now she opened them and looked back down at a grinning Julie. The sense of something so thick moving in and out from within her own pussy was very satisfying. She also made sure that when she teased Daphne’s clit Julie curled it back enough to flick over her own.

“I want...do more...but hands...pinned,” Daphne gasped, flexing her fingers beneath Julie’s other bust. The sensation of the wiggling fingers washed through her back breasts and want straight to Julie’s slit.

“They’re good where the are,” Julie warmly replied, and her eyes darted to the boobs standing tall atop her, “I have other titties which could use some attention.”

Daphne didn’t need to be told twice, and her lips were quickly upon the nipple she had ignored earlier. Julie now cooed in pleasure and arched her back, her pussy tongue pushing further into Daphne to the point their labia were now grinding against each other. Daphne’s hands tightly gripped and pressed again the breasts beneath them while she expertly sucked at the nipples facing up at her. Julie’s hands were a blur of exploration around Daphne’s body, grabbing and pulling tight her ass at times, or slipping her fingers into Daphne’s hair to do the same to her head.

It wasn’t long before the pair could feel the orgasms welling up in their bellies. Daphne’s fingers pulled tight against the flesh of the breasts pounded into her palms, and Julie through her arms around Daphne’s lower body to push her tongue as deep as it could into Daphne’s gushing puss. They both stretched and cried out, all of their toes trapped inside heels curling up as best they could.

There was a small break as the pair sighed and gasped through their afterglows. Sweat-matted hair was pulled aside, a tired tongue slipped from Daphne’s slit and rested atop Julie’s thigh. Their breathing was deep and synchronized.

After a moment Daphne threw her weight to the side, and the pair rolled. There was playful laughter as Daphne was now the one on the bottom, Julie’s chest breasts weighing down atop Daphne’s own, practically swallowing them up.

With her hands freed Daphne gently ran her fingers up and down Julie’s body, tracing the unique lines she possessed. Tips tickled the side boob of her upward pointed titties, and tittered down to the line that seperated fine ass from toned thigh. Julie bent her knees and Daphne touched at the upper portion of the calves that poked up from the boots. Daphne traced the line of the yellow pleather and found she indeed could not get her finger between boot and skin.

The tickling was awakening more lust within the rested Julie, and her tongue now lapped down at the soaked pussy beneath her. Daphne let out a pleased hum and brought her hands back up to Julie’s rear breasts. Julie moaned again as Daphne gripped them. Their presence was so alien, so wrong, but that only seemed to make the pleasure she was deriving from them all the sweeter.

Their bodies still extra sensitive from their last orgasm it wasn’t long before the gentle teasing and petting was pushing them both into a second round of cumming. As their groans of joys quieted exhaustion truly began to set in.

Julie rolled to the side, her tongue slurping out of Daphne’s slit and finally settling back within Julie’s. The two laid facing each other, hands gentling pushing aside more displaced hair as satisfied smiles were shared. Julie’s four breasts teetered atop each other one each side, and Daphne was happy to snuggle close to the pair before her. It was not long before each was fast asleep.

A few hours later Julie stirred awake. She could hear a voice, although she could not make out what was being said. She pushed forward a hand and found that Daphne was no longer before her in the bed. Julie pushed herself, all four breasts shifting how they hung from ribs and shoulder blades as Julie’s position changed. Rubbing sleep from her eyes Julie spotted a small glow across the room.

Focusing on the light Julie could see that it was Daphne’s phone. The young woman, still nude save for her heels, had it up to her face.

“Is everything okay?” Julie spoke up quietly. Daphne turned and lowered the phone to her side. In the glow of the screen Julie could see that she had completely licked clean her lover’s groin.

She could also see the symbol of the Wishr app.

“Oh, yes! I’m sorry if I woke you up, I wanted to surprise you. I downloaded Wishr and just told it what I wanted.”

A mixed emotion ran through Julie. She loved how Daphne was as she stood before her. What would the responses from Wishr do to her? On the other hand, Julie certainly had been enjoying what she’d gotten.

“What did you ask for?”

“Oh, well, just some stuff I hope you’ll like and may make us more compatible. I wanted bigger boobs, and a pussy you could lick more easily, and-”

Julie cut off Daphne as she sat down next to her on the bed with a bounce, her little breasts wavering around on her ribs.

“No, I mean specifically. I heard you talking to someone?”

“Oh, yeah, I figured it would be easier to do speech-to-text. Here, I’ll pull them up from the pending box.”

With a few swipes of her fingers Daphne had the app open, and she handed the phone to Julie. She looked down at what the woman next to her had submitted.

  • I wish to double my titties and have an ass to match. 
  • I wish for a wetter accessible pussy.
  • I wish I had four flexible arms.

“Did you, uh, did you check these before you submitted them?” Julie asked, noticing the odd wording.

“What do you mean? Let me see…” Daphne replied, taking back the phone. Julie could see from her expression that everything was not as she expected.

“Well, the good news is you do get to choose from the responses…” the four breasted woman said quietly.

“I wanted more flexible arms, not four!” Daphne exclaimed, standing up and taking a few steps away. “What am I going to do with four?”

Julie sat a moment before standing and following the slim woman.

“Well, you know, there are four things that would love to feel your hands on them,” Julie said softly into Daphne’s ear as she slipped her arms around Daphne’s waist, pushed her forward breasts against the other woman’s back, and gave her a squeeze.

This got a little laugh out of Daphne, who turned herself around within Julie’s embrace. As she did so their breasts brushed against each other until their nipples nestled against each other.

“I suppose that’s true…”


I know I've bounced around on what the next Wishr wishes would be, but these just felt right for where things are. Ideas for what Daphne will get back for her responses are welcomed and will be considered, although I do have some ideas of my own!


Scott Burdett

1. The circumference of your "titties" will double, as will their mass density and sensitivity, but they will have infinite rebound elasticity that will mean they will be forever jiggling and in motion. Movements will be exaggerated, but even at rest, there will be continual very subtle vibration, more felt than seen.

Scott Burdett

2. Your pussy will become a fusion of half human pussy, half watermelon. The outer mons and labia will protrude out in a large green hued hemisphere, slightly smaller than a soccer ball, and with a texture between human flesh and tough water melon skin, inside will be constantly warm, wet and juicy and taste like watermelon. However, the fruity nature of your new flower will need a lunar cycle to grow and ripen, splitting open for intercourse only once every 28 days. For the remaining days, your pussy will be locked away behind an unbroken tough green watermelon seal, and will be smaller and more discrete.

Scott Burdett

3. You will have 4 flexible "Mr. Fantastic" style arms extending from your shoulders, but every time you touch something with your fingertips, your arousal will increase by 1% (compound interest), mostly felt in your clitoris and nipples. Touching others will also increase their arousal in the same way. As usual, achieving orgasm will release and reset arousal, but failing to orgasm may result in states of arousal beyond 100%.

Scott Burdett

p.s. achieving orgasm during the days when your pussy is sealed may be next to impossible. For continued urination during this phase, the urethra will migrate below the pussy and exit where the green watermelon pussy meets the taint.

Scott Burdett

p.s. And as requested, your ass cheeks will match exactly (nipples and all)