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Got this in an email from Patreon.

Honestly, I thought I was significantly under the average.

Well, I hope to get back to work topping that number in 2018 this weekend!




Jeroen van den Broek

Not trying to be mean here but I think it's mostly because the other creators I follow group their content that belongs together while you tend to make one post per image, like the three HW pages you posted yesterday. Personally I'd actually prefer if you'd group your content as well because this feels rather spammy at times.


A valid point I hadn't considered. Honestly, I prefer to get the individual images pushed to me, maybe we should do a poll.


I like it because we can comment on each individual page, rather than saying. “On page 2 of 5”. And some folks like certain pages more than others so there is that as an indication of subject popularity. Each to their own I guess.


Certainly one reason I like breaking out the pages. That some in the same story get more likes than others is something I do take note of.